A Quality Handmade Make-up Bag from Dee DeeZigns
Attention Everyone: If you own make-up, you are going to want to enter to win this giveaway. Dee DeeZigns is giving away one of their fun, affordable handmade make-up bags. And who couldn’t use a new, stylish make-up bag?
Dee DeeZigns also sales adorable totes, diaper bags, shoulder bags, zipper bags, Mommy n’ Me bags, etc. So whatever your “bag” need may be Dee DeeZigns is here to help. So visit their Etsy Store here and do some shopping.
There are four ways to enter to win a make-up bag from Dee DeeZigns.
For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Dee DeeZigns also sales adorable totes, diaper bags, shoulder bags, zipper bags, Mommy n’ Me bags, etc. So whatever your “bag” need may be Dee DeeZigns is here to help. So visit their Etsy Store here and do some shopping.
There are four ways to enter to win a make-up bag from Dee DeeZigns.
For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry visit Dee DeeZign’s website here. Look at all of their make-up bags (which are on pages 3 and 4 of their website). Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the name of the make-up bag you would like if you win.
Example: Jane Doe: Michael Miller Ironworks Make-up Bag
For a third entry, I so enjoyed reading about everyone’s favorite piece of jewelry yesterday—thank you for sharing, that today I would like to know if you were stranded on a deserted island with a really hot guy and you could only wear one beauty product, what would it be? In a NEW comment tell me your first and last name and your choice of beauty product.
Example: Jane Doe: Dark Mascara. Unless of course I had a really good tan (which I actually try not to get any more, you know, skin damage), but if by chance I had a good tan because I was on a deserted island, I would want pink lipgloss.
For a fourth entry add our Give Away Today button to your blog. For instructions on how to do so go here. Once you add it, or if it is already on your blog, you get a fourth entry. In a NEW comment type your first and last name and “Give Away Button”.
Example: Jane Doe: Dark Mascara. Unless of course I had a really good tan (which I actually try not to get any more, you know, skin damage), but if by chance I had a good tan because I was on a deserted island, I would want pink lipgloss.
For a fourth entry add our Give Away Today button to your blog. For instructions on how to do so go here. Once you add it, or if it is already on your blog, you get a fourth entry. In a NEW comment type your first and last name and “Give Away Button”.
Example: Jane Doe: Give Away Button
The winner of the make-up bag from Dee DeeZigns will be announced tomorrow, February 19th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
The winner of the make-up bag from Dee DeeZigns will be announced tomorrow, February 19th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 523 Newer› Newest»Liz Nelson
Tina Nguyen, definitely sunscreen
Liz Nelson: Blue and Chocolate brown
Brooke Nelson Button
Jessica Schmale
Karla Carter: definitely some tinted lip-gloss
Tina Nguyen- Give Away Button
Liz Nelson: Clear mascara! I cannot live without it.
Jessica Schmale: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Jessica Schmale: Burts Bees!!!
Ellen Linford - AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Ellen Linford - At first I was thinking Mascara, but then I started thinking about how chapped lips can get sometimes, especially with beach breezes, and so I think I would go with Burts Bees chapstick. I can't live without that stuff.
Anna Lamb: Michael Miller Ironworks makeup bag.
Anna Lamb: Mascara all the way
Natalie Shaw: Definitely mascara- preferably great lash waterproof because I have no eyes without it!
Kindel Smith
Natalie Shaw: Pink and Chocolate- I might just have to buy it if I don't win it
Anna Lamb: Give Away Button
Kindel Smith: Pink and Chocolate Make-up Bag
Amie Steele
Amie Steele: Red Ironworks
Amie Steele: mascara!
Stephanie Swaim
Stephanie Swaim: retro green makeup bag
Stephanie Swaim: black eyeliner...no doubt the most essential product I use. Gotta be loreal or cover girl too...others just don't seem to go on well.
Laura Waltz: Pink and Chocolate Brown Toille makeup bag
Laura Waltz: chapstick for sure!
Laura Waltz: Give Away Button
Kristen Conley: Blue and Choc brown makeup bag
Gail Saso
Kristen Conley: Give away button
Michele Daley
Michele Daley: Pink circles makeup bag
danielle smith
Maura Duke: Blue and Chocolate brown makeup bag
Gail Saso: Cherry Carmex
Michele Daley: SPF 30 tinted moisturizer
Kristen Conley: Lip Gloss. A nice shear tint to go with my tan bod and the sexy man.
Maura Duke: Lip Gloss...there's nothing worse then having dry cracked lips when there's a cutie around!
Maura Duke: Give away button
Bonnie Bautz - pink & chocolate brown toille. I love toille!!!
Gail Saso: Michael Miller Ironworks (black)
Mandy Stewart: Give Away Button
Mandy Stewart: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans pouch
Tiffany Hillam: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Bonnie Bautz - Burts Bees chapstick in a color I've left at home because who wants to think about kissing lips that are all dried out & icky looking? I'd at least want him WANTING to kiss me. :)
Mandy Stewart: Mascara!!! I have the lightest eyelashes ever, and without mascara, would perpetually look like I just woke up!
Tiffany Hillam: MASCARA!!
Alexandra Wilson
Alexandra Wilson: Amy Butler fabric, Geisha Fans
Alexandra Wilson: Jet Black waterproof mascara - that way it will last longer
Alexandra Wilson: Giveaway button
Carolyn Kunz: Geisha Fans Pouch
Carolyn Kunz: Giveway button
Gloria Wilcox: black mascara
Gloria Wilcox: Pink and Chocoalte Brown Toile
Carolyn Kunz: MAC "X" mascara in black to bring out those baby blues!
Amy Pugmire: Blue and Chocolate Brown makeup bag
Amy Pugmire: My black lancome mascara. I couldn't live without it!
Amy Pugmire: Give away button
Keelee Leuluai retro green! I love the pattern.
Laura Swenson: Pink and chocolate brown toille
Laura Swenson: too old, would probably share sunscreen with the poor old guy
Laura Swenson: button
sommer curtis
sommer curtis: retro green makeup
Pink and chocolate toile is my fave!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
Becca Robinson: Giveaway button
Becca Robinson: Micheal Miller Ironworks
Becca Robinson: moisturizer- I want soft, smooth skin.
Rebecca Atcherson
Erin Cox : retro green makeup bag
Beth Allred
beth allred: give away button
beth allred: retro green makeup bag
Erin Cox: Vasseline. A multifunctioning beauty fix. :)
beth allred: Burts Bees lipgloss with SPF!
Amy King
Erin Cox: Giveaway Button
Amy King- Amy Butler fabric
Amy King- I would want my lip gloss too. -- Gotta keep 'em moist! :)
Maureen Graham -Paisley blue and brown makeup bag
Marianne Ogg: Michael Miller red Ironworks makeup bag
Maureen Graham lip gloss
Megan McGinity, Michael Miller red- so cute!
Jen Morringelli
Krystin Idell
Jen Morringelli: Blue and chocolate brown makeup bag.
Megan McGinity, SPF chapstick is a MUST when stuck on an island!
Amy Martinez: Michael Miller Ironworks
Marianne Ogg; I couldn't live without my chapstick. You'll need silky soft lips for more than just talking!
Jen Morringelli: I would have to pick an all over moisturizer with a HIGH SPF! I get all sorts of dry and burned in the sun!
Marianne Ogg: Blog Give Away Button
Cheryl Bowe: Pink and Chocolate Brown Toille
Amy Martinez: some spf lipgloss to add a little shine and color
Cheryl Bowe: Mascara
Cheryl Bowe: Give Away Button
Sarah Rader: red makeup bag
Mona Orvig
Cortney Cannon
Sarah Rader: My eyelash curler. My lashes are dark and long so I just need a little boost. Plus, no black streaks down my face as we swim in the crystal blue waters.
Cortney Cannon: Chapstick for sure!!
Mona Orvig: Amy Butler fabric Geisha fans
Mona Orvig: I have to have my moisturizer.
Jamie DelMonaco
Mona Orvig: Give Away button
Jamie DelMonaco: Michael Millar Ironworks
Jamie DelMonaco: Give away button!
Jamie DelMonaco: Undereye concealer.
Cheryl Free
Denise Adams
Denise Adams {AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch}
Cheryl Free: Paisley blue and brown makeup bag
Cheryl Free: Lip Balm
Tiffani Harker:
Amy Butler Geisha Fans Pouch
Tiffani Harker:
Clear lip gloss
Tiffani Harker:
Button on my blog
Cheryl Free: Give Away Button
Natalie Cottle: Geisha Fans pouch
Natalie Cottle: I would have to say sunscreen too! I burn too easy!
Jennifer Walker
Jennifer Walker Black Ironworks
TyLeen Dixon: retro green...love it!
TyLeen Dixon: retro green...love it!
TyLeen Dixon: I think I would pick my deodorant! Can't be smellin' stinky!
Janae Zurn
Jennifer Walker and mascara definitely.
Janae Zurn: Amy Butler Geisha Fan bag!
Catherine Hodge
I like the blue and chocolate brown bag (polka dots).
Catherine Hodge
Stranded on a desert island (let's just say with Ryan Gosling, for example ;), I would want my peppermint cherry lipgloss to keep my smoochers prepped.
Catherine Hodge
Shauna K Brown: Blue and Chocolate Brown Make-up bag
Shauna K Brown: I would have to have my Waterproof Mascara.
Rebecca Sperry
Sarah Kotronis~Retro Green makeup bag
Sarah Kotronis~Hmmm, probably deodorant. Wouldn't want to offend that hot guy with the funk!
Sarah Kotronis~Give Away Button
Lee Bay: give away button
Lee Bay: on a desert isle I would need some serious lotion for dry skin
Lee Bay: blue and chocolate brown bag
Julia A
(i don't use my last name much on the internets, though lately i've been lapsing a bit)
JuliaA : i love the michael miller ironworks in black and white. love it so much. i have a thing for swirly patterns.
stranded on a desert island? moisturier. my skin is way too dry and i can't go without it. if moisturizer wouldn't count, lip tint.
Kaylee Kirkland
Cara Blair: Lotion...need to have nice and smooth skin!
Kaylee Kirkland:Amy Butler Geisha Fan bag!
Cara Blair: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Tiffany Crabtree- Michelle Miller Ironworks
Tiffany Crabtree - Give Away button
Tiffany Crabtree- I'd have to go with mascara, who knows maybe it could be multi-functional.
Kristina Lanteigne: Blue and chocolate brown make up bag
Kristina Lanteigne: I am not much into makeup or beauty products so I would want my chap stick. The kinds that smell really good when you have them on all day.
tara wakefield
tara wakefield: Blue and Chocolate brown makeup bag
tara wakefield: definitely black/brown mascara
tara wakefield: give away button
Lyndsay Johnson
Lyndsay Johnson: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Lyndsay Johnson: Can I just have a razor, please?? If not, hmmmmm. I think lip stain/gloss. I've been told I look sickly without it. :) Nice.
missy henderson: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
missy henderson: black waterproof mascara for my invisible lashes
Jessica Hammond
Rhonda Miller
Rhonda Miller: Give Away Button
Jessica Hammond: Concealer
Rhonda Miller: Senegence lipgloss (and the hot guy would be my husband, so he'd overlook the dark circles under my eyes and just kiss my sexy lips - which is why I would need more lipgloss)
Jessica Hammond: Michael Miller Ironworks makeup bag
Leslie Gosney: Pink Circles make-up bag
Leslie Gosney: I think I would take lotion so I would smell good and always been smooth.
Leslie Gosney: Give Away Button
Alysia Bischoff- Pink Chocolate
Rhonda Miller: Michael Miller Farmers Market Red Apples and blooms tote bag
Alysia Bischoff- Mascara... I just feel so much better with mascara
Becca Goodman:Retro green is awesome!
Becca Goodman
Sarah Frobisher
Sarah Frobisher: Retro green makeup bag
Shellee Nihipali
Shellee Nihipali: Think Spring Tote, love the fabric & size!
Gloria Gomez: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Gloria Gomez: I would NEED to have lotion, Ican't stand dry skin, especially dry hands.
Joanna Wilde: retro green makeup bag
Sarah Frobisher: I would definitely take mascara. Nothing like bright beautiful eyes :)
Joanna Wilde: mascara for sure!
Sarah Frobisher: Give Away Button
Amanda Nokleby: Blue & Chocolate...I love the Tiffany's Blue!
Amanda Nokleby: Moisturizer, moisturizer, moisturizer. My skin is nothing with out. :)
Kayla Partridge: Michael Miller Ironworks Make-up Bag
Kayla Partridge: mascara
Kayla Partridge: give away button
Karen Morris
Karen Morris: Michael Miller red Ironworks
Kati Spencer: Michael Miller Ironworks makeup bag
Jylaire Thorell; definitely mascara!
Jylaire Thorell; button
Kati Spencer: Bare Escentuals Lip Gloss
Kimberly Emert - retro green make-up bag
Kimberly Emert- I would pick my Bare Escentuals Buzz Latte lip balm. It's the only item I use daily. love those soft smooth lips! :)
Kimberly Emert - Give Away button
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