A Fabulous Tote from Zinney Lou Totes
We are so excited to welcome back one of our favorite companies today.
And great-looking totes just so happens to be the thing in which Zinney Lou Totes specializes.
Wanna see?
Good, 'cause we're about to show ya.
Imagine arriving to playgroup with this darling tote on your shoulder:

Night on the town? Perfect:
Need something for every day of the year no matter where you are going? Well then, Jordan's Harmony is for you. I am lucky enough to own this tote. And all I can say is It. Makes. Me. Happy.
Jordan's Harmony is my second tote from Zinney Lou Totes. Both of my totes from Zinney Lou Totes are of very high-quality. Each tote is handmade with care. It's always fun to know that something you own was handmade (with care, mind you).
DISCOUNT: Zinney Lou Totes is generously offering the readers of Give Away Today $5.00 off all totes during the month of August. Oh yeah! To receive this discount, look for the special link for Give Away Today readers on Zinney Lou Tote's website here or click here to go directly to the page.
Today you can enter to win a medium tote of your choice (worth up to $35.00) from Zinney Lou Totes up to FOUR times. This contest is open to those living in the USA.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Zinney Lou Totes here. Check out all of their fun totes (and baby bags and scripture totes) and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and which medium tote you want if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: Festival Snow
For a third entry, I once attended a journaling class and the teacher explained that you can learn a lot about a woman from the items in her purse. For example, at the time I was pregnant so I had Tums and crackers in my purse (which I normally would not carry, but at that stage in my life, they were a necessity). So in a NEW comment we would like you to tell us your first and last name and at least three items you currently have in your purse. If you happen to be a man, please tell us at least three items in your wallet. (FYI ladies, let your man know about today's giveaway--he can enter to win too. He wins=you win ;)
Example: Jane Doe: Let's see, in my cute Jordan's Harmony tote I have a wipie case, a sunscreen stick for my kids' faces, and about 30 old gift cards that I have sanitized and bound together with a metal ring. My children love to look through them. We have a Spiderman card, monsters, a gumball machine, a monkey, and we even have one that is a windmill with spinning parts (it's fun to play "Eye Spy" with the gift cards when we're out and about).
For a fourth entry, our monthly newsletter will be heading to our subscribers soon (like in today or tomorrow, so watch for it). For a fourth entry, subscribe to our newsletter on the right-hand side by entering your email address where it says “Want to Subscribe to Receive our Monthly Newsletter?” Once you subscribe or if you have already subscribed in the past, you get a fourth entry. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the words "Subscriber".
Example: Jane Doe: Subscriber
The winner of a darling tote from Zinney Lou Totes will be announced Tuesday, August 4th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and we'll see you tomorrow!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1720 Newer› Newest»Christina Butler
Christina Butler: Amaretto Fudge tote
Becky Jensen
Becky Jensen: Hollyhocks
Hayley Locke
Hayley Locke: Subscribed
Rhonda Miller
Becky Jensen: In my purse right now I have a diaper that's too small now for my baby, but hey, in an emergency I'll take whatever I can get, I also have a mirror and lipstick that I haven't used in years because I rarely ever even wear lipstick anymore, and I also have cream to stop cold sores the minute I feel one coming on because sadly, I'm highly prone to getting cold sores (like on my WEDDING DAY!)
Becky Jensen: Subscriber
amy pugmire
amy pugmire: I love the nite owl
amy pugmire: subscribe.
Rhonda Miller: Days of Yore - brown. Hmmm, wait, maybe black. Well, yeah, the brown, but . . .
amy pugmire: I have my camera, my lip gloss, and some lotion.
Rhonda Miller: My purse? I don't carry one. A debit card in my back pocket and gloss in my front pocket. But my car? The console is stocked with a pen, nail file, my phone, lotion, Germ-X, and dental floss. Pity the child (or husband) who takes my stuff out of there!!!!
Brandi campbell
Brandi Campbell:subscriber
Brandi Campbell: 4 lipsticks; a pair of spare earrings, and way too many old receipts
Christina Butler: I have my camera, an old issue of Reader's digest, and a RS directory in my purse. I'm on vacation so I might need to take pictures at any time, find time to read an article here or there, or email or call someone at home about church stuff.
Christina Butler: subscriber
Brandi Campbell: Jordan's harmony
Elaine Hearn
Andrea Fernelius
Andrea Fernelius Day spa
Andrea Fernelius~ my checkbook, my cell phone and wet wipes, my youngest is 5, but it is so nice to have in a bind
Carisa Bruderer
Carisa Bruderer: jordan's harmony
Carisa Bruderer: subcriber
Whitney Bishop
Whitney Bishop: Chocolate Sky
Kendra Goodrich
Kendra Goodrich: Beach Getaway
Whitney Bishop: In my purse (when I actually carry one instead of a diaper bag) you can find my work ID badge, a couple munchies, carmex (a MUST HAVE at all times), and gum
Whitney Bishop: Subscriber
Kendra Goodrich. I carry: my day planner, mints, and a pen
Jessica Morgan
Jessica Morgan: I always have chapstick, a granola bar and hair band in my purse!
Jessica Morgan: Days of Yore - love brown!
Michael Morgan
Michael Morgan: I think my wife would like spotted whimsey
Michael Morgan: I have my SPE card, a two dollar bill, and pic of my wife in my wallet.
Kelly Westra
Kelly Westra: September Sass
Nicole Lindsey
Kelly Westra: my wallet, wipes, diapers, onesie, baby toys, coffee shop punch cards, and baby gas drops :-)
Kelly Westra: subscribed
Nicole Lindsey: there were too many cute ones to choose just one! I LOVE the Bubble Gum and the Days of Yore (brown) totes...but it was difficult narrowing it down to just those two!
Nicole Lindsey: Right now in my purse I have chapstick (can't go anywhere without it), a little notebook to write memos to myself (since I forget everything if I don't write it down) and about a million pens (I always tend to leave them places so I have to stock up).
Nicole Lindsey: subscriber
Abie Mohn
Dianne Lehman
Dianne Lehman: Jaw Breaker
Kelly Spence
Liz Martelle
Dianne Lehman: I have a wallet just for shopping (cards & coupons), 2 checkbooks and 2 photo books of my grandchildren.
Dianne Lehman: Subscriber
Melanie Tucker
Melanie Tucker:subscriber
Katharine O'Neill
Becky Jensen: Hollyhocks
Melissa Eads
Barbara Bunchuk
I really like April Love
In my purse is my wallet, cell phone and nasal spray.
Melissa Eads: I would love to have the Day Spa tote! The colors are beautiful!
Becca Stephenson
Melissa Eads: Some people tell me I carry everything but the kitchen sink in my purse. I think I just try to be prepared!! I am a nanny and I have an extra diaper in there, one extra outfit for a "just in case" moment, and a small first aid kit. And tons more, but those are some of the odd things.
Melissa Ackerman
Melissa Ackerman: Amaretto Fudge
Melissa Ackerman: Sunscreen stick, pill case, Free Slurpee coupon
Melissa Ackerman; subscriber
Julie Grimmett
Julie Grimmett: Days of Yore (Brown)
Anne Jensen
jennifer kasprzak
jennifer kasprzak
I wlove bubblegum and jawbreaker but honestly would take any they are all too cute
Jennifer Kasprzak
In my very cute hand painted stickchics purse I have coupons for almost every store we have been to for school shopping, bath and body works mini hand sanitizer, keys , my blackberry, gum,loose change inthe bottom, and my wallet
Nancy McEnany
Nancy McEnany-I have so much in my purse, let me see, tums, 4 different perscriptions, camera, batteries for my camera
Jennifer Kasprzak
Emily Cannon
Emily Cannon: Amaretto Fudge
Courtney Dairman: so hard to pick ONE--I like the In Full Bloom, Bubblegum, and Nite Owl.
Nancy McEnany-day spa or winter days
Emily Cannon: Floating bobby pins, several pink lip glosses, crayons from various restaurants, and no cinnamon gum since my 22 month old has taken to eating pieces in large quantities since he discovered the "secret" hiding place!
Courtney Dairman: Still carry a diaper bag instead of purse but in my diaper bag I have my wallet, Tylenol (for kids and adults), and my cell phone.
Brandy Hoot
Brandy Hoot - Sophisticate
Aleisha Rambusch
Brandy Hoot -three items always in my bag are an epi-pen for my oldest, the camera, and a super cool bracelet to entertain the little one with when she fusses!
Brandy Hoot - Subscribed and can't wait for the monthly newsletters!
Aleisha Rambusch: Well, I don't carry anything out of the ordinary in my purse right now. I have my cell phone, wallet and the most recent Hancock Fabrics flyer.
Karen Mwins
Katharine O'Neill: Black Tie Affair (too cute!)
Katharine O'Neill: My favorite lip gloss, small pack of baby wipes, mini magnadoodle (to keep my son busy), & wallet.
Carly larsen
Claire Evenson
Claire Evenson Armaretto Fudge Tote
Elizabeth Olson: Bubble Gum Tote
Elizabeth Olson: subscriber
Elizabeth Olson
baby wipes
Tide pen
post-it notes
And a lot of wrappers!!!!
Denise Paul
Denise Paul. I like the Amaretto Fudge tote the best. :)
Denise Paul. I don't carry much in my purse. Three items it always contains, though: my wallet, my checkbook, a calculator.
Denise Paul. Subscriber! :)
Brittany Vause
Utonya Nielsen
Alexia Marsh
Jeni Wilson
Jeni Wilson: Chocolate Sky or Beach Getaway tote -- it is too hard to pick just one!
Jeni Wilson: Subscriber
Macey Bishop
Jeni Wilson: It so needs to be cleaned out, but I always seem to have mints, my wallets (one has only the "customer appreciation cards " everyone gives out now), and a key to the lakehouse -- never know when we might just want to take off!
Laura Heron
Macey Bishop, I love the Days of Yore bag, very beautiful.
Laura Heron - 3 things in my purse - a crayon carrier for my kiddos, my camera (always), and a notepad because I'm always writing lists!
Lori Mineer: Subscriber
Macey Bishop
2 drivers licenses
fishy crackers
Laura Heron - I love Black Tie Affair
Jessica Wells
Lori Mineer: Sunglasses, chapstick, red box movie
Jessica Wells: Day Spa
Keara Damery
Courtney Seal
Lori Mineer: Sophisticate tote
Catey Ball
Jessica Wells: I have my cell phone, diapers, and chap stick.
Pamela Shockley: Sophisticate
Thanks so much!
Catey Ball - Jaw Breaker
Courtney Seal: scripture tote
Keara Damery - I am in love with these bags, if I had the money I would by one in each pattern. I especially like the Day Spa and I would have to buy the Summer Dayz for my sister-in-law who lives at the beach and wears flip flops all the time.
Pamela Shockley: Subscriber.
Thanks so much!
felicia voss: jordans harmony
Catey Ball - Three things I always have are my lip balm (Burt's Bees with Pomegranate), Orbit spearmint gum, and a minky burpcloth. Though my baby is past the spit up stage, they make the BEST face wipers! : )
felicia voss
Christine Everill
courtney seal: In my purse I have everything from wipes, diapers, and teddy grahams, to lip gloss, pens, and hand sanitizer! With lots of wrappers from random stuff too!
Catey Ball - Subscribed
Ora Bridges
Keara Damery - Board book for my 3 yr old, handsanitizer, and chap stick. The list could on and on.
Crystal Hobbs
felicia voss: diaper, wipes, wallet
Pamela Shockley: In my purse I have a wallet bulging with papers stuck in it. I have coupons and receipts that have gotten waded and pushed to the bottom of my purse. I have a toothbrush (have no idea why, 2 pens, a darling Brighton tin of breath mints, hand lotion, and lots of loose coins.
Thanks so much!
Crystal Hobbs: Day Spa
Melissa Canning
Melissa Canning
Crystal Hobbs: Three things in my purse at all times would be my chapstick, wallet, and cell phone.
Heather Haslam
Heather Haslam ~ I love the Nite Owl tote!
Miranda Smith
Miranda Smith: Chocolate Sky
Kim Lambert. I like the 'Days of Yore' tote!
Kim Lambert! I just looked in my purse, I have fruit snacks (I have a toddler), 2 packs of gum, and my ipod!
Miranda Smith: In my purse I have my holds-everything wallet, fingernail clippers, and my favorite lip gloss.
Tammy Criminger
Lee Bay
Lee Bay: Day Spa
Shell Cyr: Day Spa
Emily Miller- subscribed
Emily Miller- baby wipes, 4 travel sized sanitizers, camera
Lee Bay: finger nail clippers, pacifier, and a small calendar
Erin Wilhelmsen
Erin Wilhelmsen Subscriber
Shell Cyr: A coin purse for Canadian money; a fold up hairbrush/mirror; and a cell phone case with lip balm and lipsticks.
Shell Cyr: subscriber
Lee Bay: subscribed
colette tervort
colette tervort beach getaway
wow the are so cute Days of Yore Black or Sophisticate.
Erin Wilhelmsen In my purse I have chapstick, neosporin, and my wallet.
colette tervort: peach hand sanitizer, lotion, roberts coupons
colette tervort: subscribed
Emily Miller- I love the nite owl tote
karen andrews I love the September Sass bag!
Erin Wilhelmsen: In Full bloom tote
Lexie Hogge
karen andrews ... three things in my purse 1) aleve, 2) chapstick, 3) ribbon swatches
karen andrews subscriber
Earbuds for my phone, LOC wipes and antibiotic cream. I'm a Klutz! :)
Natalie Munns
Lexie Hogge: days of yore
Natalie Munns: Days of yore
julie brown
Jennifer Keyes: lipstick, notebooks (for my notes), and my ipod
Night Owl
Night Owl
Amy Horsburgh
Angela Hagfeldt
Amy Horsburgh- Beach Getaway
TJ Dickerson
Amy Horsburgh- subscriber
Liz Memmott I love the beach getaway and nite owl, and bubble gum.. CUte bags
Jylaire Thorell
TJ Dickerson: subscribed
Jylaire Thorell; hollyhocks
Jylaire Thorell; subscriber
Micah Bulloch
liz memmott
I always have a stash of pens, wallett, lip balm, and pictures of my kids
Micah Bulloch- Day spa tote
liz memmott
I subscribe to your newsletter
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