Friday, March 13, 2009

Today, March 13th, we are Giving Away... (PRIZE CLAIMED)

A Personalized Fashion Look Book
from Cardigan Empire

Have you ever wondered what type of swimsuit would look best on your body? Or if those pants you bought back in 2003 are still in style? What about whether or not a certain color makes you “pop”? If so, The Fashion Look Book is here to help.
It will advise YOU on YOU.
And you will be forever grateful.

Personal Fashion Consultant Reachel Bagley of Cardigan Empire is the genius behind the Fashion Look Book. After consulting with Reachel, she will create a Fashion Look Book just for YOU. It will tell you your body type. Which could be:


Or Perhaps you have:

After revealing your body type, Reachel will then tell you the colors that will look best on you, how to successfully clean out your closet, how to buy a better wardrobe for less, and more.

I received my Fashion Look Book last week and I love it! In order to create my Fashion Look Book, Reachel and I corresponded by email. She asked me questions about my lifestyle and I sent her a couple of pictures of me, my body measurements, and my coloring. In return, Reachel sent me my Fashion Look Book, which tells me the key pieces I should have in my wardrobe. It also suggests shopping hints for purchasing new items, such as jeans, swimming suits, and even the type of brassier that would work best for me. My Fashion Look Book also reminds me to “Make sure no one could mistake you for going to bed or the gym unless that’s where you’re headed.” It includes such great advice, which in the end, means I will buy less because I am buying well.

To read more of Reachel’s smart fashion tips, visit Cardigan Empire here.

So, my advice to you today? Purchase a Fashion Look Book. And when it arrives, sit in a comfy chair, relax, and discover things you never knew about your body, your clothing, your coloring, yourself.

Each person can enter to win the Fashion Look Book up to THREE times today.

For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry visit Cardigan Empire’s website here. Read more about the Fashion Look Book. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and why you would like your very own Fashion Look Book.
Example: Jane Doe: I have had four children, therefore my body has changed quite a bit in the past decade. It's good to know what will look good on my body now. Reachel also included how many trendy pieces a person my age should wear with each ensemble. This is helpful because I want to look stylish, but not like I'm trying to be a teenager.

For a third entry, because Reachel Bagley is here to help us discover clothing which will allow us to feel more confident, happy, and stylish, let’s take a second to recognize and share some of our fashion mistakes. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and describe one of your worst hairstyles or one of your most hideous outfits from the past (one that if you happen upon a picture of it, you cringe or laugh till you cry).
Example: Jane Doe: I had a mullet in 5th grade. And yes, I am a female.
For a third entry in a NEW comment box tell us your first and last name and one of your favorite articles of clothing that you currently own.
Example: Jane Doe: A grey wool coat that my parents bought me for Christmas this year.

The winner of the Fashion Look Book from Cardigan Empire will be announced Monday, March 16th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day.

P.S. One of my favorite things about my Fashion Look Book is Reachel’s “Life Tips” for me. Such wise advice. So as we head into the weekend, for your reading pleasure, and perhaps consideration: “Find a way to make everyday special. Don’t save beauty for a distant occasion. Wear a lacy bra, dab on some perfume, use stemware at dinner. Don’t worry if something gets worn out, used up, or broken. It would be a greater tragedy for it to get dusty or forgotten.”


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The Morreys said...

Jennifer Morrey

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren: I need a look book because I just had my first baby and now none of my clothes fit me well and I need a new wardrobe to compliment my new body.

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren: My pink lulu lemons jacket. It makes me look and feel pretty.

The Morreys said...

Jennifer Morrey: I have a black leather jacket that I've had forever and I still love it.

Kayla said...

Kayla Partridge

Nick said...

Nicole Bailey-Ever since I had kids, I've wondered what my body type is. I'm never sure how my clothes should fit, especially now after having four kids.

Anonymous said...

Alisha Anderson

Kayla said...

Kayla Partridge: I would like a fashion look book because I have always struggled to find a look that goes with my personal style and still flatters my physical figure.

Kayla said...

Kayla Partridge: I love a fuzzy green sweater I own.

The Morreys said...

Jennifer Morrey: As a mother of a 2 year-old and 4 month-old I've gotten so frumpy in my clothing since it usually gets coated in spit up and some sort of residue from lunch. I'm hoping this can help me feel more put together.

momma said...

Jenny Brown

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a fashion book from cardigan Empire to help me with my fashion. I am always trying to keep up with the latest fashion and it always seems like i am behind. I am always skeptical about what things are cute and fashionable, and what aren't.
-Alisha Anderson

Anonymous said...

When i was a freshman in high school i wanted to have cool cloths like everyone else, so i had my mom buy me a girly sparkling hurley shirt from pac sun and i wore wranglers jeans and nike sneakers with it! and to top it off i cut my hair really short so that it hung strait really wierd. -Alisha Anderson

Libby said...

Libby Kleyn

Kris said...

Kristen Gourley

Libby said...

Libby Kleyn: I rarely wear anything but jeans and a t-shirt.

Libby said...

Libby Kleyn: I had permed bangs and a triangle haircut in 4th grade.

Kris said...

Kristen Gourley: I had short hair in about the 4th grade and it was cut really bad. Then my mom permed it. UGH. I hate those pictures.

Elisha Wiggins said...

Elisha Wiggins

Kris said...

Kristen Gourley: I could use the book, cuz I never know what colors/clothes go together. I'm a real simple clothing and makeup person cuz I don't know what is best.

Elisha Wiggins said...

Elisha Wiggins: I have has three kids in five years and since I have spent so much time pregnant, I feel like I don't know what's in (if it's not maternity clothes!) and what would look best on me!

Jessica said...

Jessica Firth

Jessica said...

Jessica Firth-I would like to know what looks good on my bodytype

Elisha Wiggins said...

Elisha Wiggins: My worst look was my senior year in high school when I ended up with a very short bob--which looks terrible with super curly hair--all because to highlight my own hair! Yikes!!!

Jessica said...

Jessica Firth-ballet flats with blue and orange print

Anonymous said...

Melanie Gordon

Anonymous said...

i need my own look book because as a stay at home mom I can't be taking chances with clothing that doesn't fit or makes me look like a fruit.

Melanie Gordon

Erica said...

Erica Esser

anorthowife said...

Natalie Lukens

Erica said...

Erica Esser: I am 6'2" and have always had a hard time finding clothes that fit. It would be great to get some tips on finding clothes that actually fit me. Also, my skin color is very pasty pink and I don't know what colors actually look good with that.

Anonymous said...

Melanie Gordon

My current favorite article of clothing is my corest-style top. That I never really wear because it's not age appropriate. he he

aNd! said...

Andrea Sanders

Erica said...

Erica Esser: In 6th grade, I had a haircut that looked like a boy's bowl cut, but a couple inches longer. My mom loved it, I think she was the only one. That was the time when girls were doing their bangs 6 inches tall. I was so out of style!

aNd! said...

Andrea Sanders - I would love to win a book because I am a nurse...I wear scrubs....I never have the right outfit when something important comes up and even if I go shopping for it I never really know what to buy and definately don't accesorize correctly (weddings, meetings, fancy dinner out).

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Hillam

aNd! said...

Andrea Sanders - I love a pair of lulu lemon yoga pants that I own (which I wear to pilates and not out shopping!)

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Hillam: I would love to know what looks best on me and what flatters my figure!

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Hillam: I love my comfy gray zip up sweater with belt that my husband gave me!

Anonymous said...

Karalee Kuchar

Unknown said...

Emelie Larson

Unknown said...

Emelie Larson

Nikki said...

Laurice Larsen

Daniel*Erin*Levi*Lucas said...

Erin Johnson

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Daniel

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Daniel: I would like to know what would look good on me.

Jessica said...

Jessica Womble

Bekah: said...

bekah ray

Bekah: said...

bekah ray:

same story: i have 2 adorable, gorgeous girls. i put hours and hours in to finding them the perfect outfits. yet little time scooping out my own. i so need help. i am a weekly reader and would love, love, love to win!

Bekah: said...

bekah ray:

in 6th grade i had a bright mutli colored kermit the frog shirt that i wore ALL THE TIME. Seriously, once a week. I'd even tie up the right corner.



Cece Girl said...

Jen White

Our Family said...

Jenni Davis

Cece Girl said...

Jen White: Just finished nursing and getting over "baby weight body" and nothing fits. ALSO, while I've been on baby hiatus I don't know what's in fashion any more. Boo hoo.

Bekah: said...

I feel sassy and cute in my BR silk, wrap, b&w polka dot dress with my sassy green peek-toe flats and freshly applied lip gloss. my husband always tells me i look lovely.

bekah ray

Cece Girl said...

Jen White: Love zebra striped wedge peep toe shoes.

Bekah: said...

ohhhh i just thought of my WORST article of clothing:

a clear plastic see-through hooded Calvin Klein rubber jacket. Ya, I donned it in high school. I thought I was so cool. I guess that is what happens when you live in a small town, wearing rubber is cool.

bekah ray

Aik said...

Aik Chien

Anonymous said...

Julia Wright

Anonymous said...

Brian Stewart

Anonymous said...

Brian Stewart- I would like to win this for my wife, because I would like to see her dress up a bit more often, and regain some of her body confidence back after having had our two children.

Anonymous said...

Brian Stewart- I had blue hair for a few weeks in college. It was unfortunate.

pennylutz said...

Penny Lutz

Maura said...

Maura Duke

Anonymous said...

Naomi Bloser

Maura said...

Maura Duke: I've struggled with body issues all my life. I have finally come to be ok with myself. I am still working and getting myself thinner and happier but its a slow process. It woud be great to feel good in my current body while working on getting to my goal.

Maura said...

Maura Duke: In middle school I wore a pair of white washed jeans with zippers and bows on the bottom. It was the most horrid thing....I really dont know what I was thinking! :)

Anonymous said...

Naomi Bloser~ I would like a look book because my two kiddos are now both in school full time and I am working. I don't want to look like the mom that has been home with her kids for the last eight years.

Anonymous said...

Naomi Bloser~ The night before school pictures in 6th grade my mother gave me a home perm. I had grown about six inches in two years and looked like a foal with a fro.

Joann said...

Joann Certonio

tristanjh said...

Tristan Jennings-Horsley

tristanjh said...

Tristan Jennings-Horsley
I am curious about what colors look good on me. I love orange, but can I wear it?

Anonymous said...

Laura Harrison

tristanjh said...

Tristan Jennings-Horsley

The 1980s bangs that I still had in the early nineties. Seriously painful to look back on :)

heidijogoody said...

Heidi Goodman: I am ready for help in changing up my wardrobe

Kenna said...

Kenna Goodman

heidijogoody said...

Heidi Goodman: I had the big claw bangs when I was in elementary

Anonymous said...

April Gould

The Johnson Family said...

WENDY JOHNSON: I had those way too tight, spiral perms, with super long hair, and big poofy. "wave/claw bangs" It was a nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Maxine Biggs

Becky said...

Becky Larson

paulandjenthatcher said...

Jen Thatcher

Camille said...

Camille Andros

Kami said...

kami nels

Kami said...

kami nels... I don't wan to look frumpy mommy :)

kYLE & rOBYN said...

Robyn Neztsosie

kYLE & rOBYN said...

Robyn Neztsosie:
I just had my 1st bebe and all I wear are sweats a maternity clothes (still) I need help to get lookin good till I can fit in my old clothes.

Anonymous said...

Julie Pocock

Camille said...

Camille Andros-Just had baby #5 and I'm still alive ;) I am turning 30 in a few months and need help choosing new wardrobe pieces that say, "You are a bombshell mom like Catherine-Zeta-Jones", NOT "Are you still trying to fit into those jeans you wore in high school????"

kYLE & rOBYN said...

Robyn Neztsosie:

My dad cut my hair and left a tail ha! he thought it would be funny? my hair was just past my sholders with a tail past the middle of my back! (I was in 4th grade)

Camille said...

Camille Andros-My fist day of 7th grade outfit-Neon pink and green tie-died stretch pants and matching t-shirt. Totally Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Julie Pocock: I would love a look book as I'm not good at putting outfits together, especially finishing a look with accessories.

Anonymous said...

Julie Pocock: In high school I wore a pink formal that had huge puffy sleeves and the skirt had 4 or 5 frilly tiers. I crings when I see those dance pictures.

Amberly said...

Amberly Collett

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Allen

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Allen: I have a great big closet and only wear about 2% of what's in there.

Natalie said...

Natalie Cannon

Amberly said...

Amberly Collett; I just had a baby 7 weeks ago and I am trying to get back in shape, but I am ready for a whole new wardrobe and I could use some help.

Sesca_sfl said...

Lydia Stevens

Amberly said...

Amberly Collett; Black pea coat

{ a m b e r } said...

Amber Wallace

{ a m b e r } said...

Amber Wallace. I would love a lookbook! I've been reading Cardigan Empire from the very beginning. I love her style and I need halp figuring out better ways to mix and match and work with my body shape a little {lot} better!

Sesca_sfl said...

Lydia Stevens: I would like a look book so that I could be more confident in my outward appearence. After 4 pregnancies, I really have no idea what looks right on my body anymore. It would just be nice to feel like a woman instead of a "Blob".

Ryan, LaDonna, Paytyn and Jaxson said...

LaDonna Swapp

Anonymous said...

Brenda Salas

{ a m b e r } said...

Amber Wallace. I thought it would be a good idea to wear my pajamas to the last day of high school. Why???? I wore blue dance pants with horizontal rainbow striped cut off stretchy pants over them with a solid red t shirt. It was an awesome day!

Anonymous said...

Deanna cluff

Ryan, LaDonna, Paytyn and Jaxson said...

LaDonna Swapp: I would like a fashion book because I just recently had two kids 10.5 months apart and I have absolutely nothing in my closet that fits but maternity clothing so I need advice on what will work with my after baby body.

{ a m b e r } said...

Amber Wallace. My favorite thing right now is a small peacock feather hat. I think I'm in love!

Annalisa said...

Annalisa Nielson

Anonymous said...

Deanna cluff I have three kids and still try to dress like a teen. Myshirts are usually too tight. I am bad at not getting dressed up.

Derick and Becky said...

Becky Pulham: I would love this book because I KNOW I have my moms body now after having kids, but I need to learn how NOT to dress like her!

Derick and Becky said...

Becky Pulham

Ryan, LaDonna, Paytyn and Jaxson said...

LaDonna Swapp: My favorite outfit is my maternity pants and an aeropostable polo tshirt...and no I am no longer pregnant. Sad thing is I have not lost the baby weight yet and thats all that fits, although I am only 8 weeks postpartum and I have about 40 pounds too loose to get to my goal weight but I like it because its the first shirt I have been able to fit into that is not maternity, now I am just working on the pants :)

Anonymous said...

Deanna cluff I use to wear short shirts and way baggy pants.

Derick and Becky said...

Becky Pulham: I used to wear these platform roxy flip flops, overall shorts and this bright orange baseball cap. Why oh why?

Sesca_sfl said...

Lydia Stevens: I would have to say that the parachute pants and the mile high feathered bangs were my worst days, since then no bangs or parachute pants....did someone say "Hammer Time!"

kris said...

Kristen Perschon

Leslie said...

Leslie Nehren

Emily said...

Emily Pascual

Anonymous said...

Traci Manahan

Anonymous said...

Amy Payne

Anonymous said...

Jesicca Kallas

Anonymous said...

Amy Payne: I would like a fashion look book because I really interested in fashion. I would love to know how to buy jeans that fit and what styles and colors would be most flattering.

Anonymous said...

Susie Cutler

Heather said...

Heather Butterfield

Anonymous said...

Amy Payne: I recently got rid of clothes that I had in middle school. (Only 11 yrs late :)

Anonymous said...

Marissa Garr

Anonymous said...

Traci Manahan: I need my fashion book to help sort out the hangers, boxes, and piles of clothes I own as a pack-rat who is afraid to throw anything away just in case I "need" it again.

Katie said...

Katie Rhamey

Anonymous said...

Traci Manahan: I love my black pants with spandex woven in because they always fit whatever size I am.

Anonymous said...

Meagan Bailey

Anonymous said...

I've been out of graduate school now for 5 years and am nearing the big 3-0. I'm still wearing some of the only things I could afford at the time and now feel like I've been out of style for so long, I forget how to put together a classic look. I have no idea how to dress my body anymore and no idea which investment pieces to buy to start building a workable wardrobe.

Lindsay said...

Lindsay Stonehocker

Danna said...

Danna Probst

Danna said...

Danna Probst: After the birth of two children in the last 3.75 years I have found it hard to conceal my "muffin top" tummy/waist and don't know what pants/shirt to wear anymore.

Danna said...

Danna Probst: The wave bangs and a bad lion's mane perm during middle school...pegged pants that were high-watered.

Anonymous said...

Meagan Bailey: tailored white shirt

Heather said...

Heather Jones

Heather said...

Heather Jones: I would like a fashion look book because I want to look stylish and be comfortable at the same time

Heather said...

Heather Jones: favorite item of clothing Ugg boots- it's like walking around in slippers

Anonymous said...

kacy durfee

Hailey & Jared said...

hailey durfee

Nicole said...

Nicole Petersen

Hilary said...

Brit Glad

Hilary said...

Brit Glad: I'm looking for this for my wife, she has been wanting this for a while now, this would be a great surprise for her.

Nicole said...

Nicole Petersen: I need a Fashion Look Book because I feel like my fashion never really "grew up" with me. I don't know how to dress like a mom but still be fashionable.

Nicole said...

Nicole Petersen: When I was a lot younger, I had cabbage patch bangs.

Hilary said...

Brit Glad: my wife is trying to get rid of all of my old t-shirts with holes, I still try to wear them at least for basketball.

Emily Ruth said...

Emily Childers

Emily Ruth said...

Emily Childers: 3 babies in 18 months. nuff said.

Emily Ruth said...

Emily Childers: 3rd grade, I cut my own bangs. was bad.

Mylissa 2 said...

melissa iverson

Anonymous said...

Jamie Shanahan

Anonymous said...

Jamie Shanahan
My Grandfather inlaw gave me a camel colored vintage mink jacket. I adore it!

Alisa: a pina colada said...

Alisa OPenshaw

Alisa: a pina colada said...

Alisa Openshaw: I just had my 4th baby, just like your example story, and yes, my body has changed drastically! Who am I any more?

Alisa: a pina colada said...

Alisa Openshaw: favorite clothing item is a black & brown swing jacket that is very versatile.

The Merry Death said...

Meredith Rogen

The Merry Death said...

Meredith Rogen: I would love to read this book because after my precancerous thyroid went haywire I put on 50 lbs. It's hard to know what works and what doesn't when you were tiny before.

The Merry Death said...

Meredith Rogen: I love a vintage suit from Saks that I own.

vboackle said...

vicky boackle

Anonymous said...

Ida Zeiler

Amber said...

Amber Gibson

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I would like my very own fashion lookbook to help me find clothes that will help create curves on my pencil frame.

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

My favorite article of clothing I currently own is my brown pea jacket because it is so comfortable and goes with everything!

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

My worst hairstyle was a bob cut - maybe Rhianna can pull it off but I look like a boy!

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Kevin and Angie said...

Angie Harvie

Kristen said...

Kristen Barker

kattydid said...

Kaydee Sorensen

kattydid said...

Kaydee SOrensen My black naughty monkey shoes

Heather said...

Heather Dance

Heather said...

Heather Dance: Needs help with my small waist and bigger legs.

Heather said...

Heather Dance: I had a slicked back high side pony tail. A girl at school saw me from one side and thought I have shaved my head :( Never wore it like that again.

Amy said...

Amy Mulcock

JjHansen said...

Janis Hansen

JjHansen said...

Janis Hansen: my favorite item of clothing is a distressed pair of jeans I bought at H&M last time I was in Vegas. I love that store.

JjHansen said...

Janis Hansen: I have REALLY thick hair and when I first went away to college I decided I needed a change so I cut my lower back skimming thick hair into a "Rachel cut" that just brushed my shoulders. It was AWFUL! I looked like a mushroom. I don't know why my stylist didn't suggest that maybe that would happen with those layers. I'll never go that short again without some serious thinning - but for now, we'll just say I'll never go that short again.

Meredith A. said...

Meredith Alvarez

Mandi Lou said...

amanda avalos

Mandi Lou said...

Amanda Avalos: I love my striped heels with bows

Mandi Lou said...

Amanda Avalos: I have gotten behind the times a little and have a hard time picking out clothes that look great on me.

Dani said...

Dani Smith

silverbele said...

I need a new look

Anonymous said...

Emily Bastow

Jenna said...

Jenna Todd

Jenna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenna said...

Jenna Todd - my favorite piece in my wardrobe is a gray felt hat with a big bow!

Jenna said...

Jenna Todd - Maybe if I read the rules of the 3 comments I would have done it correctly. :)

My 2nd entry would be: I would love to have my own fashion look book because I always buy sale stuff just because it is a good deal. I need to stick with what works for my body!

It is Saturday - does this entry even count still?

Melissa & DJ said...

Melissa Sorensen: Modbe Maroon Long Length Hoodie with tie belt.

Melissa & DJ said...

Melissa Sorensen: I had the bright pink leggings, with strps, and the matching polka dot t-shirt to go with. It was awful, I knew it the second my mom picked it out for 4th grade! I want to be a fashionable mom, please help.

Jenni said...

Jean-Marie Stoddard

Jenni said...

Jenni Stoddard: I absolutely LOVE my trench coat from banana republic.

Kamp Paradise said...

Ke'ara Kamp

Twincere said...

Tanya Wilson

A Wannabe Skinny Mama said...

Aly Larsen

A Wannabe Skinny Mama said...

Aly Larsen : I love my GAP boot cut curvy jeans

Suzanne said...

Suzanne Brenchley

Suzanne said...

Suzanne Brenchley: I have a "soft, delicious center" and I need clothes that don't ACCENT that -- afterall, "a muffin top should be eaten, not WORN."

Suzanne said...

Suzanne Brenchley: I am a child of the 80's. (Shouldn't that explain enough?) I also have naturally VERY THICK hair. And I would PERM it on top of that. Then I would rat up the BANGS into the "claw." But, with long, thick, permed, teased-up hair, I filled up the whole car - just like those "Utah cartoons" you see!

Sunnyvale said...

Angela Jacobs

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