Anyone else out there love Hawaii? Yeah, me too.
Anyone out there currently living in Hawaii? Yeah, you're lucky.
Because not only are the temperatures perfect, the beaches gorgeous, and the sunsets amazing, but our featured company today, Momi Boutique, was founded there. On the island Oahu. In 2007. They have clothing that is cute, yet classy, and will make any little girl look like a doll.

And the great thing is, even if you are not fortunate enought to live in Hawaii {sigh}, you can still purchase something from Momi Boutique. Momi Boutique can be found in select boutiques across the country and at various online locations. MOMI (mow-me) is a chic/mod little word originating from the Hawaiian language. You will find styles ranging from shabby chic to euro pageant.

In May 2009 Momi Boutique opened a sister shop on etsy called "Pink Momi" which features one-of-a-kind and ready-to-ship designs.

In other words, Momi Boutique offers unique designs for anywhere a little girls' feet will take her!
We love DISCOUNTS around here...and so does Momi Boutique. Therefore, they are offering our readers a 15% DISCOUNT off your entire purchase. The discount expires on October 11th. You can receive the discount by messaging Momi Boutique your complete order at momi_boutique@hotmail.com or through etsy http://momiboutique.etsy.com/ or http://pinkmomi.etsy.com/.
And now, are you ready to enter to win a $50.00 gift certificate to Momi Boutique? And you can. It doesn't matter if you live in Aruba, Jamaica, oooh I wanna take you,
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama,
Key Largo, Montego Bay, go ahead and enter.
Because this giveaway is open to everyone everywhere. And each person can enter to win up to FOUR times today.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Momi Boutique here. Look at all of their adorable products, then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would spend your $50.00 on if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: Such a hard decision, but since I can only choose one, I think I'd go for the Jubilee Peasant Dress
For a third entry, become a follower of Momi Boutique's blog here. Once you have done this, in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and the word "Follower"
Example: Jane Doe: Follower
For a fourth entry, in a NEW comment, since we wrote some song lyrics above, tell us your first and last name and some cool concert(s) you have attended.
Example: Jane Doe: Love U2--have seen them twice in Salt Lake. Another concert that sticks out is Erasure in Hollywood for their "Cowboy" tour. There were some interesting characters at that one. One guy had on furry white chaps. We were walking behind him when he removed his jacket to reveal his bare bum. Which, by the way, was nearly as hairy as the chaps. For some reason, I just can't seem to remove the image from my brain!
The winner of the $50 gift certificates from Momi Boutique will be announced Tuesday, October 6th. Please visit us tomorrow to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1109 Newer› Newest»Mary-Anne Swift
Cecily Jenkins
Jaclyn Dennett
Karen Tapahe
Karen Tapahe - My first two concerts were Howard Jones and he was amazing! I met pretty much everyone in his band/ensemble except for Howard himself. The next time I had a chance to meet him was about 15 years later and he was doing an autograph appearance. My hubby had an emergency at work and I was about 10 people short of meeting him...
Jaclyn Dennett: If I won I would get the He110 Kitty Christmas dress. It is so adorable and I would love to dress my little girl in it for the holidays!
Jaclyn Dennett: About ten years ago I went to a BTO concert. It was so much fun and they had who I only knew at the time as "Uncle Jesse" from Full House playing the drums with them...(so hott!!) In high school I went with my best friend to LFO and we sang every lyric along with the boys. Funny thing though I never heard of them much after those few years in high school, but at the time they were the cool boy band.
Jessica Hover- Follower
Jessica Hover- I have seen Tool 3 times here in Utah, they are amazing and by far my favorite. Another great was 311 with The Roots. The Roots were awesome.
Jessica Hover- I absolutely LOVE the Extra Sweet knot dress. My little girl would look adorable in it.
Chacoy Aguayo
Chacoy Aguayo: la la love the Holiday Dress:)
Chacoy Aguayo:Follower
Chacoy Aguayo: I have been to a few concerts, but never to my favorite artist....Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac)I am going to go though!!!!!
Chelsea Yanguez
Chelsea Yanguez- I love the "That's pretty baby" dress!!
Melanie Foutz
Debbie Markowitz
Sarah Osborne
Sarah Osborne: follower
Sarah Osborne: I would love to get the NEW Fall/Winter THANKSGIVING dress in Chocolate Mahogany!
Sarah Osborne: I have only been to 2 concerts and I loved them both! Dashboard Confessional and The Fray...ahhh.
Debbie Markowitz: The Beach Dunes ruffle bottoms is a pretty little dress.
Debbie Markowitz: Follower
Debbie Markowitz: Years ago I used to go to a lot of concerts. I've seen the Bee Gees, ABBA, front row seats at Billy Joel! and many more.
Britney Jolley
Britney Jolley: I like the Baby London dress.
Britney Jolley: My favorite concert was Chris Ledoux. Good show.
Fany Carbajal
Ellen Hatala
Mande Burckart
Mande Burckart- momi follower.
Mande Burckart- I am a HUGE fan of all the sweet momi items that Rachel makes, but lately I am crazy for the Hamptons top & ruffle jeans. I will buy that little set if I am the lucky winner. :)
Mande Burckart- concerts....hmm..since the kiddos I have not had a chance- before kiddos, U2- the Pop tour- I remember thinking how odd to build a stage around a shopping cart theme & a lemon- and it was very cool. We were down on the floor and had the best time- when they played ONE it was beautiful- every lighter was flashing-EVERYONE was singing. My dream is to see them this go round- they are my fave.
LeAnn Melby
LeAnn Melby I would buy my dweet little girl a cute one of a kind dress!
Tenille Kaufusi
LeAnn Melby- I saw Sheryl Crow in concert! Awesome! I also saw Gwen Stefani.
LeAnn Melby- fllower
Tenille Kaufusi - America's sweetheart.
Jessica Friedele
Jessica Friedel: follower
Jessica Friedel: Been to a few Dave Matthews Band Concerts. LOVE them!
erin Moss
Erin Moss....hmm what to spend it on..well I would love the Retro Flakes dress...another pair of baby blue jeans (already have 2 pairs)...but I also have a custom piece in mind. SO- I think I will go with a custom top I have in mind (butterrum style).
Laia Fortuny
Erin Moss- Follower
I would try http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23915824
Laia Fortuny
Erin Moss- well I am a homebody and haven't been to a concert in years!!! My Mom recently reminded me of the Michael Jackson concert she took me to when I was younger (vague memory of it) and the Janet Jackson concert my dad took me too (remember we had floor seats and someone's beer was dumped on my coat- Nice!). I'm starting to think My husband and I need to get out for a date night so I have better/more recent stories to tell. I think I was still in El. school when I went to the above concerts-now I'm old with children.
Melissa Corkum
Regina Manning
Regina Manning: If I won I would get the Honolulu Zoo Peasant Dress and Matching Hair Bows
Regina Manning: Follower
genevieve curtis
wow- i love their stuff!! especially the ONLY 4 left....NEW Fall/Winter THANKSGIVING...Chocolate Mahogany......Momi boutique and also the Epic Holiday day dress......Momi boutique. so so cute
genevieve curtis: and i've been a lonestar concert, 2 kenny chesney concerts, and then i went to jazz fest in new orleans and was able to see tim mcgraw. so fun!
Hailey Allen: BoHo Babe...RTS..peasant dress or the Autumn's Gold Coast Sunrise
hailey Allen: I have been to several concerts including my high school favorites Hanson :) My favorite was the Barenakedladies. They sounded even more amazing in concert.
Jayme Lim
Jayme Lim - hmm, this is tough since I love all of Momi Boutique's outfit, but I would go for the Chocolate Mohogany dress or a custom twirl skirt, we already have two but Rachel makes the BEST skirts.
Jayme Lim: follower
Jayme Lim - I haven't been to a concert in awhile but I have fun memories of a Blondie/Ramones concert I saw at Jones Beach when I was about 16. It was so great, all those classic songs and I was with my best friends, you can't get better than that. My most favorite concert was also at jones beach and this one featured the Counting Crows and Tori Amos. Tori's voice is even more beautiful in person. Thanks for making remember these amazing times from my past!
Cynthia Horst: America's Sweetheart Starts and Stripes
Cynthia Horst: follower
Cynthia Horst: Simon and Garfunkle, went with my teenage son and we had so much fun!
Stephanie Murdock
liz martelle
Stephanie Murdock: my daughter would look adorable in the Mother Nature dress!
Marvelle Morgan
Marvelle Morgan: George Straight and Reba
Ariane Mardis
Ariane mardis: follower
Ariane Mardis: I would probably get the butter rum Squash Outfit
Ariane Mardis: My favorite concert would have to be Evanescence out at Saltair here in Salt Lake city! There were a few others while I was in College like Adema, rearview mirrow and montgomery Gentry at a Rodeo!
Ellen Johnson
Susan Antonelli
Susan Antonelli: I want that Retro Flakes twirl dress!
Ellen Johnson Melon ball dress. they are all so cute.
Susan Antonelli: The best concert I've ever been to was U2: Mysterious Ways. I also saw Elton John and Billy Joel together and they were fantastic.
Eden Perry
Butter Rum Squash...too cute!
Eden Perry:Follower
Eden Perry: Alison Krauss & Union Station. Eclectic & beautiful.
Staci Finlayson
Laken Carriker :)
Brittany Crane
Mary Kate Webb
Mary Kate Webb: the Hamptons Layering Dress is my FAVE!!
Brittany Crane: Follower
HALLIE GARRETT - here in houston, tx the rodeo comes every year, but not only country singers come....my husband and i saw alicia keys, man can she play the piano, it was a really good concert.
Mary Kate Webb: follower
Brittany Crane: The only concert I have ever been to was a Janet Jackson concert. I was only in junior high and looking back I can't believe my mom let me go. :) lol
Ashley Mortenson
Ashley Mortenson: I love the "Mother Nature" dress...and the pointsetta one...and all sorts of others.
Ashley Mortenson: Favorite concert would have to be Over the Rhine in an outdoor concert in Cincinatti on a beautiful fall evening. Atmosphere: perfect.
Brittany Crane: Pink PaPaRazZi in Paris LOVE it!!!
Victoria Hustey
Victoria Hustey- I love the Mother Nature dress
Sara Johnson: Radiohead was incredible! So, were U2 and Our Lady Peace!
Victoria Hustey- follower
Victoria Hustey- Went to the Neil Diamond Concert in Cleveland, OH with a group of friends all in our 20s. It ended up being a blast!
Sara Johnson: PICK YOUR HOLIDAY OOAK knot dress - I pick Christmas!
Karen Cochran
camille rogers
Ari Anna JOhnson
Ari Anna Johnson- Retro Flakes is so darn cute!
Ari Anna Johnson- Follower
Lindsay greenwood
Kristin Payne
Ari Anna Johnson- Lenny Kravitz, Pink,
Hollie Whinham
Amanda Anders
Kristin Payne: Fall/Winter Chocolate Mahogany Thanksgiving dress. It would be perfect to dress my daughter in when we go to all the family parties this November.
Nia Boor
Jessica Cermak
Jessica Cermak - I would mostly likely get the Hollyday peasant dress. It will be perfect for Lucy's 1st Birthday party the week before Christmas!!
Kristin Payne: I've only been to one concert my entire life and it was the Aerosmith: Nine Lives concert back in 99. I just remember going into the stadium and seeing these two huge Coberas over the stage and then during the concert seeing all the lighters pop on the minute "Janie Got a Gun" started.
Jessica Cermak - now following Momi Blog!
Elaine Armstrong -I LOVE Momi!! :)
Jessica Holloway
Nia Boor (sorry if this comes up twice I chose anonymous and now I have a google account!)
Jessica Holloway, everything is so gorgeous, for starters I would get the Olivey Owl twirl dress
Sarah Ebbert: I have only ever been to one real concert... it was an Eagles concert in Salt Lake and it was awesome! I think it was a good one considering it was my first and last concert (so far...). :)
Jessica Holloway, follower
Cyndie Call- the first concert I ever went to was for my 10th birthday. I saw the Monkees! Not only that, but I got autographs!
Jessica Cermak- I have been to a ton of concerts ranging from classical to heavy metal (my husband, blah)... My favorite was David Bowie in Austin at Trees. He as always been my favorite and I got to see him live! We were 10 ft. from him and got to meet him after! He was sooo charming!
Jessica Holloway, one of my favorite concerts has to be the George Strait fest, years ago with TIm Mcgraw, Dixie Chicks, Kenny Chesney...all before they were huge stars
Lindsay greenwood!!!!!! Well... I Love Everything on Momi boutique it is too hard to choose, but i love the retro flakes twirl dress, with the pants, or the Elmo dress because my little girls loves Elmo, or the funky fall goody with polka dotnpants, or gosh o want them all!!!!! :)
Lindsay greenwood follower!!
Jaime Ashby
Hollie Whinham - Blue ice wrap dress, so cute! That would bring out my little girl's blue eyes so much!
Lindsay greenwood , well it just so happens that I am going to a concert on Friday! Woohoo!! We r going to see kings of Leon! Recently, rascal flatts, Dave Matthews, Tony Keith, Taylor swift, Brooks and dunn, ac/dc ( the best concert!) yay!!! We'll rock out on Friday!
Hollie Whinham - Follower
Nia Boor and Momi Boutique (on Etsy) made my daughter's birthday dress! I love Momi's customer service!As for what I would spend, I would absolutely adore the "Cupcake Factory Dress" and probably would spend the rest on Momi's Etsy account as Momi has more selections to choose from on that route! or ask to buy the matching clips for the dress or to make the dress longer would probably cost me about $50.
Michele Ondra
Nia Boor
Michele Ondra- the last cool concert I went to was to see Leonard Cohen!
Brandy Doty
Hollie Whinham - I have been to Shania Twain, Faith Hill, and my very first concert I went to was in junior high and I went to the Backstreet Boys concert with my best friend. That was the most fun and memorable concert I have ever been to!
Michele Ondra: follower!
Amy Wilkey
Brandy Doty: Lot's to choose from. I adore the candy corn dress, but I also like Olivey Owl twirl dress. OH and That Pretty Baby too. To many to pick from!
Brandy Doty: follower
Brandy Doty: I've been to only a handful of concerts, Chris Ledoux and Gary Allen being the coolest I can come up with.
Aimee Jongejan
Aimee Jongejan: I love most of her things but I'd love to get the classic peasant top because it would go with so many of my daughter's clothes and is so much more chic than a white tee.
Jennifer Pollan - Best concert would be a toss up between George Fest 4 years ago in Ft. Worth Tx or Nickleback with Hinder 3 years ago in W.F. TX.
Nia Boor
My first concert I do not even know who played. I was in the Army and it was our first day out. I remember the music being great and enjoying a little piece of civilian life.
Kutless concert going VIP was the best to meet the band and see them upclose was inspirational! Spending time with husband couldn't get better!
CreationFest 09 in Dodge. A family outing with our son VIP style. Seeing our little baby (7 yr old not a baby anymore!)Rock out with his hearing protection and enjoy many Christian musician's on stage was Priceless!!
Love going to concerts! Thanks for giving me a chance to share!
Aimee Jongejan: Sarah McLachlan and Jewel - hands down the two most amazing concerts I've ever attended - plus I went with my sister so that made it even better!
Jennifer Pollan - With halloween right around the corner and because it is way too cute, I would choose the Pumpkin Face Dress, I love it.
Michele Ondra. I want them all, but if I had to pick just one.. I would buy the "Save a tree" dress. It is simply yummy!
Jeanette Allday: summer orchid is my fav! cute clothes!
Jeanette Allday
Sarah CLark: Mother Nature....Save a Tree
Sarah Clark: Scotland Ayershire Fiddle Orchestra
Amy Hindman
Amy Hindman- I would love to win the Hamptons layering dress. It would fit my little girl perfectly this summer!
Brittnee Gropp: Follower
Ashley Lown
Heather Porter
kelly jones...it's been a long time since I have been to a concert...last one was NKOTB. Like I said, it was a long time ago!
Ashley Lown - the Summer Orchid dress is so cute!
Ashley Lown - follower
Jennifer Taylor
Ashley Lown - I was at Woodstock 99!
Emily Erspamer:I would get the Cupcake Factory dress for my daughter- how cute is that!!!
Jennifer Taylor, I love the hello Kitty Christmas Dress
Ireta Jensen
Heather Porter. I loovvveee the jubilee peasant dress!...and then of course I would need the spearmint stick ruffle bottoms to complete the look!
Sara Upshaw
Jamie Hyde: REO Speedwagon/Styx
Danielle Smith
Heather Porter - FOLLOWER!!!!
Danielle Smith: Sting...such a great concert!
Jennifer Taylor-Ryan Shupe and Peter Breinholt.
Emily Erspamer: I don't like going to concerts too much, but I make an exception for Cowboy Mouth. I also saw Garth Brooks in concert when I was in middle school at the height of his success, so that was pretty cool.
Sheri Thompson
Sheri Thompson
I love the classic Christmas peasant dress! It would look graet on my grandaughter!
keri antram
Heather Porter. A few of my favorite concerts would be Pearl Jam, U2 and the most recent is Kings of Leon. I must say that I am pretty much infatuated with KOL at the moment. The concert rocked!
Melissa Stringham: I want the olivey owl twirl dress for my little girl!
Sheri Thompson
In my teenage years (MANY years ago) I saw Led Zepplin. The high school kids, where I was working thought that was so cool! One of my favorites were the Beach Boys, when there were still many of the original members. They don't sound so hot now! But, my favorite was Garth Brooks, I want him to come back and do more concerts!
Melissa Stringham: Coldplay concerts are my favorite, some other cool ones I've seen are: Counting Crows, John Mayer, Bare Naked Ladies @ the Olympics, Billy Joel with Elton John, Dave Matthews
Sarah Moss
Heather Brown
I love the Portraits and Petalpushers Lily-style dress. Adorable! :)
Heather Brown
My husband and I try to hit every Type O Negative concert that comes our way. We have been to at least 4 together. :)
Pam Rivera: tough decision but I think I'd go with the Extra Sweet knot dress.
Pam Rivera: The Tragically Hip, Bon Jovi, The Barenaked Ladies, Jann Arden, No Doubt and the Cranberries
Lyndi Nield: LOVE the BoHo Babe...RTS..peasant dress. I think that is what I would have to get if I was lucky enough to win!
Lyndi Nield: Chris LeDoux concerts were the best!
Tenille Blackett: went to a nickelback concert a few years back. It was so good
Sarita Rogers: my favorite concert was Rascal Flatts!
Sarita Rogers: Follower
Brittany Hansen: I would buy the Hampton's Layering dress. so darling, and perfect for my niece for Christmas!
Rachel Kimbler: Epic Holiday peasant dress
Rachel Kimbler: Dave Matthews Band was awesome!!
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