Four Tickets to Any Bees Game During the Month of June or July
The Salt Lake Bees are a Triple A Affiliate of the LA Angels. The Salt Lake Bee's motto is "Classic Baseball and Family Fun".
DISCOUNT: You can receive up to 20% off of any of the Salt Lake Bees' games between now September 7th by calling our friend Dustin at 801-325-7212. Feel free to contact Dustin for all Energy Solutions Arena Events. He is so friendly and he can give you a discount!
You can enter to win the four tickets to any Bees games during the month of June of July (excluding firework games) up to THREE times today.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry please tell us your first and last name and a professional sporting event you have attended.
Example: Jane Doe: We went to a professional soccer game in Germany--amazing!!
Example: Jane Doe: We went to a professional soccer game in Germany--amazing!!
For a third entry add Give Away Today’s button to your blog or website. To do so, go here. Once you add it, or if it is already on there, you get a third entry. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Button"
Example: Jane Doe: Button
The winner of the four tickets to a Salt Lake Bees game will be announced tomorrow, Wednesday June 10th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and we'll see you tomorrow!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 988 Newer› Newest»Marvelle Morgan: San Francisco 49ers football game
linda greer
Sue Mickelson - Lots and lots in Cleveland. Indians, Browns and Cavs games. Detroit Red Wings game in Detroit. A bunch of Jazz games in SLC. Diamondbacks games in Phoenix.
Natalie Mitchell
Stacy Oaks:Denver Broncos Game!
Brenda Childs Button
Andrea Deus
Emily Aldrich
Andrea Deus - We love the Jazz!
Stacy Oaks-Button
Jessica Madsen
Michelle Hartshorn
Amanda Hansen
cherlyn liechty
cherlyn liechty- jazz
Amanda Hansen: I went to a professional baseball game in Anaheim, CA.
Michelle Hartshorn: basketball game
Heather Gouge
Chacoy Aguayo
Jeanine Crane: my husband and I went down to a Rangers game last fall... it was a blast!
Jeanine Crane: button
Pamela Morton
Dana Howland
Pamela Morton
Utah Jazz game!!
Susan Milne
Pamela Morton
Allison Cooper-A's game.
Alysa Hart
Susan Milne: I went to a jazz game. I love to watch them
Alysa Hart: went to a BEE game last week! It was my first ever and I want to go again!
Brandi Kingsbury
Brandon Black
Brandon Black
Brandi Kingsbury: We often attend the Jazz games!!
Brandon Black
Jaime McMurry: The Bees! But actually, when they were the Buzz
Monica Gonzalez
Monica Gonzalez: when I was a kid I went to a San Antonio Missions game.
Nicole Bolke
Natalie Burdick- My family went to a professional soccer game it was so much fun.
Linda Brown
stephanie barney
kim wilson; went to a hockey game.
stephanie barney: Tampa bay buckaneers football game
Bonnie Holley
Bonnie Holley: It has been a long time since i've been to a professional sporting event. Probably the Jazz!
Barbara Mitchell
Andrea Fernelius We went to denver and saw a baseball game
Barbara Mitchell
Andrea Fernelius
Arin Lords
mariners baseball game
erika radford
Barbara Mitchell
Lisa Riches
Laura Jamison
Laura Jamison- Utah Jazz! WaHoo!
Arin Lords
got button on my blog
Sarah Whitaker
Jeanie Bigham
Racquel Stallings: Dodgers baseball game in Cali, amazing!
Sarah Whitaker: not any professional games, but lots of college baseball, football, etc. :)
Jeanie Bigham- I've been to the Milwaukee Brewers game
jenny finlinson: button
jen Bollschweiler
Jenn Snow
Jen Bollschweiler: Arizona diomandbacks game.
Jenn Snow: I have only been to a Jazz game, years ago!
Ora Bridges
Jennifer LaMont
Jennifer LaMont: We like to go the Bees games.
Amy Horsburgh- button
Amy Horsburgh- Big A's fan, so we went to a game several years ago
Bridget Jensen
Holly Smith
Melanie Nelson: The only pro sporting event we've attended is a basketball game. Go Jazz!
Holly Smith - Denver Broncos football game
Jori Thomas
Bethany Kestner - I've been to a couple of Grizzley's games, but that's it!
Jori Thomas: Real Game
Bethany kestner - button
Jori Thomas: button
amy farr
amy farr- dodgers game
amy farr- button
Beth Foust
Kara Jensen
Kara Jensen- We have friends that have season tickets to the Jazz (10th row) and we are able to go to a few of the games. Very awesome!!
Bryndee Slade
BRiann Neeley
Briann Neeley: We have gone to a Jazz game and SLC Real game, so fun!
Briann Neeley: button
Kim Bailey
Kim Bailey: professional baseball game in Arizona with friends, so much fun.
Shalane Hague
Shalane Hague - a few Jazz games
Kylie Edgerly
Kylie Edgerly. Jazz game, GO JAZZ!!!
Sarah Sargent: Button
Sarah Sargent: We're a HUGE sports family, we go to tons of Bees, Jazz, and Real games as well as I've been to a Mariners game, a Cubs game, and an A's game. Love it!
Linsey Gines
Linsey Gines: I have attended many Jazz Games
Shanda Nuila: Red Sox game last friday at Fenway
Chelsea Forsythe: My first date with my husband was to a Jazz vs Lakers Game. He was a Jazz fan and I was for the Lakers!
Jana Stevens: Utah blaze game
Chelsea Forsythe: Button
Ashley Keith: Utah Jazz!!!
denise ramsay
Denise Ramsay - I've been to many professional baseball games. Most of the time that is what our family trip is planned around. I have also been to a Jazz game.
Susan Beecher I went to a ARizona Diamondback's game 5 months pregnant and got hit with the ball.
allesha rasmussen
allesha rasmussen: winter olympics
Jamie Garner - been to a Jazz game - big fan!
Jessica Randall
Greg Horne
Kathy Randall
Kassandra Namba: Went to an A's game in CA
Melina Moore
Melina Moore-we've been to Jazz games and really enjoyed them
Ellen Linford: Button
Kristen Merrill
Ilene Hacker - pick me!
LeAnn Hammond
Brooke Kynaston
Brooke Kynaston: New York Mets Baseball Game!
Sadie Matthews
Shawn Hammond
Larry Hammond
Alisha Mears: button
Lori Black
Lori Black-We went to the Angels game in California. Veryyyy Cool!
Brooke Kynaston:Button
Kelly Almond
Ian Finlinson
Fern Evans
Brenda Finlinson - Went to an NHL Washington Caps hockey.
Marcy Johnson- Dodgers baseball gami in califonia and it was awesome!
Lisa Topham
Lisa Topham Utah Jazz Games
Chelsea Anderson
Chelsea Anderson: salt lake bees of coarse!
melanie kunz
Dani Grudzinski
Lisa Boshell: Go Jazz!
Alisha LeBaron: The biggest sporting event I have ever been to, is the Real salt lake soccer game. I love watching sports.
Michelle Orme White
MIchelle ORme White: We saw the Arizona Diamond Back's get their world series rings.
Paige Erickson
Holly Meadows
Holly Meadows - Colorado Rockies
Amber Park: Jazz game
Kerstin Sainsbury
Heather Jacobson
Jeni Wilson: Love going to Utah Jazz games!
Laura Preece
Natalie Holbrook
Natalie Holbrook: NY Yankees game!
Laura Preece: We went to denver a few weeks ago and saw the Rockies and the Padres play. It was so much fun.
Kaylee Nielson
Amy Bethers: ICe Skating
Heather Haslam
Amy Bethers: button
Heather Haslam ~ Seattle Mariners on a beautiful summer day in Washington, magical!!
Jennifer Thomson
Mollie Farnsworth: I've been to see the Jazz a few times with my hubby:o)
Stephanie Hendrickson
Stephanie Hendrickson: Button
Holly Rader: Atlanta Braves Baseball game
Holly Rader: button
Alexie Baugh: My dad is a HUGE baseball fan. I think my first professional sporting event was SF Giants (I was about 10) with my dad.
Martha Ericson
Jennie Davis: the Utah Jazz vs. the bulls in '96 or '97!
Rachel Chamberlain: I LOVE baseball, and my favorite is going to see the Astros play at Minute Maid Park
Rachel Chamberlian: button
Jinii Boren:button
Martha Ericson- We went to a Padres game in Jack Murphy Stadium in San Deigo
Nichole Walker: I went to a Yankee's game at Yankee stadium. Loved it!
Kim Howell
Laura Dieckmann - professional soccer in Portugal, what a game!
Laura Dieckmann- button on blog
Anna McDonald
Anna McDonald: Mariners game!
Anna McDonald: button
Carole Nicholas
Carole Nicholas - looks like fun!
Steffanie Lewis
Robyn Davies
Robyn Davies: JAZZ games are one of our families favorite outings!
Steffanie Lewis: I haven't been to anything professional, but I love to watch sports!
Chelsee Bendtsen
Chelsee Bendtsen: Chargers Game in San Diego
Chelsee Bendtsen: Button
Jamie Monroe- Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park!
Tiffini Simmons
Kelly Kunz
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