Today we have an incredible opportunity to win an amazing custom photography package! Laura Winslow is a talented on-location photographer in the Phoenix area specializing in custom maternity, newborn, children and family portraiture. Her style is fun and modern and she truly captures the soul of her subjects on camera. She adores what she does, and it shines through in each one of her stunning photographs. A session with Laura is fun and laid back; she strives to capture those special moments that you will forever treasure. The images she produces are simply breathtaking and you will cherish the beauty and quality of your photographs for a lifetime.

Today Laura is giving away an incredible Togetherness Photography Session (family, children or engagement) AND a Session CD (20-30 full resolution digital files from your session) to one lucky winner, a package valued at $700! This session is transferable, so even if you don’t live in the Phoenix area you can enter for someone who does…or better yet, let them know about this great giveaway!

But wait! Even if you don’t win this absolutely incredible package, there is still something awesome for you! Because Laura loves the fan-tabulous Giveaway Today readers, you can enjoy a $50 print credit (wow-zers!) with any paid session when you contact Laura and mention Giveaway Today –just be sure to schedule your session by August 1, 2009. The first five people to schedule a session will receive $25 off their session fee, too! Your session can take place any time in 2009, but must be scheduled by August 1st. It’s not too early to schedule your holiday portraits!
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For second entry, visit Laura Winslow Photography here. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your name and one of your favorite pictures.
Example: Jane Doe, I love the one of the Mommy kissing her baby fairy, so sweet!
For a third entry, call, email, or text all of your family/friends that live in the Phoenix Arizona area and tell them about Laura Winslow Photography. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your name and who you told.
Example: Jane Doe: I told Jessica, Mary and all of my cousins in Phoenix
For a fourth entry, become a fan of Laura Winslow Photography on Facebook here. If you don’t have Facebook or you are already a fan, visit Laura’s blog here and put her blog button on your blog. Then return to Giveaway Today and in a NEW comment, write your first and last name and either "fan" or "button."
Example: Jane Doe: Fan
The winner of the photography package from Laura Winslow Photography will be announced Monday, July 27th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and have a great weekend!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 294 Newer› Newest»Alisha Anderson
Alisha Anderson: i told all my aunts and cousins, and my sister who just had a baby!
Alisha Anderson: fan!!
Alisha Anderson: I love the picture with the baby in a tutu and a flower headband while she's sleeping! SO ADORABLE!!
Hanna Tomhave
Hanna Tomhave: I love the photo of the boy with the cake and the blue frosting.
Hanna Tomhave: I told my sister, my parents, and my husband.
Hanna Tomhave: fan
Laura Dieckmann
Laura Dieckmann- I emailed my cousins Cherise and Rebecca
Laura Dieckmann- I love the picture of the newborn sleeping on the white fuzzy thing- I love that the baby almost looks like he's smiling :)
Heather King
Heather King: I emailed my cousins in the Phoenix area.
Heather King: I like the little boy covered in blue frosting.
Kelsey Allen
Jaimee Buckley: Love the little girl on the pink chair with the pink umbrella---too cute!
Jaimee Buckley: Blog Button
Diane Stephenson
Kim Lambert. I love all the baby portriats! SO cute!
Kim Lambert. I told my cousin who lives in Arizona!
Brittany Hansen
Brittany Hanse: My favorite is the preggo belly with the "Girl" block above it, and the mommy feet with tiny shoes. So sweet!
Cassi Curry
Lacee DeGraffenried: I love the one with the sleeping baby in the giant tutu and the huge flower on her head!
Holly Howe: I love the one of the pregnant mama laying down with the pink writing above her...so cute!
Holly Howe: I told a friend who is engaged & am forwarding her link to my mom & aunts!
holly howe: fan
Autumn Ellsworth
Kiersten Kobel
Shannon Blockburger: I like the picture of the little girl in the pink smocked dress putting her feet in the water. Cute!
Shannon Blockburger: I just told my friend Sabrina
Christie Knight
Christie Knight: I love all the newborn shots
Ora Bridges
Melanie Foutz: I love the pregnant Mom's feet next to the tiny baby shoes!
Melanie Foutz: Allison, Krista, & Sandy.
Melanie Foutz: Fan
Angela Shepherd: The picture with the newborn that says "From God" or the pregnant woman in the shot with her high heals. Fun!
Angela Shepherd: I told Melissa my sister! She lives right there!
Brenda Finlinson
Jen Mayer
Jen Mayer: I love all the newborn photos, but especially the sleeping baby in the pink striped hat!
Jen Mayer: Fan
Katy Mcgee
Jolynn Kellis - I love the little girl with the umbrella
T.J. Eich
T.J. Eich: FAN :)
T.J. Eich: I love the handsome blue-eyed boy in a brown blazer. Too cute!!
T.J. Eich: I otld my cousin Kristin who has a new baby, Julia.
Tracy Murri
Angela Halverson
Jessica Hammond
Jessica Hammond: I love the naked baby who has a white flowered headband and is all cuddled up on the blanky
Macey Bishop-the picture of the family in brown and white walking on the sidewalk, cute!
Kellie Jorgensen
Kellie Jorgensen: The baby with the brother in black & white.
Kellie Jorgensen: I told my sister, and nephew who live there.
Kellie Jorgensn: Fan
Michelle Tolman - I love the kid pics
Michelle Tolman - told my neighbor and sister in law
vicki anderson
Margaret Proffitt
Margaret Proffitt
Margaret Proffitt- I told my sister-in-laws who live in Mesa.
Margaret Proffitt- love the maternity shot with the yellow background. Great colors.
Margaret Proffitt- FAN
Amie Haroldsen I love the pictures of the brothers on the chair and then licking the bright lollypops!
Love the cake smash photos!
Patricia Flores
We are looking forward to our session on Sunday and have told our friends Heather and Jake.
Patricia Flores: I love the photo of the pregnant mother with the umbrella! So unique!
Sara Eaton
Dave Eaton
Jane Herb
cherisse sarager
Chris Herb
Patricia Flores: fan!
Michelle Riebeek: I like the one with the girl sitting on the train tracks. There is just something about train tracks.
Sarah Schmidt
Michelle Riebeek: Fan
Sabrina Millar
Patricia Flores: just sent an email to all my coworkers- (we're here in Phoenix!), parents and brother!
Emily Warne: The family picture taken from behind with the one little girl looking over her shoulder (under "togetherness) is so sweet and creative.
Sarah Schmidt- I loved the baby in white witht he big flower on her head!
Trisha Bracken
Trisha Bracken
Jocelyn Allred: I love the baby in the tutu and the girl swinging! Very fun!
Sarah Schmidt- Fan!
Amie Haroldsen I told Christine, Toni, and Chris about the giveaway!
Emily Warne: I told my sister-in-law Sarah who lives in the greater Phoenix area.
Emily Warne: Button
Sabrina Millar: I like the picture of the boy sitting by the white fence. Great bokeh!
staci finlayson
Elaine Hearn
Micki Cottam: fan
Micki Cottam
Micki Cottam: I love the picture of the baby with the wedding rings on his toes. Amazing!
Micki Cottam: I told my friends and Grandparents
Michelle Nielsen - love the picture of little boy in the brown striped sweater and a pair of jeans in the backyard grass with his hands up in the air and the biggest grin on his little face!
Jocelyn Allred: I told my Mom, sister-in-law Rebecca, friend Sara, and a couple of my brothers.
Katharine LeCheminant
Katharine Lecheminant - I told all of my relatives in AZ. I love her photos. Very talented photographer.
Jocelyn Allred: fan
Cheryl Bowe
Cheryl Bowe: Love the family shot walking away
Brittany Hughes
Cheryl Bowe: told Kristin V, Kristin M, Nina, and Christie
Cheryl Bowe: fan
Brittany Hughes: I love the one with the mom laying down with the blocks that say girl by her belly then her little boy poking her belly!! :)
Brittany Hughes: I told my Aunt Joyce, Roger, and Taylor.
Brittany Hughes: FAN!
Lindsey Dean
Lindsey Dean: I really like the bold colors in some of these picutres. Especially the one with the little girl wearing a tu tu and laying on the polka dot pattern. I also really like the middle picture on your homepage of the the boy.
Lindsey Dean:FAn
Katie Harris
Katie Harris - I love the black and white maternity picture where the mother is making a heart around her belly button. So simple and beautiful!
Katie Harris - I told some friends (Michelle and Tiffiny), my mom, and my sister!
Katie Harris - FAN!
Jenna Pitt
Jenna Pitt: I love the one of the whole family walking down the sidewalk together. I'd love ones of my family like that!
Roxxi Curiel
Roxxi Curiel- I told all my sisters (3 of them) and my sister in laws (5 of them) I also forwarded her website to my cousins. Too many to mention
Roxxi Curiel- The one of siblings, the baby touching his older brothers head. How sweet is that????
Britney Young
Britney Young: I told my Grandpa & Grandma, and a few friends who live out that way!!
Kathy Tassoul
Britney Young: I like the one with the sleeping baby with the tutu and flower.
Blain Young: I told some friends of mine who just moved back from there. And told them to tell there friends and family who live down there.
Kathy Tassoul - I love the little peanut with the bow wrapped around her with the Thank God. I have it up on my desk.
Blain Young: I just love the photo of the mom and dad looking down on the new baby they are holding!! Oh so very very cute!!
Linsey Gines
Christine H.
Christine H - LOVE tht "From God" baby in the pink ribbon.
Christine H - emailed all my AZ friends.
Christine H - button!
Sarah Clark
Sarah Clark: I like the little girl with the polka dot background.
Stacy Howard: I like the one where the little girl wearing her pink tutu is kissing her mom.
Kathy Tassoul - My Mom Jeri, sister's Denise & Cindy, my two daughters Kayla & Amanda, and then I told Danielle, Leah Meghan, Betty, Macy, Sheri, Karen, Jamie, Michelle and Allison.
Kathy Tassoul - Totally a HUGE fan. Can't wait till my grandbaby is here for you to take him/her pictures.
sarah clancy
sarah clancy: telling all sisters in law, mother in law, and girl friends.
sarah clancy: fan
sarah clancy: love ALL naked newborn pics on soft blanket (can't pick just one :)
Hi Laura! I love all your photos, you are amazing! We can't wait to get updated family pictures from you!!!
-Myia Young
Cherese Devoe
Jennye Harding
Jennye Harding: I told my 2 sis-in-laws and a sister who all live in Mesa/Chandler area
Jennye Harding: fan
Kristen Burnett
Michelle Stafford
Danielle Chavez
Michelle Stafford - My favorite is sweet sibblings with brother and sister laying opposite directions. Just beautiful!
Erin Crandall
krystin wahl
krystin wahl; love the pic with the flower and the darling tutu.... love how girly and precious it is.
krystin wahl; i told my sis in law daphne about laura winslow. they live super close to phoenix.
Elizabeth Moore
Elizabeth Moore: I love the picture that links you to her blog. Its of the little girl with a big headband on and the dots background. She is so little yet has such a sassy expression! So cute!
Elizabeth Moore: I told Kasey!
Elizabeth Moore: Fan!
casey aubut
casey aubut
I LOVE the pic of the mommy laying on the grass kissing her son!
casey aubut
I live in AZ so i told my Mom/brothers/ and 2 cousins!
casey aubut
Became a fan on Laura on Facebook!
Kristen Israel
Liz Roberts
Liz Roberts: I love all her family pics but especially the little boy in the brown blazer, too cute!
Liz Roberts: emailed Stacy, Shellee, Sarah, Heather and Sarah
Tiffany Yates
Tiffany Yates: I love the maternity picture of the Mom in pink with the pink quote above her. SO CUTE!
Tiffany Yates: FAN
Lisa Boshell
Kendra Halterman
Kendra Halterman: Love the 1st birthday pics with all of the bright blue frosting
Kendra Halterman: Became a fan on Facebook!
Sara Francis
Sara Francis: photo of the blonde boy in the red sweater
Lisa Sullivan
Shanon Ashworth
Sent it on to all the girls.
Shannon ashworth
Shannon Ashworth
My favorite is the one where Jack is kissing Addie....adorable!
Amanda Tassoul. LOVE the work.
Angela Grice
denise jorgensen
Becky Packer
Melodie Newman
Jenny L. Thompson
Jenny L. Thompson
I like the picture of Jack on the home page of the website, and the baby with the tag from God.
Jenny L. Thompson
I have forwarded Laura's info to a pregnant gal in our small group, Tara:)
Tatiana Indrisek
Tatiana Indrisek: Too many fav's to name but I LOVE the one of her baby girl at the top of the site with the polka dots in the background. Also love the pregnant Mama in the rockin' dress with the umbrella.
Tatiana Indrisek: told Nerissa, Anjie, my mom and my neighbor!
Tatiana Indrisek: fan!!!!
Kelsey Allen: I like the one with the two little boys licking lollipops.
Rachel Chamberlain
Marcie Thornbrugh
Marcie Thornbrugh - I love the pic with the mom & little girl in a creek or something
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