Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today, March 11th, we are Giving Away... (PRIZES CLAIMED)

A Chic Apron and Swim Diaper Cover from Olive Jane Designs

If you’re going to be working hard in the kitchen, why not look cute doing it? Olive Jane Designs is here to help with their very hip aprons. The talented seamstress behind Olive Jane Designs loves her work and it shows in the quality of her products.

My daughter owns this adorable and high-quality skirt from Olive Jane Designs. Each time my daughter wears it I can’t quit looking at her throughout the day and thinking, “That is one of the cutest skirts I have ever seen on her!” I love it!

And today you have the opportunity to win some of Olive Jane Designs' products. The first is a darling apron:

It is made from 100% pre-shrunk cotton. It is very flattering, functional, and even sexy! So in other words, watch out ladies, your man will want more than dinner when he comes through the door and sees you in one of Olive Jane Designs' aprons.

The second product you can enter to win today is a swim diaper cover:

Olive Jane Designs' swim diaper covers are worn OVER a regular swim diaper. Due to an outbreak of cryptosporidium last year, almost all of the public swimming pools in our area make children ages three and under wear a swim diaper PLUS another plastic diaper over the top. At our local pool plastic white swim diaper cover-ups are $8.00. They’re just plastic, and boring. So why not purchase a cute diaper cover-up? You can even have your child wear a rash guard on his or her upper body and one of Olive Jane Designs' swim diaper covers over the swim diaper on his or her lower body. WA-LA: you have double diapered your child AND you have a swimsuit all in one.

ATTENTION: Olive Jane Designs is giving FREE SHIPPING (Yay!) to the readers of Give Away Today. In the notes upon check out you need to enter the code “giveawaytoday” and then Olive Jane Designs will refund the shipping through Paypal—it’s the only way that the Etsy/Paypal combo will allow Olive Jane Designs to do it. But hey, we’ll take free shipping any way we can get it, right ladies (and gents).

Each person can enter to win the stylish apron or swim diaper cover from Olive Jane Designs up to THREE times today.

For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry visit Olive Jane Designs’ website here. Look at all of their darling products and then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and one of Olive Jane Designs’ products that you wish you owned.
Example: Jane Doe: Blue Harlequin Waterproof Diaper Cover

For a third entry I thought it would be fun to learn about our reader’s most embarrassing moments. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and one of your most embarrassing moments (your embarassing moment does not have to be pool or swimming-related).
Example: Jane Doe: When I was in eighth grade my dad took me and my best friend swimming with a youth group of about twenty boys (we were the only girls who got to go). That morning I snuck into my sister’s room and grabbed one of her swimsuits to wear. My friend and I had a great time swimming. Afterwards we jumped out of the pool and began talking (and flirting) with the boys. My friend quickly suggested we go to the dressing room. As we were walking away my friend told me to look down. When wet, the swimming suit had become completely see-through!! My sister had discovered this too and wore it only when laying out. This was a hard way to learn that I shouldn’t wear my sister’s clothes without asking.

The winner of the great products from Olive Jane Designs will be announced tomorrow, March 12th. Please visit us then to see if you are one of our winners and to check out the new giveaway for the day. Thanks!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1601 – 1800 of 1983   Newer›   Newest»
... said...

Alyse Hill - vintage ginger apron

Anonymous said...

Laura Harrison

Anonymous said...

Laura Harrison
Girls Fun & Flirty skirt

Kelly said...

Kelly Lundy

Kelly said...

Kelly Lundy: vintage ginger apron

Anonymous said...

Jami Sorensen - Vintage ginger apron

Kelly said...

Kelly Lundy: I once laughed at a man when he told me his daughter's name was Dorkus, until I realized he was serious!

Courtney said...

Courtney Taylor

matthewsroren said...

Matt Roren : Peas and carrots Diaper covers!

Jennifer said...

Jennifer Manista

jenhartle said...

Jennifer Hartle

A mother heart said...

Aubrey Jones: I love the Harlequin Floral diaper cover. My baby would be so hip in that!

jenhartle said...

Jennifer Hartle: Vintage Ginger Apron in red.

A mother heart said...

Aubrey Jones: What if I really don't have a most embarrassing moment? Well, there was that one time in 5th grade when I came walking out of the bathroom with my dress tucked into the back of my tights and the cutest boy in the class pointed it out to me. Yeah, that was embarrassing.

auntrene said...

Maureen Graham

Jennifer said...

Jennifer Manista: blast off rockey applique diaper cover!!! SOOOO CUTE!!!

Shauna said...

Shauna K Brown

Bethany said...

Bethany May

Bobette said...

Bobette Davis

auntrene said...

Maureen Graham Custom Made Vintage Ginger Apron.

Bobette said...

Bobette Davis: Vintage Ginger Apron

Shauna said...

Shauna K Brown: One of my most embarassing moments was when I was about 13 I had climbed up our tree in the back yard. When I tried to get down my shirt got caught on a branch and pulled it off as I came down out of the tree. Only my little sister saw (that I know of)but it was pretty embarassing!

Bobette said...

Bobette Davis: My most embarrassing moment is actually swimming related. I went on a trip to Lake Powell with my basketball team in High School. We were going for a ride in the boat, I was sitting in the front of the boat and my coach was driving. A big gust of wind came and my swimming top went flying down with it. I rushed to put it back on, but was mortified!

auntrene said...

One of my most embarassing moments ever was when I was at work in a local pizzeria. A Very popular place, extremely busy. I sometimes would let my brain lapse and the mouth to continue on. My job was to wait on the customers at the counter who were about 4 or 5 people across and 4 or 5 people deep. I walk up to the first customer Wanting to Say"Can I help You?" but much to my dismay the brain froze and the mouth talked and said "Will You Buy Me?" I have no idea why, none what so ever. Of all the things I could of said to a man with a $20 bill in his hand.. Can you buy me was not a good choice. Luckily his reply was good, Sure, but I didn't know it was this kind of place. (More Embarassment) then he says But Can I get my Pizza first I have a wife and 2 kids at home waiting.
Yeah Sure,,,, Let me Crawl over there and get it from the oven, and please don't look at my red face.
Too Funny!!!
Have Fun, Great Giveaway.

Bethany said...

Bethany May: Vintage Ginger Apron.

Anonymous said...

Andrea Garcia

Shauna said...

Shauna K Brown: Girls fun and Flirty skirts.

Anonymous said...

Andrea Garcia: FARMERS MARKET APPLES waterproof diaper cover

Jenna Holm said...

Jenna Holm

Jenna Holm said...

Jenna Holm: Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Lynn Brown

Jenna said...

Jenna Holmes

Jenna said...

Jenna Holmes: Vintage Ginger Apron

Karlene said...

Karlene Robinson

Karlene said...

Karlene Robinson: Vintage ginger apron

Cari K. said...

cari king

charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com

Syndee said...

Syndee Atkinson

Tori said...

Tori Stephens

Tori said...

Tori Stephens: Zany Zebra

Anonymous said...

Donna Stocking

June said...

June Gilbert

Allie said...

Allison McGrew

June said...

June Gilbert Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Carrie Hansen

Anonymous said...

Katharine Yuan

Tori said...

Tori Stephens: When i was in College I was going to do a double blind date with my friend. We lived in provo and they lived in bountiful so we decided to meet in slc and go from there. After meeting the guys and deciding to go to dinner we decided to jump in my dates truck which was huge. In the process of getting in his truck i lifted up my leg to try and step in the truck with out having to jump and the whole croach of my pants ripped from the middle all the way to my right knee. there was no way of hiding it and my friend blurted out oh my gosh i can see your underwear. So we spent the next 30min with his jacket wraped around my waist and trying to find me new pants. Needless to say i never talked to him again i avoided his calls i was so embarassed.

Jenna said...

Jenna Foote

Becky said...

Becky Larson

Jenna said...

Jenna Foote: Handpieced unique sized quilt (ADORABLE)

Becky said...

Becky Larson: Vintage Ginger Apron

Marsha said...

MArsha LAngeland

Marsha said...

Marsha Langeland: Custom Made Vintage Ginger Apron

TLEB said...

Laura Heron

Jenna said...

Jenna Foote: When I was 9 years old, I vacuumed my hair up with a vacuum cleaner. I bent down to pick up a toy or something while I was vacuuming and my hair went right up into the rollers. Luckily I did not lose any hair. I suffered extreme embarrassment but nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Kim Peacock

Michelle Bebe said...

Michelle McClure

Michelle Baird Designs said...

michelle baird

Michelle Baird Designs said...

michelle Baird: Vintage Ginger Apron

TLEB said...

Laura Heron - Girls fun and flirt skirt

Anonymous said...

Kim Peacock: I love the Harlequin Swim Diaper Cover

Anonymous said...

Katharine Yuan: Hand pieced unique crib size quilt(pink)

Anonymous said...

Katharine Yuan

Ellen said...

Ellen Linford

Michelle Bebe said...

Michelle McClure : Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Rachel H. Green

Anonymous said...

Rachel H. Green: vintage ginger apron

Michelle Bebe said...

Michelle McClure : Hmmm which one? One time I was driving with my very ahem...aggressive driver cousin who was swerving in and out of traffic, cutting people off, and NOT USING a blinker. After almost losing my lunch and wetting my pants I saw a marquee sign that read "click it or ticket" (no picture words only). When I saw this I said(loudly), "Hey! Trent! Didn't you see that sign? Click it or ticket man! Use your blinker man!!!" Well, needless to say I was 100 shades of red when he told my husband, his wife, and everyone we know OVER AND OVER how silly my mistake was. I guess I forgot it meant to buckle up. Oh, well.

AB1 said...

Arianne Blair

Anonymous said...

Katharine Yuan: During a test in fourth grade, I sneezed into my hand and got a handful of snot. I didn't want to ask the teacher if I could get up to clean up my nose so I held my hand to my nose until the test was over! Everyone at my table definitely noticed, I was better off excusing myself to clean up!

Anonymous said...

Mary Nay

Anonymous said...

Mary Nay: Pink Zany Zebra diaper cover

Anonymous said...

Mike Nay

Anonymous said...

Sara Prokopis

Anonymous said...

Sara Prokopis: Pink Zany Zebra Diaper

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt:hand pieced quilt

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt:while waterskiing with my family and new husband, I was getting back into the boat and didn't know that half of my chest was hanging out. Oops!

Emily said...

Emily Malzer

The Merry Death said...

Meredith Rogen

Emily said...

Emily Malzer: retro floral

Jaime said...

Jaime Young

Anonymous said...

Cathi McOmber

Jaime said...

Jaime Young: Apples Diaper Cover

*katie said...

Katie Sabin

Emily said...

Emily Malzer: I try to forget embarrasing moments. I slippedo on ice in front of my students after I told them to be careful :(

Melissa & DJ said...

Melissa Sorensen

Melissa & DJ said...

Melissa Sorensen: vintage ginger apron

The Merry Death said...

Meredith Rogen

Karina Wetzel said...

karina wetzel

The Merry Death said...

Meredith Rogen: Vintage Ginger Apron!

Karina Wetzel said...

karina wetzel - Vintage ginger apron

Jaime said...

Jaime Young

My story IS about a swimming pool! Before I got married I went swimming with my husband's family. I had borrowed my sister in law's suit. I dove into the pool and then began talking to my brother in law and a friend who were on the pool deck. They were adverting their eyes and acting funny and I couldn't figure out why. Then my brother in law leaned down and whispered "You may want to check yourself." I looked down and I had ahem.....literally popped out of the suit! I was so mortified! I even blush thinking about it!

Anonymous said...

Cathi McOmber: Rockets and Robots cover

Amy said...

Amy Lathrop

Rebecca said...

Rebecca Wattleworth: When I was in the 6th grade, I sat down on the floor with my whole class to do singing. As I bent to sit down (in the second to last row) I accidentally passed gas REALLY loud. Everybody in the front rows turned around to see who did it. I didn't know what to do, so I turned around too. Everybody blamed and teased the boy right behind me, even though he kept denying it! I felt terrible, but too embarrassed to admit it was me!

Amy said...

Amy Lathrop
Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Cara Tanner

Anonymous said...

Cara Tanner

Melissa & DJ said...

Melissa Sorensen:
When I was twelve we were in a car ride from Idaho to SLC and we made a stop at a rest stop. I took in my 8 year old sister to use the facilities. We walked past the mens sign and so we went in thte next entry with out looking. I put her in one stall, me in a another. I heard her got out and a man tell her she was in the wrong bathroom. She went outside the bathrrom adn I waited in the stall until it was quiet then ran out. I told her never to tell anyone, and we pretended it never happened. I guess each bathroom has two entries on each side of the buidling, who knew??!!

Anonymous said...

Cara Tanner

Anonymous said...

Amy Wilkins

Chels Grubbs said...

chelsea grubbs

Anonymous said...

Amy Wilkins: Petal Party Waterproof Diaper Cover

Jill Hunt said...

Jill Hunt: Vintage ginger apron

Anonymous said...

Janae Zurn

ChrisandLogue said...

Christy S Carpenter

Emily Ruth said...

Emily Childers

Emily Ruth said...

EMily childers-Hand pieced unique crib size quilt

ChrisandLogue said...

Christy S Carpenter : Hand pieced unique crib sized quilt in pink!! Amazing!!

Jayrod said...

Emily Stout

Anonymous said...

Susan Casper

Stef said...

Stef Chalfant

kristen said...

Kristen Farr

kristen said...

Kristen Farr - vintage ginger apron

TexasWren said...

Mona Orvig

TexasWren said...

Mona Orvig: Custom Vintage ginger apron

Amanda said...

Amanda Heslop

{ a m b e r } said...

Amber Wallace

TexasWren said...

Mona Orvig: This is possibly your toughest question so far, because, oh my, there are so many. How can I choose just one?

How about the time I was co-hosting a convention--with guests from more than one continent. A couple of days before the convention, I decided to do something about my gray, and it turned out a color that can only be called burgandy.

Now, I've seen teenagers with burgandy hair, and it's cute. I'm a few decades beyond a teenager. It wasn't cute. I had fun anyway.

Amanda said...

Amanda Heslop: Vintage Ginger Apron

{ a m b e r } said...

Amber Wallace: I NEED the blue vintage ginger apron!

Anonymous said...

Pauline Mendes

{ a m b e r } said...

Amber Wallace: On Saturday I had a small head injury with my 2 year old son but, thought big deal and went to work anyway. I'm a server. I ended up almost passing out at a table and had to have my husband come pick me up because I was so dizzy and sick to my stomach. Later I found out that 3 of my tables thought I was drunk {never had a drink in my life} I'm still hearing it at work even though I had a mild concusson from my head injury!

Anonymous said...


kattydid said...

Kaydee Sorensen

Crowntown said...

Krista Crown

MStevenson said...

Mel Stevenson-Apron

Melisa said...

melisa merrill

Crowntown said...

Krista Crown-pink zaney zebra

judybrittle said...

Judy Brittle

Anonymous said...

Holly Nissen

judybrittle said...

Judy Brittle:girls fun and flirty skirt

Audrey said...

Audrey Scarante

Crowntown said...

Krista Crown- I forgot to restock the diaper bag and my baby had a blowout at church and needed a diaper and wardrobe changem however, I had no daipers! AHHHH!

Melisa said...

melisa merrill- zag stripe water proof diaper

Anonymous said...

Cheryl Farr

judybrittle said...

Judy Brittle
It was at a wedding. I went to the ladies room and didn't realize that my split dress the back half was tucked into my girdle. I walked through the entire room like that. So glad 10 minutes later someone told me.

Anonymous said...

Cheryl Farr - vintage ginger apron

Melisa said...

melisa merrill- 2 wrecks in one day with the same guy seeing both.

Audrey said...

Audrey Scarante - VALENTINES HEART TO HEART applique waterproof diaper cover.

Rebecca said...

Rebecca Richards

Rebecca said...

Rebecca Richards: Blue Parade Dot Diaper Cover

Anonymous said...

Holly Nissen Vintage Ginger Apron

Karenladd said...

Oh, I would love to win the apron! I am always getting spatters and food all over myself when I cook!
Karen Ladd

Karenladd said...

Karen Ladd
I love the Peas and Carrots appliqued diaper covers! So cute!

Dibble's said...

laura dibble

*The_Fisher_Family* said...

Megan Fisher

*The_Fisher_Family* said...

Megan Fisher: Vintage Ginger Apron

Candice said...

Candice Stewart

Candice said...

Candice Stewart: Girls fun and flirty skirt

Unknown said...

Dani McCulley

Anonymous said...

evelyn Mcculley

auntskiddy said...

Lynnette Larson

*The_Fisher_Family* said...

Megan Fisher: My Spanish teacher in high school had us sit in abc order and my last name started with an A I was never paying attention when he started so he would stand up hit his ruler on his desk and say everyone look at Megan I would always get so embarrassed that my face and even the part in my hair would go bright red so even when I put my face in my arms to hide it you could still see my bright red part :S

Candice said...

Candice Stewart: I overstepped the line at the bowling alley and fell flat on my back in front of a bunch of cute boys. I fell so fast I just remember laying on the floor looking up a the lights thinking, "what just happened?" The funniest part was that I got a strike!

Anonymous said...

Savannah Wilson

Anonymous said...

Natalee Wilson

Anonymous said...

Stella Wilson

Anonymous said...

Gene Wilson

chefwithshinguards said...

Lisa Flinders

Kellie said...

Kellie Jenkins

danosor said...

Linda Chaput------Rockets and Robots

Karina said...

karina orgill

alli said...

Allison Price

Julie said...

Julie Varga

Sally and Paul said...

Sally Hemingway

alli said...

Allison Price: girls fun and flirty skirt size 5T-6X

Leslie said...

Leslie Nehren

Shaylyn said...

Shaylyn Ekins

tbrown said...

Tina Brown

Amy said...

Amy Mulcock

tbrown said...

Tina Brown: Rockets and Robots

Anonymous said...

Amber Williams

tbrown said...

Tina Brown: I wore my pajama bottoms under a skirt to school when I was in the 5th grade.

KaTrina said...

KaTrina Anderson

Shaylyn said...

Shaylyn Ekins: Ginger Apron

Valerie said...

Valerie Barber

KaTrina said...

KaTrina Anderson: girls fun and flirty skirt

Anonymous said...

Amber Williams Blue Harlequin Waterproof Diaper Cover

Jenny B. said...

Jenny Berglin: Custom Made Vintage Ginger Apron

TianaN said...

Tiana Cook

Jenny B. said...

Jenny Berglin: After being late to school many times (a distracted walker), my 2nd grade teacher asked the entire class if they should take up a collection to buy me a new alarm clock.

Donna said...

Donna Kozar

Donna said...

Donna Kozar: Vintage Ginger Apron

Unknown said...

Stacey Sherlock

Donna said...

Donna Kozar: I fell down in class.

April said...

April LeBaron: Vintage Ginger Apron

TianaN said...

Tiana Cook: Aqua Damask waterproof diaper cover

Unknown said...

Stacey Sherlock: Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Lisa Topham

Anonymous said...

Susan Stone: Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Susan Stone

Anonymous said...

Lisa Topham Vintage Ginger Apron

The Mickelsens said...

Cassidy Mickelsen

Allie said...

Allison McGrew: Vintage Ginger apron

TianaN said...

Tiana Cook: While in college I was at a friends house when a group of guys came over. I knew a few of them but introduced myself to one I didn't know. I said "Hi, I haven't met you yet, my name is Tiana." He replied, "Actually, we have met, in fact I took you out on a date once." Oops. He told me when it had been (in high school), I vaguely remembered. Felt like a heel.

Danica said...

Danica Francom

The Mickelsens said...

Cassidy Mickelsen: Vintage Ginger Apron

Danica said...

Danica Francom: girls fun and flirty skirt size 12 months

Danica said...

Danica Francom: When I was in the 9th grade, I threw up during a choir concert. The worst part about it was that it hit the girl in front of me. She didn't know and I had to tell her to get her dress dry cleaned after the concert was over.

«Oldest ‹Older   1601 – 1800 of 1983   Newer› Newest»