Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today, March 11th, we are Giving Away... (PRIZES CLAIMED)

A Chic Apron and Swim Diaper Cover from Olive Jane Designs

If you’re going to be working hard in the kitchen, why not look cute doing it? Olive Jane Designs is here to help with their very hip aprons. The talented seamstress behind Olive Jane Designs loves her work and it shows in the quality of her products.

My daughter owns this adorable and high-quality skirt from Olive Jane Designs. Each time my daughter wears it I can’t quit looking at her throughout the day and thinking, “That is one of the cutest skirts I have ever seen on her!” I love it!

And today you have the opportunity to win some of Olive Jane Designs' products. The first is a darling apron:

It is made from 100% pre-shrunk cotton. It is very flattering, functional, and even sexy! So in other words, watch out ladies, your man will want more than dinner when he comes through the door and sees you in one of Olive Jane Designs' aprons.

The second product you can enter to win today is a swim diaper cover:

Olive Jane Designs' swim diaper covers are worn OVER a regular swim diaper. Due to an outbreak of cryptosporidium last year, almost all of the public swimming pools in our area make children ages three and under wear a swim diaper PLUS another plastic diaper over the top. At our local pool plastic white swim diaper cover-ups are $8.00. They’re just plastic, and boring. So why not purchase a cute diaper cover-up? You can even have your child wear a rash guard on his or her upper body and one of Olive Jane Designs' swim diaper covers over the swim diaper on his or her lower body. WA-LA: you have double diapered your child AND you have a swimsuit all in one.

ATTENTION: Olive Jane Designs is giving FREE SHIPPING (Yay!) to the readers of Give Away Today. In the notes upon check out you need to enter the code “giveawaytoday” and then Olive Jane Designs will refund the shipping through Paypal—it’s the only way that the Etsy/Paypal combo will allow Olive Jane Designs to do it. But hey, we’ll take free shipping any way we can get it, right ladies (and gents).

Each person can enter to win the stylish apron or swim diaper cover from Olive Jane Designs up to THREE times today.

For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry visit Olive Jane Designs’ website here. Look at all of their darling products and then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and one of Olive Jane Designs’ products that you wish you owned.
Example: Jane Doe: Blue Harlequin Waterproof Diaper Cover

For a third entry I thought it would be fun to learn about our reader’s most embarrassing moments. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and one of your most embarrassing moments (your embarassing moment does not have to be pool or swimming-related).
Example: Jane Doe: When I was in eighth grade my dad took me and my best friend swimming with a youth group of about twenty boys (we were the only girls who got to go). That morning I snuck into my sister’s room and grabbed one of her swimsuits to wear. My friend and I had a great time swimming. Afterwards we jumped out of the pool and began talking (and flirting) with the boys. My friend quickly suggested we go to the dressing room. As we were walking away my friend told me to look down. When wet, the swimming suit had become completely see-through!! My sister had discovered this too and wore it only when laying out. This was a hard way to learn that I shouldn’t wear my sister’s clothes without asking.

The winner of the great products from Olive Jane Designs will be announced tomorrow, March 12th. Please visit us then to see if you are one of our winners and to check out the new giveaway for the day. Thanks!


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sarah said...

Sarah Asay

Jo said...

Johanna Hall: my embarrassing moment happened at a pool too. I arrived at the pool and ran to the diving board (there wasn't a line) and dove in. I popped up out of the water and a lifeguard was blowing the whistle at me. Evidently the pool was closed for 10 minutes while the lifeguards took a break. I was 14 and soooo embarrassed, as everyone was standing around and saw me.

Rachel said...

Rachel West: Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Abish Bates

Anonymous said...

Kristine Jessop

Jennifer said...

jennifer rutherford- i once sent a sassy text meant for my hubby, to my DAD!

Jen (Maddie Lou Beanies) said...

Jennifer McQuivey

David & Jessica said...

Jessica Smith: it seems like embarrassing things happen to me everyday so they don't even phase me anymore! In 5th grade I had a huge crush on a boy and in art class my teacher told everyone, I could have died! I don't even know how the teach knew but he did...

sarah said...

Sarah Asay: Girls fun and flirty skirt.

Jen (Maddie Lou Beanies) said...

Jennifer McQuivey - Custom Made Vintage Ginger Apron

Est. 1994 said...

Sara DeLeary: vintage ginger apron (blue)

Jen said...

Jen Boyle: When I was 13 I went to a youth conference, which was held at the beach. Keep in mind that this was with boys and girls. Everyone was getting changed into there swimsuits to go swimming. We had to change in our tents, which was not the easiest thing to do! I got down to the beach where everyone was swimming, I took off my shirt to get in the water. I then noticed that everyone was laughing at me! Not the best thing to do to a 13 year old girl! I looked down to see what everyone was laughing at, and I noticed that I had kept my bra on under my bathing suit. I was already so embarrassed to be wearing a bra, but to have everyone, especially BOYS to see it, was mortifying!

Kimberly said...

Kimberly Pueblo: Vintage Ginger Apron

Est. 1994 said...

Sara DeLeary; Nursing my son during his baptism the priest walked down the aisle spoke loudly and my son jerked his head away and my milk shot out into the aisle.

Jennifer said...

jennifer rutherford- girls fun and flirty skirt. so cute!!!

Jen (Maddie Lou Beanies) said...

Jennifer McQuivey - I was sitting in my church class, and I bent over to pick up something from underneath my chair. I didn't realize how far back it was, and I flipped over and landed in the middle of the class with my dress up to my waist.

Kendell's Crusaders said...

Jennifer Keyes: vintage ginger apron

bjoycer98 said...

branden shunn: vintage ginger apron

Andrus said...

Stefanie Andrus :Custom Made Vintage Ginger Apron. All the aprons are darling!!

Anonymous said...

ashlee-caywood-rutherford: girls fun and flirty skirt

Sarah Jane said...

Sarah Nuttall: Harlequin Floral Diaper Cover

Anonymous said...

darci bloomfield

Becca said...

Becca Olave: Vintage Ginger Apron

Sarah Jane said...

Sarah Nuttall: I triped down the stairs in High School and ran right into a guy from my neigborhood! It was really embarrassing, luckily not too many people were in the stair way.

Anonymous said...

darci bloomfield:peace flowers

Jessica Reeves said...

Jessica Reeves

Anonymous said...

Julie Pocock: Blue Harlequin

bethany said...

Bethany Cluff

bethany said...

Bethany Cluff - fun and flirty skirt, 5T

Anonymous said...

Karen Dean

Jessica Reeves said...

Jessica Reeves: Vintage Ginger Apron

Becca said...

Becca Olave: During a band concert, I was called up to receive an award. But on my way to receive it, I tripped on some trombone player's spit that was on the stage and totally fell flat on my butt. It was embarrassing!!

The Stevens: said...

Shanell Stevens: My most recent embarrassing moment involves Pillsbury crescent rolls, a ripped grocery sack, and the parking lot. At least I was able to laugh about it!:) I had gotten a fairly small bag for my groceries, as I was walking across the parking lot, the bag ripped, spilling it's contents all over the lot, the crescent rolls rolled across the parking lot, under cars, and I was chasing my groceries like a mad women, it was very embarrassing. There were lots of people watching, as well as a car waiting to park. Geeze!

Lovey said...

lovey finkelstein

Leslie Garbanati said...

Leslie Garbanati-Vintange Ginger apron

Leslie Garbanati said...

Leslie Garbanati

The Stevens: said...

Shanell Stevens: Vintage Ginger Apron (pink)

tharker said...

Tiffani Harker

I love the Vintage Ginger apron and I also love the girl's skirts. I know my daughter would LOVE one!

Anonymous said...

Denise Stout

bethany said...

Bethany Cluff - I ended up in a boys bathroom in high school. But I didn't realize it til I was already in the stall...waited til I thought all the boys were gone.(Yes, they were standing at the urinals) Then I tried to hightail it outta there. But there was still a boy in there and a girl noticed me coming out and yelled it to all her friends.

Anonymous said...

Nicole Leonard: Vintage Ginger Apron :)

Codi said...

Codi Weeks- I had just had a new baby, he was my second but first time nursing. I took my then 3 year old to the pool with the new baby and Grandpa. Everybody was playing just fine, having a blast. I had to sit down to nurse, so I covered up and began. I sat next to the kiddie pool to let my 3 year old play. Of course there was a huge structure in the middle so I couldn't see him every second. Grandpa decided to go down the big slide so he wasn't around. These women kept looking at me (they had perfect bodies and cute little bikinis, not great for the Mothers mind that just had a baby!!) and I thought, "oh great, they are getting mad at me for nursing." Then one starts walking toward me. I'm thinking, "oh crap!! What do I say to them?" Then the girl starts talking and asking me if this was my son, pointing to a little boy having a blast in the water. I told her he is and I thought how relieved I was, she just wanted to tell me how cute my son is, right?!?! Well, then she said, "the one that is completely naked?" WHAT?? Oh my heck! Yes! So we had to find his shorts, the lifeguard kept asking me if I he had pooped in the water and I said he wouldn't have he just likes to be naked! I decided it was time to leave right then.

The Taylor LIfe said...

Christin Taylor: Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Nicole Leonard

Anonymous said...

Denise Stout -- girls fun and flirty skirt, black with pink flowers.

Spencer and Aly Larsen said...

Aly Larsen : Vintage ginger red and blue apron

tcoggin said...


tharker said...

Tiffani Harker

Most embarrassing pool story....I think every pubescent girl has experienced this on some level. The old period starting in the pool story. Oh wait, I AM the only one? Well, that sucks!

Kendell's Crusaders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimberly said...

Kimberly Pueblo: I was at a swim/dive meet and I had my swimmer friend's little sister on my shoulders while I talked to this guy I liked. And the little girl said "Josh, Kim likes you!" And he responded very matter-of-fact like, "I know." And that's all he said! After a couple of seconds I said "Am I blushing yet?" and walked away. What a punk.

tcoggin said...


Kendra said...

Kendra Heffelfinger

Kendell's Crusaders said...

Jennifer Keyes: Being "de-pants" (underwear and all) in 7th grade by a ninth grader and at a new school to boot where I knew nobody and was trying to make friends. Luckily, I still did :)

Leslie Garbanati said...

Ohh...embarassment. I was in Girl Scouts and we went on a trip to Lava Hot Springs. I was pretty excited to be wearing a new swimming suit that my mother had sewn for me. While we were swimming, my friend noticed the back seam had come undone. There I was in the middle of the big pool at Lava Hot springs with my little Girl Scout bum haning out of my swimming suit. I wanted to die. Then, to make it worse, my leader wanted to take a funny picture...of me! I had to get dressed and wait by the pool. Maybe that is why I hate swimming pools and swimming suits so badly!

tcoggin said...


Unknown said...

Heather Butler

Abigail said...

Abbie Taylor/peace flowers diaper cover

Tinabean said...

Tina Wright ~ Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Jenny Garlock

Anonymous said...

Jenny Garlock: Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Indira Vadlamani

Carrie said...

Carrie Fuhriman: Ginger Apron

Robert and Kristen said...

Kristen Crockett - girls fun and flirty skirt size 5T-6X

Anonymous said...

Nicole Leonard: Once I was sitting in the airport telling my mom a story about this guy who beat up another guy and thus didn't get to walk at Law School graduation. I went on and on and on and ON about how horrible this whole thing was. Then this man walked up and asked if I was a law student. I said "No, why?" And he said "because I'm [name of guy who beat up other guy]" He and his entire family had been sitting there, listening while I gossiped about him. Niiiiiice.

Suzanne said...

Suzanne Brenchley: vintage ginger apron

Aubrey said...

Aubrey Lomax: Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Indira Vadlamani: Vintage Apron Cover

Anonymous said...

Indira Vadlamani

Spencer and Aly Larsen said...

Aly Larsen : When I was in the 6th grade I was in a school play where I had to wear a spagetti strap dress. I didnt have the biggest chest so I thought it was safe to go without a bra. I put it in my jacket pocket and I guess it fell out on the playground. After the play I went to put it back on and my friend told me where it was. I tried to play cool so I went without my bra the rest of the day at school. I guess it was more noticeable than I thought and all the boys knew it was my bra on the playground.

Kendra said...

Kendra Heffelfinger: Rockets and Robots

Anonymous said...

Sarat Chalumuri

Lovey said...

lovey finkelstein - hand pieced quilts!

Anonymous said...

Sarat Chalumuri: Vintage Apron Cover

Anonymous said...

Sobhana Gudimetta

Anonymous said...

Sobhana Gudimetta: Vintage Apron Cover

Anonymous said...

Rajiv Somisetty

Erin said...

Erin Trimble: Girls fun and flirt skirt

Anonymous said...

Rajiv Somisetty: Vintage apron cover

Deb said...

Debbie Weaver =Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Kalyan Chadalavada

Kendra said...

Kendra Heffelfinger: I was a lifeguard/swim instructor for five years at an indoor pool. I came out of the locker room many a times with toilet tissue hanging out of my suit!

Anonymous said...

Kalyan Chadalavada: Vintage Apron Cover

Lovey said...

lovey finkelstein - most embarrassing moment is when i was in high school. i slipped on a patch of ice as i was boarding the school bus and everything in my hand flew up over my head and i slid under the bus. everyone had a good laugh that morning - even the driver. i am not sure how long it took before he was even able to drive the bus away once i got on because he was laughing so hard.

Anonymous said...

Ajay Bose

Anonymous said...

Ajay Bose: Vintage Apron Cover

Unknown said...

Heather Butler: Custom Made Vintage Ginger Apron

Carrie said...

Carrie Fuhriman: So my embarrassing moment has nothing to do with swimming but is still very embarrassing. I was picking up my daughter from the nursery at church. I walked right inside the door, she ran to me, I said thank you to her teacher and as I was saying that I was grabbing for the door knob to get out quick & watching for other kids that might escape. I kept waving my hand around...'that doorknob should be closer' then I looked around my shoulder & another dad had come in behind me & I was nearly grabbing his crotch.

Kellan and Rikki-Leigh said...

Rikki-Leigh Stevens

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart: vintage ginger apron

Hannah Jones said...

Hannah C. Jones

Mark and Emily said...

Emily Bleazard: Vintage Ginger Apron

Jenelle said...

Jenelle Lacy- Ginger

Anonymous said...

Tara Wiser

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Julie Pocock: During church I thought one of the people on the stand was looking at me funny. I figured it ws imagination until I glanced down to see my shirt unbuttoned down past "the girls." Thank goodness I'd chosen a conservative bra that day!

Russ and Jamie said...

Jamie Loveless

Anonymous said...

Candace Tarkeshian

Anonymous said...

Jessica Larsen

Gramma Di said...

Diane Christensen: Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Jan Dovey

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bridgette Anderson

Amy said...

amy howard

allreddesign said...

Lori Allred: Vintage Ginger Apron

Brian and Tonya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alyssa said...

Alyssa Wagner: Vintage Ginger Apron

Suzanne said...

Suzanne Brenchley: I was having a job interview in High School and the Manager had me walk with him outside. The floor at the exit had kind of a lip that stuck up (which I didn't know about) and I totally caught my toe on it and went flying. With no time to brace or catch myself, I landed completely on my stomach, with arms outstretched in front of me - picture the flying superman pose. I even kinda slid forward on the pavement for a bit, too. The manager heard a racket & looked back & saw me laying there and asks, "Are you OK?" Of course, I I said, "Yes." and tried to act all cool...what d'ya do?
BY THE WAY - I got the job!! :)

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart: When I was about 12 years old, I fell off a chair lift on a ski slope. The boys manning the chair lift were gorgeous so the next time I came down, I pretended to have an English accent and I said that it was my twin sister who fell. Duhh...why wouldn't my twin have an accent, too. Dumb blond moment!!! :0)

Anonymous said...

Jessica Larsen:Blue Harlequin

kipandmindy said...

mindy hunsaker

Sd said...

Sarah Denton: Girls fun and flirty skirt

Adrienne said...

Adrienne Prestwich

Lemmons Family said...

Alisha Lemmons: Vintage Ginger Apron

Kellan and Rikki-Leigh said...

Rikki-Leigh Stevens: When I was pregnant with my first baby, I was still going to school full time. My greatest fear was that my water would break during class, however, everything I read said that that was highly unlikely and even if it did break on its own it wouldn't gush out like on T.V. Lies! That's exactly what happened. Right before one of my classes started I bent to sit down and my water gushed out. I had to use the professors office to call someone to come and get me and with my tennis shoes squeaking walk out to meet them.

Hannah Jones said...

Hannah C. Jones : Blue Harlequin diaper cover

Anonymous said...

Jan Dovey: Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Candace Tarkeshian: Custom Made Vintage Ginger Apron - the orange & light blue one

allreddesign said...

Lori Allred: My most embarrasing moment would have to be when I was about 8 months pregnant with my first child and working. We were required to wear a skirt to work and one day after a visit to he ladies room I came out of the bathroom (shared by multiple business on the same floor), walked down the hall and through our office to my desk. It wasn't until I walked past a window of my office that I notice my skirt was tucked into the back of my nylons revealing my entire backside...all my pregnant glory squished into nylons and revealed to all on the 3rd floor.

Heather said...

Heather Roccazzella

Ella A. said...

Beth Allen: custom made ginger vintage apron!

Shell said...

Michelle Jackman

Emily said...

Emily Allen

j e s s i e said...

jessie o'neal

Abigail said...

One night i was at work and had to go to the restroom, well i went in locked the door and of course made myself comfortable, next thing i know in walks a guy that i work with and there i sit on the toilet, i guess that the door did not lock, so i spent the rest of the night trying to avoid contact with him.

Liz said...

Liz Brown: well of course I would love to own one of those fabulous quilts....simply gorgeous! Second choice would be the vintage ginger apron!

Anonymous said...

Jessica Collins

Kellan and Rikki-Leigh said...

Rikki-Leigh Stevens: Custom made vintage apron

Anonymous said...

Erin Fulton

Anne said...

Anne Jensen: Vintage Apron (red design)

Brian and Tonya said...

Tonya Allen: Vintage Ginger Apron

Emily said...

Emily Allen Girls Fun and Flirty Skirt, 12 mo size

Alyssa said...

Alyssa Wagner:

It was in junior high, PE class. I wasn’t at school the day before so I went to go to talk to my male PE teacher who was kind of a prick. He was an older man, and just a jerk. We had one of these silver, tall, basketball cage holder things. While talking to him, I put my hand on one of the basketballs and was touching it. It was kind of squishy which I thought was weird, but whatever. At the end of the discussion with him, I looked down and I was massaging his thigh. He had propped his foot up on the cage. It didn’t even phase him – he didn’t give any indication, during our discussion, that something weird was going on.

All I could say was “sorry…” and walked away. So embarrassing!!

Lemmons Family said...

Alisha Lemmons: most embarrassing moment was getting out of the pool and my bottoms that were too big to wear, came down with the water and showed my bare butt.

Angie and J.D. said...

Angie Muir

Liz said...

Liz Brown: I was at a fair one night with some friends. We went on the tilt a whirl, I got super sick and one the ride stopped I threw up over the side. A guy I liked happened to walk by just a minute later. So embarrassing!

Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

Megan Hilton: Vintage Ginger Apron

Shell said...

michelle Jackman Peas and Carrots swim cover

Angie and J.D. said...

Angie Muir: Aqua damask swim cover

Anonymous said...

I wish I owned Hand pieced unique crib size quilt in pink.

Jaime Stephens said...

Jaime Stephens- VINTAGE GINGER APRON very cute stuff!

Emily said...

Emily Allen - Just a month or two ago I was really sick, and had to go to Walgreens to pick up a prescription. I decided to exchange some diapers while I was there for a different size, so I grabbed them and went in. The manager there was a real jerk who didn't know what he was doing, and he wouldn't exchange them for me. I was so sick and felt so crappy that I started bawling in the middle of Walgreens and stormed out.

Andrea said...

Andrea Walker: Vintage Ginger Apron

Bambi said...


Jenelle said...

It was my first day of work at a flowershop. I had to do deliveries, so I had to take my boss' week old car. I was young and stupid. Thinking I was pretty cool driving a hot new car I was honking and waving at everyone that looked familier. One of them was my boss in her old beater car. She wasn't impressed.

Angie and J.D. said...

Angie Muir: I went boating before I wore tampons, and I was just watching. A huge wave crashed over the boat, and soaked me, and let's just say it was a big mess! AHH

The Ingebretsen's... said...

Lindsey Ingebretsen

Anonymous said...

Jordan Lobban

The Ingebretsen's... said...

Lindsey Ingebretsen: Blue Polka Dot Swim Diaper

Wendy said...

Wendy Stepick: Vintage Ginger Apron

Paty said...

patty Webb

Moody Family said...

Tiffany Moody

Cherry Blossoms said...

Kiley Smith:Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Most embarrassing moment - also at a pool. I was in a group preforming Godspell one summer (I was 16), and we had a day at the pool as a treat. I stayed in as long as possible, and when it was time to go I walked into the locker room digging through my bag. That's when the yelling started. I looked up to see all the guys from the play in the shower, including 'Jesus'. Mortified by my mistake, I started crying and ran to the girls locker room.

Moody Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian and Tonya said...

Tonya Allen: When I was in High School, I was in the chorus for Rags being performed locally. The story line of the show is about a young Jewish mother who comes to America so there is a lot of dancing with your arms held high in the air. Well, during one of the dances, my skirt fell all the way down to my ankles. Even though I normally wore biker shorts under costumes, I didn't for this show because the skirts were so long and it was outdoors and hot. I quickly grabbed my skirt, but had to dance the rest of the time with one arm in the air, and the other arm clutching my skirt to hold it up.

Anonymous said...

Jordan Lobban: Vintage Ginger Apron

Whitney said...

WHitney Bishop: Aqua Damask Waterproof Diaper Cover

Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

Megan Hilton: When I was just getting old enough to really care what boys thought of me, our family went to a church gathering at the beach. I always had hand me down suits from neighbor girls that were older, so they were always a bit loose. I got caught up playing out in the waves and dragged up to shore, not realizing soon enough that the rush of water had pulled my swimsuit down to my waist until I was already getting up off the ground in front of a boy I had a crush on! I was mortified!

Anonymous said...

Tara Wiser: skulls and roses

The Hardy's said...

Laurie Hardy

Anonymous said...

Elisa Ludwig

Moody Family said...

Tiffany Moody: When swimming with my friends we decided to go down the water slides and as we hit the bottom my top came off in front of 100+ people. I could have died as we were looking for my top which had floated over to the stairs as we got out.

Anonymous said...

Jan Dovey: When I was single I went dancing at a club with some friends. As I was dancing with the cutest guy, I felt something sticking to my shoe. I looked down and saw a feminine napkin stuck to my shoe. I tried to get it off without being noticed by using the other foot...needless to say, it just stuck to the other foot. I was doing quite the funny dance and it wasn't working worth a darn. I was so embarassed!

The Hardy's said...

Laurie Hardy: Vintage Ginger Apron

Jessica Reeves said...

Jessica Reeves: I was a cheerleader in junior high and would do tumbling passes at each game. While I was doing some flips one day across the gym at a boys basketball game, I lost my balance and fell right on my butt in front of everyone. I landed on the other side of the gym where the opposing team was sitting and they all laughed pretty hard at me! So embarrassing! (especially then!)

rach said...

Rachel Hansen

Cindy Price said...

Cindy Price - Vintage Ginger Apron

Emily said...

Emily Ferons

Moody Family said...

Tiffany Moody: vintage ginger apron

Cherry Blossoms said...

Kiley Smith:I went into a restaurant bathroom followed by my sister when the door to the next stall closed I started playing footsies with her under the stall...I also said "You PEE SO loud!" I came out of the bathroom after washing my hands and I saw my sister standing next to the table talking to my parents...I asked her why she didn't laugh at me in the bathroom...she said she hadn't gone yet and that my dad had called her back to the table before she went into the bathroom. So I basically was playing footsies with some random person in the bathroom...I was SO embarrassed!

Whitney said...

Whitney Bishop: My family and I were visiting Carthage Jail in Illinois. It was super crowded that day, and when we went in the jail it was packed, front to back, shoulder to shoulder. We were walking up the stairs and my dad was behind me. He stepped on my flip flop that I was wearing, and it came off, went flying up over the stairs, and hit a guy below the stairs in the head.

Anne said...

Anne Jensen: By far the most embarrassing moment of my life- my mother-in-law was looking through the pictures on my digital camera and saw some VERY compromising pictures of me.

Mandi said...

Mandi Stefanoff

Cari Harrison said...

Cari Harrison

Holly said...

Holly Morris: Girls Fun and Flirty Skirt

Anonymous said...

Lauralee Whiting

Chris and Jodi said...

Jodi Nielson: ZANY ZEBRA waterproff diaper cover

Armitage Family said...

Kacie Armitage: Vintage Ginger Apron

Katie and joe said...

katie brewer

Emily said...

Emily Ferons: Vintage Ginger Apron

ORMSBYS said...

Lindsey ormsby

Katie and joe said...

katie brewer. vintage ginger apron

Amy said...

Amy Howard: vintage ginger apron

Amy said...

Amy Howard: vintage ginger apron

Emily said...

Emily Albrecht: Girls fun and flirty skirt.

Kamp Paradise said...

Keara Kamp

Armitage Family said...

Kacie Armitage: I was 4 months pregnant and still trying to wear heels with my big belly throwing off my balance. My husband and I were having lunch at Subway and I got up to refill my soda. I slipped on the tile floor and mooned the whole establishment with my not-so-small bootie. It was royally embarassing.

Anonymous said...

Vickie Rosado

Cari Harrison said...

Cari Harrison:Vintage Ginger Apron

Anonymous said...

Tonna DeJong

Quarnbergs said...


Heidi J. said...

Heidi Jensen

Anonymous said...

Mindy Arnold

AnJilleen said...

AnJilleen McKinstry:BLUE HARLEQUIN waterproof diaper cover

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Hickenlooper

Thelma said...

Thelma Davis

Abigail said...

Abbey Bodily: Custom Made Vintage Ginger Apron

Hannah Jones said...

Hannah C. Jones: When I was younger, about 10 years old, I tried cutting my bangs by myself. I got them wet, twisted them up and snipped away.
They ended up being about 2" long. Everyone at school called me "butch".

(me)linda said...

Melinda Hough: Vintage Ginger apron

Abigail said...

Abbey Bodily: my brother was playing baseball at the park and my mom was watching the game. Anyhow my friend and I were playing on the playground and she started pushing me in the tire swing well after about 15 minutes of twirling. I started feeling really sick so I went to find my mom well in my confused daze I found a mom gave her a kiss laid down on the blanket told her how sick I was then I said "were did you get this gross blanket." I then looked up to find a stranger staring at me probably thinking "you rude little girl."

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