Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today we are Giving Away... (PRIZE CLAIMED)

A Photo By Emilie Photography Workbook

Do you ever look at other people’s photos and think, “How in the world did they capture that image so well?” Or see a photo that has been digitally touched-up and say to yourself, “How can I turn my photo into such a beautiful masterpiece?” All right, maybe you don’t use the word “masterpiece”, but you could. Because once you use Photo by Emilie’s photography workbook you can transform your dumpy old photos into masterpieces. It can be done, people. It can be done. And it can be done by YOU.

Whether you are a novice or seasoned photographer, professional photographer Emilie Decker of Photo by Emilie has created a Photography Workbook that will teach you how to go from auto to manual (this is the difference between point & hope and point & create); how to look at light when you walk onto a location and why every position is in relation to where light falls and doesn't fall; her top poses for newborns, kids, family and portraits; her favorite "take off 20 pounds" poses (I would buy the workbook just for those tips right there); and how she learned Photoshop (this one skill will take your photos from the dumpy to masterpiece scenario we mentioned earlier). Also, for those of you living in Utah, we have a special invitation for you from Photo by Emilie to attend her Photo by Emilie Photography Workshop:

When is it? - Saturday, May 30th, from 9-1 pm

Where will it be? - Noah's, in South Jordan, Utah .We'll be in their theater room (leather recliners - oh yeah!!)

How much will it cost - Tuition is $225

What does that include? - My 40 page workbook, a copy of my action set, a copy of my texture set & a coupon collection that includes a coupon for a 1/2 off sitting by Me:) (over $200 value)

What will I learn? – A LOT!!

Wanna little discount? Of course!! Until May 1st your tuition is just $169. Click here to purchase, or contact Emilie directly at emilie at photobyemilie dot com or 801.808.3669.

You can enter to win Photo by Emilie’s invaluable photography workbook up to THREE times today. And by the way, if you mention you saw Photo by Emilie on Give Away Today you can receive a 10% DISCOUNT off the purchase of a Photo By Emilie Workbook between now and May 1st. I would love one for me and for my sister Kris--she has just become interested in photography.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry please visit Photo by Emilie’s blog here. Check out some of Emilie's gorgeous photography. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the name of one of her blog posts.
Example: Jane Doe: Baby Rhodes (Is Baby Rhodes not the cutest? And I am not just saying that because he is my nephew :)

For a third entry tell us your first and last name and then describe a picture of you in which you are really happy. If you would like, add an attachment of the picture or post it on your blog and give us the url so we can see a happy you.
Example: Jane Doe: Happy Picture: I love a picture my husband took of me and my daughter one morning when we were lying in bed together snuggling.

The winner of the Photo by Emilie Photography Workbook will be announced Thursday, April 23rd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and HAPPY EARTH DAY!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1261   Newer›   Newest»
Lori said...

Lori Borrowman

Lori said...

Lori Borrowman Lasson Gals

Katie said...

Katie hatch

Lori said...

Lori Borrowman On vacation with my family in yellowstone.

Alisha said...

Alisha LeBaron

Gina said...

Gina Moretti

Katie said...

Katie Hatch -not sure if she has anymore of the ones with the apples that is posted on your blog. I looked at her etsy and didn't see it. Anything would be great though in size 3T Thanks!

Lualemaga's said...

Laurie Lualemaga: Lacey Senior pictures ST.George

Lualemaga's said...

Laurie Lualemaga: a picture of me pregnant with our daughter Kalala at the beach in cali for vacation. I love the ocean and I am super duper happy there

Heather said...

Heather Hemming

The Browers said...

Tanessa Brower: one of my favorite happy pictures is when I got to hold my little guy for the first time.

Tawnya said...

Tawnya Simpson

Fackrell Fam said...

Andrea Fackrell

CelebrateTheNest said...

Megan McGinity

Anonymous said...

Jill Swensen

Krista said...

Krista Hirschi: Baby Rhodes

Krista said...

Krista Hirschi: at the duck pond with my son

The Browers said...

Tanessa Brower:introducing the eye action. I also love all of the backdrops and textures behind Henry's senior pics.

Anonymous said...

Jill Swensen: Introducing the Eye Action

Anonymous said...

Jill Swensen: giggling on my honeymoon on the beach

Miller Time said...

Whitney Miller: Happy Picture: Me at a triathlon finish line with my husband and 2 boys

Cheryl said...

Cheryl Bowe: Love the picture of the mom holding her newborn and the sun shining thru the window behind them, so spiritual.

evitafjord said...

Dawn Young: Picture with my husband on the ride from the airport into NYC.

Rachelle said...

Rachelle Steed: Any of our vacation pictures!

Cheryl said...

Cheryl Bowe: I have an amazing picture of me snuggling my 3 month old at DisneyWorld, I'm glowing.

Courtnie said...

Courtnie Cotterell: Baby Rhodes

Susan said...

Susan LaMontagne ~ Lasson Gals

Courtnie said...

Courtnie Cotterell: The moment my oldest child was born and first placed in my arms.

Miller Time said...

Whitney Miller: Lasson Gals

Kelsey said...

Kelsey Hansen: Happy Easter Jones! It has one of the cutest pix ever.

Unknown said...

Collette Gerber - Murphy 8 months

Anonymous said...

Nicole Leonard

Juab High School 2002 said...

Micklena Frampton

Anonymous said...

Nicole Leonard: Luke, at 18 days still so tiny

Juab High School 2002 said...

Micklena Frampton: I LOVE the senior and baby announcements so bright and cheery :)

Susan said...

Susan LaMontagne ~ Our first family picture as a family holding our daughter for the first time. every time I look at it it makes me happy.

Sarah said...

Sarah Freeman

Sarah said...

Sarah Freeman: Lasson Gals

Alisha said...

Alisha LeBaron: Henri's Senior Portraits

Anonymous said...

Nicole Leonard: Last Friday when it was snowing and my kids were playing outside I caught a picture just as my son looked up, look of total joy on his face. And it was in focus!! It's so hard to get natural expressions of my 6yo.

Kendell's Crusaders said...

Jennifer Keyes: I'm happy in any of the pictures with my kids!

felicia said...

felicia voss: the pitchers pictures

Sarah said...

Sarah Freeman: A happy picture of my husband and me on the beach in Cabo San Lucas

Melinda said...

Melinda Rupp

Melinda said...

Melinda Rupp-Bitty Baby Bailey

steph.miles.miley said...

Stephanie Harrison : Introducing the eye action. I love the before and after pictures. There so cute and awesome

felicia said...

felicia voss: the self photo shoot my son and i did for my hubby's birthday makes me :)

Alisha said...

Alisha LeBaron: I love our most recent family picture. It reminds me of the things I love most, and Why I do what I do!

Frances said...

Frances Egbert

Lisa said...

Lisa Jarrett

Frances said...

Frances Egbert: My hubby and I in Disneyland. It's such a magical place and we feel so fun and young! It's like transforming back into a child with all the excitement and anticipation!

Pamela said...

Pamela Huffaker

Anonymous said...

Nichole Lee

Heather said...

Heather Long

Anonymous said...

Nichole Lee: here comes the eye action...totally useful info!

melanie said...

melanie kunz

steph.miles.miley said...

Stephanie Harrison : Happy Picture - After having my daughter, our first family photo in the hospital. I was so happy

michele said...

michele cutler

Anonymous said...

Debbie Gaffney

Anonymous said...

Nichole Lee: fav pic is me on my 29th birthday with a cake full of candles...the light is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Lisa Gaffney

Anonymous said...

Adam Hodges

Shanny said...

Shannon Blockburger: Happy Easter - Jones!!

Melinda said...

Melinda Rupp-one of our wedding pics of my husband kissing the top of my head.

evitafjord said...

Dawn Young: Bitty Baby Bailey

HappyHodges said...

Mindy Hodges; Introducing the Eye Action

Shanny said...

Shannon Blockburger: Happy Picture: Me watching my husband play with my daughter

Robert and Kristen said...

Kristen Crockett - Baby Rhodes

Anonymous said...

Debbie Gaffney; Tha Lasson Girls (what little cuties!)

Juab High School 2002 said...

Micklena Frampton: I love the pictures that my dad took of me and my family. Especially my bridals. I MISS HIM :)

Monica said...

Monica Gonzalez

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart: Introding the Eye Action

I really wanted to take her class...but I am busy that weekend. I've been begging Emelie to offer again!!!

ClancyPants said...

Clancy Passey: Introducing the Eye Action

Anonymous said...

Tessie Friedli

Kennell's said...

Raimey Kennell:Lasson Gals

Aundrea said...

Aundrea Kalauli

Monica said...

Monica Gonzalez: I really like a picture my roommates and I took together right before going to a homecoming dance.

ClancyPants said...

Clancy Passey: I love a picture of me when I was out with some girlfriends for a GNO.

Anonymous said...

Tessie Friedli: The Eye Action shot with the baby in the green hat...ADORABLE!

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart: my happiest day all year is my birthday (and maybe Christmas).

Angela said...

Angela Hagfeldt - Lasson gals.

Anonymous said...

Leslee Kitchen

Anonymous said...

Tessie Friedli: Our first family photo with my husband, my baby boy, and I.

Aundrea said...

Aundrea Kalauli: Introducing the Eye Action

Story of our Life said...

Gala Gardiner

Kjersten said...

Kjersten Vandenberghe: Lacey - Senior {St., George}

Aundrea said...

Aundrea Kalauli: family picture on the beach in Maui.

melanie said...

melanie kunz-vintage action

Melanie said...

Melanie Egbert

Kendal and Alissa said...

Alissa Blunck-Lasson Gals

Anonymous said...

Leslee Kitchen-Lacey-Senior(St. George)

melanie said...

melanie kunz-love one I took with my baby in a tutu and pearl necklace

Kendal and Alissa said...

Alissa Blunck-a picture of me, my husband and daughter on my birthday

natalie said...

natalie hunt

Anonymous said...

Adam Hodges; Baby Rhodes

EmileeHope said...

Emilee Turner

Adam Kunz said...

Adam Kunz

Anonymous said...

Lisa Gaffney; Murphy 8 months

Melanie said...

Melanie Egbert: Introducing the Eye Action

Angela said...

Angela Hagfeldt - Happy picture - the day we had our third son and it is our first family pic with all of our little boys.

Story of our Life said...

Gala Gardiner
Little Boy Darlings - Sept 08

Kennell's said...

Raimey Kennell: I LOVE this picture of my (then 6 month old Cooper, now 3 1/2 years!) son and I on a trip to San Francisco for my husband's Chiropractic seminar! I remember the day like it was yesterday, and LOVE that he started to crawl after we took that photo:)

Clare said...

Clare Snyder

EmileeHope said...

Emilee Turner: Introducing the Eye Action

Brittany Ann said...

Brittany Hansen.

Story of our Life said...

Gala Gardiner
I have several 'happy' moments. I would say a picture that truly shows 'fun and excitement' wouldbe the photo Ii took of myself and daughter at the Hannah Montana concert. We got VERY last minute tickets. It was soo fun.

Kjersten said...

Kjersten Vandenberghe: A picture of me and two of my girls snuggling

James Gardiner said...

James Gardiner

Annalee Taylor said...

Annalee Taylor

James Gardiner said...

James Gardiner
I loved all of the posts. My wife is just beginning to get into professional photography.

Annalee Taylor said...

Annalee Taylor; my favorite picture is of my husband holding my newborn son inside his coat on a cold fall day...priceless.

Brittany Ann said...

Brittany Hansen: Baby Rhodes. Such a cute post! Love the little feet and wedding reings picture.

Anonymous said...

Camille Brown

Christy said...

Christy Cain - Lasson Gals

Brittany Ann said...

Brittany Hansen: Our family pictures at Cherry Springs, it was peaceful, and beautiful, and fun.

Katy said...

katy m

Nielsen Family said...

Lacy Nielsen

Becky said...

Becky Fisher

Nielsen Family said...

Lacy Nielsen: Baby Rhodes

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Allen

Chantelle said...

Chantelle Bolinder

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Allen: vintage action

Nielsen Family said...

Lacy Nielsen: Happy Photo: The day my husband got home from Iraq

Becky said...

Becky Fisher Introducing the Eye Action

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Allen: happy picture: my and my baby all dressed up

Becky said...

Becky Fisher: a picture of my husband and I with our brand new son.

Chantelle said...

Chantelle Bolinder: Photo By Emilie Actions go on sale!!

Tiffany said...

tiffany idiart: lasson gals

Tiffany said...

tiffany idiart: On a recent date with my hubby

Deborah said...

Deborah Andreasen: eye action

Anonymous said...

Cheri Cooper

lacey said...

Lacey Fowler - Lasson Gals ... so cute

Amy said...

Amy M. WRight: Lasson Girls--I sure wish I could take portraits like that!

lacey said...

Lacey Fowler - the 1st picture taken of me holding my 1st baby, Kennedy. Such Joy.

Amy said...

Amy M. Wright: When my daughter was born...I love our first family photo

Deborah said...

Deborah Andreasen: I have a picture my hubby and I took while we were just dating. He hates pictures, but I lifted the camera and he snuggled closed to me and smiled. It's priceless.

Diana said...

Diana Meadows-Bitty Baby Bailey

jdavissquared said...

Jennifer Davis: Baby Rhodes (I really did look at it! He is so adorable!)

Danielle Michelle said...

Danielle McLeod

Danielle Michelle said...

Danielle McLeod: The senior picture layouts are FANTASTIC!!!

Anonymous said...

Annette Allan

Anonymous said...

Camille Brown: Lacey-Senior

jdavissquared said...

Jennifer Davis- I'm really happy in my wedding photos! My anniversary was yesterday, so the latest post on my blog has some photos from the wedding. Please visit!

Anonymous said...

Annette Allan - Mikel and Sarah - Happy Easter

Danielle Michelle said...

Danielle McLeod: Picture of myself on my horse after driving cattle - what makes the pic so special is that a newborn calf finally had it after the first mile and I'm carrying her across the front of my saddle. She was so tiny!!!
It's posted at - scroll down the page to The Week in Pictures post!

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt:lasson gals

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt:the birth of my kids

Viv Cabrera said...

Viv Cabrera

Anonymous said...

Annette Allan - one of my favorite photos is of me holding my newborn took me 10 years to get pregnant with him! (I am not on the computer where the photo is, so I can't upload it)

steph said...

stephanie pedersen

Hanson3 said...

Brittany Hanson : Hannah Banana, What a darling little girl, she is angelic

googlebug said...

Jeni Wilson: Lasson Gals

steph said...

stephanie pedersen : bitty baby bailey. love the one of her yawning!

Hanson3 said...

Brittany Hanson: One of my favorite pictures athe brings me happiness is one with my husband when we were dating, so young and in love.

steph said...

stephanie pedersen : a picture of my husband and i. we don't get many of those with me behind camera.

EmileeHope said...

Emilee Turner: I love pretty much every picture that is taken with my sisters. Since we are all best friends it is so great when all four of us are together and the pictures we take (we love getting pictures when we are together) are great reminders of all the fun we have when we are together.

Megan said...

Megan Hall: Introducing the Eye Action

googlebug said...

Jeni Wilson: Any pictures with my kids or in Lake Powell with my hubby. Pure happiness!

HappyHodges said...

Mindy Hodges: How could I not be happy and at peace in this picture I was soon expecting the biggest blessing in my life!... I put the picture as my blogger profile pic so you can see a happy pregnant me!

Crowntown said...

Krista Crown - introducing the eye action

Christina said...

christina wandry: my sweet nieces

Megan said...

Megan Hall: Mother's Day with the people who call me "Mommy".

Crowntown said...

Krista Crown - happy picture: my 9 month old learning to crawl reaching for her pacifier that was stratigically placed a few feet away.

Anonymous said...

Janet Holm

Christina said...

christina wandry: any of my maternity photos-i have had my husband take 3, 6, 9 month ones to see the changes. my latest photo (6 mos pregnant with #2) is at

The Ortons said...

crystal orton


Christy Gifford: All my wedding pictures or pictures with my son. Family brings me happiness!

The Ortons said...

Crystal Orton-A picture I have with my husband and I on the beach

HO said...

Heather Oleksy


Christy Gifford:introducing the eye action

Anonymous said...

Brenda Finlinson

Anonymous said...

Ian Finlinson

Anonymous said...

Fern Evans

Anonymous said...

Chalisa Wursten

Tara said...

Taralyn Parker: Introducing the Eye Action

HO said...

Heather Oleksy: Photo By Emilie Photography Workshops

Tara said...

Taralyn Parker: Me holding my two day old daughter and looking down into her sweet face ... ahhh contentment!

Jana said...

Jana Colton: Lasson Gals

Googs said...

Ginger Gugelman

Penradicals said...

Stephanie Penrod

Amanda said...

Amanda Cosper

HO said...

Heather Oleksy: I love my childrens first ever picture after they were born.

Anonymous said...

Curtis Cosper

Joaniebolognie said...

Joan Umano

Kelly said...

Kelly Stewart: Henri's Senior Portraits

Jana said...

Jana Colton: A photo of me holding my newborn baby

Amanda B said...

Amanda Baker

Anonymous said...

Chalisa Wursten: Lacey Senior Photos

Kelly said...

Kelly Stewart: Picture with my little sister just after she is sealed in the the Timp. Temple.

Parkside View said...

Amber Park: Introducing the eye action (and the photograph in the sidebar button for the baby announcement!)

Amanda said...

Amanda Cosper: Surgery #3

Bethany said...

Bethany Kestner-I love a photo my mom took of my sister and I at the beach the summer before she left for college. Good memories.

Amanda B said...

Amanda Baker: A picture of me and my family right after I had given birth to my son. It was a great day.

Anonymous said...

Chalisa Wursten: My Husband took a photo of my looking at the ocean in Cancun.

Anonymous said...

Curtis Cosper: The Giles

Penradicals said...

Stephanie Penrod: introducing the eye action

Lisa said...

Lisa Olsen-- Introducing the eye action (Wow!!!) I would love to learn that.

The Quintana Family said...

Angela Quintana: Lasson Gals

Suzy said...

Suzanne Taylor

Penradicals said...

Stephanie Penrod: a picture of my husband and I on our last cruise

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