Friday, August 28, 2009

GIVEAWAY #2: Utah Photographer Melissa Papaj is Giving Away...(CLAIMED)

A Photography Session With a CD of All Images

Melissa is an award-winning Utah Wedding photographer that combines photojournalism and traditional portraiture. She started photography because it has allowed her to find beauty in everything and to capture that beauty for longer than just a moment. Wedding photography is especially interesting to her because she is very personable and loves capturing the romance and chemistry of two people in love. "I love going to a wedding and blending in effortlessly with the bride, groom and entire family while capturing the traditions, surprises and all of the little details that weddings bring."
Even if you are not our winner today, you are still a winner because Melissa is offering a 10% DISCOUNT when you book a session and mention Give Away Today. Thanks, Melissa!

You can enter to win a photography package from Melissa Papaj up to FOUR times today. This giveaway is open to everyone but Melissa shoots in Utah.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For second entry, visit Melissa Papaj Photography here. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and one of your favorite pictures.
Example: Jane Doe, I love the close up of the mama kissing her brand new bundle of joy.

For a third entry, become a fan of Melissa Papaj Photography on facebook here. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and that you are now a fan.
Example: Jane Doe: FAN

For a fourth entry, become a follower of Give Away Today on Twitter here. If you are already a follower then 'tweet' about our great giveaways today. Then in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name what you did.
Example: Jane Doe: Tweeted "go to Give Away Today here to check out some amazing giveaways today!"

The winner of the photography package from Melissa Papaj will be announced Monday, August 31st. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and have a great weekend!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 486   Newer›   Newest»
Shambi-Galambi said... 1

sham galamb

Anonymous said... 2

Hartley lojik

Adam & Brittany Stevenson said... 3

Brittany Stevenson

Adam & Brittany Stevenson said... 4

Brittany Stevenson- I love the little baby boy in the dresser. Also the family on the slides at the park.

Adam & Brittany Stevenson said... 5

Brittany Stevenson- follower

Unknown said... 6

Amy PUgmire

Unknown said... 7

Amy Pugmire: I love the baby in the white dresser drawer.

Unknown said... 8

Amy Pugmire: facebook fan.

Unknown said... 9

Amy Pugmire: tweeted.

Wendy said... 10

Wendy Meiners

Mika said... 11

Mika Hillery

Mika said... 12

Mika Hillery, my favorite is the baby girl outside wearing the big flower headband. What a cute smile!

Mika said... 13

Mika Hillery: FAN

Mika said... 14

Mika Hillery: Tweeted "Visit Give Away Today and enter to win amazing giveaways (today!). @GiveAwayToday"

Trudy said... 15

Trudy Thompson

Trudy said... 16

Trudy Thompson:
I adore the picture where the caption is " sometimes being a big brother is better than being a super-hero. It is so stinking cute!

Trudy said... 17

Trudy Thompson
Facebook fan

Anonymous said... 18

Jill Swensen

Heather K said... 19

Heather King: Matt Dorame - from her blog.

Marci said... 20

Marci Legerski

Marci said... 21

marci legerski.. since I can pick only one Im going to go with the cute little baby with the pink butterfly wings

Marci said... 22

marci legerski fan

dream quilt create said... 23

Cynthia Horst: I love the bridal couple, the side view, hugging with the Oquirrh Mountains? in the background. It is pure and crisp and I love the expressions on their faces.

dream quilt create said... 24

Cynthia Horst: facebook fan

Anonymous said... 25

i was looking for some way to recycle my kides semi-used t-shirts. this rocks, how innovative and your instructions were spot on!Thanks alot, this really rocks.

Ash said... 26

Ashlie Fackrell

felicia said... 27

felicia voss

felicia said... 28

felicia voss: i love the photo of the 2 brothers one kissing the others cheek! reminds me of my little boys:)

felicia said... 29

felicia voss: fan

KelbelleDesigns said... 30

Kelly Farmer

Heather said... 31

Heather Demke

KelbelleDesigns said... 32

Kelly Farmer

I loooove the b/w shot with the twin babies. How adorable are they?!?

Heather said... 33

Heather Demke: Love the pic of the twin babies laying by each other

googlebug said... 34

Jeni Wilson

googlebug said... 35

Jeni Wilson: I love the engagement photo in front of the graffiti wall with the skater dude jumping in -- too funny!

Anonymous said... 36

Kaydee Sorensen

Anonymous said... 37

Kaydee Sorensen follwer

Anonymous said... 38

Kaydee Sorensen I love the picture with the boy in the dresser.

Katie said... 39

Katie Harrison

Anonymous said... 40

Leslie Bloomquist

Katie said... 41

Katie Harrison

I ADORE the silhouette picture (engagement) of the couple walking hand in hand on the beach. Very artistic & touching. Great shot!

Marsh's said... 42

Alexia Marsh

Shanda Mattsson said... 43

Shanda Wootton

Bren said... 44

Brenda Finlinson

Anonymous said... 45

Kristen Nielsen

Anonymous said... 46

Autum Hofeling

Anonymous said... 47

Autum Hofeling-I love the picture of the little brothers where the smaller one is kissing his bigger one on the cheek. too cute!

Anonymous said... 48

Became a fan on facebook-Autum Hofeling

Anonymous said... 49

Autum Hofeling-Follow on twitter and tweeted-


Brittany Ann said... 50

Brittany Hansen

Brittany Ann said... 51

Brittany Hansen: I love the family sliding in the park.

Unknown said... 52

Marvelle Morgan: father, mother, and baby in the cornfield

Anne said... 53

Anne Clawson

Bethany said... 54

Bethany Kestner

The Lewis' said... 55

Laura Lewis

Bethany said... 56

Bethany kestner - the bride and groom reading magazines cracks me up!

Anne said... 57

anne clawson, I love the wedding photos taken in the capital.

Christine said... 58

christine hallberg: i love the pic of the baby in the drawer

Christine said... 59

I tweeted: Give Away Today: GIVEAWAY #2: Ut Photographer Melissa Papaj is Giving Away..." ( )

Unknown said... 60

Blain Young: Love all of them but my fav has to be the little girl with the big flower headband.

Kellie said... 61

Kellie Hull

Blain & Britney Young said... 62

Britney Young: 2 brothers kissing!!

Kellie said... 63

Kellie Hull: The picture of the couple with their baby on the leaf-strewn bridge is beautiful - I love the colors!

Denise said... 64

Denise Hone

Denise said... 65

Denise Hone: I love all the baby pics in the dressers. So Cute!

Anonymous said... 66

Sarah Moss

The Lambert Family said... 67

Kim Lambert. I like the Bridal Portrait of the girl standing by the pillars.

Anonymous said... 68

camille rogers

Karen said... 69

karen andrews I like the bridal with the old truck - very different!

Melanie said... 70

Melanie Foutz: I love the picture of the feet!

Melanie said... 71

Melanie Foutz: Fan

Melanie said... 72

Jeremy Foutz

Melanie said... 73

Jeremy Foutz: The family picture on the slide was cool.

irbuanosraL said... 74

Aubri Larson

irbuanosraL said... 75

Aubri Larson
baby boy on dresser

irbuanosraL said... 76

Aubri Larson
facebook fan

Andrea said... 77

andrea shuman: I like the family on the playground (big sister kissing little brother).

Anonymous said... 78

Kara jensen

Kate and Wes said... 79

Katrina Southwick
baby boy on dresser

Anonymous said... 80

Linsey Gines

Kellie said... 81

kellie jenkins

Chad said... 82

Chad Harrison

Anonymous said... 83

Tracy Murri

Lea Tame said... 84

Lea Tame

Katharine said... 85

katharine LeCheminant

Chad said... 86

Chad Harrison

I've been following Melissa for a while now, and I love the sepia picture of the couple from back in June, found here

Andrea, Mrs. said... 87

Andrea Hales: the dad, the baby, the mom--just their feet! I LOVE that picture. It makes me happy and I don't have a clue what the family looks like.

Chad said... 88

Chad Harrison

Facebook fan

Anonymous said... 89

Lindsay Figueroa

Whitney said... 90

Whitney Bishop

Whitney said... 91

Whitney Bishop: Fan

Tiffany said... 92

Tiffany Ellis: I love how she puts the babies in the dresser drawers....SO CUTE!!

Whitney said... 93

Whitney Bishop: I love the baby in the dresser. Precious!

Jake and Rachelle said... 94

Rachelle Sherwood: facebook fan

Jake and Rachelle said... 95

Rachelle Sherwood

Jake and Rachelle said... 96

Rachelle Sherwood: I love the baby with the wings!

Tara said... 97

Tara Rogers

Unknown said... 98

CHloe Mooso

Natalie said... 99

Natalie Humpherys: I love the two twin babies cuddled up together.

Natalie said... 100

Natalie Humpherys: facebook fan

The Mathis Family said... 101

Anya Mathis: the family at the playground

The Mathis Family said... 102

Anya Mathis: follower

Kim and Dustin Mayhew said... 103

Kim Mayhew

Cindy said... 104

Cindy Nelson: I love the one with the brother and sister that says something like being a big brother is better than being a superhero. Cute!

Jess and Brandon said... 105

Jessica Clark

Mackenzie said... 106

Mackenzie Casey: I love the feet picture with mama, daddy, baby, and wedding rings. It made me giggle. I would love to have one of those on my walls. With my family's feet, of course.

Anonymous said... 107

Neiko Lefler

Anonymous said... 108

Krachelle Johansen

The Blackham3 said... 109

Jen Blackham

Sandy said... 110

Sandy White: I love the picture of the boy with his little sister that says "Sometimes being a brother is better than being a superhero." Darling!

Brittany said... 111

Brittany Chambers: My favorite picture is one with the rings on the babies feet.

Brittany said... 112

Brittany Chambers: Fan

Sandy said... 113

Sandy White: Tweeted "Check out for some sweet giveaways!"

Anonymous said... 114

Leslee Kitchen

Brit said... 115

Brittany Knudsen: I love the baby girl with the wings. Also the little baby boy in the white dresser!

Robert and Kristen said... 116

Kristen Crockett - I love the family pictures on the bridges, so cute (and I love the fall leaves)

Desta said... 117

Desta Gillice

KRoss said... 118

Katherine Ross: I like the autumn picture with the family with the words about a journey on it.

Trish said... 119

trish andersen: love the pic of the family on the slide

Trish said... 120

trish andersen: fan

Desta said... 121

Desta Gillice, I like the cute little family on the red slides.

cameo said... 122

Cameo Bell: I love the picture of the baby in the dresser.

Jan said... 123

jan sanderson

Jan said... 124

jan sanderson I love the picture of the family standing by the tree

Anonymous said... 125

kathy gregory

The Playin' Lakins said... 126

Lindsay Lakin- Facebook fan

The Playin' Lakins said... 127

Lindsay Lakin- follower

torri said... 128

Torri Mahoney: Facebook fan

torri said... 129

Torri Mahoney: twitter follower

Brad and Hailey said... 130

Hailey Allen - I love the picture of the parents feet with the baby's feet and the little brother kissing his older brother!

Brad and Hailey said... 131

Hailey Allen - FAN

Mama's Boys said... 132

Trina Harding: Love the newborn with wings and the family on the bridge in autumn.

Brad and Hailey said... 133

Hailey Allen: Follow on twitter ...

torri said... 134

Torri Mahoney: I love the picture of the little baby girl with blue eyes and a little flowery pink hat on! So cute!

Anonymous said... 135

Karen Brimhall
I like the wedding shot of the 2 infront of the church/building that looks like a castle.

Heather said... 136

Heather Sorensen- fan

Heather said... 137

Heather Sorensen- love the family feet picture, with the rings on the babies toes, so cute!

Anonymous said... 138

jill simmons

Anonymous said... 139

jill simmons: any of the families on the dirt road

Anonymous said... 140

jill simmons: fan

Jess and Brandon said... 141

Jessica Clark: I love the pictures of babies in dresser drawers! So cute.

Anonymous said... 142

jill simmons: tweeted

linda said... 143

Linda Muir:I like the family sitting in leaves by the green metal railings. All the engagement photos are so unique!

Jeff and Andee said... 144

Andee Sanders

Anonymous said... 145

Stephanie Thomas

Chris and Hilary said... 146

Hilary Roller -Facebook Fan

Chris and Hilary said... 147

Hilary Roller - subscriber

Chris and Hilary said... 148

Hilary Roller - I love the picture of "Addison" sleeping in the pink hamper under her name.

Tenille said... 149

Tenille Blackett: I absolutely love the picture of the brothers with the one brother kissing the other.

Anonymous said... 150

Janet Holm

Jeff and Andee said... 151

Andee Sanders, I love the picture of the baby in his dresser with the stuff animals on top.

Jake and Lauren said... 152

Lauren Packard: I love the pic of the baby in the drawer and the pic of the parents' feet and the baby's feet. So cute!

Jake and Lauren said... 153

Lauren Packard: fan

The Green's said... 154

Tiffany T. Green

Mary Lynne said... 155

Mary Lynne Miller

Anonymous said... 156

Amanda J. DAvis

Cheryl said... 157

cheryl bowe: love the mommy/daddy/baby feet with the rings

Cheryl said... 158

cheryl bowe: fan

Cheryl said... 159

cheryl bowe: tweeted

Amanda said... 160

Amanda Bradshaw - I love the sleeping baby in the drawer. Precious!

Michelle... said... 161

Michelle Tolman - I love the family pic of the couple and their little boy in the tall grass.

Amy said... 162

amy acevedo

Amy said... 163

amy acevedo...i love the one with the family on the slides.

Anonymous said... 164

DeVonya Madsen

Anonymous said... 165

DeVonya Madsen - I like the super hero brother

The Johnson Family said... 166


The Johnson Family said... 167


Tucson Mom said... 168

Michelle Nielsen - The picture of the Bride & Groom in front of the train in the sepia tone is fantastic!

The Thomas Family said... 169

Kaley Thomas!

The Johnson Family said... 170

WENDY JOHNSON: love the couple on the beach picture.

The Thomas Family said... 171

Kaley Thomas: Facebook fan!

Brooke said... 172

Brooke Ashton

Brooke said... 173

Brooke Ashton, I love the family sitting in the leaves

Karen T said... 174

Karen Tapahe: the baby sleeping in the dresser drawer - it reminds me of how we had a dresser drawer on the floor of our bedroom that our baby slept in for a week before my mom was able to send us a crib.

Mitzi said... 175

Mitzi Robinson: I LOVE the toes picture with Daddy, Baby, & Mommy. So precious!

Mitzi said... 176

Mitzi Robinson: Fan!

chelsea said... 177

Chelsea Seamons- I like the family sitting in the leaves by the green railings. But really I was really impressed with everything!

chelsea said... 178

Chelsea Seamons- fan

The Thomas Family said... 179

I love the picture with the new baby and the mom kissing him!!

Camilla said... 180

Camilla Jones

Camilla said... 181

Camilla Jones: I LOVE the engagement shot with the random stranger in jumping in front

Tanya said... 182

Tanya Stout

I loved the family of six/seven walking down the tree lined road.

I also loved the family of five kissing each other on the slides. Very cute!

Camilla said... 183

Camilla Jones: Fan

Heather said... 184

Heather Mattice: I like the picture of the bride holding her bouquet with her head thrown back in laughter

Shanda said... 185

Shanda Nuila: BAby on pink rug with butterfly wings

Mallory said... 186

Mallory Willyerd

Mallory said... 187

Mallory Willyerd: i love the outdoor pictures of the families.

Mallory said... 188

Mallory Willyerd: FAN

Mallory said... 189

Mallory Willyerd: Tweeted!!

Ariane Mardis said... 190

Ariane MArdis

Ariane Mardis said... 191

Ariane Mardis: Follower of Melissa on FAcebook

Ariane Mardis said... 192

Ariane Mardis: Follower on Twitter

Cirina said... 193

Cirina Hassler: I love the first picture of the baby in the white dresser drawer laying on the white blanket. So adorable!

Noodle said... 194

Diane Stephenson: Follower

Noodle said... 195

Diane Stephenson: Fan

Jason and Sheila Jensen said... 196


Ariane Mardis said... 197

Ariane MArdis: The baby in the white dresser is adroable

Jason and Sheila Jensen said... 198

SHEILA JENSEN: I love the little girl "Addison" in her baby room!

Jason and Sheila Jensen said... 199


Anonymous said... 200

Trisha Bracken

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