I am so excited to share with you the most delightful online shoppe I have discovered. Eva Skye Couture, whose motto just so happens to be:
"We believe in cultivating inner and outer beauty. We believe in staying young at heart. We believe in ruffles and lace and flower power. We believe there is no such thing as too many accessories. We believe in day dreams and letting imagination run wild! We believe in little girls - and celebrate all that they are."
Just wait until you see their adorable products. Can't wait much longer?
Ingenuity: the power of creative imagination. Eva Skye Couture offers unique, fanciful clothing and accessories for little girls.
Must-haves for any occasion, Eva Skye's product line is rooted in items of indulgent girliness, but the array of products branch into playful, whimsical, and even sassy.

From tea party aprons and hats to punky stockings and tutus, Eva Skye Couture is sure to fulfill the fantasies of any little princess. Just look at their custom-made dolls:
I love their bandana dresses so much that I just ordered the Love Me Bandana Dress.

If you would like to order something from Eva Skye Couture too, you are in luck! Because from now until September 20th, Eva Skye Couture is offering FREE SHIPPING on all US and Canadian orders. Simply enter the code "Give Away Today" upon check-out.
Today Eva Skye Couture would like to give away a $25.00 Gift Certificate and an Original Snappie Wristlet valued at $10.00:
For those of you who reside in the US or Canada, you can enter to win up to FOUR times today.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Eva Skye Couture here. Look at all of their cute products for girls. After you have looked around, please return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would get if you win the $25 gift certificate.
Example: Jane Doe: I would either get the tea party hat or use the gift certificate towards a tutu--so cute.
For a third entry, become a Facebook Fan of Give Away today here. Once you have become a fan or if you are already a fan, you receive a second entry.
Example: Jane Doe: Facebook Fan
For a fourth entry, call, text, or email at least two people and let them know about the darling products that are being given away today on Give Away Today. Once you have done this, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name, the first name of the people you told.
Example: Jane Doe: Ivy, Kate, Ella, Sadie, and Abbie (I couldn't help it, I told more than two :)
The winners of the gift certificate and wristlet from Eva Skye Couture will be announced tomorrow Wednesday, September 16th. Please visit us then to see if you are one of our winners and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and we'll see you tomorrow!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 827 Newer› Newest»Tiffanie Feher
Tiffanie Feher: Facebook Fan
Tiffanie Feher: I called Natalie, Steve & my mom. :)
Steven Hansen
Chacoy Aguayo
Chacoy Aguayo: Magnolia twirl skirt
Chacoy Aguayo:Erlinda, Nana, Chrissy, Lina.
Diana Mancuso
Jaclyn Dennett
Diana Mancuso - I adore the "Sadie" Tea Party Hat and the Damask reversible apron!
Sarah Osborne
Sarah Osborne: Facebook Fan
Sarah Osborne: I love the baby headbands! Sweet Pea is probably my favorite.
Sarah Osborne: Rhonda & Kyle
Leslee Williamsen
Jaclyn Dennett: I would get the Little Miss Sunshine Bandana Dress and the Red Snappie Flower clip.
Amy PUgmire: brown sugar apron
Amy Pugmire: facebook fan. amy bolda pugmire
Leslee Williamsen
I would get the La Bella Twirl Skirt and the Bella Sassy Stretchie. A little more tha the $25.00, but my granddaughter is worth it!
Amy Pugmire: April, Lisa, Emily
Leslee Williamsen
Facebook fan
Leslee Williamsen
Heidi, Diane, Natalia, Nikki
Andrea F.
Andrea f. Love the twilight dress.
Natalie Ahotaeiloa
Natalie Ahotaeiloa, Facebook Fan
Natalie Ahotaeiloa, I love the Portia Bandana Dress & Twilight Dress!
Sandra Richins
Sandra Richins: It's midnight, but I definitely will be calling Angie, Andrea, Brooke and Angie
Sandra Richins: Heartbreaker Tutu
Heather Orr
I love the bandanna dresses!!
Brittany Stevenson
Brittany Stevenson- texted friends Charish and Stephanie and my mom
brandi hess
Kristen Madso
Kristen Madson: fb fan
Kristen Madson: I'd get the "Magnolia" Twirl Skirt
Jessica Tarbet
The can can baby stretchie head band is adorable!
Jessica Tarbet
Sara Johnson
Sara Johnson: 2 sassy stretchie headbands
Lynn Osborne
Lynn Osborne: Facebook Fan
Lynn Osborne: Frances and Diane
Lynn Osborne: Damask Divan apron is to die for!
genevieve curtis
genevieve curtis: and i absolutely LOVE the magnolia twirl skirt. i would love to see my daughter wearing it!! thanks
Jenny McClamroch
Jenny McClamroch: FB fan
Jenny McClamroch: emailed Charlie and Krystal
Jenny McClamroch: I LOVE the little miss sunshine bandana dress...so cute!
Amber Brueseke
Amber Brueseke: Any bandanna dress
Jessica Holloway, little miss sunshine dress is adorable
Jessica Holloway, facebook fan
liz martelle
R Smith
Brandy Hoot
Kim A Smith
Brandy Hoot - I
d have to put my gift certificate toward a custom rag doll - way too cute!!
Brandy Hoot - Facebook Follower
Brandy Hoot - Shel, Jen, LuLu, Joelle!!
Cheralynn Dansie
Cheralynn Dansie: I love the pink/black tutu, or the Love bandana dress/vegas leggings.
Julia Wright
Becky Lambert
Becky Lambert
brown sugar apron
Lisa Fewox: rag dolly
sandy du emailed stacy, katie, mel
sandy du magnolia skirt
Beth Jensen: Facebook Fan
Beth Jensen: Cabana Bandana Dress and Damask Diva Apron
Stephanie Palmer
Stephanie Palmer: I love the brown sugar apron!
Stephanie Palmer: Facebook Fan
Courtney Dairman
Courtney Dairman: the aprons
Jaime Stephens
Geri Smith
Geri Smith: Facebook fan
Macey Bishop
Macey Bishop-Twilight Bandana dress
Brittany Crane
Melissa Eads
Brittany Crane: Damask Diva Apron
Natalie Clark
Natalie Clark: Facebook Fan
Natalie Clark: I called Stephanie, Kristi, and Jennifer
Natalie Clark: I'd love for my two girls to have matching Heartbreaker tutus. They're rockin'!
Sarah Moss
Bonnie Clift
Bonnie Clift: facebook fan
Nicole Carr
Lynn Hill
Nicole Carr- definatly a gc towards a tutu
Nicole Carr- facebook fan
Lynn Hill - I would use the $25 gift certificate towards a "Heartbreaker" Tulle Tutu! How cute and sassy is that?!
Lynn Hill - Facebook Fan!
Jamie Hyde: Autumn Poppy Baby Stretchie
Jamie Hyde: Facebook Fan
Ireta Jensen
WendiLyn JEnsen
melissa clayton
Ireta Jensen: I would get the baby stretchys
Deserae Fiedler: Mod Miss Apron
Deserae Fiedler: Facebook Fan
Aleisha Martin
STacy Compton
Stacy Compton; any of the adorable aprons!
Stacy Compton: Facebook fan
Carisa Bruderer: I love all the cute little bandanna dresses. I would get one for my daughter.
Carisa Bruderer: Facebook Fan
Jeanne Garner:I would get the original snappie bracelet and other flowers to go with it. I would also get the bella snappy stretchie. I would love to buy it all though.
Jeanne Garner: facebook fan
Tara Rogers
Jeanne Garner: I texted Sue and NIcki
Melissa Canning: I love the Heartbreaker Tulle Skirt and the Damask Diva apron!
Amy Kluckhuhn
Tara Rogers : La Belle Tutu is so cute!
Amy Kluckhuhn and I would get a custom dolly and the vegas leg warmers!
Elizabeth De Vries
Elizabeth De Vries: Facebook Fan
Emily Miller- facebook
brenda crittenden
Amy Kluckhuhn and I told Jill, Maura and Trisha
Elizabeth De Vries: I would buy the red/white tutu skirt. My nieces would fight over that forever!!
Jennye Harding: Facebook Fan
Laurie Underwood: I would buy one of the black bandana dresses..they are so original and cute!
Laurie Underwood: Facebook Fan
Laurie Underwood: I told my friends Laurie and Earl about it - they both have adorable daughters.
Amber Sanderson
Lori Achenbach - "La Belle" Twirl Skirt is gor-geous!
Lori Achenbach - Facebook fan
felicia voss: enchanted/bella headbands!
Sarah Yates
Brittany Hansen: I think I'd be buying the Autumn Poppy baby stretchie headband and Bella Sassy Stretchie headband, so, so, so fun!
Sarah Yates: I love the bandana dresses and the cute aprons
Sarah Yates: MaryAnne and Cathy
Erin Wilhelmsen: Facebook fan
Micah Bulloch
Micah Bulloch- I love the tea party hats
Micah Bulloch- facebook fan
Micah Bulloch- I txt my mom, stephanie, nicole
Erin Wilhelmsen would put the gift certificate towards the La Belle skirt.
Pam Rivera: love the heartbreaker tulle tutu
Pam Rivera: facbook fan
Pam Rivera: called Robert, Tanya and Courtney
Rachel Kimbler: My little girl would look great in the portia bandana dress!
Miranda Metekingi - La Belle tutu skirt
Miranda Metekingi - My sister Dayna and my mum
Lindsay Young: Love the Bandana dresses. Would have a hard time picking which one!
Lindsay Young: Facebook fan
Jamie Payne
Sarita Rogers: Facebook Fan
Lindsay Young: Stacy, Julie, Angie and Nicole
Kim Lambert. I like the rasberry baby stretchie headband!
camille rogers
Kim Lambert. Facebook Fan!
Kjell Crowe
Kim Lambert. I called my sister Natalie and my friend Trisha!
Cyndie Call- I would get my daughter a bandana dress, any of them. I can't decide!
Steph Pope
Jamie Payne: Facebook fan
Cyndie Call- FB fan
Kjell Crowe. I would buy the Little Miss Sunshine Bandana Dress.
susan smoaks little miss sunshine bandana dress
Cyndie Call- I told my mom and sister.
susan smoaks facebook fan
tony l smoaks
susan smoaks
i called dannie, tamara, and julie
Jamie Payne: Vegas Sassy Legs, very cute. and all those snappie hair flowers!!
Love me bandana dress
Kjell Crowe: Facebook Fan!
Steph Pope facebook fan
Lani Willkinson
Steph pope Angie, Mandy
Jill Greenwood
Jill Greenwood: Facebook Fan
Kelley Howe
Kjell Crowe: Emailed two friends, Amy and Starr
Raelyn Anderson
Raelyn Anderson - I would probably chose a cute apron
Kristen Bunderson: Brown Sugar Apron
Kristen Bunderson: Facebook Fan
Raelyn Anderson - I told Cindy and melonie and Joni
amy wilder
Jill Greenwood: luv the snappies--new and creative!
Kelley Howe: bandanna Dress and a snappie...lots of add on flowers too :)
Janae Bang
Billie Butikofer
Kelley Howe: Facebook fan
AMy Wilder: I would get the Love Me bandana dress- SO CUTE!
Billie Butikofer; would use the gift certificate for the Love Me Bandana Dress.
Amy Wilder: Facebook Fan
Kristen Bunderson: Emailed to Kori and Bethany.
Cindy nelson
Cindy Nelson: Sweet Pea Stretchy Headband
Rachelle Steed: Facebook fan
Amberly Collett. I would buy one of the tea party aprons! They are adorable.
Rachelle Steed: I told Lily and Jacey
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