Monday, May 18, 2009

Today we are Giving Away... (PRIZES CLAIMED)

To learn more about the Anti-Aging Face and Beauty Products that were featured on May 18th, please call Becky Kemp at 801-205-5797 or email her at


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 894   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

Sarah Bradley: I learned from the pictures that it really does work!!!

Joaniebolognie said...

Joan Umano

Unknown said...

Sarah Bradley: I have nice, strong nails. They rarely break but when they do they grow back super quick! In fact, I have a hard time keeping up with them!

Cheryl said...

Cheryl Bowe: They are one of the largest direct selling companies in the world, wow.

Cheryl said...

Cheryl Bowe: my teeth

*Just Jen* said...

Jen Palmer - I learned about how the product helps nourish your skin.

Ľubaša said...

Lubica Kotmanikova: I like my hands and nails... hands and fingers are slim and nails have beautiful form. many people say the same.:-)

*Just Jen* said...

Jen Palmer - I love my hair, it's the one thing I get the most compliments on. Next, my eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

Linsey Gines

dixonfamily said...

Alissa Dixon

mar said...

Marilyn Wons - I need to anti-age!

dixonfamily said...

Alissa Dixon: I have nice lips. They are full and plump and my husband enjoys them too!!

Heather said...

Heather Rodriguez: I like my smile and teeth

Tara said...

Tara Smith: Nu Skin is a leader in the creation and distribution of premium personal care products

Anonymous said...

Linsey Gines: the Galvanic spa is programable.

Tara said...

Tara Smith: i'm a brown-eyed girl and i like it!

Heather said...

Heather Rodriguez: I learned that it is a Nuskin product, I love their products.

Anonymous said...

Linsey Gines: I like my coordiantion!

Unknown said...

Chelsea Smith

Unknown said...

Chelsea Smith- I learned that the Galvanic Spa uses negative and positive charges to clear the skin.

Lualemaga's said...

laurie lualemaga: i learned that the galvanic spa works based on positive and negative charges.

TJ said...

TJ Dickerson: I learned that the instrument has changeable heads.

TJ said...

TJ Dickerson: my eyes

Unknown said...

Chelsea Smith- I like a lot about myself. I regularly tout that I have incredibly beautiful feet.

Lualemaga's said...

laurie lualemaga: I love my smile, I was blessed with beautiful lips and I love to smile, its kinda infectious

The Jessups said...

Kendal Jessup

The Jessups said...

Kendal Jessup: The Galvanic Spa System has been proven in clinical studies to make any skin care regimen 70% more effective.

The Jessups said...

Kendal Jessup: My eyes

Jeanette said...

Jeanette Allday: I like my hair

felicia said...

felicia voss: i learned that you can make a difference with no needles!

Anonymous said...

Kaydee Sorensen

felicia said...

felicia voss: my hair

Anonymous said...

Kaydee Sorensen. THe spa is programmable

Anonymous said...

Kaydee Sorensen I love my legs.

CASSIE said...

Cassie Rubalcava

CASSIE said...

Cassie Rubalcava- This is the most significant development in the anti-aging industry in the last 50 years.

CASSIE said...

Cassie Rubalcava- I LOVE my teeth!!

Colette said...

colette tervort: i learned they sell clothes and not just facial products

France said...

Lashelle Nelson

Colette said...

colette tervort: i like my feet

France said...

Lashelle Nelson: I have always liked my teeth.

France said...

Lashelle Nelson: That NuSkin is One of the largest direct selling companies in the world,

Anonymous said...

Jennie Peterson

Anonymous said...

Tara Rogers

Anonymous said...

Jennie Peterson: I like that I can clog, and teach it too.

amy said...

Amy Horsburgh- I have a galvanic spa from Nu Skin and love it!

amy said...

Amy Horsburgh- as I get older I am more comfortable and confident in my own skin, I love me!

Burton Family said...

kate Burton

Blain & Britney Young said...

Britney Young I like my eyes!!

Anonymous said...

Debbie gaffney

Liberti said...

Liberti van Gass

Blain & Britney Young said...

Britney Young Leader in distribution of personal products.

Unknown said...

Marvelle Morgan: I learned the spa instrument utilizes galvanic currents

Amber said...

Amber Stell - I need to use anti-aging products. NOW!

Unknown said...

Marvelle Morgan: I like my eyes

Amber said...

Amber Stell- Nice eyes

Burton Family said...

Kate Burton: I learned what the heck a Gelvanic Spa was

Burton Family said...

Kate Burton: I like my eyes I think they are very pretty

llinda29 said...

linda lansford

Jenn said...

jennifer bosshardt: I didn't realize Nu Skin was marketed like that.

Jenn said...

jennifer bosshardt: my eye color

HappyHodges said...

Mindy Hodges: It reduces the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks and tightens lose skin from pregnancy. - something I could use after recently having a baby!

Heather said...

Heather Sandoval

Liberti said...

Liberti van Gass: It is the only anti-aging technology in the world that can actually erase wrinkles, rebuild elastin and stop aging in the skin at a cellular level.

GoneGirl said...

Tara Hill

Deborah said...

Deborah Andreasen: Nu Skin is one of the largest direct selling companies in the world.

Anonymous said...

Debbie Gaffney: It is a triple play on anti-aging that is "Better than Botox" with no needles and no Doctors.
Love that!!!!

Deborah said...

Deborah Andreasen: I have nice arms. They're slender and long and one of my best features. Too bad I'm not a dancer!:)

Misty said...

Misty Brandow

Cherry Blossoms said...

Kiley Smith, it nourishes your skin!

Misty said...

Misty Brandow: NuSkin seems like an awesome company to be with and sell.

Liberti said...

Liberti van Gass: Love my feet!

Cherry Blossoms said...

Kiley Smith, I really like eyes!

Misty said...

Misty Brandow: My favorite features would have to be my eyes and waist.

Jamie Tompkins said...

Jamie Tompkins

the other Sampsons said...

Naomi Sampson :)

Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

Kimberly Nasfell: I love my bright blue eyes and long lashes!! :)

Jamie Tompkins said...

Jamie Tompkins, you can program the spa to do different treatments

Jamie Tompkins said...

Jamie Tompkins, I really like my teeth and eyebrows!

Anonymous said...

Kara Jensen

HappyHodges said...

Mindy Hodges: I like my eyes!

Allie said...

Allie Anderson - They a leader in the creation of premium personal care products

Anonymous said...

Ella Kalynn

Anonymous said...

Ruth Bousquet
ruthing73 at hotmail dot com

Allie said...

Allie Anderson - I like my eye color--they are like my Mom's.

Lynette said...

Lynette Thiriot

Kami Milliron said...

Kami Milliron : I like my eyes

Anonymous said...

Kara Jensen- I have a great smile!!

Anonymous said...

Ella Kalynn, Its the most significant development in the anti-aging industry in the last 50 years.

Anonymous said...

Lila Haws

Nicole said...

nicole koontz

Anonymous said...

Nichole Lee

Anonymous said...

Ella Kalynn, I like my hair

Anonymous said...

Kara Jensen

Anonymous said...

Nichole Lee: I have amazing hair. AS much as I complain, it grows fast, is full and thick and white I do have an un-natural amount of gray at 30, I love it.

Angela said...

Angela Graves: I like my smile.

Anonymous said...

Lorie Horstman

Anonymous said...

Lorie Horstman, I like my eyes because they are two different colors.

Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

Kimberly Nasfell: With this product you can finally get rid of acne! Wahoo!!!

Angela said...

Angela Graves: I learned what a drastic difference their products make.

Lynette said...

Lynette Thiriot: They have app. 800,000 active distributors!! Wow

Anonymous said...

Neely Tompkins

Melanie said...

Melanie Foutz: I learned you can make a difference at home, without needles!

Anonymous said...

Neely Tompkins, they have 800,000 active distributors.

Anonymous said...

Neely Tompkins, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my eyelashes!

Melanie said...

Melanie Foutz: I love my hair! It's thick & long & naturally curly!

Anonymous said...

Brinley A. Tompkins

the other Sampsons said...

Naomi Sampson:
wow I was looking for something like this for me and my mom. Becoming sisters like on the picture?? I learned that this products work. I didn't know NuSkin was such a huge company.

Anonymous said...

Brinley A. Tompkins, it reduces the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks! I need that!

Anonymous said...

Brinley A. Tompkins, I like my booty.

Anonymous said...

Renae Evans

Anonymous said...

Lorie Horstman, I learned that Nuskin has many more products than last time I checked them out.

Amanda said...

Amanda Heslop: Treatments with the Galvanic Spa System Instrument lasting five
minutes or more can enhance the delivery of key ingredients for
up to 24 hours.

Lynette said...

Lynette Thiriot...I have cool green eyes. I've been told they look like cat eyes?!!

Amanda said...

Amanda Heslop: I love my freckles (really, I do).

Anonymous said...

Renae Evans - I like my smile.

Anonymous said...

Lois Cataldo

Gina said...

Gina Francom

Anonymous said...

Lois Cataldo, NuSkin is leader in personal health care products.

Gina said...

Gina Francom

Anonymous said...

Lois Cataldo, I like my hands and feet.

Kjersten said...

Kjersten Vandenberghe: the Galvanic spa is programmable

Kaylin said...

Kaylin Hansen: I learned that their products are Nu Skin products.

the other Sampsons said...

Naomi Sampson: I love my big hazel eyes and I love to smile :)

Karen Smith said...

Karen Sue Smith

Kjersten said...

Kjersten Vandenberghe: I have really thick nice hair.

Kaylin said...

Kaylin Hansen: I like my eyes, they change with what ever I am wearing, from vibrant blue to deep green.

Jen lleras said...

jennifer lleras

Karen S. Smith said...

Karen Sue Smith

you can get rid of acne with this product.

Karen S. Smith said...

Karen S. Smith, I like my nose. It fits my face.

googlebug said...

Jeni Wilson: I learned you can donate to feed a hungry child in another part of the world.

Anonymous said...

Lori Mazza

Anonymous said...

Lori Mazza, I like my skin.

googlebug said...

Jeni Wilson: I have good posture. My mom used to whack us between the shoulder blades if we slouched and now all 7 of her kids stand up straight and tall (in more ways than one!)

Shayla said...

Shayla Nelson

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart: I like my eyes. Especially since they are turning an even lighter green the older I get.

Ashley said...

Ashley Lown

Anonymous said...

Judy Wood

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart: I learned this is a Nu Skin product. I have so much respect for all of their products and the people behind that company!!!

Crystal said...

Crystal Freeman

The Kent and Jennifer Wilcox Family said...

Jennifer Wilcox
I learned about reduction in elastin production as we age - causing wrinkles. No fun.

Crystal said...

Crystal Freeman: I like my eyes, my lips & my hair color.

The Kent and Jennifer Wilcox Family said...

Jennifer Wilcox
I love my eyes and eyelashes

Anonymous said...

Judy Wood - More information on anti-aging can be helpful

Shayla said...

Shayla Nelson: I learned that the Galvanic Spa operates using "patented self-adjusting galvanic currents"

Ashley said...

Ashley Lown - I learned that using these products can make you look 7 years younger!

Shayla said...

Shayla Nelson: I like the fact that I never needed braces

Anonymous said...

Judy Wood - My husband tells me that I have the most beautiful dark brown eyes.

Ashley said...

Ashley Lown - My love my eyes, they are warm and go well with my skin tone.

Jennie said...

Jennie Davis: I find the programmable Galvanic Spa® Instrument with patented self-adjusting galvanic currents interesting.
I think it would be interesting to try.

Tate said...

Jodi Tate

Brittany and Johnse said...

Brittany Davis - the before and after pictures are AMAZING! this thing really does work!

Brittany and Johnse said...

Brittany Davis - I love my blue eyes :)

Jennie said...

Jennie Davis: I like my feet.

Jennifer said...

Jennifer Rutherford: I really like my arms. I have great arms!

Mandy said...

Mandy Kirk

Jennifer said...

Jennifer Rutherford: From the website it appears that it really works! Awesome- a Utah company.

Mandy said...

Mandy Kirk
I like that it can be used on the body as well and not just the face

Anonymous said...

Lloyd Rutherford

Anonymous said...

Ashlee Caywood

Mandy said...

Mandy Martin

Deb K said...

Deb Klein

Mandy said...

Mandy Kirk
I like my nose

Anonymous said...

Ashlee Caywood- I love my hair. It is thick and I have a hair color that is natural without getting it from a bottle.

Mandy said...

Mandy Martin: I love my back.

Anonymous said...

Lloyd Rutherford: I have nice hands.

Mandy said...

Mandy Martin: From comparing the before and after pictures, it really is a great product that people inluding myself can use!

Mark and Emily said...

Emily Bleazard: my eyes

Deb K said...

Deb Klein

I learned that you can get all the benefits of your Spa Beauty at home!

Heather said...

Heather Demke: Love how anyone can use this product because of it's easy use and simplicity

Us Craven's said...

Angela Craven, I have a great crooked smile-and lovely smiling eyes.

Heather said...

Heather Demke: I love my rapidly growing belly because it means I have a baby boy coming soon to join our family. :)

Us Craven's said...

Angela Craven turning 40 this year I have been looking for all kinds of anti-wrinkle stuff-thanks for the great lead with this site!

Deb K said...

Deb Klein

I like my eyes!

Anonymous said...

zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mary DeBorde

Jeff, Tiffany & Carson said...

Tiffany Yates: I like my dark brown eyes :)

Kristie said...

Kristie Ridgeway

Martha Belle Schultz said...

Martha Schultz

Unknown said...

Collette Gerber - the Galvanic Spa uses cellular energy

Unknown said...

Collette Gerber - I like the color of my eyes.

Gosfam said...

Leslie Gosney: I learned I want to win it, it has interchangeable heads, and no needles involved.

Anonymous said...

Leslee Kitchen

nicole lindsay said...

nicole lindsay: they have approximately 800,000 active independent distributors and preferred customers. WOW!

Gosfam said...

Leslie Gosney: I love my blue eyes, and my eyebrow shape.

nicole lindsay said...

nicole lindsay: I like my eyes. they are blue and I get comments on them all the time.

Martha Belle Schultz said...

Martha Schultz as an Master Aesthetician I have to say I am throughly impressed with the results of it ! I LOVE IT !

Melody said...

Melody Nartker: The Galvanic Spa has interchangeable heads.

Jeff, Tiffany & Carson said...

Tiffany Yates: NuSkin enterprises is One of the largest direct selling companies in the world!

Anonymous said...

zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mary DeBorde
I learned that in the Anti-Aging Industry, this is the most significant development in 50 years!!! Plus it nourishes your skin ~

Martha Belle Schultz said...

Martha Schultz I love my smile and teeth .

The Letterman's said...

Janae Letterman

Anonymous said...

Autum Hofeling

Anonymous said...

DeVonya Madsen

Kristie said...

Kristie Ridgeway: Amazing before and after pictures

Melody said...

Melody Nartker: I like my lips :)

Anonymous said...

zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

I like my smile, and my bf says he loves to see me smile :)

Anonymous said...

Autum Hofeling-That it's a company based in Utah.

Anonymous said...

Sandie Mixa

Telisha said...

Telisha Hayes: It is one of the largest direct selling companies in the world. Nu Skin Enterprises is comprised of three product brands: Nu Skin, Pharmanex and Big Planet.

Anonymous said...

Autum Hofeling-I like my eyes.

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