Gorgeous Prints for your Home or Office
Have you ever been to Brazil? I have not. But I have friends and family members who have (in fact, some have even lived there) and they tell me that Brazil is beautiful. And judging from photographer Natalia Valle's gorgeous prints--I would have to whole-heartedly agree.
"Summer Days"

Photovalle, which is located in Rio de Janeiro, has an online shop where you can find beautiful images by the award-winning photographer Natalia Valle. They sell art - professionally printed photos - at affordable prices (ranging from R$ 6 - R$ 25). Their images are printed by a professional photo lab on archival paper and are shipped in protective packaging.
Allow me to show you a few more of my favorites. I can imagine these prints hanging in various places throughout my home.
For my boys' room. Because little boys love to dream:

For my room. Because we just redecorated using bright colors:

For our Pool House. Oh yeah, we don't have a pool house or a pool. So I'd put it in my Bonus Room. Because doesn't that just look nice and refreshing? It makes me want to sit back and take it easy:

For my future office. Because it is called "Keeping Balance". What more do I need to say?

And did you happen to see the first image in the post entitled "Slow Dance". I believe this would be a beautiful print to adorn any dancer's room (in my case, that would be my daughters' room).
There are so many lovely prints from which you can choose from Photovalle. And with the purchase of any of those prints comes a lovely FREE GIFT. Between September 15th - September 20th, those who buy any 8x10 print will receive a free 6x8 of choice. All you need to do is enter the code *Give Away Today* plus *name of the print* you want, on the "message to seller" at check out.
Today Photovalle would like to give away two prints, a 8x10 for the first winner and a 6x8 for the second one. The winners will be able to choose the print they would like. As a third giveaway, Photovalle is giving away their "Panda Set", which includes three 4x6 prints. You can enter to win up to FOUR times today. This giveaway is open to anyone who visits Give Away Today, so that would be YOU.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Photovalle's online store here. Look at all of their amazing prints and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the print you would like if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: Slow Dance
For a third entry, we appreciate you for visiting Give Away Today. If you entered at least three separate giveaways last week, you receive a third entry. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the words "Three"
Example: Jane Doe: Three
For a fourth entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and a cool place you have visited or lived.
Example: Jane Doe: I lived on the island of Tonga for three months. Absolutely gorgeous! I saw the latest "Survivor" was filmed on the island of Samoa, which is Tonga's neighbor, of sorts.
The winners of the prints from Photovalle will be announced tomorrow Wednesday, September 16th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and we'll see you tomorrow!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 790 Newer› Newest»Chacoy Aguayo
Chacoy Aguayo: Volume that is too cute for my sons room.
Chacoy Aguayo: three
Jaclyn Dennett
Chacoy Aguayo: It would definately have to be Disney Land.
Jaclyn Dennett: Love the "Dreams" photo. So relaxing...
Jaclyn Dennett:
Sarah Osborne
Sarah Osborne: three
Sarah Osborne: I lived in Jerusalem on a study abroad for 4 months. We also visited Egypt, Jordan, and Galilee...gorgeous!
Sarah Osborne: I love "Summer Days!"
Jaclyn Dennett: Visited Lake Tahoe last year. Such a beautiful place... would be a great place to take some awesome pictures!!
Amy Pugmire
Amy Pugmire: brand new day
Amy Pugmire: three
Amy Pugmire: sau palo brazil
Leslee Williamsen
Leslee Williamsen, I have been to Brazil and I love the Summer Days print.
Leslee Williamsen Three
Leslee Williamsen Visited Sao Paulo Brazil for 10 days 3 years ago. The country side and beaches are breath taking. Not to mention the beautiful water falls in the mountains!
Mitzi Robinson
Mitzi Robinson: "Underwater" What a pretty shade of blue.
Mitzi Robinson: Three
Mitzi Robinson - I lived in Argentina for nearly a year. Right downtown in Buenos Aires. I LOVED it!
Natalie Ahotaeiloa
Natalie Ahotaeiloa, Summer Day
Natalie Ahotaeiloa, Kauaii Hawaii was a great visiting place! Very beautiful!
brandi hess
Ave Täär
Ave Täär: I would like to have Random Thoughts
Ave Täär: I love Canary Islands for vacation.
Taryn Merkley
Sara Johnson
Sara Johnson: three
Sara Johnson: my girls would LOVE the "Slow Dance" picture in their room. I would choose that one for sure!
Lynn OSborne
Lynn Osborne: Clown Magnet Print
Lynn Osborne: three
Lynn Osborne: Crestedbutte Colorado
Amber Brueseke: Three
Amber Brueseke: I live in Hershey, PA. Not truly exotic, but kind of fun!
Amber Brueseke: Summer Days
Jessica Holloway, three
Jessica Holloway, Antigua Guatemala, hands down one of my favorite places
Jessica Holloway, I love brand new day
R Smith
Kim A Smith
Julia Wright
sandy du
sandy du random thoughts
sandy du three
sandy du st thomas
Beth Jensen: three
Beth Jensen: Brand New Day
Stephanie Palmer
Beth Jensen: I went on a 3 week study abroad tour of the British Isles....That was amazing! Such a beautiful part of the world!
Stephanie Palmer: I like the dreams photo.
Stephanie Palmer: The best place I have visited is Yellowstone - it's so beautiful - nothing is better than nature!
Jaime Stephens
Courtney Dairman
Flavia Peroba
Flavia Peroba: Wings
Flavia Peroba: Three
Amy Cunningham
Courtney Dairman: Three
Courtney Dairman: Visited Australia and Hawaii.
Geri Smith
Geri Smith: three
Amy Cunningham: Little sounds is adorable for my musical friend.
Amy Cunningham: Kauai, Hawaii last summer with my family. Tres relaxing.
Brittany Crane
Katie Harrison
Natalie Clark: Three
Katie Harrison: Random Thoughts
Katie Harrison: Three
Natalie Clark: The coolest place I've visited is a tie between Washington, D.C. and Kaua'i, Hawaii. I'm a political and government junkie, so I loved D.C., but I loved Hawaii for its primitive beauty.
Katie Harrison: I lived in London for 6 weeks for a study abroad. It was awesome & I would go back in a heartbeat!
Natalie Clark: I love "Random Thoughts"; I'd hang it in my bedroom.
Sarah Moss
Bonnie Clift: Three
Jaime Ashby: Three
Lynn Hill
Nicole Carr
Nicole Carr- I would choose either 'On the way' or 'Explosions'
Nicole Carr- three
Lynn Hill - I would choose "random thoughts" if I were to win a print.
Nicole Carr- key west by far
Kristen Stabler - three
Kristen Stabler - I just went to Oahu, Hawaii in August. I want to go back so bad!
Dominique Duguay
I love Slow Dance and Summer Days!
Dominique Duguay
Dominique Duguay three
Dominique Duguay The coolest place I've been is on Vancouver island for a summer! You can look out from the water and see all the moutains with snow on top...very pretty!
Deserae Fiedler dreams
Deserae Fiedler three
Deserae Fiedler: I lived in Germany for five years
Stacy Compton: I have visited Italy, it rocked!
Juliana Peroba
Tara Rogers
Tara Rogers: Three
Emily Miller- three
Emily Miller- I want to go to Australia
brenda crittenden
Jennye Harding: Three
Jennye Harding: my favorite place I have visited (so far) is the Grand Canyon.
Lori Achenbach - adore the Dreams print!
Lori Achenbach - three
Laurie Underwood: I really like Brand New Day
Laurie Underwood: Three
Emily Orton: Three
Brittany Hansen: I love Warm Inside, but in truth, I adore them all.
Lori Achenbach - Ellensburg, WA. Smells like cow poo but I have lots of fond memories!
Brittany Hansen: we have visited the Phillipines, it's beautiful there, too.
Erin Wilhelmsen I lived in Lake Buena Vista Florida because I worked at Magic Kingdom. That was the most exotic place I have lived.
Laurie Underwood: I've only traveled in the 48 and some in Canada. The coolest place I've visted has to be the Grand Canyon.
Emily Orton: I like Summer Days or Silence is Golden
felicia voss: brand new day
Emily Orton: I will always think Lake Powell is pretty awesome. I love it there.
felicia voss: three
Erin Wilhelmsen my favorite is the slow dance photo.
Kristen ISrael
Jessica Valentine: slow dance
Jessica Valentine: three
Jessica Valentine: St. Thomas in the USVI, especially Coki Beach. Amazing!
Kaylyn Bessey
Micah Bulloch
Micah Bulloch- the last fishing
Micah Bulloch-three
Micah Bulloch- Yellowstone in the winter is cool
Siret Lahemaa:
Underwater - 6x4 photo print is cute
Pam Rivera: keeping balance
Siret Lahemaa: I also entered $20.00 Gift Certificate from Kyla's Kreations
Rachel Kimbler: Warm inside!!
Pam Rivera: visited Burma, Philippines, Beijing, Thailand (went to cooking school there!), Indonesia, Japan. Lived in Singapore.
Cyndie Call- three
camille rogers
Kim Lambert. I like the 'Summer Days' Photograph
Kim Lambert. Three.
Kim Lambert. I used to live in Miami. Loved it!
Rachel Chamberlain: Summer Days
Rachel Chamberlain: three
Sarita Rogers: Three
Sarita Rogers: I lived in Brazil.
susan smoaks into the unknown
susan smoaks three
Jamie Payne
susan smoaks: i went to red rocks in CO when i was in high school, it was so cool, i want to go back!
Rachel Chamberlain: Never really been anywhere super exotic, but I'm thinking of going to Vegas this weekend- never been before & I'm 33 week pregnant. We'll see how it goes.
Sarita Rogers: My fav is keeping balance
Jamie Payne: I love stars, so of course brand new day, and I like Dreams cause they look like stars.
Jill Greenwood
Jamie Payne: I lived in Oregon for a year. It was really different compared to my current residence of 21 years - Arizona!
Jill Greenwood: Brand New Day!
Miranda Metekingi - I lived in New Zealand, enough said
Raelyn Anderson
Kaylyn Bessey - Summer Days
Janae Bang
Kaylyn Bessey - Aruba is a place every beach lover should go, you will love it.
Raelyn Anderson - Probably Brand new day or random thoughts
Miranda Metekingi - Brand New Day
Raelyn Anderson - three
Elizabeth Kelemen: Slow dance it would be beautiful in my den!
Raelyn Anderson - Just got back from Flaming Gorge beautiful place
Alyssa Young: three
Alyssa Young: I went to Nairobi, Kenya for Christmas one year.
Kristen Bunderson: Slow Dance
Kristen Bunderson: Three
Whitney Ricks: Summer Days
Billie Butikofer
Whitney Ricks: Three
Billie Butikofer: Slow Dance
misty jones: slow dance or last fishing!
Whitney Ricks: England
Billie Butikofer: Three
Kristen Bunderson: I went to Niagara Falls. Talk about beautiful. The sound of the water was intense. At night with the lights shining on the water was very romantic.
Misty Jones: three
Alison Jennings: Three
Alison Jennings: I went to Victoria Canada
Misty Jones: We visited Monte Carlo a couple of years ago and it was truely amazing!
Hilary Roller - three
Alison Jennings: Brand new day photo
Telsha Winger- Three
Elizabeth Kelemen: three!
Telsha Winger- I love the Summer Days print def. my favorite!
Leslie Bloomquist
Elizabeth Kelemen: The most exciting place was Disney World. Too fun!!
Telsha WInger- I lived in Ketchikan, Alaska one summer and had to be the most beautiful place I have been! If anyone gets a chance to visit I would encourage it!
Lauren Packard: i love rainy nights; it matches our room!
Jacob Packard: i like the last fishing print
Lauren Packard: three
Lauren Packard: I lived in Venice for a year and Paris more than once. It's sad that I probably won't be able to go back for a long time :(
Staci Finlayson: I loved going to Washington, D.c. and all the history that is there
Nocona Loveday
Jinii Boren:three
Jinii Boren:three
Jinii Boren:Dreams
Jinii Boren: We went on an oriental cruise a few years back. It was awesome.
Jinii Boren: We went on an oriental cruise a few years back. It was awesome.
Rebecca Varney, I love the Summer Days print.
Rebecca Varney, I lived in Chile for a few years. It is the most amazing place I've seen. High, snow peaked mountains on one side and a beautiful ocean on the other. Wow.
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