TWO $20.00 Gift Certificates
Founded in 1886, Avon Products, Inc. (Avon) is the world’s largest direct seller of beauty and beauty-related products. Avon's support of women encompasses all aspects of personal care, including beauty, wellness, health and fitness, as well as economic empowerment and financial independence. To remain at the forefront of the highly competitive beauty industry, Avon constantly develops quality, effective and affordable breakthrough products that cater to the needs of their customers.
Founded in 1886, Avon Products, Inc. (Avon) is the world’s largest direct seller of beauty and beauty-related products. Avon's support of women encompasses all aspects of personal care, including beauty, wellness, health and fitness, as well as economic empowerment and financial independence. To remain at the forefront of the highly competitive beauty industry, Avon constantly develops quality, effective and affordable breakthrough products that cater to the needs of their customers.
Here is just a small sample of some of the wonderful products you can purchase from Avon's Consultant Beth Jensen:

Very Stylish!

Very Smooth!

Very Needed!

Very Fun!
And now, Beth Jensen has a gift for you- FREE SHIPPING! For anyone who orders today, use the code FSWER and get free shipping- thanks, Beth!
Today Avon Consultant Beth Jensen would like to offer TWO $20 Gift Certificates to the readers of Give Away Today. You can enter to win one of the gift certificates up to FOUR times. This giveaway is open to those living in the U.S.A.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Beth Jensen's Avon website here. Browse around and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would get if you win the $20 gift certificate.
Example: Jane Doe: I would like to try their Superlicious Mascara (only $4.99) and some of their Glazewear LipGloss (only $2.99) and their Moisturize Therapy Intensive Big Deal
For a third entry, become a Facebook Fan of Give Away today here. Once you have become a fan or if you are already a fan, you receive a second entry.
Example: Jane Doe: Facebook Fan
For a fourth entry, become a Follower of Give Away Today on the right-hand sidebar. Once you follow, or if you are already a follower, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and “follower”.
Example: Jane Doe: Follower
The winners of the gift certificates from Avon will be announced Monday, September 21st. Please visit us then to see if you are one of our winners and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and have a Fabulous weekend!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 889 Newer› Newest»Kay Heitfeld
Kay Heitfeld: Facebook Fan (Why am I up right now?)
Chantel Giblette
Chantel giblette: facebook fan
Chantel Giblette: follower
Chantel Giblette: I would probaly try some of avon's skincare products :)
diane woodward
Julia Wright
Kendra Goodrich
Jandi Dean
Jandi Dean: Facebook Fan
Rachael Gapinski
Andrea fernelius
andrea fernelius
andrea fernelius
I love love love the mineral makeup~! It does not feel heavy on your face.
Mitzi Robinson
Mitzi Robinson: Facebook Fan
Mitzi Robinson: Follower
Lauri Andrus
Lauri Andrus follower
Lauri Andrus fan
Lauri Andrus The avon link isnt working for me???
Mitzi Robinson: I'd get one of their handbag organizers and then the Lavendar & Chamomile body spray and the Coconut & Lemongrass Body Spray
Andrea Wilkinson
Andrea Wilkinson: facebook fan
Erika Pratt:follower
Erika Pratt
Julie Christofferson - follower
Julie Christofferson - Facebook Fan
Julie Christofferson
jakell meckley
jakell meckley: facebook fan
jakell meckley: follower
A Brunson
malinda murray
malinda murray :facebook fan
Nicole Carr
Nicole Carr- Fan
Nicole Carr- I would try some of the spa line
Becca Stephenson
Karen Cochran
Stacy Compton
Stacy Compton: Facebook fan
Stacy Compton: I would probably stock up on some mineralmakeup.
Stacy Compton : follower
JoAnne Lamoreaux
genevieve curtis
genevieve curtis: follower
Jamie Shaw
Katie Harrison
Katie Harrison: follower
Katie Harrison: I am having breakouts lately, so I'd love to try the ClearSkin line of products.
Emma Brady
Emma Brady: Follower
Emma Brady: the shiny disco ring and Lorena Initial Bracelet
Erica Robertson
Jill Greenwood
Geri Smith
Jill Greenwood: Follower
Geri Smith-facebook fan
Amber Brueseke: Follow
Amber Brueseke: Facebook Fan
Amber Brueseke: Lipgloss, lipgloss, lipgloss! Love that stuff!
Chad Higgins
Chad Higgins: My wife says the Avon link isn't working, but that the Foot Works picture looks like fun.
Chad Higgins: Follower
Karen Mwins
Amber Higgins
Ann Smith
Kati Mattingly
Ann Smith - follower
Amber Higgins: The Avon link isn't working for me... Anyone else? But, the Foot Works picture looks like fun!
Ann Smith - I would love to try some of the Anew anti aging products. I've heard they really work and since I just turned 40 I probably need them!!!!
Jessica HOlloway
Jessica Holloway, facebook fan
Stacy Palfreyman
Ashley Lown
Ashley Lown - the glazewear lipgloss looks so soft
Ashley Lown - follower
Ashley Lown - fan
rachel shelley
Micah Bulloch
Micah Bulloch- any of the foot works would be great
Micah Bulloch-facebook fan
Micah Bulloch-subscribe
Denise Paul
Denise Paul. Facebook Fan. :)
Denise Paul. Follower.
stephanie minielli
JEanne Garner:facebook fan
JEanne Garner: follower
karley simmons : facebook fan
karley simmons : follower
karley simmons
stephanie minielli - lotions and sprays :)
stephanie minielli - facebook fan
stephanie minielli - follower
karley simmons : I would stock up on the moisture therapy, seriously its the best ever, the only thing that doesn't sting when my hands get dry and cracked, love it!
Brittney Johnson
Brittney Johnson: follower
Jeanne Garner: I would getthe four piece eye big deal and things for my girls.
Abie Mohn
Kristen Stabler - Facebook fan
Kristen Stabler - follower
suanne li
suanne li: facebook fan
Jamie Hyde: I would get the mascara.
Ireta Jensen
Jamie Hyde: facebook fan
WendiLyn Jensen
Jennifer MAtthews
Kristen Stabler - I would probably get some facial cleanser
suanne li: the link is broen to the avon site, but i found it anyway. I would use the gift certificate to buy waterproof mascara, ideal shade loose powder or smooth minerals foundation!
suanne li: i follow you :)
Lori Twitchell: I am a fan of all the foot creams.
Lori Twitchell: facebook fan
Stephanie Bladen
Whitney Ricks: Some skincare products!
emily Plane
Whitney Ricks: Facebook fan
Dominique Duguay
Dominique Duguay follower
Jennye Harding
Jennye Harding: facebook fan
Danae Curtis
Summer Andrus
Summer Andrus - Facebook Fan
Danae Curtis: Facebook fan!
Summer Andrus - Follower
Danae Curtis: Follower
Summer Andrus - I'd love to try any lip products or skin care products.
Stacy Palfreyman; Follower
Stacy Palfreyman; I love that studded bucket bag!
Marvelle Morgan: couldn't get the link to work but I would spend the gift certificate on foot care products!
Kim Lambert.
Kim Lambert. I totally need any type of moisterizer!
Kim Lambert. Follower!
Britney Young: I would try some of the spa line!!
Janelle dudley: facebook fan
janelle dudley; follower
Jessica Carney
camille rogers
Dawn Polson: either some lip gloss or some of the foot works products
Dawn Polson: facebook fan
Dawn Polson: follower
karen andrews I would love some lip gloss along with some lotion and foot care products.
karen andrews facebook fan
karen andrews follower
Tina Hopf
Kim Howell
Kim Howell
Tina Hopf: I would get some kids products to use as stocking stuffers this Christmas.
Laurie Underwood: I'd like to try some of the new mineral makeup.
Laurie Underwood: facebook fan
Laurie Underwood: follower
Mary Jo Baird would love to win these certificates! I would love to have the new resurfacing products!
Janae Bang
Laura Wilkinson: FB fan!
Laura Wilkinson: follower
Laura Degen
Mary Jo Baird
Lisa Boshell: Facebook fan
Megan Hall: I would love to try one of the pairs of Curves toning shoes.
Tara Rogers
Elizabeth kelemen
Jessica Hansen: facebook fan
Jessica Hansen: follower
Jeanette Allday: follower
Jeanette Allday: Couldn't get the link to work, but I know avon well and love it! I would probably get something from the Skin so soft (pink) line
susan smoaks: ANEW REVERSALIST Power Duo
susan smoaks: facebook fan
tony l smoaks
sandy du patrick dempseys cologne
mika martinez
susan smoaks: follower
sandy du follower
Trisha Bracken
Lacey Wilson the body wash is my fav.
Leslee Kitchen
ELizabeth Kelemen: I'd get a breast cancer charm bracelet and the cuff cuture bracelet!
Debbie WEaver
Elizabeth kelemen: facebook fan!
Elizabeth Kelemen: follower!
janelle dudley:Silvertone Link Pendant Necklace and some mascara
AmandaSue Hurray
ALison Jennings: Facebook fan
Kim Tomsick
Sarah Matheson: Facebook Fan
Sarah Matheson: Follower
tracey braithwaite
Shannon Hagedorn
tracey braithwaite-mascara
Kim Tomsick: I would buy the Watermelon 6-piece big deal. LOVE giving myself pedis.
tracey braithwaite-follower
AmandaSue Hurray: I'd try the Bright Lights Shadow Stix in Pink Pop, The Sparkle Eyeshadow Stick in Sorbet and Sky Lights and the Speed Dry Nail Enamel in Carnival.
AmandaSue Hurray: Follower
Merideth Tipps: Facebook Fan
Merideth Tipps: Follower
Leslie Bloomquist
Traci Bird: I would get some Glazewear and some Bubble Bath!
Traci Bird: follower
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