One day last year while visiting The Pioneer Woman, who hosted giveaways every now and then, I thought to myself, “It would be cool if there was a site that gave something away every single weekday. You would check the blog each day to discover the new giveaway item, receive a discount from the featured company, and see if you were the previous day’s winner.” I started sending emails to companies and wa-la, on December 1, 2008, Give Away Today was born.
One day last year while visiting The Pioneer Woman, who hosted giveaways every now and then, I thought to myself, “It would be cool if there was a site that gave something away every single weekday. You would check the blog each day to discover the new giveaway item, receive a discount from the featured company, and see if you were the previous day’s winner.” I started sending emails to companies and wa-la, on December 1, 2008, Give Away Today was born.
This past year I have loved discovering new products and sharing them with the readers of Give Away Today. I have also enjoyed working with the companies I feature. And of course, I appreciate you, the readers of Give Away Today, for visiting the site and for all of your great comments--many that have made me laugh and some that have even made me cry (a good cry).
Thank you for supporting Give Away Today (and all of the companies we feature) this past year! Therefore, in honor of our One Year Anniversary, today we are giving away products from FIVE Different Companies.

Giveaway #1: A Fortunately Gift Box to Five Winners from Fortunatelys
How many times have you watched a love one struggle with a difficult decision or accomplish a worthy goal and wondered how you could express your encouragment or adoration?
Life is full of triumphs and challenges, celebrations and misfortune and lessons and learning.
Fortunatelys allows you to say "I care" and extend upliftment for all of these experiences.
Each gift box is custom created to bring whatever good fortune is needed.
With Fortunatelys you receive:
~A personalized card
~A large delicious fortune cookie
~Three occasion-specific fortunes selected by Fortunatelys or customized by you
All wrapped up in a stylish and attractive package for only $11.00(+$4.95 s/h).
This makes Fortunatelys more than a card, cheaper than flowers, and all together a lasting impression.
Fortunatelys is the unique and perfect gift for every occasion. The personalized element is what makes it truly special and uplifting to both sender and receiver. From Birthdays to bad luck to friendship and hope, Fortunatelys is your source for sending good fortune!" single act of kindness throw out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees." Start planting by sending Fortunatelys.
Today Fortunatelys is giving away a Chocolate Dipped Fortunatelys to Five Different Winners. Each winner can customize and send one Fortunatelys Gift Box to someone of their choosing. Fortunatelys only ships to those living in the U.S., so if you would like to send a Fortunately to someone you know who lives in the U.S., you can enter to win up to THREE times today.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Fortunately's website here and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and who you would send the Fortunately to if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I have already sent Fortunatelys to two people I know. I think Fortunatelys are such a fun and unique gift. I sent one to the gal who organized the Redrock Relay for my team and I sent another to my niece for her tenth birthday. I customized the fortunes which made them that much more special. To my niece the fortunes read,
"May you always have beautiful red hair."
"May you and Minnie (her stuffed animal) be friends forever."
"May you continue to succeed in Mrs. Groesbeck's fourth grade class."
She loved it! And said the fortunate cookie was quite tasty.
For a third entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and how you first heard about Give Away Today.
Example: Jane Doe: I saw Give Away Today's button on my friend's blog.
The winners of the Fortunately Gift Box from Fortunatelys will be announced tomorrow Wednesday, December 2nd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway. Thanks!
Thank you for supporting Give Away Today (and all of the companies we feature) this past year! Therefore, in honor of our One Year Anniversary, today we are giving away products from FIVE Different Companies.

Giveaway #1: A Fortunately Gift Box to Five Winners from Fortunatelys
How many times have you watched a love one struggle with a difficult decision or accomplish a worthy goal and wondered how you could express your encouragment or adoration?
Life is full of triumphs and challenges, celebrations and misfortune and lessons and learning.
Fortunatelys allows you to say "I care" and extend upliftment for all of these experiences.
Each gift box is custom created to bring whatever good fortune is needed.
With Fortunatelys you receive:
~A personalized card
~A large delicious fortune cookie
~Three occasion-specific fortunes selected by Fortunatelys or customized by you
All wrapped up in a stylish and attractive package for only $11.00(+$4.95 s/h).
This makes Fortunatelys more than a card, cheaper than flowers, and all together a lasting impression.
Fortunatelys is the unique and perfect gift for every occasion. The personalized element is what makes it truly special and uplifting to both sender and receiver. From Birthdays to bad luck to friendship and hope, Fortunatelys is your source for sending good fortune!" single act of kindness throw out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees." Start planting by sending Fortunatelys.
Today Fortunatelys is giving away a Chocolate Dipped Fortunatelys to Five Different Winners. Each winner can customize and send one Fortunatelys Gift Box to someone of their choosing. Fortunatelys only ships to those living in the U.S., so if you would like to send a Fortunately to someone you know who lives in the U.S., you can enter to win up to THREE times today.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Fortunately's website here and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and who you would send the Fortunately to if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I have already sent Fortunatelys to two people I know. I think Fortunatelys are such a fun and unique gift. I sent one to the gal who organized the Redrock Relay for my team and I sent another to my niece for her tenth birthday. I customized the fortunes which made them that much more special. To my niece the fortunes read,
"May you always have beautiful red hair."
"May you and Minnie (her stuffed animal) be friends forever."
"May you continue to succeed in Mrs. Groesbeck's fourth grade class."
She loved it! And said the fortunate cookie was quite tasty.
For a third entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and how you first heard about Give Away Today.
Example: Jane Doe: I saw Give Away Today's button on my friend's blog.
The winners of the Fortunately Gift Box from Fortunatelys will be announced tomorrow Wednesday, December 2nd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 869 Newer› Newest»Brooke Declusin
Brooke Declusin: Would send them to my sweet niece for her 9 th Birthday in a couple weeks!
Brooke Declusin: Found your blog long ago from a friends blog who had your button displayed! So happy I did find you!
Chacoy Aguay
Chacoy Aguayo: I would send it to my mother. I would send her the "Thank You" fortunality, because she has been there for me through my premature baby, cancer, and all of the other stuff that I won't get into here:)
Chacoy Aguayo: I first heard about Giveaway Today when you were on Good Things Utah:)Have been coming here ever since:)
Jamie Hyde: you were featuring maternity/baby stuff/sites and I was pregnant, so my neighbor told me to enter and I won! I have entered almost every drawing since then!
Jamie Hyde: I would send them to my parents as a giant thank you.
Ireta Jensen
Chantelle Nakata
Chantelle Nakata: I'd send them to my best friend from high school who is freezing her butt off in Chicago.
Ireta Jensen: my daughter told me about your site and after she won twice I had to check it out.
Chantelle Nakata: I heard about giveaway from my sister who lives in Utah.
Ireta Jensen: I would send it to a grandchild for their birthday.
Stephanie Abney
Shaunna Fuller
Shaunna Fuller: my daughter, for her bday
Carley Conger
Carley Conger: I would send them to my mom. Her birthday is coming up, and she is hard to shop for!
Carley Conger: I first heard of your blog from my friend, Amy's, blog.
Shaunna Fuller: Two of my neighbors regularly enter the giveaways
Stephanie Abney:
Wow, in the few minutes it took me to go to Fortunately's website, a few more people entered. Anyway, IF I won, I would send it to my sweet friend, Nancy, whose birthday I missed. She and her husband own and run a buffalo ranch in Mass.
Stephanie Abney:
I found your blog like I find all cool things, just clicking on links. I must have been on someone else's blog and clicked on it. I wish I could remember which one, but I don't. Oh well. I'm here now, so I put YOUR blog link on MY blog quite some time ago. :)
Emily Wall
Erica Wyatt I stumbled across Give Away Today awhile back and have been hooked ever since.
Rhonda Eubanks
Brenda Ballesteros
janae jakins
Marvelle Morgan: I would send them to my friend, Julie.
Marvelle Morgan: I can't remember how I found you, but I'm so glad I did.
beth anne service
beth anne service
i got an email from you today
Jasmine Talbot
Jasmine Talbot: I would send it to my fiancee during his semester finals.
Jasmine Talbot: I found your blog when I was looking through a photographer's blog, and she was featuring her work as a prize on your blog.
Ashley Lown
Ashley Lown - I would send them to my Mom!
Ashley Lown - I saw a button on someones blog!
Abie Mohn
Anita Terpstra
Anita Terpstra: I would send them to my sister who is making some very positive changes in her life.
Anita Terpstra: I found your link on a blog I visited. Love the idea of giving things to others every day.
Amy Andrews
Amy Andrews: We are in the military and live in Japan so I would send it to my family in Utah to tell them how much I love and miss them.
Amy Andrews: I saw a button on my friends blog about a year ago. I haven't won anything yet, but I love checking all of the buttons on the sides for ideas and gifts.
Ashley Cason
Amy Horton
Amy Horton, I would send it to my Mother-In-Law who just got out of the hospital
Amy Horton, I heard about you from the tip junkie blog
Katie Harrison: I would send them to my sweet sister-in-law Nora, who is having a rough go of things this season. (Can't divulge too much since it's a personal family matter, but she would appreciate some love!)
Katie Harrison: I think I found you through surfing random blogs (you know, a friend of a friend's blog type of thing). I love coming here to see great new products!
Rachel Cultice
Rachel Cultice: I would send them to my brother stationed at Fort Riley
Jenni Roseland - I would send it to my mama - she wouldn't be expecting anything like it and it would be a fun surprise!
Rachel Cultice: I saw the Give Away Today button on another blog (can't remember which)
Jenni Roseland - I found you while blog hopping on my sister-in-laws blog...she has so many friends on hers, I went snooping and saw the button on someone's blog and was curious! I have been a follower ever since!
Lee Bay: I found you through a friend's blog. She had your button.
Lee Bay: I would have to send one to my mother. This thanksgiving was the first year I have done all the cooking and first turkey EVER. She spent two days on the phone with me helping talk me through the order of stuff as well as how to make dressing and just everything! (we moved far away from her this year)
Heather Brown - I would send it to my mom and step-dad. They've had a hard year with my step-dad losing his job and now he's having health problems. It's all been really difficult on them both, but they always make the best of it.
Heather Brown - I found you through another blog's sidebar. I don't remember who's is was, though!
Abbie DeMeerleer
Christina Coursey
Abbie DeMeerleer: I would send them to my best friend who is expecting twins so some fun fortunes would make her day!
Christina Coursey. I would give this to my sister in law who is about to have her baby shower.
Abbie DeMeerleer: I first heard about your blog through a friend who works at my kids' daycare & had a link on her webpage.
Mary Mclain
Mary Mclain: I am a secret prayer partner for a teenager and I would send this to them as an anonymous gift.
Dawn Young: I would send one to a friend, but I'm not going to say who, just in case.
Dawn Young: I really don't remember. Probably spotted a button while blog hopping.
Mary Mclain: I came across your blog when doing a search. I bookmarked your site and vist it several times a week.
Christina Lehner
Christina Lehner- I found your blog while googling giveways- I have a bit more free time as I was laid off yestarday :(
Christina Lehner- I would send this to my best friend, she has been there for me through thick and thin and is not helping me keep my chin up since being laid off.
Chelsey Lucero
Joanna Hawkins: I would send it to my amazingly wonderful grandma who has struggled with her health this year. We thought we were going to lose her, but she bounced back!!!
Jessica hansen
Jessica Hansen: I heard about Give Away Today from a friend's Facebook post.
Joanna Hawkins: I found your blog through someone's status update on Facebook and I'm sure glad I did!
Crystal Briggs : I would send a good health to my Grandma. She is going through some health problems and I am pretty sure this would brighten her day.
Shannon Ferrucci
Amanda Brooks
Crystal Briggs : I found your blog while blog surfing one day.
Amanda Brooks: I would send them to a friend getting ready for her first marathon.
May you keep your eyes and spirit on the finish
Amanda Brooks: I too found you through a button posted on someone's site about 8 or 9 months ago...so I can't remember the exact site
What a cute and clever name for their company! I would send it to my husband as his job is a little trying these days.
Danielle Kleczkowski
I would send it to my best friend who happens to live half a country away from me (I'm in the midwest and she's on the east coast).
Beth Jensen: I would give it to my mom.
Beth Jensen: I think I heard about Give Away Today on either Good Things Utah or Studio 5.
Danielle Kleczkowski
I found out about this blog by seeing it on a friend's blog!
Kami Milliron : I heard about Give Away Today from a friend a long time ago. LOVE IT !
Kellie Hull
Kellie Hull
Kellie Hull - I would sent it to my parents as a thank you for all they do every day.
Kellie Hull - I first heard about give away today from my wonderful Sister, who has won once, although I have not yet :)
Deena Harris
My friend Michelle. She always seems to need a little encouragement.
Deena Harris
My sister told me about your site.
katie van houten: I have a friend who recently passed away from ovarian cancer. I would send it to her mom.
Melanie Spendlove: I would give a fortune cookie to my husband for our anniversary coming up and put something fun in it.
Melanie Spendlove: I heard about give away today from Twilight Lexicon which I check everyday when they gave away two tickets to their movie event, then I was hooked and check this site every day.
katie van houten: I heard about giveawaytoday from a blog who was doing one of the giveaways.
Jennye Harding: I heard about giveaway today by linking to it from a friend's blog.
tracey braithwaite- i would send them to a friend that needs a little "pick me up"
tracey braithwaite - heard about you on Material Girls blog
Cathy Graham
Suzy Greer: I'd send one to my friend Melissa who just had a new baby yesterday! Every new Mom needs cookies!
Megan Davison
Suzy Greer: A friend of mine turned me onto your site verbally!
Megan Davison: I would send it to my mom who is having a tough time dealing with a not-so-nice new boss. She deserves it!
Megan Davison: I found it through a link suggested by Real Simple magazine.
Shannon Blockburger: I believe I found your blog on a friend's blog (I think she may have been a winner).
Heather Scott
Jeanine Crane; I would send them to my mom.
Jeanine Crane; it was so long ago (it seems) that I can't even remember how I found you... but I'm glad that I did!
Heather Demke: For my little boy about to turn 3
Heather Demke: First saw your site link on my friend's blog
Jeni Wilson : I would send one to my dad for his 80th birthday next week!
Jeni Wilson: I found you after watching Good Things Utah and I check the site every day religiously!!
Sherry WInckel
jessica Hammond
jessica Hammond: first heard of you in an email from my sis-in-law
Sherry Winckel
I think I would send it to a friend of mine who has been having a hard time. I would probably send messages like, "There's a silver lining in each grey cloud." IDK Uplifting stuff.
Stacy Compton: I think I heard about it from a friends blog who blogged about it.
Sherry Winckel
My sister has your button on her blog. mandeeandbrandy.blogspot.com
Sarah Freitas
I think I'd send one to my mom. A Thank you one.
Sarah Freitas
I think it was from someone's button on their blog.
Tenille Blackett: I first heard about giveaway from my sister Heidi and I have been addicted ever since:)
Amanda Stephens: I would send one to my sister in law.
Amanda Stephens: I found your blog on the Handpicked Daisy website.
Charlie Comrie- I saw your blog button on a favorite blog of mine.
Amy Budge
Amy Budge: My dad has been out of a job for almost two years now, He could really use this unique pick-me-up :D
Amy Budge: I found your blog on the favorites list of a friend's blog. LOVE IT!
Julie Scott- I found you from your appearence on GTU
I would send them to my parents as a thank you gift.
Samantha Cleys: I found your blog through a Tip Junkie email.
Rebekah Arnold
I found your blog from the Taylor Joelle Facebook announcement about today's givaway. :)
Marci Childs: I would send them to my oh so amazing mom. She always needs a unique thanks!
Marci Childs: I heard about this blog from a friend, she told me to enter when you were featuring the Shell Sprout Company...after that i was hooked! Now if i could just win!! :)
Cindy Nelson: I'd send it to my parents, just because they're so awesome.
Cindy Nelson: I think I found the site from a friends blog.
Deborah Andreasen: I would send some to my friend who is having a baby.
Tricia Little: I would send one to my mom
Leslie Bloomquist
Deborah Andreasen: I saw a link on my friend's blog. I won after two weeks, but that was way back when there was only 100 of us entering. If I hadn't won so fast, I'd probably have given up by now.
Tricia Little: Vilate's Nifty Nook turned me on to givedaddy.com when they were doing a cloth diaper giveaway, and they had a link to you.
Diana Baun - Saw your blog listed on a friend's...been in love ever since
Linda Muir:I would send them to my son for his birthday...
Heidi Kartchner
I would give a Fortunately to my friend who just had triplets!!
Linda Muir:I heard about Give Away from either Good Things Utah or Studio 5...
Sarah Clark; I would send one to myself! I really want to try them.
Heidi Kartchner
I don't even remember now how I first heard about it...I think probably from someones blog. I have been hooked for months now!
Sarah Clark: I saw a button on a friend's blog.
Kendall Stevens
Sarah MacConnell
Denise Hone
Sarah MacConnell
I would send one to my grandmother for her 79th birthday!
Megan Buck: My mom
Megan Buck: Facebook
Denise Hone: I would send them to my sweet hubby
Ruth PRivitt
Mayby my son. He likes a good surprize.
Kendall stevens: in a heartbeat I would send a package to my sister in law. She her 3 kids live far away from family, and my brother has been in afganistan for the last 8 months serving our country, they could use some upliftment!
Denise Hone: I heard about your blog from the Material Girls
Ruth Privitt--My daughter has you button on her blog.
kendall stevens I heard about your blog through a link my friend had on her blog
Mackenzie Casey: I would sent id to my mom who is the bomb. She is amazing.
Mackenzie Casey: I found your blog through a blogger recommendation
Sarah Freeman: I would send one to my husband because he proposed to me with a fortune cookie!
Alicia manning- would send to my sister just to say hi
Jennifer Elton: I would send one to my mom because she is amazing.
Sarah Freeman: I heard about this blog from a friend's blog.
Jennifer Elton: I saw that one of my friends was a fan of Giveaway Today on facebook so I decided to check it out.
alicia manning- one of my friends won her first time commenting.
Brandi Campbell: I read about your site on a friends blog and have been hooked ever since (despite not winning.......yet)!!!!
Janae Bang
kelly jones...I would send them to my older sister
kelly jones..heard about you from a post my friend made on facebook
Rachel Kibmler: I would send one to my sister.
Brandi Campbell: I would send one to my brother, sister-in-law, adn/or a neighbor that's family just got transferred to Florida!
Melanie Summers
Katie Jordan: I would send it to my mother
Katie Jordan: I found this blog from a link on someone else's blog
Jessica Nye: I would customize a box for my friend Melissa.
Jessica Nye: I was reading my friend's blog and she had posted that she won a photography package from Giveaway Today blog and I thought that sounds awesome! I want to win something! And I've been hooked every since!
Leslee Kitchen
Carrie Thompson: Would send them to my friend who just got engaged!
Carrie Thompson: I heard about you through the grapevine of sorts...Real Simple highlighted Bloggiveaways.com and they had you on there...so I clicked and now I'm hooked!
Emily Panza
Brittany Hansen: I would probably give one to my friend who recently had a baby and is doing such a good job balancing everything.
Brittany Hansen: I found your site on my friends blog, and I've loved it ever since!
Stacey Fiessinger: I'd send to a couple here in town who are going through tough times with their 9 week old baby who has downs syndrome and heart problems....this would be a nice pick me up!
Sue Mickelson - my sister-in-law Ashley told me about you!
Stacey Fiessinger: I found this on a blog and absolutely LOVE it .....can't imagaine how much I'd love it if I'd ever win!
Brenda Finlinson
Ashley Davidson: I would give it to my husband or one of my friends
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