Friday, April 17, 2009

Until April 20th we are Giving Away A Beautiful Pendant from Madison Reece Designs and a Photography Package from Jessie O'Neal Photography (CLAIMED)

For a couple of weeks now a Mother’s Day gift for my mom has been carefully wrapped and patiently sitting in my closet waiting to be worn. I can’t wait to give it to her. It comes from today’s featured company, Madison Reece Designs. It is this Simply Elegance Pendant:

And guess what? I got a matching one for me. And I also plan on giving one to each of my three sisters and my sister-in-law for their birthdays this year. I think it will be so much fun if all six of us have the same pendant from Madison Reece Designs. Each time I put mine on I will think of the wonderful women in my family. I even think it would be cool to give the same pendant to all of my nieces. I love jewelry that has a special meaning.

In fact, I have two little girls who are kindred spirits. Most of the time they get along so well playing, dancing, and dressing up. So for Easter this year I couldn’t resist getting them these adorable pendants from Madison Reece Design. I gave my oldest daughter this pendant:

And her lil’ sis received this pendant:

They were so excited. They, too, love their pendants and the special meaning behind them. Almost anyone who sees my girls wearing their pendants can’t resist asking, “Where did you get those adorable necklaces?”

Madison Reece Designs,” I reply.

Madison Reece Designs offers over 150 pendants of differing colors and designs. Due to the handmade nature no two pendants will be the same, but rest assured your pendant will be beautiful. Here’s a peek at some of Madison Reece Designs’ pendants:

Aren't they lovely? Today Madison Reece Designs is giving away a pendant of choice to one lucky winner. You can enter to win the pendant from Madison Reece Designs up to THREE times.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry visit Madison Reece Designs here. Look at all of their stylish pendants. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the pendant you would like if you win.
Example: Jane Doe: Nearly Nested

For a third entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you got goin’ on this weekend.
Example: Jane Doe: My husband is going on a business trip to San Francisco. I get to tag along--Yay! Any suggestions on fun things to do in San Fran? I know for sure I will hit the H&M--we don't have one where I live.

The winner of the lovely pendant from Madison Reece Designs will be announced Monday, April 20th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day.


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Wendy said...

Wendy Stepick: into the forest

Ryan, LaDonna, Paytyn and Jaxson said...

LaDonna Swapp: We hsve nothing planned for this weekend but last saturday we took the boys up to baby animal days in Logan and that was a lot of fun!

Wendy said...

Wendy Stepick: This weekend I'm cheering on a good friend in the SLC Marathon

Telisha said...

Telisha Hayes: They are all so pretty, but I think I like the small Little Green Tree pendant the best.

Heather said...

Heather Mattice: Modern Bird

Anonymous said...

Misse Betts: spring bouquet

Anonymous said...

Misse Betts- yard work!

Heather said...

Heather Mattice: I'm moving next week, so I've got a lot of packing to do this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Pam Steele

Holly said...

Holly Morris: blog follower

Eric and Lindsay said...

Lindsay Johnson

Jessica said...

Jessica Juneau: Rustic Turquoise

Telisha said...

Telisha Hayes: Unfortunately my little boy is sick. He caught what my little girl just got over. He has missed two days of school already, and I'm taking him to the doctor today, so I don't think we'll be doing anything this weekend.

Jessica said...

Jessica Juneau: Hangin out at home, and going on the river with the kiddos! RELAXING!! :-)

Kris said...

Kristin Smith

Anonymous said...

Kerra Miles

wileyfamilyof5 said...

Melanie Wiley

Cathi said...

Cathi Yospe

wileyfamilyof5 said...

Melanie Wiley-mothers necklace

shana said...

Shana Stoll
so tough . . . either blooming tree or little green tree

Caroline said...

Caroline Clayton- Oh..Sunny Day pendant

Ryan, LaDonna, Paytyn and Jaxson said...

LaDonna Swapp: Shabby I love you, Morthers necklace, Vibraint floral pendan, plaid butterfly, inspire, charuese cherry, beauty, asian inspird, butterflys free, white flower.....cant decide i want all of these

dennimd said...

Denni Dennis

Alicia said...

Alicia Kruger: Chocolate Flowers Pendant

dennimd said...

Denni Dennis

Caroline said...

Caroline Clayton-
This weekend my husband will be working in San Diego, while I stay at home with my boys. I hope someday soon we can take them to the beach with no work involved

Erin said...

Erin Poulsen : Vintage Eiffel tower

wileyfamilyof5 said...

Melanie Wiley-Planting our garden, well if the weather holds.

Jessica said...

jessica olsen

Kalli & Andy said...

Kalli Reese: Delicate White Flower

Caroline said...

Caroline May

Holly said...

Holly Morris

Alicia said...

Alicia Kruger: It is my birthday Sunday so we are going to dinner with family.

Jenn said...

Jennifer Lankford: Our God Pendant

Kalli & Andy said...

Kalli Reese: No big plans for the weekend, going to my parents house tonight, they love seeing my little girl.

Erin said...

Erin Poulsen : We are going camping. My girls and husband are really on the other hand. I am 7 1/2 months prego and not going to be doing much fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

Kerra Miles: Cowgirl Pendant

Justin & Heather said...

heather maddux

Jessica said...

jessica olsen- Turquoise and White Floral Pendant

Jenn said...

Jennifer Lankford: I am shooting a High School Senior boy in the morning, heading over to Habitat for Humanity to paint our playhouse that we are auctioning off at Charity Ball and then home to hang out with my kiddos and hubby!

Jen said...

Jen McDonald

Kris said...

Kristin Smith: Brown Paisley

Jessica said...

jessica olsen- I have a 10 mile race tomorrow, and cleaning out the garage and car's with hubby

Jen said...

Jen McDonald: Spring Bouquet pendant

Anonymous said...

Kerra Miles: We have a wonderful weekend planned! My husband and I are going to take our three kids to the park on Saturday and later that night we are taking them to Chucky Cheese's. On Sunday we plan to go to the beach and let the kids play in the sand and water! A weekend spent with the family will be great no matter what we do!

auntrene said...

Maureen Graham-Sunshine Floral Pillow

La Yen said...

Jen Galan

Kris said...

Kristin Smith: Taking the kiddies to a movie, finish decorating the baby nursery, hopefully taking a nap and spending time with my hubby!!

Jen said...

Jen McDonald: I am going shopping with friends at the outlets about an hour away.

Caroline said...

Caroline May: In Bloom pendant

Hollie said...

Hollie D.

Gloria said...

Gloria Wilcox

Hollie said...

Hollie D.:Anything Pink!!!

auntrene said...

Maureen Graham- I will be cleaning the basement since I had 5 inches of water down there this week. Finally the water is gone and it is time to access the damages. Sounds like FUN right. We have never had a water problem before so this is shocking and I am not even sure where to begin.
Thanks for the great giveaway.

Holly said...

Holly Morris: little bird on a branch

Gloria said...

Gloria Wilcox:Our God Pendant

Bonnie said...

Bonnie Bautz - Reflections

Gloria said...

Gloria Wilcox: This weekend, we're going to be working in the vegetable garden that we just recently started. :)

Caroline said...

Caroline May: This weekend I am going to an awards ceremony for a story that I wrote - I won 3rd place in a creative writing competition. Then I am going to an Irish dance competition tomorrow and submitting my Irish Chain quilt in the art competition (cross your fingers! hope I win first!) ;o)

Weisenbeck Family said...

Andrea Weisenbeck: Simple Elegance

Bonnie said...

Bonnie Bautz - We have a movie night planned with our Lifegroup for tomorrow night and Sunday is work in the garden, candle party and church

Weisenbeck Family said...

Andrea Weisenbeck: working this weekend

Holly said...

Holly Morris: planning on staying home sick with my sick kids and getting better by monday, yay me!!!

Mollie said...

Mollie Farnsworth: Tree of Love pendant

Sarah said...

sarah kubie

Sarah said...

sarah kubie-packing up my apartment to move

Danica said...

Danica Francom: my daughter's birthday party and Love Your Neighbor Day, everyone in the neighbor hood helps each other with projects.

Mollie said...

Mollie Farnsworth: This weekend, I'm meeting my sister in Provo for dinner so that I can retrieve my daughter from her. She's been staying with her auntie for the past week. My hubby is going to the gun show, so I'll have all four kids tagging along:)

dennimd said...

Denni Dennis~Mr. Bluebird!!! Love it!

Sarah said...

sarah kubie-the brown tree

Megan said...

Megan Hall: The Butterflies are Free

La Yen said...

Jen Galan: Nearly Nested pendant

La Yen said...

Jen Galan: I plan on spending the weekend desperately trying to find a sitter.

Sarah and John Root said...

Sarah Root

dennimd said...

Denni Dennis~We are going to Alabama for a wedding! It's my niece's best friend's do they grow up so fast? (And sadly we are moving my 97 year old grandmother into an assisted living while we are there.)

Anonymous said...

Ali Painter

Megan said...

Megan Hall: Leadership training meeting for two hours, laundry, and a community "open house"/walk of sorts. Oh, and lesson preps.

Anonymous said...

Melanie Labuguen

domesticish diva said...

Elizabeth Kelemen - Shabby Rose

Christina said...

christina wandry: the socialite

Anonymous said...

Ali Painter: I love you

domesticish diva said...

Elizabeth Kelemen - cleaning our bedroom and my sewing room!!

Christina said...

christina wandry: we are going to be in the middle of a blizzard here--so we will be snowed in with hot chocolate and the fire going

Sarah and John Root said...

Sarah Root: This weekend will be my last few days of freedom before going back to school after Spring Break (I'm a teacher :) ) so I'm going to just enjoy my 18 month old son and my husband. I think we'll go swimming since the weather is shaping up to be beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

ALi Painter: Homework of course. A few more weekends like this and then the big celebration...the hubby graduates!!

Danica said...

Danica Francom: Ah Fiesta Pendant

Anonymous said...

Melanie Labuguen: Vibrant Floral Pendant

Sara.In.TX said...

Sara Wright

Sara.In.TX said...

Sara Wright: It was so hard to pick!! Sakura and Blackbird

Anonymous said...

Melanie Labuguen: My sister and niece are visiting because we'll be baptizing my daughter on Sunday (and my sister will be her Godmother). So today, we're heading out to the tulip festival and tomorrow probably to the zoo. It's a full weekend! Have fun everyone!!

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Ellis: Delicate White Flower

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Sarah Idiart: The Brown Tree Pendant. . . everything is so beautiful!!

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Ellis: We have to birthdays this weekend & I will be making birthday cakes like CRAZY!! (hopefull I can get in some furniture painting too)

Nat said...

Natalie Mason

Nat said...

Natalie Mason: Beauty

Sara.In.TX said...

Sara Wright: My daughter will be participating in a local parade with her gymnastics team!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Sarah Idiart: Our Alumni group is having a guest speaker from BYU coming tonight (we live in Oregon). Saturday my oldest daughter and I have to make her costume for the play "A Midsummer's Night Dream."

Nat said...

Natalie Mason: My two girls and I are going to see the Hannah Montana movie while my husband is on call at the hospital all day Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Randall

Suzanne said...

Suzanne Brenchley: It's Opening Day for [Little League] baseball in our city's program on Saturday - a lot of baseball games, a guest appearance from the Salt Lake Bees mascot, free hot dogs for every child in uniform, $6 Buzz cuts, AND NICE WEATHER is forcasted (keep your fingers crossed!)

Anonymous said...

Tyson Andrus

Brian and Tonya said...

Tonya Allen: I love the vintage butterfly pendant.

Unknown said...

Judy Tobian

Sarah and John Root said...

Sarah Root: Three Unique Trees

Unknown said...

Judy Tobian: Spending time with kids at home, playing games or whatever they want to do.

Anonymous said...

Tyson Andrus: I think my wife would like the In Bloom pendant

Kathryn said...

Kathryn Devlin: We are hoping to price out all the elements to our new patio tomorrow and see an old childhood friend who's in SLC this weekend!

Kathryn said...

Kathryn Devlin: The butterflies are free

Red She Said said...

Sierra Crabtree

Anonymous said...

Cassidy MIckelsen

Anonymous said...

Cassidy Mickelsen: We are doing our last inspection on our new home before we move in MOnday!!!

Megan said...

Megan Izatt: We are having dinner with friends on Saturday night!

Sara and Dustin said...

Sara Johnson: big sister/little sister

Megan said...

Megan Izatt: Vibrant Floral Pendant

Karey said...

Karey England

nickel... said...

Cathy Snavely

Karey said...

Karey England
This weekend I am going on a yearly all girls weekend at the beach with some amazing friends!

Anonymous said...

nadine macmillan

nickel... said...

Cathy Snavely- Little Bird on a Branch

Karey said...

Karey England: Spring bouquet pendent

Brittney Withers said...

Brittney Withers: little bird on branch

nickel... said...

Cathy Snavely- Attending my niece's volleyball tournament

Brittney Withers said...

Brittney Withers: Yard work, maybe dinner and movie

Katie said...

Katie Horrocks

Brian and Tonya said...

Tonya Allen: I have to work all weekend :( But I do have my weekly date night with my hubby so that makes it all better.

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Shalee Clark

Katie said...

Katie Horrocks: In bloom

Red She Said said...

Sierra Crabtree: Owl Love

Katie said...

Katie Horrocks: We have a great family day planed! With 80 degree weather in the forecast we also hope to get some work done outside!

Unknown said...

Judy Tobian: Pink Posies

Megan said...

Megan Rinke: Two Little Birds Pendant

Megan said...

Megan Rinke: Running the SLC 5k!

heidi said...

Heidi Naylor

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Shalee Clark Rustic Turquoise Pendant

Mandee said...

mandee wheelus

heidi said...

Heidi Naylor: Big Sister

Anonymous said...

Natalie Thompson

Mandee said...

mandee wheelus: we are driving the 26 hour trip to Boise, Idaho from San antonio, Tx to visit my family and have our new baby blessed!

Andrea said...

andrea shuman: little shabby bird

Red She Said said...

Sierra Crabtree: My daughter will be attending a birthday party sleepover which means me and my hubby get the luxury of having a date night without having to find a sitter. Yay!

Mandee said...

mandee wheelus: weathered tree pendant

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Shalee Clark- My husband and I just bought a yacht to live on and this weekend we plan on finishing up all the outside work so we can finally work on all the inside stuff and move in!

heidi said...

Heidi Naylor: This weekend me and my husband are going to Prom! We are photographers taking the pictures!

Karen said...

Karen Mwins: Grocery shopping Saturday morning and a children's fair in the afternoon. Sunday will be mellow with soup simmering and kids playing in the yard.

Andrea said...

Tonight my MIL is having a sleep-over for all the grandchildren, so my husband and his brothers and their wives and I are going out to dinner. Tomorrow I am going to soccer games and then shopping with my SIL, and Sunday will be spent as usual: nice, quiet, relaxing, with family. Perfection.

Lindsay B. said...

Lindsay Bailey

Jen and her men said...

Jen Fairbanks: Fat Shabby Flower

Anonymous said...

Kalyne Nicholes

dmbdreamgirl08 said...

Sandra Martinez

Jen and her men said...

Jen Fairbanks: my grandma's funeral :(

Anonymous said...

Kalyne Nicholes: Sakura and Blackbird is the one I really like.

Lindsay B. said...

Lindsay Bailey: Pink Posies

Anonymous said...

Kalyne Nicholes: Just a lot of work cleaning carpets and painting.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Tanner

Anonymous said...

Lisa Tanner: the socialite pendant

Diana said...

Diana Meadows-The Best Things...

Karen said...

Karen Mwins: Pink Posies!

Diana said...

Diana Meadows-I'm hanging out with my daughter and then possibly going birthday shopping for dad!

Anonymous said...

Natalie Thompson: It was then that I carried you

Sarah's proud Mama said...

Robin Archer

Anonymous said...

Natalie Thompson: Going to two birthday parties and spending time with my 3 month old son! :)

Anonymous said...

Lisa Tanner: cleaning house, playing with kids, grocery shopping

cdkramsay said...

Denise Ramsay

Maryn Plitt said...

Apryle Moss

cdkramsay said...

Denise Ramsay - Rustic turqoise penant

Mandy and Lorin said...

Mandy Jeppsen: brown paisley

Maryn Plitt said...

Apryle Moss: turquoise and white flower pendant.

cdkramsay said...

Denise Ramsay-This weekend my husband and daughter are running the 5K and 1K of the SL marathon. I will be on the sidelines cheering them on then hopefully weather permitting I will be attending a few baseball games. What a great weekend!

Maryn Plitt said...

Apryle Moss: Scrapbook saturday is what I am doing this weekend

Anonymous said...

kimalee allred

Mandy and Lorin said...

Mandy Jeppsen: Going to the fiesta in San Antonio

Anonymous said...

Andi Jackson-Darling

Anonymous said...

Nicole Sheahan

Sarah's proud Mama said...

Robin Archer-Faith Pendant

Anonymous said...

Nicole Sheahan: I'm studying like crazy for finals! And then taking a break to throw a birthday party for my roommate.

whoopdedoo_5 said...

Adria Swinconos

Sarah's proud Mama said...

Robin Archer-we're doing inventory at work this weekend-yuck!!

Michelle Guymon said...

Michelle Guymon

Heather K said...

Heather King: Chartruese Cherry Branch Pendant

Michelle Guymon said...

Michelle Guymon: working on the house!

Heather K said...

Heather King - My daughter's 4th birthday! Parties, parties, parties!! :) I need to get her a big sister pendent. She loves jewelry!

Jana said...

Jana Hoyal

Jana said...

Jana Hoyal: Rustic Turquoise Pendant

Anonymous said...

Nicole Sheahan: Ah Fiesta Pendant

Jana said...

Jana Hoyal: Going to help clean up my Grandma's yard.

Anonymous said...

David Hoyal

Michelle Guymon said...

Michelle Guymon: Rustic Dandelion

Anonymous said...

David Hoyal: Studying and taking finals

Anonymous said...

Ashley Casperson

Anonymous said...

AShley Casperson -A Walk Through Autumn

Anonymous said...

Kimalee Allred - rustic black floral

Anonymous said...

"Little Bird on a Branch" Andi Jackson-Darling

Anonymous said...

Kimalee Allred - cleaning house

puffpastryshop said...

Vivien Lee

Anonymous said...

tiffany cox

Anonymous said...

tiffany cox: The Butterflies are Free

David and Audrey said...

Audrey Kasperson

Anonymous said...

Andi Jackson-Darling I am adding to my fabric stash this weekend!

puffpastryshop said...

Vivien Lee: Night Sky earrings

Anonymous said...

tiffany cox: I am hanging out with my boyfriend for my birthday.

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