Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Until September 1st we are Giving Away SEVEN AMAZING DVDs...

TWO Winners will Receive a Copy of Disney's Stunning and Heartwarming Feature Film EARTH

Earth will be released to home audiences in Blu-ray™ Hi-Def and DVD on September 1, 2009 from Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment. Earth tells a trio of unforgettable stories sure to captivate movie lovers of all ages. Set against some of the world’s most spectacular vistas, this breathtaking motion picture achievement uses the classic Disney storytelling tradition to celebrate the diversity and determination of its animal stars in a heroic journey that covers the Earth from pole to pole.


is coming to DVD on September 8, 2009. This Two-Disc DVD Includes a Bonus Disc Featuring Exclusive Footage of Disney’s Newest Princess from Princess and the Frog, Two never-before seen music videos featuring Cinderella and Mulan, Plus All Original Bonus Features.


DISNEY LITTLE EINSTEINS: FIRE TRUCK ROCKET’S BLAST OFF is coming To DVD on September 8, 2009. Join the Little Einsteins as they embark on four rescue-themed adventures in LITTLE EINSTEINS: FIRE TRUCK ROCKET’S BLAST OFF premiering on Disney DVD September 8, 2009. In this latest installment of fascinating adventures that includes a never-before-seen episode and the Magic Mission viewing mode, the Little Einsteins set out on rescue missions that take place in all corners of the world.


On Tuesday September 1st, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment will release POOH’S HEFFALUMP HALLOWEEN MOVIE on DVD! As a bonus, the DVD will include a Limited Edition Pooh plush in a Tigger Halloween costume! The hilariously haunting movie features Pooh and his friends as they weave unconditional friendship with spooky adventures and warm-hearted moments. POOH’S HEFFALUMP HALLOWEEN MOVIE features all of the Halloween-themed original bonus features including numerous, fun-filled Halloween party activities and games, printable party invitations and Halloween-themed recipes.


Get ready for an all-new fairy-tale adventure when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey’s Adventures in Wonderland comes to Disney DVD on September 8, 2009. Inspired by Disney’s remarkable classic, Alice in Wonderland, the movie features all-new animation, original songs and interactive bonus feature.


Get ready for pure racing excitement as the Power Rangers rev up the action against an evil army of mechanized “Grinders” in Power Rangers RPM Volume 2: Race For Corinth. Battling from the doomed city of Corinth, Dr. K’s elite team of teenage heroes face the sinister Venjix Computer Network, which is intent on taking over the world’s communication and defense systems. Will the Power Rangers be able to master Dr. K’s high-tech Racing Performance Machines in time to save all mankind? Find out on September 8, 2009 when this DVD is released to home audiences.

You can enter to win one of the seven DVDs up to FOUR times. This giveaway is open to those living in the United States. You can enter to win until September 1st. Check back on September 1st to see if you are one of our lucky winners.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the right-hand side by entering your email address where it says “Want to Subscribe to Receive our Monthly Newsletter?” Once you subscribe or if you have already subscribed in the past, you get a third entry. PS- our newsletter is coming out soon and you will not want to miss the info inside, we have such fun things on the horizon! In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the words "Subscriber".
Example: Jane Doe: Subscriber

For a third entry, become a fan of Give Away Today on Facebook here. Once you have become a fan or if you are already a fan, you receive a fourth entry. In a NEW comment enter your first and last name and the word "FAN".
Example: Jane Doe: FAN

For a fourth entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the title of a movie you really enjoy.
Example: Jane Doe: About a Boy--it's a good one!

The winners of the seven DVDs will be announced Tuesday, September 1st. Please visit us then to see if you are one of our winners and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and have a great day!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1708   Newer›   Newest»
Elaine said... 1

Elaine Hearn

Elaine said... 2

Elaine Hearn: FB Fan!!!

Shambi-Galambi said... 3

Sham galamb

Shambi-Galambi said... 4

Sham galamb


Scarlett said... 5

Scarlett Clegg

Scarlett said... 6

Scarlett Clegg: Subscriber

Scarlett said... 7

Scarlett Clegg: Fan

Shambi-Galambi said... 8

Sham galamb

7 brides for 7 brothers:)

Scarlett said... 9

Scarlett Clegg: I am a total movie buff! One movie I could watch over and over again, I'm sorry I have to say it, is Twilight. LOVE IT!

Anonymous said... 10

ruth nay

Anonymous said... 11

ruth nay: heavyweights

heather said... 12

Heather Williams: This past weekend I just saw 500 Days of Summer. In my top five movies of all time and want to own it once it comes out.

Unknown said... 13

Amy Pugmire

Unknown said... 14

Amy Pugmire: subscriber.

Unknown said... 15

Amy Pugmire: fan

Unknown said... 16

Amy Pugmire: Sandlot

Anonymous said... 17

Susan Stone

Baby Talks said... 18

Debbie Chang

Baby Talks said... 19

Debbie Chang: You've Got Mail

Baby Talks said... 20

Debbie Chang: Subscriber

Baby Talks said... 21

Debbie Chang: Fan

Brooke said... 22

Brooke Declusin

Brooke said... 23

Brooke Declusin: Subscriber

Brooke said... 24

Brooke Declusin: Facebook Fan!

Brooke said... 25

Brooke Declusin: Hairspary is one of my favorites the older one!

PrincessKatie said... 26

katie larsen subscrxiber

PrincessKatie said... 27

katie larsen one of my favorite movies is Confessions of a Shopaholic .it describes me to a t!

Heather K said... 28

Heather King

Heather K said... 29

Heather King: Subscriber

Heather K said... 30

Heather King: FAN

Heather K said... 31

Heather King: Gladiator

Angela said... 32

Angela Graves: Subscriber

Angela said... 33

Angela Graves: Anne of Green Gables

Angela said... 34

Angela Graves: fan

Kim and Corey Nasfell said... 35

Kimberly Nasfell

Kim and Corey Nasfell said... 36

Kimberly Nasfell: subscriber

Kim and Corey Nasfell said... 37

Kimberly Nasfell: fan

Kim and Corey Nasfell said... 38

Kimberly Nasfell: I love "Some Like It Hot" one of the best classics EVER!!

vmsb said... 39

vms bishop

This Mama Rocks said... 40

Holly Campbell

This Mama Rocks said... 41

Holly Campbell FB Fan!!

This Mama Rocks said... 42

Holly Campbell Finding Nemo

Heidi said... 43

Heidi Nelson

Heidi said... 44

Heidi Nelson: subscriber

Heidi said... 45

Heidi Nelson: fan

Heidi said... 46

Heidi Nelson: I love Robin Hood Prince of Thieves

Rebecca said... 47

Rebecca Phalen

Rebecca said... 48

Rebecca Phalen: Subscriber.

Rebecca said... 49

Rebecca Phalen: FAN.

Rebecca said... 50

Rebecca Phalen--While You Were Sleeping :)

Rachel Durazzani said... 51

Rachel Durazzani

Rachel Durazzani said... 52

Rachel Durazzani: Subscriber

Rachel Durazzani said... 53

Rachel Durazzani: FAN

Rachel Durazzani said... 54

Rachel Durazzani: While You Were Sleeping

Melissa said... 55

Melissa Corkum

Melissa said... 56

Melissa Corkum-fan

Melissa said... 57

Melissa Corkum--What About Bob? (it's a classic)

DizzyLizzy said... 58

Elizabeth Olson
newsletter subscriber

DizzyLizzy said... 59

Elizabeth Olson

DizzyLizzy said... 60

Elizabeth Olson
Loved "The Time Traveler's Wife"

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said... 61

tara gruwell: fan

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said... 62

tara gruwell

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said... 63

tara gruwell: The Proposal

Meg said... 64

Megan Trayner

Meg said... 65

Megan Trayner: Facebook Fan

Meg said... 66

Megan Trayner: Subscriber

Meg said... 67

Megan Trayner: While You Were Sleeping- my fav!

Unknown said... 68

jenny maddox

Unknown said... 69

jenny maddox - subscribed to newsletter

dream quilt create said... 70

Cynthia Horst

Unknown said... 71

jenny maddox - facebook fan

dream quilt create said... 72

Cynthia Horst: FAN

Unknown said... 73

jenny maddox - i loved the proposal

dream quilt create said... 74

Cynthia Horst: Anne of Green Gables, Return to Me

Lynn Osborne said... 75

Lynn Osborne

Lynn Osborne said... 76

Lynn Osborne: Facebook Fan

Lynn Osborne said... 77

Lynn Osborne: Follower

Lynn Osborne said... 78

Lynn Osborne: The American President

Suze said... 79

Suzy Greer

Suze said... 80

Suzy Greer: Subscriber

Suze said... 81

Suzy Greer; Fan

Suze said... 82

Suzy Greer: I love the movie French Kiss...I can watch it over and over again

Becca said... 83

Becca Stephenson

Tricia said... 84

Tricia Landes

Tricia said... 85

Tricia Landes: Subscriber!

Tricia said... 86

Tricia Landes: Center Stage...absolute favorite movie!

Becca said... 87

Becca Stephenson: Return to Me - one I watch every time my husband is out of town so I've watched it many a times!

Manda Jane Clawson said... 88

Amanda Clawson

Manda Jane Clawson said... 89

Amanda Clawson: FB Fan :)

Anonymous said... 90

Julia Wright

Karen said... 91

Karen Cochran

Stephanie said... 92

Stephanie Palmer

Stephanie said... 93

Stephanie Palmer: Subcriber

Stephanie said... 94

Stephanie Palmer: Fan

Stephanie said... 95

Stephanie Palmer: Monsters Inc. - I could watch it a hundred times!

lmg.217 said... 96

Linda Goodrich

Jodie said... 97

Jodie Heiselt

Jodie said... 98

Jodie Heiselt: facebook fan

Jodie said... 99

Jodie Heiselt: subscriber

Jodie said... 100

Jodie Heiselt: my fav. movie is While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock...a hilarious, feel-good movie.

Mika said... 101

Mika Crain

mika said... 102

Mika Crain; "Top Gun". It's an oldie but goodie.

Laura said... 103

Laura Wilkinson

Laura said... 104
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said... 105
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said... 106

Laura Wilkinson: subscribe to newsletter

Sarah said... 107

Sarah Ebbert

Sarah said... 108

Sarah Ebbert: subscriber!

Sarah said... 109

Sarah Ebbert: I love Enchanted! It's so cute and fun!

Laura said... 110

Laura Wilkinson: How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days

Kris said... 111

kristin sherwood

Macey said... 112

Macey Bishop

greekmiss said... 113

Gerogia Nasios

Macey said... 114

Macey Bishop-SUBSCRIBER!

ugkuyg said... 115

Shalane Brower

greekmiss said... 116

Georgia Nasios: I love movies and the one that I can definately watch over and over and over...Harry Potter! Any of them!

Macey said... 117

Macey Bishop-Troop Beerly Hills

Charlotte said... 118

Charlotte Andersen

Charlotte said... 119

Charlotte Andersen: Subscriber!

Charlotte said... 120

Charlotte Andersen: Fan!

Miss J. said... 121

Brittney Johnson

Charlotte said... 122

Charlotte Andersen: Current favorite move: Food, Inc. Yeah, I know it's a documentary. But it's really good! And it makes me think:)

Miss J. said... 123

Brittney Johnson: The Princess Bride

Emily E. said... 124

Emily Erspamer: subscriber

Emily E. said... 125

Emily Erspamer: fan

googlebug said... 126

Jeni Wilson: Subscriber

googlebug said... 127

Jeni Wilson: Facebook Fan

Emily E. said... 128

Emily Erspamer: The Birdcage is one of my all-time favorites. :D

googlebug said... 129

Jeni Wilson: We love "Waking Ned Devine," a quirky little comedy.

Anonymous said... 130

Leslee Kitchen

Anonymous said... 131

Leslee Kitchen-Late For Dinner

Ashley said... 132

Ashley Patterson

Allie said... 133

Allie Bruce

Emily said... 134

Emily Cannon

Emily said... 135

Emily Cannon: The Sound of Music for the whole family!

Allie said... 136

Allie Bruce-Subscriber

Allie said... 137

Allie Bruce-Fan

Unknown said... 138

ashley mcdonald - fan

Allie said... 139

Allie Bruce-Pretty Woman

Unknown said... 140

ashley mcdonald - subscriber

Unknown said... 141

ashley mcdonald - these days Toy Story is the movie of choice in our house! My little guy LOVES it!!

Clements Family said... 142

lindsay clements

Josh and Kelsey said... 143

Kelsey Simmons

The Durretts said... 144

krysyan durrett

Josh and Kelsey said... 145

Kelsey Simmons: Clueless!

Karley said... 146

karley simmons - the proposal - hilarious!

Karley said... 147

karley simmons - subscriber

LeahR said... 148

Leah Mitchell

LeahR said... 149

Leah Mitchell: subscribe

Lynnderful said... 150

Lynn Hill

Emily said... 151

Emily Miller- Disney's Cars, my toddler watches it daily!

LeahR said... 152

Leah Mitchell: FB Fan

LeahR said... 153

Leah Mitchell: when I was a kid, I loved the movie "The Rescuers"

Cyndie said... 154

Cyndie Call- subscriber

Cyndie said... 155

Cyndie Call- fan

Ames said... 156

Amy Hill

Cyndie said... 157

Cyndie Call- While you were Sleeping. LOVE that movie!!!

Ames said... 158

Amy Hill--Ever After

Rachelle said... 159

Rachelle Steed: Fan

Rachelle said... 160

Rachelle Steed: Subscribe

Cassie said... 161

Cassie Balser

Our Journey To Eden said... 162

Amiee DiBrango

Rachelle said... 163

Rachelle Steed: Airplane!!

aleisha said... 164

Aleisha Martin

Cassie said... 165

Cassie Balser: subscriber

Cassie said... 166

Cassie Balser: Kung Fu Panda...I love to watch and listen to my kids as they watch it. It's hilarious!

Anonymous said... 167

camille rogers

johnny and ashley said... 168

Ashley Evanson: subscriber

johnny and ashley said... 169

Ashley Evanson: fan

johnny and ashley said... 170

Ashley Evanson: Beauty and the Beast

Love My Three Bugs said... 171

Bethany Thompson

Janelle said... 172

Janelle Dudley: facebook fan

Janelle said... 173

Janelle Dudley: subscribed

Janelle said... 174

Janelle Dudley: wives and daughters

*A* said... 175

Andra Stoker~subscriber

*A* said... 176

Andra Stoker~I love the Tinker bell movie. The colors are so bright and the message is beautiful!

*A* said... 177

Andra Stoker~fan

Kim said... 178

Kimberly Shuck

Brittany Ann said... 179

Brittany Hansen: I really love the movie Penelope, it's so fun!


sandy du subscriber

Kim said... 181

Kimberly Shuck - Subscriber

Kara Burns said... 182

Kara Burns

Kim said... 183

Kimberly Shuck - Fan

Kara Burns said... 184

Kara Burns _ Subscriber

jeanine said... 185

Jeanine Crane: subscriber

jeanine said... 186

Jeanine Crane: FAN

Kara Burns said... 187

Kara Burns : We would love the mickey movie or the princess movie!!! Earth would be amazing too.

Jennye Harding said... 188

Jennye Harding: facebook fan

Kim said... 189

Kimberly Shuck - I love She Devil, Death Becomes Her, lots of those 80's movies!!

Jennye Harding said... 190

Jennye Harding: Pooh's Grand favorite part has got to be that Christopher Robin is in that movie even now!

jeanine said... 191

Jeanine Crane: I love Enchanted... it's so clever and I love the music too... and the best part is that I can get my boys to watch it with me!

Blain & Britney Young said... 192

Britney Young: Fan

Blain & Britney Young said... 193

Britney Young: One of my all time fav's is Toy Story 1&2!!

Amanda B. said... 194

Amanda Bickley-Fan

Tara said... 195

Tara Rogers

Amanda B. said... 196

Amanda Bickley-Heavyweights is by FAR my favorite. Always makes me laugh!

Tara said... 197

Tara Rogers: I love Failure to Launch- It's so funny!

Unknown said... 198

Blain Young: Subscriber

Unknown said... 199

Blain Young: Fan

Jeanette said... 200

Jeanette Allday: The Village

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1708   Newer› Newest»