A $25.00 Gift Certificate to their Online Shoppe for a Camera Strap or Vinyl Decor
Sugar Pop Designs sells quality handmade SLR DSLR camera straps that slip right over your current camera strap. They are all reversible and any design can have a lens pocket added on for an additional $3.00, so convenient!
So, if you ever bored of just your boring camera strap...SPICE IT UP! This is an easy way to customize your camera. AND no more leather strap irritating your neck - these are be so much more comfortable and unique! Most of the camera straps come with a soft minky fabric back so they feel AMAZING! All strap covers are -removable- and are machine washable! Buy a couple and switch them out!!

Sugar Pop Designs also sells vinyl wall decor for your home. They can do any custom saying and have over 60 fonts to choose from. Plus, they offer unique wall decals, like birds, chandeliers, trees, cute nursery animals OR they can make any graphic you send me the file for. The possibilities are endless.
DISCOUNT: Shipping is FREE anywhere in the US.
You can enter to win the $25.00 gift certificate from Sugar Pop Designs up to THREE times today. This giveaway is open to all.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Sugar Pop Designs here. Look at all of their great products and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would like if you win.
Example: Jane Doe: Funky Retro Flower Camera Strap
For a third entry, become a blog follower of Give Away Today over there on the right-hand side. Once you have become a follower, or if you already follower, in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and the word "Follower."
Example: Jane Doe: Follower
The winner of the $25.00 gift certificate from Sugar Pop Designs will be announced Monday, August 17th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 964 Newer› Newest»Elaine Hearn
Elaine Hearn: follower!!!!
Jessica Hover
Jessica Hover- Follower
Jessica Hover- I would love the Black and White DAMASK with hot pink minky
Hilary Johnson
katie larsen
katie larsen follower
Hilary Johnson I HEART the Reversible flower and polka dot camera strap cover!!!
Debbie Lambson
Heather Williams
Brooke Declusion
Heather Williams: REVERSIBLE blue and white soft CAMERA STRAP SLIP COVER
Brooke Declusion: Spring flower and soft minky pink CAMERA STRAP
Nancy Garner
Brooke Declusion: Follower
Erica Wyatt
Erica Wyatt - love the vinyl quote...the secret to having it all..is knowing that you already do.
Erica Wyatt- follow on google reader
ruth nay
Tonya Steel
Amy Pugmire
Amy Pugmire: Black and White DAMASK with hot pink minky CAMERA STRAP COVER
Amy Pugmire: follower
melinda gardner
Heather King
Julie Pocock
Lacey Mullen
Lacey Mullen: Custom Monogram Vinyl
Lacey Mullen: Follower
Julie Pocock
Julie Pocock: Dark & White Damask Camera Stripe
vms bishop
vms bishop: Funky Retro Flower Camera Strap
Rosemary Wilmott
Dee Tuttle
Dee Tuttle: Black and White and green CAMERA STRAP COVER
Dee Tuttle: follower
Debbie Chang
Debbie Chang: SOFT mink Green and white Damask CAMERA STRAP SLIP COVER
Debbie Chang: Follower
Barbara Russell
Marion Lambertus
Eliane Tatei
Love the black and white damask with "hot pink" minky camera strap. What a stylin Mamarazzi I would make!
Marion Lambertus~Follower
Jenny Maddox
Marion Lambertus Reversable blue and white soft slip cover with a lens cap. LOVE the lens cap pocket, I'm always having to figure out where I put my cap :)
Eliane Tatei: Vinyl damask wall decal graphic
Jenny Maddox - Funky retro flower CAMERA STRAP SLIP COVER with hot pink minky
Eliane Tatei: follower
Jenny Maddox - follower
Lynn Hill
Nicole Carr
Shalane Brower
Nicole Carr: Funky retro pattern is my fav
Shalane Brower: I like the limited edition black and white flower reversible camera strap.
Jessica Holloway
Jessica Holloway-follower
Jessica Holloway
I would love a new fabulous camera strap!
Gina Fensterer
Gina Fensterer: I just love the funky retro flower cover!
Gina Fensterer: follower
shanda wootton
Amy Wendt
Amy Wendt: follower
krystin wahl
krystin wahl; follower
krystin wahl; love the black and white damask... so versatile
Julia Wright
Natalia Rodrigues
Natalia Rodrigues: Damask and soft pink minky camera strap
Ashley Lown
Laurie Underwood
Laurie Underwood: the black and white damask fabric with the soft pink minky fabric underneath is my favorite!
Angela Halverson
Angela Halverson: follower
Ashley Lown - I LOVE the grey and black retro flower limited edition strap.
Ashley Lown - follower
Frank Larracuente
Frank Larracuente. The black and white with minky blue back would be an awesome gift for my fiance.
Laurie Underwood: follower
Frank Larracuente
Angela Halverson: I would pick either the giraffe and monkey vinyls or the giraffe and elephant vinyls. Everything is so cute!
Lisa Fewox
suzy greer
Erin Bailey
Erin Bailey Black and white with minky blue back CAMERA STRAP SLIP COVER with optional lens pocket
Erin Bailey Follower :)
sandy du follower
sandy du black damask strap
Elisha Wiggins
Jessica Schmale
Jessica Schmale: Follower
Jessica Schmale: Black and White DAMASK and green CAMERA STRAP COVER with LENS CAP pocket
Shell Cyr
Shell Cyr: I'd like the tree vinyl even though I'd have to pay the difference...I just love trees!
Kjersten Vandenberghe
Katie Wenerstrom
Katie Wenerstrom
Love the Black and White DAMASK and green CAMERA STRAP COVER with LENS CAP pocket.
Celeste Wilcox: Funky Retro Flower camera strap cover
Celeste Wilcox: Follower
Macey Bishop
Macey Bishop-love the yellow button clips!
Julie Laws
Jenny SMith
Holly Lang
Holly Lang: B&W Damask
Holly Lang: Follow
Julie Laws
camera strap-funky retro flowers with orange minky
Julie Laws
Marvelle Morgan: blue vine print with white minky camera strap
Marvelle Morgan: follower
Courtney McKay
Courtney McKay: follower
Courtney McKay: Retro flower and polka dot camera strap
Kimberly Pueblo
Kimberly Pueblo: Follower
Aleisha Rambusch
Aleisha Rambusch: follower
Angela Graves
Aleisha Rambusch: Funky Retro Flower Camera Strap w/ Hot Pink Minky
Jennifer Pollan
Jennifer Pollan - I like the vinyl chandelier wall decal for my daughters room. so cute.
Jennifer Pollan - Follower
Utonya Nielsen
Stephanie Palmer
Kjersten Vandenberghe: I really like the reversible funky retro flower camera strap with orange minky
Kim Lambert
I like the Pink Heather Bailey wrist strap for my camera!
I follow
Kim Lambert. I really like the black and white Damask camera strap!
Kim Lambert. I am a follower!
Erica Robertson
Geri Smith
Britney Young
Geri Smith - I like the black and white damask camara strap with the lens cover pocket add on
Summer Voorhies
Summer Voorhies- I would get the blue vine camera strap
Stephanie Bladen
Britney Young: I would love to have any of the way cute vinyl saying!!
Jill Swensen
Erica Robertson:Black and White DAMASK and green CAMERA STRAP COVER with LENS CAP pocket
Kati Mattingly
Erica Robertson: follower
Jill Swensen: Vinyl Tree Wall Decor
Kati Mattingly: I would love a custom name vinyl or the chandelier for our little girl's nursery!
Jill Swensen: Follower
amie haroldsen
I would get the black and white damask with the soft pink
Amie Haroldsen
amie haroldsen follower
Emily Miller
wendy hansen
Emily Miller- follower
Jamie Hyde
Emily Miller- I like the Reversible Black and WHite Damask Pink Headband w/Flower Clip
wendy hansen loves the the black/white damsk w/pink minky camera strap cover w/lens pocket
Summer Andrus - I love the custom monogram vinyl or the tree vinyl decal.
Summer Andrus - Follower
Rachelle Steed
Blain Young
Rachelle Steed: Follower
Tina Hopf
Blain Young: Funky Retro Flower!!
LIndsay Lakin
Karen Scoffield: black damask camera strap
Karen Scoffield: follower
Lindsay Lakin- The vinyl animals are so cute! I would probably get the giraffe for my daughter's room or bathroom.
Chrissy Parkinson- Follow on Google Reader
Lindsay Lakin- Follower!
Janae Bang
Chrissy Parkinson: The funky retro flower strap
francesca campbell
francesca campbell, follower
karen andrews
karen andrews ... some of the vinyl products!
francesca campbell- love the Black and White DAMASK with hot pink minky
karen andrews ... follower
francesca campbell, follower
Amy Tobler
limited edition Mod Designed Fabric camera strap
Rebecca Yokoi
Amy Tobler
sarah Printy
Lani Wilkinson
Jeanine Crane: the funky retro flower is super fun!
Jeanine Crane: follower
Ashley Harper
melissa canning
ashley harper: Follower
Kim Howell
Lani Wilkinson - I would love the Black and White DAMASK with hot pink minky CAMERA STRAP COVER and I would add the optional lens pocket
ashley harper: Vinyl tree
Kim Howell- I like the vinyl -laugh-
Lani Wilkinson - follower
Brittney Johnson
Brittney Johnson: I would love some vinyl for my walls!
Brittney Johnson: Follower
Heather Demke
Sheryl Coe: PICK ME!
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