A free custom header and coordinating custom Blogger background to TWO different people from The Blog Fairy.
And the SECOND giveaway is…

Two Tickets to be in the Studio Audience of Good Things Utah on March 9th! And if you live in Utah, you will want to be in the studio audience that day (explanation below).

For our FIRST giveaway, TWO people will win a free custom header and a coordinating custom Blogger background from The Blog Fairy. The Blog Fairy specializes in creating blog headers, semi-headers, buttons, and backgrounds. In fact, The Blog Fairy designed my family’s blog and I love it! The Blog Fairy corresponded with me to find out exactly what I would like and then she designed a lovely blog which is exactly what I wanted.
There are three ways you can enter to win a custom-made blog from The Blog Fairy for your own family or for a business.
For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment and the words “Blog”
Example: Jane Doe: Blog
Example: Jane Doe: Silhouette

For our SECOND giveaway, one person (our winner) and a guest of his or her choice will be able to be in the studio audience of Good Things Utah on March 9th! Give Away Today will be featured in a segment on Good Things Utah that day. And of course we will be bringing along such fun items to give away to their studio audience. Some of these AMAZING products will be from Olive Jane Designs, See Kai Run, Cardigan Empire, and Down East Outfitters. There will only be about sixty people in the studio audience, so your chances of winning something are high. So if you are from Utah (or the surrounding areas) enter to win for yourself and then call, text, or email your friends and tell them to visit http://www.giveawaytoday.blogspot.com/ so that they can enter too (and then, of course, take you as their guest). We promise it will be a lot of fun, so please enter to win by leaving a comment with your first and last name and the words “Good Things Utah”. Each person can enter only one time to win the tickets to Good Things Utah.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 433 Newer› Newest»Michele Judd: Blog
Joanna Wilkins: Good Things Utah
Kelly Sperry: blog
Trinette Hayslip:Blog
Kelly Sperry: Griffeth 2
Kelly Sperry: Good Things Utah
Sarah Cox: Good Things Utah
Jylaire Thorell; blog
Kristen Gregson: blog
Kristen Gregson: Good Things Utah
Trinette Hayslip:Griffeth
Jylaire Thorell: Good things Utah
Trinette Hayslip:Glam Rock
Michele Judd: Griffeth
Michele Judd: Quilters Delight
Manina Johnson: Good Things Utah
Stefanie Ellingson: Good Things Utah
Stefanie Ellingson: Blog
Tara Smith: Blog
Anna Hale: Blog
Anna Hale :Good Things Utah
Tara Smith: Griffeth 2
Tara Smith: Brown & Blue
Sarah Bradley: Blog
Sarah Bradley: Party Of Six (Except we're a party of 5!)
Sarah Bradley: Cute As A Bug (So hard to pick though!)
Emily Orton: Good Things Utah
Melody Holland: Blog
Becca Bailey: Griffeth
Brooke Nelson Blog
Becca Bailey: pop art
Melody Holland: Griffeth
Laura Swenson: Good Things Utah
Laura Swenson: blot
Laura Swenson: Old and Crippled
Melody Holland: Orange and green
Brooke Nelson If It Ain’t Baroque...
Brooke Nelson Silhouette
Brooke Nelson Good Things Utah
Catey Ball: blog
Kimberly Emert - blog
Catey Ball: Good Things Utah
Kimberly Emert - Emerican Made 3
Catey Ball: Party of Six or Homegirl
Kimberly Emert - Cute as a Bug
Jamie Cox: Blog
Heidi Jackman: blog
Bethany Struthers: Blog
Bethany Struthers: Good Things Utah
Jamie Cox: Richison
Mary Pinegar: Blog
Sara Grant: Blog
Sara Grant: party of six
Bethany Struthers: life as we know it
Sara Grant: Hippie Kayay
Sara Grant: Good things Utah
Jamie Cox: Dusty Fields
Heidi Jackman:Emerican Made 2
Bethany Struthers: going green
Heidi Jackman: school girl
Cindy Price - Blog
Heather Black: Blog
Heather Black: Life As We Know It
Heather Black: Bright Lights
Melissa Mills:blog
Jenn Powell: Blog
Cindy Albertson Blog
Jenn Powell: Emerican Made 3
Cindy Price: Swirly Vines
Jenn Powell: Going Green
Melissa Mills:Life's Little Journey
Lindsay Figueroa : Blog
Lindsay Figueroa : Good things Utah
Melissa Mills:swirly vines
Marcey Minor:Blog
Cindy Albertson Life’s Little Journey
Cindy Price: Life’s Little Journey
Jeanine Crane: blog
Jessica Hammond: Blog
Jeanine Crane: sweet tea diaries
Jessica HammondL: Griffeth 2
Cindy Albertson
The Naturalist
Marcey Minor:Griffeth
Brenda Kinnear: Griffeth 2
Brenda Kinnear: blog
Jeanine Crane: going green
Cindy Albertson Good Things Utah
Brenda Kinnear: Silhouette
Jeanine Crane: good things utah
Heather Harris: Richison
Heather Harris: blog
Heather Harris: Silhouette
Becky Irvine: blog
Becky Irvine:blog - white
TammyGraham BLOG
TammyGraham "Heart Attack"
Heidi Clark : Good Things Utah
Tegan Mauldin: blog
Tegan Mauldin: Homegirl
Tiffany Mason: blog
Tegan Mauldin: Silhouette
sarah york
Tiffany Mason: Griffeth 2
sarah york: richison
sarah york: bright lights
Tiffany Mason: Glam Rock
Shauna K Brown: blog
Tiffany Mason: good things utah
Courtnie Cotterell:Good Things Utah
Nicholle Young-Good Things Utah
Shauna K Brown: Life as we Know it
Angela Sargent: Blog
Kathleen Rucker: blog
Kathleen Rucker: blog
Angela Sargent: Good Things Utah
Kathleen Rucker: grifeth 2
Ashlie Fackrell: Blog
kathleen Rucker: glam rock
Ashlie Fackrell: Good Things Utah
Amy Pugmire: blog
Amy Pugmire: Griffeth 2
Amy Pugmire: Pop Art
Angela Sargent: Griffeth 2
Angela Sargent: Pop Art
Amy Pugmire: Good Things Utah.
Shauna K Brown: school girl
Shauna K Brown: Good Things Utah
Laura Hall: BLog
laura hall: blog
Laura Hall: Sweet Tea Diaries
Melanie Wileu:Blog
Laura Hall: Silhouette
Amy Olivas: Blog
Amy Olivas: Griffeth
Melanie Wiley-Richism
Amy Olivas: Work Of Art
Melanie Wiley-going green
Melanie Wiley-Good things Utah
Sommer Curtis: Good Things Utah
Charity Maua'i - Good Things Utah
Marlene Ashley:blog
Alexandra Pielech: Blog
Marlene Ashley: Emerican Made 3
Alexandra Pielech: Taylor
Alexandra Pielech: Classic Navy
hRachel Biornstad: blog
Rachel Biornstad: life as we know it
Clancy Passey: Blog
Candi Barker: Blog
Clancy Passey: Sweet Tea Diaries
Clancy Passey: Silhouette
Rachel Biornstad: sew in love
Clancy Passey: Good Things Utah
Rachel Biornstad: good things utah
Candi Barker: White
Candi Barker: Silhouette
Heather Demke: good things utah
Alicia Andersen: Good Things Utah
Gail Saso:blog
Natalie Shaw: Good Things Utah
Natalie Shaw: blog
Natalie Shaw: Griffeth
Natalie Shaw: Black and White
Marianne Ogg: Blog
Marianne Ogg: Party of Six
Marianne Ogg: Hippie Kayay
Autum Hofeling- Good Things Utah
Karrie Truman:blog
Karrie Truman: Rodriguez
Karrie Truman: Going Green
Autum Hofeling-Blog
Autum Hofeling-U Create
Autum Hofeling- Orange&Lime
Abby Bell: blog
Jennifer Olson: blog
Abby Bell: Emerican Made 2
Abby Bell: Going Green
Jennifer Olson: Griffeth
Jennifer Olson: Classic Navy background
Mandy Stewart: Blog
Mandee Wheelus: good things utah
Mandee Wheelus: Blog
Mandee Wheelus: Blog
Amy Magallanes: Blog
Amy magallanes: Life as we know it
Mandee Wheelus: Griffeth
Karen Scoffield: Good Things Utah
Mandy Stewart: Griffeth
Mandy Stewart: Perfectly Paisley
Karen Scoffield: blog
Mandee Wheelus: Hippie Kayay
Natalie Cottle: Griffeth
Natalie Cottle: Swirley Vines
Natalie Cottle: Good Things Utah
Cheryl Bowe: Blog
Cheryl Bowe: Griffeth
Cheryl Bowe: I’ve Been Framed
Kimberly Pueblo: blog
Ceridwen Lewin
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