Pink Daffodil Photography is Giving Away a Custom Family Portrait Package
Erin Gadd, the very talented photogrpaher behind Pink Daffodil Photography specializes in all types of photography because she loves life in general. Erin knows each moment counts and needs to be remembered. She believe Sarah McLachlan said it best, “It’s not that unusual, when everything is beautiful; it’s just another ordinary miracle today.” Erin Gadd of Pink Daffodil Photography would love to capture your ordinary miracles!! And you should let her, because her photography is stunning. Don't you want to remember your little one just after he or she became a little miracle in your life:
Erin Gadd, the very talented photogrpaher behind Pink Daffodil Photography specializes in all types of photography because she loves life in general. Erin knows each moment counts and needs to be remembered. She believe Sarah McLachlan said it best, “It’s not that unusual, when everything is beautiful; it’s just another ordinary miracle today.” Erin Gadd of Pink Daffodil Photography would love to capture your ordinary miracles!! And you should let her, because her photography is stunning. Don't you want to remember your little one just after he or she became a little miracle in your life:
Photos are the best way to capture the special moments of your life. Because honestly, that is just what they are, moments, they will not last forever.
Today Pink Daffodil Photography is giving away a Custom Family Portrait Session which will allow you to capture this special moment of your life. The Custom Family Portrait Session includes a 90-minute on location portrait session, an online gallery, and a CD with the full resolution digital negatives from your session! You will share the copyright so you can print wherever you would like! (I highlighted that part because it is huge.) This is valued at $320. Session needs to be completed before August 31, 2009. Pink Daffodil Photography is located in Utah, but the package is transferable, so even if you do not live in Utah you can still enter to win and give it to someone you know who lives in Utah or travel to Utah to use it yourself.
Pink Daffodil Photography is also offering a 10% DISCOUNT on all family, newborn, maternity, bridal, engagement, senior and children portrait packages for Give Away Today readers. To receive the discount, let them know Give Away Today sent you. You need to schedule by June 30, 2009. The first five sessions booked will also receive a free 8x10.
You can enter to win the Custom Family Portrait Package up to THREE times today. For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry please visit Pink Daffodil Photography here. Look at their beautiful photography and become a follower of their blog. Once you have done this, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Follower".
Example: Jane Doe: Follower
For a third entry, become a fan of Pink Daffodil Photography's Facebook page here. Then come back to Give Away Today, tell us your first and last name and Fan.
Example: Jane Doe: Fan
The winner of the Photography Package from Pink Daffodil Photography will be announced Monday, June 8th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and we’ll see you Monday! Be sure to have a safe and happy weekend!
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I just wanted to say that your photography is just beautiful. I can not wait until we have a chance for yo to photograph our family.
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