Here we are again, mentioning our un-mentionables. The last thing you want to spend your whole paycheck on is underwear so we are so excited to be featuring again! They offer an extensive line of name brand DISCOUNTED 'wear' for men and women such as underwear, work out gear, PJ's, bras, socks, undershirts and shapewear. These lovely Spanx pictured above are one of the greatest discoveries for women. They just hold you in and slim you down in all the right places. They are a perfect addition to any outift. I found some other comfy items on that I would like to share:
This robe reminds me that winter is coming and I will want something warm and cozy to bundle up in:

If you'd like to order some under'wear' from the privacy of your own home, we've got a deal for you. On top of the huge discounts already gives, they are giving you even more. For a 10% DISCOUNT off orders of $50 or more – Enter code: GIVEAWAYTODAY at checkout.
You can enter to win $50 to up to FOUR times today. This giveaway is open to those living in the US or Canada.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit here. Check out all of their 'wear' then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and how you would use your $50 prize.
Example: Jane Doe: I would pick some Spanx to go under a dress I recently purchased (it's a tad bit too small.)
For a third entry, become a fan of Give Away Today on Facebook here or Twitter here or BOTH. We heart our FANS!!!! Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and that you are now a fan.
Example: Jane Doe: Fan
For a fourth entry, subscribe to receive the newsletter from here. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and that you are now a subscriber.
Example: Jane Doe: Subscribed
The winner of the $50 from will be announced Friday, August 14th. Be sure to visit our site tomorrow to see if you are our winner and for our BACK-to-SCHOOL GIVEAWAY from FOUR different companies! Thanks and we'll see you then.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1095 Newer› Newest»Diane Conn
Scarlett Clegg
Scarlett Clegg: I hate to admit it, but I really need a new bra. I'm not going to say which one cause I think that is a little too much info!
Scarlett Clegg: Fan
Scarlett Clegg: Subscribed
Mallory Willyerd
Mallory Willyerd: i would totally get some Spanx, i have wanted a pair for SO LONG!
Mallory Willyerd: FAN
ruth nay
Mallory Willyerd: Subscribed
TJ Dickerson
TJ Dickerson, I also need a new bra
Angela Cantido
Liz Memmott
Liz Memmott fan on facebook
Angela Graves
Angela Graves: Fan
Angela Graves: Subscribed
liz memmott i like the black yoga pant by calvin klein, or would like to try spanx
Chatti Stavast
Liz Memmott subscribed to newsletter
Chatti Stavast
I would buy Spanx.
Janis Hansen
Elaine Hansen: subscribed
Elaine Hansen: Fan!
Elaine Hansen
Elaine Hansen: I would like to get some yoga pants and/or bras.
MAri Topham
Mari Topham: new vanity fair bra or spanx.
Mari Topham:subscribed
Janis Hansen: Fan
Angela Cantido: I haven't been able to afford spanx and I really need a pair! This would be perfect!
Brooke Declusion
Brooke Declusion: Dream Tisha Underwire Bra
Brooke Declusion: Fan/ follow on twitter!
Brooke Declusion: Subscribed
sarah lehan
laura Dieckmann- i wold like to try the lace tish bra by la mystere
Laura Dieckmann- fan
sarah lehan
I do need a new bra so I'd get the Cross Your Heart Beautiful Side Shaping Bra
sarah lehan
sarah lehan
Diane Stephenson
Diane Stephenson: Moving Comfort bra
Lynn Osborne
Lynn Osborne: Follower
Lynn Osborne: Spanx
kelly spence
Jenny Maddox
Jenny Maddox: fan
ARiane Mardis
Ariane Mardis: Fan
Ariane Mardis: I would buy a nursing bra and some spanx
Abie Mohn
Ariane Mardis: Subscribed
Lee Bay
Laurie Underwood
Lee Bay: I'd get something SPANX
Laurie Underwood - the Cabanawear Capri Pants by Nautica look so comfortable!
Shalane Brower
Lee Bay: Fan
Laurie Underwood - Fan
Julia Wright
Ashley Lown
Ashley Lown - I love the yoga pants!
Ashley Lown - fan
Elizabeth Olson
Elizabeth Olson
I would pick the colotura pj set. Looks comfy!
Elizabeth Olson
Facebook Fan of GAT
Danetta Young
Ashley Lown - subscribed
Stephanie Palmer
Stephanie Palmer
I would buy a new nursing bra!! Maybe that's a TMI!
Stephanie Palmer
I follow on Twitter
tara gruwell-I so need a new bra
Danetta Young: Lunaire 10711
Piccadilly Full Coverage Stretch Lace Bra
Danetta Young: Fan
Melissa Eads
Vicky Harris
Vicky Harris: I'd get a new strapless bra, like the Lunaire New York 17511.
Melissa Eads: My baby brother is getting married soon and I'm a bridesmaid so I would definitely get the Spanx!
Emily Cannon
Mary Mclain
Emily Cannon: Definitely SPANX...heard they're amazing but never forked over the money for them.
Heather Dance
Heather Dance: subscribed
Heather Dance: Fan on Facebook
Sylvia McLaughlin
Heather Dance: Moving Comfort 300117
Alexis High Impact Sports Bra. I've needed a new sports bra for a long time!!
Sylvia McLaughlin
Jaime Stephens
Nicole Lindsey
Nicole Lindsey: fan
Elisha Wiggins
Alicia West
Alicia West: Power Panty
Lynn Hill
Jennifer Nichole Johnson
Pam Rivera
Pam Rivera: I could use a good sports bra so I would buy the Maia Adjustable Strap High Impact Sports Bra 505508 by Moving Comfort.
Pam Rivera: facebook fan
Kim King
Kim King would buy the SpanxBra-Llelujah Bra 013 by Spanx or the SpanxHide and Sleek Criss Cross Cami 223 by Spanx. I could use both!
Amy Wendt
Melissa Horne
Utonya Nielsen
Sarah Ebbert
Randee mecham
Randee Mecham- I would buy the CK yoga essential pants
Randee Mecham- I am a facebook fan now
Amy Tobler
a Cami and a spanx high power with tummy control
Kelli Bradshaw
Kelli Bradshaw: The robe looks so nice.
Kelli Bradshaw: Fan
Karen Pew
Kelli Bradshaw: Subscribed
tracey braithwaite
Karen Pew - spandex for sure...I need a little tuck here and there. those look great.
Karen Pew - follower
Karen Pew - subscribed.
tracey braithwaite-a new comfy robe
Amy Tobler
Kelly Westra
Kelly Westra: I would get some Spanx to hide my post-baby belly
Kelly Westra: Facebook fan
Kelly Westra: Subscriber
Stephanie Bladen
Jaime Ashby
Cassi Curry
Jaime Ashby: Subscribed
Jenny Smith
Ashley Whitehead: I would love to try some spanx!
Jamie Shaw - follower
Tara Rebman
melissa canning
Kimberly Pueblo: Spanx for sure!
Kimberly Pueblo: Subscriber
Kimberly Pueblo: Follower
Tricia Folsom
cindi mcgrath
Tricia Folsom: Fan
cindi mcgrath: spandex please!
cindi mcgrath: FAN
Tricia Folsom: I'd get me some Spanx!
Tara Smith: I would definitely get some Spanx!
Tara Smith: fan
Tara Smith: subscribed
keara damery
Heidi Kartchner
After having baby #5...I am DEFINITELY going to need some spanx to go under everything!!
felicia voss: spanx...need to flatten that belly
Steven Smith
Steven Smith: calvin klein pants
colette tervort
colette tervort: yoga pants
colette tervort: facebook
colette tervort: subscribed
Courtney Dairman
Lindsay Quinney
Lindsay Quinney: Spanx Higher Power with Tummy Control
Lindsay Quinney: Facebook Fan
Kristin McCarroll
Jeni Wilson; I could use some Spanx and a new bra.
Erica Robertson
Erica Robertson: sooo spanx! I don't have any.
Becky Melville
Britney Young: I would like to have the black yoga pants or try the spanx.
Erica Robertson: fan
Jeni Wilson; Facebook fan
Becky Melville- I would buy some Spanx.
Blain Young: Facebook Fan
Becky Melville- Fan
Erica Robertson: subscribed
Blain Young: Black yoga pants for sure!!
Emily Bickell: I would get the Buttercup Short Sleeve Tunic 909559 by Nautica and some Calvin Klein undies :)
Amanda Bickley
Amanda Bickley-Fan
Erin Wilhelmsen Fan
Holly Lang
karen andrews I would love to have some of the comfortable yoga pants :)
Laura Tirpak
Jennifer NIelsen
karen andrews follower
Holly Lang: Definitely the spanx
Jessica Valentine: who DOESN'T need a pair of spanx?
Jessica Valentine: fan
Kim Lambert. I like the Calvin Klein Essential Yoga Pants!
Jade Westercamp I would love to have some of the comfortable yoga pants
Kim Lambert. Fan!
Nancy McEnany
Erin Wilhelmsen I really think that the Calvin Klein pants look comfy.
Nancy McEnany--vanity fair bra
Nancy McEnany--follower
Sarita Rogers
Nancy McEnany--subscriber
Sarita Rogers: fan
Sarita Rogers: subscribed
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