Monday, December 1, 2008

Today, December 1st, we are Giving Away... (PRIZE CLAIMED)

$100 gift card from Target.

Normally, we will give away one item per day Monday through Friday. However, since this is our first giveaway, the Target gift card will be our featured item until Friday morning, December 5th. On the morning of December 5th we will choose the winner using A comment number will be chosen (any deleted-by-the-author comments will not be counted). Whatever name is in the comment line of that entry will be the winner. We will announce the winner and then he or she will have 24 hours to email If we do not hear from the winner within 24 hours, we will choose a new winner.

Here's how you can ENTER YOURSELF to win:

1. For your first entry: In the comment box type your first and last name.
Example: Jane Doe

2. For your second entry: Put our button on your blog.
Then in A NEW comment box type "Button: Your first and last name"
Example: Button: Jane Doe

3. For your third entry: Write a post about our blog on your blog.
Then in A NEW comment box type "Post: Your first and last name"
Example: Post: Jane Doe

Here's how you can ENTER YOUR REFERRING FRIEND to win:

1. In A NEW comment box type "Ref:" for "reference" and only your referring friend's first and last name. (You may enter your referring friend only once.)
Example: Ref: John Smith

Keep in mind, you can be a referring friend and get a ton of entries for yourself. Email your family and friends about The more people you refer, the higher your chances are of winning.

Recap: The maximum number of comments that you can leave is four. One with your name; one for a button, one for a post, and one that gives the name of the person who referred you.
Good Luck!

Do you have a product that you would like to be featured on Give Away Today?
Please contact for information. Thanks!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 872   Newer›   Newest»
Heather said... 1

Heather Thompson

Heather said... 2

I have your button here:

Button: Heather Thompson

Sheryl said... 3

Sheryl Brady

writermum said... 4

Lesley Macmillan

What a great Idea!

Jylaire said... 5

Jylaire Thorell

Jylaire said... 6

I put the button on my blog!! THis is such a cute idea! Good luck!

Erin said... 7

Erin Trimble

Carrie said... 8

Carrie Carroll

Carrie said... 9

Button: Carrie Carroll

Carrie said... 10

Post: Carrie Carroll

gurd said... 11

Karen Armstrong

Krislynn said... 12

Kris Nielson

Krislynn said... 13

i posted your button on

Rhonda Miller said... 14

Rhonda Miller

Rhonda Miller said... 15

Button: Rhonda Miller

Rhonda Miller said... 16

Post: Rhonda Miller


Trieste said... 17

This is such a great deal!
Trieste Phillipps

Emilee Snow said... 18

Emilee Snow

Emilee Snow said... 19

Referred by Sheryl Brady

Trieste said... 20

Button: Trieste Phillipps

Amber Madsen said... 21

Kris Neilson refered me

Amber Madsen said... 22

Amber Madsen

Amber Madsen said... 23

Button: Amber Madsen

Wendy Christensen said... 24

Wendy Christensen

The Cooper's said... 25

Jenny Cooper

laura kate said... 26

laura stika

Wendy Christensen said... 27

Button: Wendy Christensen


Alyson | New England Living said... 28

Alyson Horrocks.

Wendy Christensen sent me!

Alyson | New England Living said... 29

Button: Alyson Horrocks

Unknown said... 30

Betheny Tomseth

Unknown said... 31

Betheny Tomseth

Krislyn Nielson refered me.

Unknown said... 32
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said... 33

Post: Betheny Tomseth

Tawnya said... 34

Tawnya Okelberry

Unknown said... 35

Button: Betheny Tomseth

Wendy Christensen said... 36

I posted a comment about this fun site on my blog!! :) Wendy Christensen

the moms at babysteals said... 37


Christensen Family said... 38

Holli Christensen

Erica C. said... 39

Erica Carnes

mar said... 40

Marilyn Wons

Heather said... 41

Heather Davis

Heather said... 42

Button: Heather Davis

Heather said... 43

Post: Heather Davis

Anonymous said... 44

Karen Mead

Brian M said... 45

Brian Morin

Cindy said... 46

Wendy Christensen sent me :)

NaDell said... 47

Wendy Christensen sent me too. She's super cute and fun and should win, unless it's me.
NaDell Ransom

pamelarm said... 48

Pam Reimer. Thanks for the chance!

Miss Spoken said... 49

Gina Stratos

Lyndsay said... 50

Where do you come up with this stuff Em?
Love it!

Lyndsay Jensen. I also put your button on my blog!

The Hendricks Family said... 51

Allyson Hendricks

The Hendricks Family said... 52

Allyson Hendricks

I put the button on my blog.

Robin said... 53

robin powell
referred by
lyndsay johnson

5webs said... 54

Alicia Webster

Stacey said... 55

Stacey Sifuentes Love this contest I was just at Target and saw a lot of gifts for people I love this would help me get them all!! Thanks for the contest

Mamushi Love said... 56

Vicky Harris


The Hendricks Family said... 57

Allyson Hendricks

I posted on my blog.

The Lind's said... 58

rebecca lind

heather davis referred me

Anna said... 59

Anna Azimi

The Lind's said... 60

I put the button on my website

rebecca lind

Marilyn said... 61

Button: Marilyn Lott

Unknown said... 62

Katie Carone
Referred by Heather Davis

M and M Madsen said... 63

Michaun Madsen

Keri said... 64

Carrie Carroll referred me.

Keri said... 65

Keri Elmer

plhill2000 said... 66

Patricia Hill

d5stock said... 67

Thanks for the contest. John Regg

Unknown said... 68

Karen Free

Anonymous said... 69

ron grande bullseye

Kaylyn said... 70

Kaylyn Scothern

Jalyn said... 71

Jalyn Bringhurst

Michelle Baird Designs said... 72

Looks like you are having a nice turn out...and it's only the first day. Good for you! Count me in
Shabby Creations

Jalyn said... 73

Lyndsay Jensen referred me

Shalece said... 74

Shalece Beyler

Shalece said... 75

Button: Shalece Beyler

Shalece said... 76

Post: Shalece Beyler

Brielle said... 77

Button: Brielle Wollenzien

Brielle said... 78

Brielle Wollenzien

Johnson Family said... 79

Mandy Johnson

Shorty said... 80

Shorty Securityville

Joey and Nettifer said... 81

Jylaire told me about your blog

Shorty said... 82

Button Shorty Securityville

Shorty said... 83

Post: Shorty Securityville

Bridget said... 84

Sheri Willardson

Bridget said... 85

Button: Sheri Willardson

Bridget said... 86

Post: Sheri Willardson

Bridget said... 87

Heather Davis

scrunquist said... 88

Steve Runquist

Jen lleras said... 89

Jennifer Lleras

blogggggg said... 90

Kelly Ferrari

Jenni said... 91

Jenni Smith

Rachel said... 92

Rachel Green

Anonymous said... 93

Rebecca Snodgrass

rebbi511 at

Fullmer Family said... 94

Tirzah Fullmer

Fullmer Family said... 95

Button: Tirzah Fullmer

The 4 Martells said... 96

Holli Martell

Fullmer Family said... 97

Post: Tirzah Fullmer

Anonymous said... 98

matthew meisenhelder

The 4 Martells said... 99

I was sent by Wendy Christensen!

rosabarto said... 100

Rosa Bartolucci

Kirsti said... 101

Kirsti Colyar

The 4 Martells said... 102

I put your button on my blog! Holli Martell

The 4 Martells said... 103

I posted about your website! Holli Martell

The Hammonds said... 104

Julieanne Hammond

The Hammonds said... 105

Lyndsay Jensen

Great referral!

The Jones Family said... 106

Rebecca Jones

Krystin said... 107

Krystin Idell

Krystin said... 108

I posted on my blog - Krystin Idell

Krystin said... 109

I put up a button - Krystin Idell

Jill said... 110

Jillian Stoddard

Jill said... 111

Button: Jillian Stoddard

Jessica Sanders said... 112

Jessica Sanders

chromiumman said... 113

christopher harner

Jill said... 114

Lyndsay Johnson

Unknown said... 115

Button: Lyndsay Johnson

Unknown said... 116

Post: Lyndsay Johnson

Jessica Sanders said... 117

Button: Jessica Sanders

Jessica Sanders said... 118

Post: Jessica Sanders

Jessica Sanders said... 119

Julieanne Hammond referred me

ms-texas said... 120

Debbie Bellows

JAGBHansen said... 121

April Hansen
Referred by Heather Davis

Anonymous said... 122

Shilo Beedy

Anonymous said... 123

Button: Shilo Beedy

Tammie said... 124

Tammie Erickson

Tammie said... 125

Button: Tammie Erickson

Tammie said... 126

Jillian Stoddard

jeanine said... 127

Jeanine Crane

jeanine said... 128

Button: Jeanine Crane

Courtney said... 129

Courtney Faerber

Tes283 said... 130

Theresa Shafer

Lisa said... 131

Lisa Williams

Jessica said... 132

Jessica Hammond

Tammie & Jeff said... 133

Post: Tammie Erickson

Coleen Holt said... 134

Coleen Holt

Coleen Holt said... 135

Allyson Hendricks

Anonymous said... 136

Dara Nix

Anonymous said... 137

Brandy Wilson

Brooke said... 138

Brooke Brown

Brooke said... 139

Button: Brooke Brown

Jennifer Sciore said... 140

Jennifer Bradshaw

Christie said... 141

Christie Hoskins

Christie said... 142

Button: Christie Hoskins

Christie said... 143

Post: Christie Hoskins

Christie said... 144

Heather Davis

Liz said... 145

Liz Stevenson !

Rebecca said... 146

Rebecca Nelson

Anonymous said... 147

Laura Patterson

Amanda said... 148

Amanda Stauffer

{Brittany} said... 149

Brittany Jones

{Brittany} said... 150

Heather Davis

Jaime said... 151

Jaime Young

MuteX10 said... 152

Kristen Saulnier

Karen said... 153

Karen Shaker

Anonymous said... 154

Thanks for the great contest! Delilah Vela

Lindsay said... 155

Lindsay Woods

Karen said... 156

Button: Karen Shaker

Anonymous said... 157

Stephanie Vollowitz
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Di said... 158

Diana Coe

Heather Davis referred me

Karen said... 159

Post: Karen Shaker

Karen said... 160

Lyndsay Johnson

BAER THIS IN MIND said... 161

Cindy Baer

Rhonda Miller said... 162

Richard Miller

Rhonda Miller said... 163

Rhonda Miller

Colette Brady said... 164

Colette Brady

Colette Brady said... 165

Scott Brady

StinaWins said... 166

Christina Gould

Aisling said... 167

Gaye McGill

Unknown said... 168

Catherine Gildea

barbmccrea said... 169

Barbara McCrea

Heather | Cookie Mondays said... 170

Heather Mattos

Heather | Cookie Mondays said... 171

Button: Heather Mattos

cman said... 172

Gianna Kranenberg

Heather | Cookie Mondays said... 173

Lyndsay Johnson

barbmccrea said... 174

Barbara McCrea

barbmccrea said... 175

Button Barbara McCrea

Melissa Cantwell said... 176

Melissa Cantwell

nannastaz said... 177

Gloria Carter

nannastaz said... 178

button:Gloria Carter

nannastaz said... 179

post:Gloria Carter

Heather | Cookie Mondays said... 180

Post: Heather Mattos

Beverley said... 181

Beverley Justice

Amanda said... 182

Amanda's entry

Amanda said... 183

Added your button

Shell in your Pocket said... 184

Sandy toes

dawns41 said... 185

Patricia Skinner

TheGreatBelow said... 186

name: Andrea Ross

TheGreatBelow said... 187

Button: Andrea Ross

TheGreatBelow said... 188

Posted A Blog: Andrea Ross

Karmen said... 189

Karmen Pope

Karmen said... 190

Button: Karmen Pope

Maja said... 191

Maja Meza

This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said... 193

Kristin Munson

Karmen said... 194

Post: Karmen Pope

Leigh-Anne said... 195

Sheryl Brady

Leigh-Anne said... 196

button: Leigh-Anne Long

R.B. and Cyndee Probert said... 197

Cyndee Probert

Leigh-Anne said... 198

Leigh-Anne Long

R.B. and Cyndee Probert said... 199

Button: Cyndee Probert

R.B. and Cyndee Probert said... 200

Post: Cyndee Probert

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 872   Newer› Newest»