A 90 WPM Dress from Shabby Apple
We have been looking forward to this feature for quite some time. Why? You may ask. Because we think Shabby Apple has the coolest accessories and clothing and we have been so excited to give our dear friends of Give Away Today one of their dresses.
We have been looking forward to this feature for quite some time. Why? You may ask. Because we think Shabby Apple has the coolest accessories and clothing and we have been so excited to give our dear friends of Give Away Today one of their dresses.
As long as we’re on the topic of being friends, as your friend, Give Away Today promises to introduce you to amazing companies, give away unbelievably cool products, and offer you incredible discounts.
In return all we ask of you, as our friend, is that you visit Give Away Today on a daily basis, discover the remarkable companies that we feature, enter to win the companys’ giveaways, and then remember these companies next time you are in need of something new for yourself or to give as a gift to someone you know. Pretty easy, huh? Okay, now spit in your hand and we’ll shake on our friendship. There we go—what a lovely relationship we have formed!
And so dear friend, to deliver on our part of the friendship, we would like to introduce you (if you do not already know them) to Shabby Apple. Shabby Apple offers trendy and classic clothing for girls and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes.
Let me just show you a few of Shabby Apple's dresses for little girls—I about died when I discovered these:
And so dear friend, to deliver on our part of the friendship, we would like to introduce you (if you do not already know them) to Shabby Apple. Shabby Apple offers trendy and classic clothing for girls and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes.
Let me just show you a few of Shabby Apple's dresses for little girls—I about died when I discovered these:

Are they not the cutest? To see even more of these adorable dresses for girls click here.
For the ladies they offer:

And for the expecting ladies:

Today Shabby Apple is giving away one of their classic and smart 90 WPM dresses. The 90 WPM dress has ruching at the sides to flatter hips and a tie at neck. The dress's puff sleeves have a band that hit just above elbow. The skirt hits just below knee. So cool. So chic. So you. Or if not you, definitely someone you know.
Not only is Shabby Apple offering this gorgeous dress, but they are also giving the readers of Give Away Today a 15% DISCOUNT. Upon check-out enter the coupon code SAGiveawayToday and you will get 15% off all clothing. Thanks, Shabby Apple.
It’s Spring Break where I live—so let's be a little crazy—I’m going to let you enter to win up to FIVE times today. That’s right, I’m living on the wild side and there ain’t no one gonna stop me! Spring Break only comes around once a year.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment. To do this, you will see “Please Enter Here” in bright green at the end of this post and then “Comments”. Click on "Comments" and it will take you to a box where you can leave a comment. Your cursor will already be in the box, so just type your first and last name. If you do not have a blogger account, you may leave a comment using "Anonymous". Click "Publish Your Comment" and you are entered.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry visit Shabby Apple here. Look at all of their ultra cool products and decide which product you wish you owned. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the name of the product.
Example: Jane Doe: Let’s see—everything! Oh alright, if I have to choose just one I’ll go with Daisy.
For a third entry, we invite you to subscribe to Give Away Today to get the inside scoop on our upcoming giveaways. If you would like to receive a monthly update (and sorry to those of you who were receiving them daily for a few days, I didn’t realize it was on that setting) from Give Away Today, look on our right-hand side bar where it says “Want to Subscribe to Receive our Monthly Newsletter?” Enter your email address and then click on “Get Email Updates”. If you have already subscribed in the past, you do not need subscribe again. Once you subscribe or if you are already a subscriber, in a NEW comment, type your first and last name and “Subscribe”.
Example: Jane Doe: Subscribe
For a fourth entry become a “Fan of Give Away Today” on Facebook here. Right after it says "Give Away Today" in bold it says "Become a Fan". Click on "Become a Fan". Once you become a fan, or if you have already become a fan in the past, you receive a fourth entry by telling us your first and last name and “Fan” in a NEW comment. Oh, and if you want some extra fun, change your status to tell your friends about Give Away Today. Not a requirement, mind you, just for fun.
For a fourth entry become a “Fan of Give Away Today” on Facebook here. Right after it says "Give Away Today" in bold it says "Become a Fan". Click on "Become a Fan". Once you become a fan, or if you have already become a fan in the past, you receive a fourth entry by telling us your first and last name and “Fan” in a NEW comment. Oh, and if you want some extra fun, change your status to tell your friends about Give Away Today. Not a requirement, mind you, just for fun.
Example: Jane Doe: Facebook Fan
For a fifth entry, add our button to your blog. To do so, go here. Once you add it, or if it is already on your blog, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and “Button”.
Example: Jane Doe: Button
For a fifth entry, add our button to your blog. To do so, go here. Once you add it, or if it is already on your blog, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and “Button”.
Example: Jane Doe: Button
The winner of the 90 WPM Dress from Shabby Apple will be announced tomorrow Friday, April 17th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 2378 Newer› Newest»Megan McGinity
Megan McGinity, Bow Baby
Kami Porter
Annie Brown
Becky Baird: Bow Baby
Becky Baird: subscribed
Susan LaMontagne Daisy
Kaydee SOrensen
Susan LaMontagne-subscribed
Kaydee Sorensen Subscribe
KAydee Sorensen Subscribe
Michelle Oakeson
Allison Price: It was really hard to decide, but I'm gonna go with the Cat's Cradle Spring Dress
Karisti Gardner
Michelle Oakeson: Bow Baby
Michelle Oakeson: Subscribe
Allison Price: Subscribe
Annie Brown: Some Like it Hot
karisti Gardner: watermelon summer
Karisti Gardner: subscribe
Annie Brown: Subscribe
Susan LaMontagne - Fan
Allison Price: Fan
Micklena Frampton
Allison Price: Button
karisti gardner:fan
Micklena Frampton: Jackie O'
(so beautiful)
Carrie Yu: back to business
Mandi Galovan: Dot to Dot
Micklena Frampton: Subscribe
Carrie Yu: subscribe
Micklena Frampton: Fan
Mandi Galovan: Subscriber
Micklena Frampton: Button
karisti gardner:button
Mandi Galovan: Fan
Mandi Galovan: Button
Jessica Shaw
Annie Brown: FAN
Jessica Shaw: subscriber
Laura Hale- fan
Heather Swanson: Subscribe
Raimey Kennell: Gumballs Girls dress- oh so Cute!!!!
Laura Hale- button
Allie Bruce-Subscribe
Heather Swanson: Button
Allie Bruce-L'Ete dress
Raimey Kennell:Subscribe
Allie Bruce-Fan
Annie Brown: Button
Tiffany Crabtree- subscribe
Allie Bruce-button
Kristine Whitehead: Jackie O
Sara Grant: Geranium satchel
Sara Grant: Subscribe
Sara Grant: Fan
Sara Grant: Button
Rachael Allred
Heather Swanson: Cleopatra
Mandy Angus: Gumballs
Mandy Angus: Subscribe
Raelyn Anderson
Laura Hale- oooo! cute stuff! I like Duck Beach for me. Gumballs for my little girl.
Mallory Johnson- Button
Mallory Johnson- Storm
Mallory Johnson- Subscribe
Tiffany Crabtree- I'd take any of the little girl dresses for my girls, as for me I like the Beauty Mark dress.
Ashley Davidson: L'Ete
Mallory Johnson- Facebook Fan
Ashley Davidson: Button
Tiffany Crabtree- button
Pam Wiggins
Sarah Guild
Macey Bishop
Becca Baughman
Love the l'Ete!
Alisha LeBaron: 16 candles dress! It is so cute!
Pam Wiggins: Subscribe
Jennifer Jarrett
Pam Wiggins: Button
Chelon Colquitt
Rachael Allred: 16 candles or dot to dot- I cant decide, so cute!!!
chelon colquitt- fan
Pam Wiggins: Facebook Fan
Adria Swinconos
Chelsea Seamons- love the eve...the flower headband. Awesome stuff! thanks
chelon colquitt- subscribe
Subscribe:Macey Bishop (google reader)
Kari Theobald
Chelsea Seamons
I subscribe!
Pam Wiggins: Queen of hearts
Raelyn Anderson - Creamsicle
Tonia Jorgensen
Tonia Jorgensen Peach Cobbler
Cameo Bell: Daisy
Tonia Jorgensen Facebook Fan
Tonia Jorgensen Subscribe
chelon colquitt- tokyo tea...absolutely love it!
Tonia Jorgensen Button
Kari Theobald: subscribe
chelon colquitt- button
Tanessa Brower: Subscribe
Jordan Lobban
Angela Sargent: Nine to five
Jaime Ashby: Subscribe
Jaime Ashby: Button
Tanessa Brower :Facebook fan
Jordan Lobban: A Sunday Afternoon
Rachel Papka
Evelyn Jakins
Whitney Miller: Nine to Five
Cameo Bell: Facebook Fan
Heather Swanson: Facebook Fan
Rachel Papka, Ballerina
Laurie Higgs
Bridget Goldsberry: Dot to Dot dress
Evelyn Jakins: buttoned-up
Laurie Higgs, rosie the riveter
Kylee Cluff: Subscribe
Lauren Fagan: Cat's Cradle
Heather RObertson
Camille Brown
Kylee Cluff: Fan
Whitney Miller: FAN
Becca Baughman: Hibiscus
Becca Baughman: subscribed
Cameo Bell: Subscribe
Mandy Brenchley- canary
LIndsey Rowland
Amy White
Becca Baughman: Facebook Fan
Brenda Finlinson
Mandy Brenchley- subscribe
Ian FInlinson
nicole leonard
Fern Evans
Angela Sargent: Subscribe
Megan Kenney
Angela Sargent: Facebook fan
Cheryl Bowe: Vanderbilt
Cheryl Bowe: subscriber
Cheryl Bowe: FB fan
Jeanine Crane: l'Ete
Cheryl Bowe: button
Camille Brown: Buttoned Up
Jeanine Crane: Subscribe
Tanessa Brower : I love the Ballerina and the Yorkshire dresses for me and all of the cute little girl ones. Very cute business!
Jeanine Crane: Facebook Fan
Tanessa Brower: button
Nicole Leonard: Bon voyage
Jeanine Crane: button
Andrea Garcia: Jackie O
Summer Neiss
Nicole Leonard: subscribe
kim jibson
Heather Robertson- some like it hot
Stacie Peterson: Daisy Dress
Heather Demke: Green with Envy
Stacie Peterson:subscribe
heather robertson-subscribe
lindsay clements
Stacie Peterson: Facebook Fan
Ashley Shillig
heather robertson-facebook fan
kim jibson: bow baby
Marta Murray: Subscribe
Heather Demke: Subscribe
Heather Demke: Button
Stacie Peterson: Blog Button
Marta Murray: Black Silk dress
Andrea Garcia: Button
Camille Brown: Subscribe
Natali Stevenson
Stacy Palfreyman; Buttoned Up
lindsay clements; lois lane
Jeni Wilson: l'Ete Dress or Baby Dots
Lindsay Lewis
Jeni Wilson: Subscribe
Lindsay Lewis: Button
Amy White
cats cradle fuchia
Lindsay Lewis: Bow Baby
Lindsay Lewis: Facebook Fan
Lee Bay: facebook fan
Tristan Jennings-Horsley
I want the Vanderbilt Dress
Amy White Subscibe
Lee Bay: button
Tristan Jennings-Horsley
I Subscribe!
Tristan Jennings-Horsley
I am a fan!
Tristan Jennings-Horsley
I have your button!
Stacy Palfreyman; subscribe
Julie Dansie
Stacy Palfreyman; Facebook Fan
Brookeh Call: Virgin Strawberry Daiquairi
Lee Bay: Virgin Strawberry Daiquairi
Nolan Harper
Natalie Elrod
Courtnie Cotterell: Bow Baby
Nolan Harper: Mediteranean
Courtnie Cotterell: Subscribe
Courtnie Cotterell: Fan
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