When my baby was learning to walk, I bought him a pair of shoes from See Kai Run. They have ultra-flexible soles, are made of butter-soft leather, and are a bit wide to help stabilize your little one as they wobble. Perfect for toddlers of all ages trying to get that walking thing down (and darling for after they are already walkers.)
See Kai Run won the iParenting Outstanding Product Award For 2009, with their "perfect first shoe for new walkers." Their shoes are flexible, soft, and of very high-quality. See Kai Run makes it easy with three different lines to choose from: Smaller (ages 0-18 months), See Kai Run (ages 6 months-3 years) and Eleven (ages 3-11 years.)
Another benefit of See Kai Run shoes? They are adorable, stylish, and will turn heads at the playground. Take these for example:

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit See Kai Run here. Check out all of their darling shoes then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the shoes you would like to have if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I love the Chase shoes for my son-so cute!
For a third entry, we are up for a 2009 Blogger's Choice Award for "Best Marketing Blog," for which we are humbled and honored to be nominated. If you would like to vote for us, please visit their site here and give us a vote. After you have voted or if you have already voted for us in the past, come back and in a NEW comment leave us your first and last name and tell us that you voted. We thank you kindly!
Example: Jane Doe: Voted
For a fourth entry, we have a new feature on Give Away Today, our "past giveaways" section. This is located on the left-hand side bar and has all of our past features sorted by category. This will make it super easy for you to quickly find the products you love, with just the click of a button. So for a fourth entry, click on a category that you are in the market to shop for and surf our past giveaways. Then in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and a company you found from whom you would like to buy.
Example: Jane Doe: I'm in the market for a great winter purse and I found one from "Bags that Fit" in the purses/accessories category. BTW, we will be featuring Bags that Fit on Friday--visit us then for a chance to win a designer handbag.
The winner of the shoes from See Kai Run will be announced Wednesday, September 2nd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. See you tomorrow!
PS- For all of our Utah readers, look for us tomorrow on STUDIO 5 at 11am on Channel 5! We will be giving away prizes from EIGHT companies so be sure to come back tomorrow!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1419 Newer› Newest»jenny howlett
Melissa Duran
beka clement
Melissa Duran: Love the Mazi!
Amy Pugmire
Amy Pugmire: i love the jennifer lees for my daughter
Amy Pugmire: voted
beka clement: i would love the "harry" shoes! they are so cute!
Amy Pugmire: I love the Strawberry Shortcake Felt Hair Clip Holder
by cranberriesandcapers
I could really use one.
Becky Doxey
Katie Frandsen
Katie Frandsen: I absolutely LOVE the Naya shoes in the little girls shoes.
Katie Frandsen: Voted
Katie Frandsen: I love the Vinyl Lettering in the Home Decor section.
beka clement: totally voted for you guys! you're amazing!
Becky Doxey - I love the Rebekah shoes, they would be perfect for my little namesake.
shelly gottfredson
beka clement: in the market for a baby sling and found mod mum!
shelly gottfredson:
Oh I L O V E the Rebekah
amie haroldsen
jenny howlett - love the VIOLET shoes for my little girl
amie haroldsen - I love the Brenna, Elaine, and so many more!
Jaclyn Dennett
jenny howlett - voted
amie haroldsen I voted!
Kendall Manwill
I looked through Better Homes INterior and found a lovely set of wooden blocks I'd like! Amie Haroldsen
Heather Williams
Heather Williams: I love the Forrest shoes for my boy and the Jennifer Lee for my girl. I had to mention both because they are just so cute!
Kendall Manwill: I love the Trevor for my boy or the Lilly Jean for my little girl
Kendall Manwill: voted
Jaclyn Dennett: I love the Rebekah shoes
Kendall Manwill: I was browsing for gifts and came across Emmie Kate. Beautiful!
Kassandra Namba
Kassandra Namba: vote
Kassandra Namba: I went to Milan Maternity's site and ordered something today and used the giveaway discount!
Kassandra Namba: omg the Rebekah and Brenna shoese are darling!
Clancy Passey
I dreamed of being the first commentor, but alas... 38th! or 39th... or something.... *sigh*
Clancy Passey: Must have the Jennifer Lee... or Rebekahs
Clancy Passey: voted
Clancy Passey: I'm prego and would love to have something from Milan Maternity. Super cute stuff!
Jaclyn Dennett: Visited Peekaboo Bowtique. Would love to have the Zippity Do Dah pillowcase dress for my daughter. Such cute stuff!
Jill Swensen
Kylee Westover
Kylee Westover: I would love the Jake shoes for my little man
Kylee Westover: Voted
Trudy Thompson
Trudy Thompson:
The boys boots Logan would be perfect for my 3 year old grandson.. He would adore them _I know!
Trudy Thompson: Voted
Trudy Thompson
Maddie Morgan.com Such cute ideas for my little grand-daughters hair!
Sham Galamb
Hartley lojik
Kristen Madson
Kristen Madson: Love the Naya
Kristen Madson: voted
So stinken cute!
Tara Wignall
Tara Wignall voted
Diana Mancuso: I love the Jayce shoes for my son, very classy.
Cynthia Horst
Cynthia Horst: Elizabeth, I know a little girl who would love these!
Cynthia Horst: voted
Cynthia Horst: Scribble It, I love their unique style and colors, I could use some!
TAra Wignall. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Rebekah
Diana Mancuso: voted
Michele Judd
Diana Mancuso: I'm in the market for a backpack for my daughter who's starting kindergarten next week and I find one at Primo Bambino!
Michele Judd: I love the Naya style for little girls...too cute!
Michele Judd: Voted
Shalane Brower
Michele Judd: We're expecting a new baby in November and we've been looking for a baby sling, under the baby items link I found the company Mod Mum that I would like to purchase a sling from.
Rhonda Miller
Andrea Yost
Andrea Yost: I would love the Coleman style for my little man.
jenny maddox
Andrea Yost: Voted
jenny maddox - i would love to have the alina for my little girl!
jenny maddox - i voted for you!
Jenny Maddox - I'm expecting my 1st little girl and am all about the hair accessories (after 2 boys how can you not be???). Cranberries & Capers have the cutest hair clippies!
Andrea Yost: I love the hair accessories from Cranberries and Capers. LOOOOOVE Them!
Melissa Eads
Melissa Eads: I would sooo get the Sylvia shoes. They're adorable!
Melissa Eads: voted
Kristin Robertson
Mary Ewell
Thanks! =)
Kristin Robertson: Voted
Kristin Robertson: I love the Naya.
Jill Swensen: If I HAD to choose, it would be the Elliot for my son or the Lily Jean for my daughter.
Shell Cyr
Shell Cyr: I want the Paul shoe...for my grandson, who's father's name is Paul...very appropriate.
tamsen keyes
Jessica Holloway, I think my girl needs the Kasota shoe!
Kristin Robertson: I need a new dress, and Shabby Apple has the perfect dress for me!
Cathy Estadt
tamsen keyes: love Elise.
Cathy Estadt - I love "Logan" for my son. Perfect for fall!
hailey allen
I LOVE the Holly shoes!!!
tamsen keyes: voted
Cathy Estadt - Voted
Geri Smith
Ashley Lown
b. martin
b. martin the CiCi booties would be perfect for this winter to wear
Ashley Lown - Jaewon shoes are so cute!
Ashley Lown - I voted. Good luck!
tamsen keyes: I'm always in the market for girls hair clips and love Mayday studio, and will order from there, although I don't see her post in there.
Ashley Lown - the Multi-use Carrier Cover from Sprout Shell is something I would love to have!
Mika Crain
Mika Crain; I LOVE the spencer shoes. So darn cute.
Megan Bird!!!
Kristen Kissell
Macey Bishop
Macey Bishop-Boys Boden shoes.
Amy Paul
Kristen Kissell - hard to choose, I want one of each! Love the Coleman!
Rebecca Newcomer
Amy Paul-I love the Elise!
Kristen Kissell - voted! good luck!
Julia Wright
Wendy Maxfield
LaRee Brown
Macey Bishop-I voted :)
Darbee Beynon:
I love the Logan and the Kian shoes. My little man would be adorable wearing these! (well, he's adorable anyway!) :)
LaRee Brown: I'd choose the Elise shoes for my daughter!
Darbee Beynon: Voted
Lisa Fewox
Pam Rivera: love the Adelaide boots for my little girl
Pam Rivera: Sweet Plume has the most darling dresses for little girls. I would love to get something for my little girl from there.
jennifer lleras
Shanda Wootton
Shanda Wootton: Momi Boutique - what a darling store
Kati Mattingly
Shanda Wootton - I love the Jake and the Jayce shoes for my son...it's a toss up. All so adorable.
Karen Mwins: Sylvie~ so cute!!
karley simmons
Ashley Patterson
Ashley Patterson
I love the Justins - I haven't seen those before!
Ashley Patterson
Anne Jensen: I like the Maverick
shanda wootton: Voted! Hope you guys win! You are awesome
Melissa CAnning
Aleisha Rambusch
Meg Presley
Kristen Madson:I think I need freshpair's spanx
Melissa Canning: I love the Helena or the Sylvie...so cute!
Meg Presley - I'm coveting the Steph boots for my daughter. She'd have a matching set to a pair of my boots!
Erica Robertson
Erica Robertson: I love the Sadie shoes for my little girl.
Nicole Fishback
Liberti van Gass
Jen Gerwig-Dively
Leslee Kitchen
Becky Lambert
"Harry" shoes
Brittany Hansen: I adore the Coleman shoes.
Jen Gerwig-Dively: I love 3 pairs and I'm not sure which to pick because Dominic, Jannis and Logan are all really cute boots!
Suzanne McKnight: Ainsley
Suzanne McKnight: voted
Jen Gerwig-Dively: I'd really like to get a piece or four of Pretty Peacock jewelry. I LOVE their Taglettes/Sparklettes and I think mixing those with some of their other pieces would make for something gorgeous!
kim bailey
Suzanne McKnight: I love the leg warmers from Snuggle Luv
Heather Haslam ~ I like the Jayce shoes!
Erin Cook
Emily Vimahi
Erin Cook: I love almost ALL of the girls' shoes, but the Olivia is one of my favorites.
ashley murray
Jayme Davis
Erin Cook: I voted
Sarah Vincent
Erin Cook: I'm in the market for any new baby stuff and found the Sproutshell in past giveaways. LOVE this thing!
Jayme Davis - I'm in LOVE with the 'Marco' (smaller) for our little guy!!
DeVonya Madsen
DeVonya Madsen - voted
Heather Haslam ~ Voted, good luck!!
DeVonya Madsen - JK vinyl is somewhere we could be purchasing for my girl's rooms
Kellie Bagley
Jayme Davis - Just created an account there and voted...voter #191 :)
Jennifer Ladd
Kellie Bagley
oh my gosh those shoes are so cute!!!!! any of them really would be wonderful, but the cute black and white ones with flowers are possibly my fave!
Jennifer Ladd: I LOVE the Elise shoes!
Kellie bagley voted
Shannon Hagedorn
Cari Osborne
Shannon Hagedorn: Elise
Kellie Bagley
I always forget the names, the cute headbands, Maddison James or something like that... I've almost bought some several times, I'm sure I'll end up with some soon!
Meg Presley - Voted
kristen j roundy
Cari Osborne
I love the Jayce shoes- adorable!
Jeanette Allday: Caper or Trevor in the Eleven sizes
Jennifer Ladd: I voted
kristen j roundy: the Nadia is so adorable. my little girl would love them.!
Allison Hardin
kellie jenkins
Allison Hardin
I think I'd pick the Rebekah or the Vilma.
Jenny Clayton
Cari Osborne, I voted!
Sarita Rogers: Coleman
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