Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today, November 11th, we are Giving Away Products from TWO Companies...(CLOSED)

GIVEAWAY #1: A Pair of Shoes from ELEVEN

Who better to feature on 11/11 than ELEVEN?

And so in honor of the good number ELEVEN, today I am simply going to show you ELEVEN adorable pairs of shoes from ELEVEN.

Here we go:











ELEVEN sent me that last pair for my four-year-old. They are darling! They go with most everything and are so durable.

ELEVEN’s shoes are available in whole sizes (9-3) and are great for toddlers through early school age children (age 3-8).

If you are a resident of the United States or Canada, you can enter to win a pair of shoes of your choice (subject to availability) from ELEVEN up to FOUR times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit ELEVEN's website here. Look at vast array of cool shoes and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the pair you would like if you are our lucky winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I would love the Iggys for my little man.

For a third entry, let your friends on Facebook know about today's great giveaway. Change your status to say:
"I am entering to win an adorable pair of shoes from Eleven on Give Away Today"
(Or something to that effect)
Once you have changed your status, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Status"
Example: Jane Doe: Fan

For a fourth entry, in honor of Veteran's Day today in the United States, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and give tribute to a Veteran you know OR you can tell us where you will be eating Thanksgiving dinner this year.
Example: Jane Doe: My neighbor who is a Colonel in the United States Army served for eighteen months in Iraq. He served honorably (and so did his wife while she was home with their six kids). I am grateful for all of the men and women who have served our nation.

The winners of the shoes from ELEVEN will be announced tomorrow Thursday, November 12th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!

P.S. Be sure to visit us tomorrow for our NEW MOON Giveaway. We will be featuring SIX different companies that will be giving away ski passes, jewelry, movie tickets, lotion, watches, and charms.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1216   Newer›   Newest»
Scarlett said...

Scarlett Clegg: I would love the Sylvie pair for my daughter! So cute!

Jessica Lyn. said...

Jessica Westbrook

Scarlett said...

Scarlett Clegg: I am going to my in-laws for dinner as well. Can't wait!

Jessica Lyn. said...

Jessica Westbrook: I would love the 'James' pair for my son Elijah. He would certainly be stylin'!

Jessica Lyn. said...

Jessica Westbrook: My husband, son, and I will be having a quiet Thanksgiving at home. My son was born in July so I want to take this holiday to relax! We will travel for Christmas

Ariane Mardis said...

Ariane Mardis

Annie said...

annie hewlett

Ariane Mardis said...

Ariane Mardis: I am headed to the inlaw this year for thanksgiving!

Annie said...

annie hewlett, i would love Phoebe's for my 4 year old little girl... she would love them:)

Ariane Mardis said...

Ariane Mardis: I am totally in love witht he Eleanor, I wish they came in my Size but since I don't have a girl I would probably get the Trevor or the Eleven trainer for my son!

Anonymous said...

Lori Ota

Anonymous said...

Lori Ota. I would get the Mira for my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Lori Ota. I'm going over to my parents house for dinner and then come back to our house for dessert because my in-laws are having dinner here (we live with them).

Stranded Designs said...

Kendra Cosman

heather said...

Heather Williams

Stranded Designs said...

Kendra Cosman; I love the stitching and versatility of the Katina. I can see them going with so much in my daughter's wardrobe!

Stranded Designs said...

Kendra Cosman; Since we're in Canada and our Thanksgiving was last month, we had dinner at our place with our SIL's family. It was a great time with lots of food!

CaroleM said...

Carole Martin

CaroleM said...

Carole Martin- we already had thanksgiving - was at my parent's place

The Hyding Place said...

Jamie Hyde

The Hyding Place said...

Jamie Hyde: i would love the trevor shoes for my son.

The Hyding Place said...

Jamie Hyde: we are eating Thanksgiving dinner first at my in-laws house and then at my parents' house. Can't beat two dinners! We have not received our assignments yet.

Anonymous said...

Ireta Jensen

Anonymous said...

Ireta Jensen: we will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner.

Anonymous said...

Angela Rowe

Anonymous said...

Angela Rowe: Going to Bay Area in Cali for Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

Angela Rowe I'd love to get the RED Alexi shoes. Soooooo Cute!

Jandi said...

Jandi Dean

Jandi said...

Jandi Dean: Having the big dinner at my mom's. I'm taking pies which means I can make them the night before and sleep in Thanksgiving morning. Woot!

Jandi said...

Jandi Dean: I would love the Astrids for my little girl...actually I would love them for me but I don't think I could manage to squeeze my feet into them.

aimee said...

Aimee wade

aimee said...

Aimee Wade: We are having dinner at my mom's and as usual there will be way way way too much food!

aimee said...

Aimee Wade: I love the Nora ankle boot!

DizzyLizzy said...

Elizabeth Olson: Josie - darling!

DizzyLizzy said...

ELizabeth Olson
We are having a Thanksgiving extravaganza with missionaries playing football and a big feast. At my house - hmmmmmmmmm, lots of work

Joanna said...

Joanna Hawkins

Joanna said...

Joanna Hawkins: the Kasotas are SO darling!

Joanna said...

Joanna Hawkins: status

Joanna said...

Joanna Hawkins: this year will be one of much less stress as we are going to my parents' house. Yay! Can't wait for Thanksgiving and Black Friday!

Pam said...

Pam Rivera

Pam said...

Pam Rivera: I'd love the Caper in a size 11 for my son...

Pam said...

Pam Rivera: we actually celebrate Thanksgiving in October. Since my birthday always falls on or around the weekend, my mom always hosts our dinner.

Jessica said...

Jessica Holloway, Love the Miras!

Jessica said...

Jessica Holloway

Jessica said...

Jessica Holloway, we're going to my aunts..I'm hungry just thinking about it!

Josh n' Joni said...

Joni Mikkelsen

Josh n' Joni said...

Joni Mikkelsen - Eleven trainers for the baby boy I just found out I'm having!

Amy said...

Amy Paul

Josh n' Joni said...

Joni Mikkelsen - Flying to Utah for dinner with my inlaws, then at my parent's house. We fly in that morning and will not be taking anything to eat, but have agreed to dish duty.

Amy said...

Amy Paul: Simone for my niece.

Camdon's Momma said...

Amanda Brien

Camdon's Momma said...

Amanda Brien: I love the Josef for my little man.

Heidi said...

Heidi Kestner

Camdon's Momma said...

Amanda Brien: My son and I will be spending Thanksgiving at home. The family is scattered, so we do all the traveling at Christmas time. We will be having a thanksgiving dinner at a friends house next weekend and I am in charge of a dessert.

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

Tara gruwell: Iggy

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

Tara Gruwell: Iggy

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: Facebook status

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

Tara Gruwell: We're going to the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, so sadly we'll probably end up at Mc Donalds

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: Thanksgiving is at my house this year! I can't wait!

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: I like the Nora.

Jenny said...

jenny rekeweg

Jenny said...

Jenny Rekeweg...I would probably go for a pair of Josef's for my son.

Jenny said...

Jenny Rekeweg...Tday dinner is at my sisters house. She has the biggest house. yum

Me said...

Chrystina Swain

Plowgian Page said...

Angie Plowgian

Unknown said...

Christin Taylor

Unknown said...

Christin Taylor: Fan

Unknown said...

Christin Taylor: I don't know where I am eating Thanksgiving dinner yet,either at my parents or my husbands. And I will be bringing something yummy!

Me said...

Chrystina Swain
Luc is my pick!

Oda Daddy said...

Jimmy Tullos

Me said...

Chrystina Swain
We are eating thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws and I will be making a red, white & blue chocolate trifle!! YUMMY!! Thanks for making me think about food now.

Oda Daddy said...

Jimmy Tullos: Kasota

Angela said...

Angela Halverson

Angela said...

Angela Halverson: we're eating dinner at the in-laws this year. I plan on bringing some stuffed mushrooms, like I always do.

Anonymous said...

Alison Hollowell

Stephanie said...

Stephanie Minielli ; I would love the Caper or Eleven Trainer for my little man :)

Mom's Place said...

Amber Anderson

Anonymous said...

Alison Hollowell I love the Iggy shoes! My son would look adorable!

Angela said...

Angela Halverson: my favorite shoe was the Eleanor, but my daughter has very few orange outfits to wear them with. So I would go with the Mira...can never go wrong with pink! :) Although I do love the Finn (for boys) as well, but they are a size too big for my little guy.

Oda Daddy said...

Jimmy Tullos: We'll be hosting Thanksgiving this year. I'm responsible for the turkey, cranberry sauce, drinks, a dessert or two and the 25,000 Christmas lights that we'll turn on that night. :)

Arianna said...

Arianna Thurow

Arianna said...

Arianna Thurow - I would love the "Josef" for my little boy

Arianna said...

Arianna Thurow - Fan

Carrie Britt said...

Carrie Britt

Carrie Britt said...

Carrie Britt
Josef shoe

Arianna said...

Arianna Thurow - We're having Thanksgiving with my aunt, uncle, cousins and Grandpa. We're providing the mashed potatoes. They're my specialty.

Anonymous said...

Alison Hollowell We will be celebrating Turkey Day with my parents. It will be small...just the 5 of us :-) And of course they will make WAYYYY too much food!

Cris Corrêa said...

Cristiane Correa

Cris Corrêa said...

I would love the Emma for my little girl

Stacy Mike and Thalia Talbot said...

Stacy Talbot

Stacy Mike and Thalia Talbot said...

Stacy Talbot: ALexi (SO cute!)

Stacy Mike and Thalia Talbot said...

Stacy Talbot:I am eating at my mom's house and then my dad's house the next day for Thanksgiving

Rachael said...

Rachael Lewis: Love the Simone boots!

Rachael said...

Rachael Lewis: first Thanksgiving without my extended family- I don't think our variety of food will be as big as it usually is!

Unknown said...

Cortney Smith

Suze said...

Suzy Greer

Julie said...

Julie Grimmett

Rachel said...

Rachel Robinson

Rachel said...

Rachel Robinson-I would love a pair of the Kasotas for my daughter.

Shanny said...

Shannon Blockburger: We'll be having Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws' house. And then we'll head across town to my parents' house for pie later that evening. We try to be judicious with our time during the holidays, since we're out of town guests.

Brooke said...

Brooke Miller

Shanny said...

Shannon Blockburger: I like the Astrid pair.

Brooke said...

Brooke Miller: I would love to have a pair of Trevor or Luc for my son. Adorable!

Marc and Liz Anson said...

Liz Anson

Marc and Liz Anson said...

Liz ANson: Aubin for my little boy!

Brooke said...

Brooke Miller: We will be going to my husbands Grandmother's house then over to my Mom's house... this is what we do every year. We have a great time but by the end of the day we are stuffed!!! I am doing pies for both dinner's. YUM!

Michele said...

Michele Judd

Anonymous said...

Kaydee Sorensen

Anonymous said...

Kaydee Sorensen facebook

Michele said...

Michele Judd: I would love the Alexi style for my oldest daughter! Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Kaydee Sorensen I love the style James

SewsCute said...

Katie Amos

Anonymous said...

Kaydee Sorensen Marie Calandars

Michele said...

Michele Judd: Facebook status

Heather said...

Heather Brown - I'm going to my MIL's house and I'll probably be bringing a couple of pies. :)

J, K, L, and D said...

Katie Harrison: I would love the Kai shoes for my little nephew!

Michele said...

Michele Judd: We are hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year. My husband will be frying up a Turkey...mmmmm.

Melanie said...

Melanie Foutz: Sylvie

Melanie said...

Melanie Foutz: Fan

DogHaus said...

Tricia Triplett
Love the Julian's

Melanie said...

Melanie Foutz: Picnic at the park. I love AZ weather!

J, K, L, and D said...

Katie Harrison: We'll be splitting our Thanksgiving time between my parents' house & my husband's parents' house this year. I'll be taking pumpkin cheesecake (yum!).

ashley said...

ashley murray

Tricia said...

Tricia Little: We haven't discussed Thanksgiving yet. Maybe we're not going anywhere! However, I will make bread. I always make bread.

Heather said...

Heather Brown - Sylvie are adorable!

Grandma Ellen said...

Ellen Johnson

Grandma Ellen said...

Ellen Johnson I would love the Sylvie shoes for my granddaughter!

Grandma Ellen said...

Ellen Johnson We are having Thanksgiving dinner at our cabin. It is the year that all my kids will be there. What a great time.

Anonymous said...

Melissa Tilley

Unknown said...

Victoria Weaver: I like the Sylvie and the Nadia. Cute!

Shanelle said...

Shanelle Winn

Unknown said...

Victoria Weaver: I am the hostess of the annual 'food-a-thon'!

Anonymous said...

Melissa Tilley I love the Josefs!

Unknown said...

Victoria Weaver: Fan

Terry Family said...

Valerie Terry
Dublin for my little boy.

Terry Family said...

Valerie Terry
Undecided on Thanksgiving. Could definitely be hosting it this year. Ahhhhh.

Chelle said...

Rachelle Szymanski: So hard to choose, but I think I would settle on the Alexi. I love them all! said...

Ginger Bowie I'd get a pair for my little boy! :) said...

Ginger Bowie We are staying home this year...just us.

Dawn said...

Dawn Gee

Dawn said...

Dawn Gee: I would love the pair of MIRA for my daughter.

charli24 said...

Charlie Comrie - Going to inlaws, wild turkey in slow cooker.

Anonymous said...

Brenda Finlinson

Dawn said...

Dawn Gee: We are hosting my Brother and Sister and their families this year!

Anonymous said...

allesha rasmussen

Karm said...

Karmen Diaz

Bonnie Clift said...

Bonnie Clift: Facebook fan

Bonnie Clift said...

Bonnie Clift: Thsnksgiving at Mom and Dad's this year - not sure what I will bring yet.

Karm said...

Karmen Diaz: I would love the Lucs for my big boy.

Anonymous said...

karley simmons

Anonymous said...

karley simmons - We just can't decide where we are going, my parents or his....I'm torn

Anonymous said...

Kati Mattingly

Anonymous said...

Mary Nay

Anonymous said...

Mary Nay: going to my parents home for Thanksgiving:)

Jeanette said...

jeanette allday: caper

Sherry said...

Sherry Winckel Love the Josie and Alexis

Jeanette said...

jeanette allday: eating at my in-laws on dallas

Sherry said...

Sherry Winckel-status

Karm said...

Karmen Diaz: Status

Sherry said...

Sherry Winckel--going to the inlaws this year.

Karm said...

Karmen Diaz: We are eating dinner right hear in our own family this hoo! I will be bringing everything :)

Lisa said...

Lisa Fewox: I'm going to the in-laws for T-Day. Although I wish I was going to my parents because all but 1 of my siblings will be in town. (that rarely happens with 6 siblings!)

Moore Family said...

Jennifer Moore

Anonymous said...

Leslee Kitchen

robandlexie said...

Lexie Hogge

robandlexie said...

Lexie Hogge: the Trevor pair are so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the josies for my little girl:)

Cecy said...

Cecy Wheeler

Cecy said...

Cecy Wheeler, I love the Simone boots for my daugther

Cecy said...

Cecy - going to my parents for Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

Jo Ellen Wagner

Christy said...

Christy Gaskin! These would be awesome for christmas!

Nichole said...

Nichole Seiler: I would love to get the mira shoes for my little princess.

Nichole said...

Nichole SEiler: Fan

court seal said...

courtney seal

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown

Nichole said...

Nichole Seiler: I am spending thanksgaiving at My brother in laws in Mapleton and then I'm going to my moms to put up Christmas Decorations. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown - Josie!

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown - status

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown - we are eating at my parents house!

Megan said...

Megan Payne

Megan said...

Megan Payne
I love the Mira shoes!

Megan said...

Megan Payne
This year, we don't get to be with family, but we will be with friends, and we are providing the TURKEY!!

Sweetpeas said...

LaRee Brown - I'd choose the Phoebe style.

Sweetpeas said...

LaRee Brown - we're going to my parents' for Thanksgiving

Cammie and Emily said...

I LOVE these shoes, how could one pick? Cammie Broadbent

Tamsen said...

Tamsen Keyes

Dax and Steph said...

Stephanie Larsen-going to the parents for Thanksgiving.

Tisha and Mark said...

Tisha Williamson- We are going to the Cossebooms to spend Thanksgiving with their family. Not sure what I am bringing but probably my baby pumpkin pies :) said...

Kyle Jensen: Spending Thanksgiving with my wife's Aunt & Uncle in VA

Tamsen said...

Tamsen Keyes: I would want Josef or Katina depending on which child I was going to get them for.

Kristen said...

Kristen Stabler - I like the Finn shoes.

Dax and Steph said...

Stephanie Larsen-I like the little maya sandals.

Kristen said...

Kristen Stabler - We're eating lunch at my grandparent's house, and I am bringing a dessert.

jeanine said...

Jeanine Crane: I'm going to my in-laws house for Thanksgiving! I can't wait!

Sharlynn said...

Sharlynn Scivally: It would be hard to choose if I won because I have 3 girls and 3 boys to decide what to get. I do like the Finns for the boys though!

Cammie and Emily said...

Cammie Broadbent. My favorite are Eleanor...SO cute for my lil girl!

Anonymous said...

shelly lyons

Sharlynn said...

Sharlynn Scivally: fan

Anonymous said...

Julie Brown

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