One Winner's Choice of any Flower Brooch or Hair Accessory from Deciduous Soul
Ellene McClay, the designer for Deciduous Soul, believes in the sentimental quality of a piece of clothing or jewelry. These personal objects can hold special memories from events in our lives.
Ellene grew up having to be resourceful and this has shaped her aesthetic as well as forged her creative spirit. Her hands are never happier than when they are making something. It still amazes her how a piece of fabric can become something useful as well as beautiful. Ellene has always been an entrepreneur and she loves the design process. Her goal is to make beautiful things that express the true beauty of the wearer. She specializes in clothing and flower accessories for women.
Ellene grew up having to be resourceful and this has shaped her aesthetic as well as forged her creative spirit. Her hands are never happier than when they are making something. It still amazes her how a piece of fabric can become something useful as well as beautiful. Ellene has always been an entrepreneur and she loves the design process. Her goal is to make beautiful things that express the true beauty of the wearer. She specializes in clothing and flower accessories for women.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry please visit Deciduous Soul's online shoppe here. Look at all of their great items. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the product you would like if you win.
Example: Jane Doe: Duchess Neck Flower Corage--this piece is so beautiful
For a third entry, become a fan of Give Away Today on Facebook here. Once you become a fan, or if you have already become a fan in the past you receive a fourth entry. In a NEW comment type first your first and last name and "Facebook Fan".
Example: Jane Doe: Facebook Fan
Example: Jane Doe: Facebook Fan
The winner of the product of their choice from Deciduous Soul will be announced tomorrow, Wednesday June 10th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and we'll see you tomorrow!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1144 Newer› Newest»Lori Allred: Facebook Fan
Sara Grant: vintage garden flower corsage brooch
Sara Grant: Facebook fan
Amanda Hawkins
Elizabeth Olson: facebook fan
kishell olsen
Amanda Hawkins: Pristine waist flower pin
Elizabeth Olson: pristine waist flower corsage or hair clip. Love it!
heidi snyder
Michael Davis
Megan Hall: souq. necklace.
Michael Davis: vintage garden flower (for my wife)
Megan Hall: Facebook Fan
laurie allred
Jenna Pitt
Dani Staeb, the ristine waist corsage or hair clip is so beautiful!
Dani Staeb, Facebook Fan
Shawn Herzog
Jenna Pitt: Vanilla Flower Brooch!
Jenna Pitt: Facebook Fan
Erin Poulsen : vanilla flower
Kristi Richmond: Facebook Fan
Kendahl Andrade: vanilla flower brooch
Tori Andersen
Tori Anderse - Duchess Neck Flower Corage
Andrea Wardle
Andrea Wardle. Sweet Bird Necklace
Lori Keller
Lori Keller...Vintage Garden corsage brooch
Amanda Davis
Amanda Davis: Vintage Garden Flower
Amanda Davis: FAcebook Fan
Kristi Richmond: Old colony necklace
Sommer Curtis: espresso flower brooch
Rhonda Miller: Vanilla Flower Brooch
Rhonda Miller: Facebook fan
Brittany Davis - vintage garden. flower corsage brooch.
Ashlee Smith
Ashlee Smith: old colony necklace
Stacey Fiessinger
Stacey Fiessinger: violet waist, neck or hair
Jessica Hall: Vintage Garden Flower Corsage Brooch- Love it!@
Jill Swensen
Jill Swensen: Vanilla Flower Brooch
Lea Tame= old colony necklace
Donna Mangelson - vanilla flower broche
Donna Mangelson - facebook fan
Amber Tracy: Vintage locket necklace
Aspen Casper: butterfly garden wrap skirt
Cori Platt
cristy montgomery
Allison Bench
Allison Bench: vanilla. flower brooch.
Allison Bench: Facebook Fan!!
Ashlie Cowley
Lori Young
Heather Lamont
Angie Liddiard
Trinette Hayslip-facebook fan
Dyana Whiteley
Claire Evenson
Ashlie Cowley: dottie. wrap skirt.
Trinette Hayslip-waist flower corsage or hair clip.
Angie Liddiard - Stormy Weather Flower
Zoe Long
Alli Owens
Cori Platt: Stormy Weather flower brooch
Angie Liddiard - Facebook Fan
Christi Higham: Facebook Fan
Lyndsey Anderson
zoe long vanilla flower brooch
Melissa Williamson
Christi Higham: Love me 3 times waist/neck brooch flower corsage
Dacia Brewer
Lindsey Hubert
Nicole Hadley
Rachel Miller
Lis southam
Lindsey Hubert: Noir Wristcuff
ashley dawson
Jessica Sims
Jonelle Morris: I love the wrap skirt
Kassi Udy
Jana Hershberger Subscribed
Kalli Reese: cherish. vintage locket necklace
Kassi Udy
michelle nowels
Nicole Hadley - Autum Ruffle Skirt - Oh that is terrific!
Amanda Brown
kathy mcdonald
ashley dawson: noir love letter. flower corsage brooch.
Marci Smith
Shelley Cundick
ashley dawson: facebook fan
Micah Bulloch
Kathy McDonald under the shady tree necklace
Kathy McDonald facebook fan
Ashley Alder
Codi Hansen
Rachel Miller - dottie. wrap skirt. adjustable - I love tihs piece, it will go with everything, and for every occasion!
Rachael Henderson
I could use that!!!! Thanks
Lis Southam
Ashley Alder: facebook fan
Codi Hansen: duchess. neck flower corsage
Brooke Alder: Love letter flower
Lindsay Petersen
How beautiful! I want it! :o)
Ashley Lown
Cindy Jaramillo
Ashley Alder: a broach
Cathy Wall
Cindy Jaramillo - Bohemian Cotton Dress
Cindy Jaramillo - facebook Fan
Rachael Henderson: facebook fan
Love it!
Lindsay Petersen: Facebook fan
Great things! Love it!
Lyndsey Anderson: under the shade tree, necklace.
Joni Fry
Karen Pew
Rhonda Miller: pristine. waist flower corsage or hair clip
Tammy Anderson
Amy Christensen
Rhonda Miller: facebook fan
Angela Miles: Laceleaf landscape necklace or scarlet necklace, or
Lindsay Petersen
Marci Smith
Rachel Miller: Facebook Fan
Julie Ward
I love this!
Cami Armantrout, butterfly garden wrap skirt
Mandi Archibald
Julie WArd
Wrap skirt
Julie Ward
Cami Armantrout, facebook fan
Lyndsey Anderson: Facebook Fan
Lauren Packard: pristine. waist flower corsage or hair clip.
Lauren Packard: Fan
Bridget Wintle
Jatanna Williams
Bridget Wintle: missing you necklace
Amanda Stubbs
Amanda Stubbs - latte. flower brooch
Jennifer Selleneit
Julia Hess
Lexie Ward
Kristin Van Leuven
Rachel Hunsaker
Julia Hess
love to have this one for my baby
Rachel Hunsaker: Bohemian cotton dress. Cute and comfy for summer!
Amanda Stubbs Facebook fan
Rachel Hunsaker: Facebook fan
Brenda Travassos
Kristin Van Leuven: Vintage Garden flower brooch
Jennie Peterson
Kristy Black
Kristin Van Leuven: Facebook Fan
carrie ovard crimson flower
carrie ovard - face book fan
Samantha Tilton
Liz Hankins
Brenda Travassos - Duchess Neck broach... so beautiful.
Caleen Boyter
linda greer
Caleen Boyter- vintage garden flower corsage brooch
linda Greer
I need this
Brenda Travassos- Facebook fan
Jeanine Crane: butterfly garden. wrap skirt. adjustable
Beth Jensen: Facebook Fan
Liz Hankins: vanilla flower brooch... beautiful!
Jonelle Morris: facebook fan
How beautiful is this? It is a great item that I would be proud to wear!
Micah Bulloch bohemin cotton dress medium, so cute
Kristy Black-Bohemian Cotton Dress
Liz Hankins: Facebook fan!
Micah Bulloch facebook fan
Beth Jensen: pristine. waist flower corsage or hair clip
Jeanine Crane: facebook fan
Camrin Beard
Candace Whatcott
Kellie Jorgensen: old colony. necklace
Kellie Jorgensen: Facebook Fan
Teri Parsons
Teri Parsons - marrakesh necklace
Mindi Hettinger
Heidi Needles
Jaclyn Knight
Tiffanie Feher: facebook fan
Jaclyn Knight Vintage locket necklace
Theresa Rosenthal
Natalie Mitchell
Natalie Mitchell
Theresa Rosenthal-laceleaf landscape. necklace-This is an adorable neclace i love how unique it is.
Natalie Mitchell
kathy gregory
Theresa Rosenthal:Facebook Fan
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