Monday, September 21, 2009

Today, September 21st, we are Giving Away Products from TWO Companies...(CLAIMED)

GIVEAWAY #1: A $30.00 Gift Certificate from Southern Living at Home

A few weeks ago I picked my son up from his friend's house. The friend's mom invited me in to chat for a second while my son was putting on his shoes. I happened to glance at their kitchen table and I instantly wished it were mine. Arranged nicely on their table were matching plates, place mats, napkins, and cups. It was not a special occassion nor Sunday dinner, it was an ordinary weeknight. Yet this sweet mom had made her family's dinner so inviting. A lovely place where her family could gather to discuss their day while sharing an evening meal together.

Today I am happy to introduce you to Southern Living at Home, a company whose mission is to create a feeling of welcome, comfort, and beauty in homes all across America.

Many of us have always known that home is, indeed, where the heart is. It's where family comes together in happiness and comfort. It's where we can change the world for better, just a little bit, simply by making our house a home. What a wonderful time to focus on home. As the days start to grow shorter and the air gets chilly, we are all looking for a place to snuggle up! Creating a haven of comfort and filling a house with memories are such wonderful gifts we can give our families.
Southern Living at Home's products are designed to mix and match in many spots of your home. Many of their products are are specifically made for entertaining, whether it's a family of four or the whole neighborhood.
Southern Living at Home has created their products with pride and hope that these products will become a part of your family's memories.

Southern Living at Home consultant Kristy Chulahoff would like to offer the readers of Give Away Today a 15% DISCOUNT on all things found in their catalog. You can receive this discount by emailing Kristy at and letting her know that Give Away Today sent you.
Kristy is also giving one lucky Give Away Today reader a $30.00 Gift Certificate. You can enter to win the gift certificate up to FOUR times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Kristy's Southern Living at Home website here. Look at all of their amazing products for your home. Once you have done this, please return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would use your $30.00 gift certificate on if you are the winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I would use my gift certificate towards the Galveston Sectioned Server.

For a third entry, you can do ONE of the following. Either visit Kristy Chulahoff's blog here and become a follower OR send Kristy your email address at so she can add you to her monthly newsletter. Once you have done one of these things, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you did for the third entry.
Example: Jane Doe: Follower

For a fourth entry, on the way home from picking my son up from his friend's house (as related in the opening paragraph) I received a $90.00 ticket!! Bahhhh!! So for a fourth entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the last ticket you received and why.
Example: Jane Doe: This is a long story, so I'll make it short. My parents were over for dinner, my son was at his friend's house but the line was busy so I decided to go get him, my dad parked behind me so I had to take his car, my dad had just arrived home from a trip and I didn't realize that there was no room in the car for my son so I had him sit in-between the driver and passenger seats, we passed a cop, I got pulled over IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE (because I had only driven two streets away), cop gave me $45 ticket for not having my son in a seatbelt (I'll take that, I was being irresponsible), but then he also gave me a $45.00 for not having my license, but did I mention we were IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE? I know the cop was only doing his job, but c'mon, someone in my family (because they were all standing on the front lawn watching us) could have brought me my license. But the cop would not let them. I do believe I will walk next time I need to pick my son up for dinner (even if it means our soup will get cold).

The winner of the $30.00 gift certificate from Southern Living at Home will be announced tomorrow Tuesday, September 22nd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and we'll see you tomorrow!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 1262   Newer›   Newest»
Jill said...

Jill Greenwood

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: I got a ticket for turning right on red. The "no right turn" sign was actually about 30 feet back from the intersection and covered by a tree limb. I thought about taking a picture of it and fighting the ticket but life was so crazy busy at the time that I just paid the fine.

Tenille said...

Tenille Blackett: The last time I got a ticket was a few weeks ago. I didn't actually get the husband did and he failed to tell me about it until I noticed it on our bank statement. Lets just say he slept on the couch for a few days:)

JIll said...

Jill Greenwood: Follower

Laura Waltz said...

Laura Waltz: I would use it towards the Decorative Card and Photo Display. This would be perfect for the Holiday cards this coming season!

Erin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Laura Miller: Follower

Amy said...

Amy Lemon

Amy said...

Amy Lemon: Follower

domesticish diva said...

ELizabeth Kelemen: I have never recieved a ticket but I got a warning Friday night on my way to a baby shower. I was pulled over in the driveway of the library that the shower was being held in. I had out dated registration. I moved and the registration didn'f follow me!

Amy said...

Amy Lemon
I absolutely LOVE Southern Living, but I can't get your links to work. I could be happy with anything at all!

Mitzi said...

Mitzi Robinson: I'd get the Iron Art Stand. I need something for my recipe books!

Laura Waltz said...

Laura Waltz: I haven't received a ticket yet (knock on wood!). My husband has gotten plenty enough for the both of us. ;D


Laura Miller
$80 ticket for going too fast in a school zone. Embarrassing because I'm a school teacher.

Amy said...

Amy Lemon: Three years ago. Was speeding home because I had a GUSHER bloody nose. Officer was a jerk and didn't care. I waited in my car ten minutes while he wrote my ticket. I seriously looked like CARRIE when he got back to me.

Mitzi said...

Mitzi Robinson: The last ticket I got was for an illegal right turn out of a high school parking lot. I had to make an immediate left so I just turned right into the left lane instead of the right. Of course, after my left turn he pulled me over. Granted I wasn't speeding and everyone behind me (BEFORE HE pulled me over)were speeding like crazy. But apparently, my right turn was a menace to society. I was ticked!

Erin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tenille said...

Tenille Blackett: I would get the estate kitchen accessories

Sara said...

Sara Orton

Erin said...

Erin Tanner

Anonymous said...

julie brown

Erin said...

Erin Tanner: I would use my gift certificate for the Tuscan Pitcher

KBG said...

Kahne Grissom: I would order a bell jar or the trivet trio. Good stuff!

Erin said...

Erin Tanner: Follower

Jones' Adventures said...

misty jones: I love the french graden bird feeder.

Joe, Christina, & Rocky said...

Christina Fisher

Melanie Anne said...

Melanie Christensen

Jones' Adventures said...

Misty Jones: I was speeding (going 90) in a 75 on memorial day...stupid huh!

Joe, Christina, & Rocky said...

Christina Fisher: I would either get the galveston hurricanes, or step out server - love em both!

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart

Jessica said...

Jessica Hansen - Last ticket = Speeding! =)

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart: I would love the Galveston Wall Art and Planter!!!

cindy baldwin said...

Cindy Baldwin

Amber said...

Amber Higgins: I would get the glass ornaments on page 54 of the Fall 09 catalog. So beautiful!

Erin said...

Erin Tanner: The last ticket I got was right by UVSC a few years back. I was going 40, and the officer pulled me over and said it was a 25 zone. I pointed 100 yards ahead to a sign that said 35 MPH, and he said it didn't count, that I was still in a 25 zone even though I could SEE a sign that said 35. But traffic school was awesome, it was like 20 minutes long.

Joe, Christina, & Rocky said...

Christina Fisher: I live in Florida, where there aren't any real window tinting restrictions. I drove my brand new car (with the paper tag still in the rear window) to Jersey to visit my parents. Got pulled over in Jersey because they couldn't see my paper tag through the dark tints. After a thorough questioning (why are you in jersey? did you know your tints are too dark? you can't have your paper tag back there, etc) I just got a warning! But then got pulled over for it again the next day! Also a warning, but what a pain!

Amber said...

Amber Higgins: I've only been pulled over once. I was on my way home for Thanksgiving break during my junior year of college. I was getting married in December and was totally day dreaming... 90 in a 65... oops! So embarrassed! I never told anyone about it!

Stephanie said...

Stephanie MInielli

Chad said...

Chad Higgins: My wife would get the glass Christmas ornaments on page 54.

Melanie Anne said...

Melanie Christensen, I would get glass domes

Brittany said...

Brittany Yearsley

Anonymous said...

Laurel Goodroe

Chad said...

Chad Higgins: My wife and I were coming home from a weekend in St. George. I was driving quite fast (so fun) and my wife commented that it would be funny if I got pulled over to teach me a lesson. Five minutes later I saw the flashing lights in the rearview mirror. She won't let me forget it.

Anonymous said...

Peggy Templin

Stephanie said...

Stephanie Minielli : Francision Cross

Anonymous said...

Peggy Templin. It would be a hard choice, but I think one of the hurricanes

Stephanie said...

Stephanie Minielli - Follower

Anonymous said...

Sveta French

Karen said...

karen andrews I would love the hand painted serving bowls - they would be terrific!

Anonymous said...

Peggy Templin. It's been a lot of years since I've had a ticket, luckily

Karen said...

karen andrews follower

Anonymous said...

Kris Carter

CindySnevets said...

Cindy Stevens

Melanie Anne said...

Melanie Christensen--my last ticket was on I15 in Salt lake City. They are just got the carpool lane up and running and had advertised that you would get a ticket for exciting the lane if there was a solid line. Anyway--there was an officer pulled over on the left side of the interstate--with plenty of room I might add- so i hugged the outside of my lane as I passed to give him space, but did not get out the lane for fear of a ticket. Well he ticketted me saying that you always give officers extra room and get over even if it was the double line where you aren't usually suppossed to exit the lane! Ti seemed unfair and confusing! Augh!!

Karen said...

karen andrews I got a ticket many years ago on my way to teach school. The school that I taught at was outside the city in a little Florida town. It made me very sad :(

Anonymous said...

Laurel Goodroe: Love the Galveston footed Hurricanes!

If this is a repeat I'm sorry, I got an error the first time I submitted this entry..

Angie Robison said...

Angie Robison I got pulled over taking my dog to the vet. I have a german shepherd. The cop actually asked me what kind of a dog it was. I got off. He must have thought the dog was pretty cute. I had better start hauling her around with me everywhere I go.

Anonymous said...

Laurel Goodroe: My last ticket is pretty lame... I barely tapped the guy in front of me at a stop light. The guy was soooo upset (no damage to his car though) he made me wait an hour for a police report. The cop even said the guy was being a jerk. So he had to give me a ticket. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

kishell olsen

Jennifer said...

Jennifer J. Schaugaard- I like the tray with the canisters for hot chocolate. I like the table decorations with the white plates also. Great stuff!!!

Cossebooms said...

Heidi Cosseboom: I would get the serving platter, or the upside down cake stand.

Jennifer said...

Jennifer J. Schaugaard- I am 36 years old and have never had a ticket.
(Knock on wood)

The Trotter Family said...

Rachel Trotter

Joy said...

Joy Carter - I'd use my prize money or the fransiscan cross

The Trotter Family said...

Rachel Trotter: I would give the gift certificate to my mom and let her get what she wants since she always hosts our Sunday dinners.

Sveta said...

Sveta French - I would use the girft for anything Christmas. I love it all!

Anonymous said...

Miranda Metekingi

Amy C said...

Amy Croley: I would use my gift certificate towards the Decorative photo and Card Display!

Anonymous said...

Miranda Metekingi - on my way to our honeymoon I was driving my husband and I to our hotel and it was late (we were tired, it had been a LOOOOONG wedding). My dad wasn't sure about giving us directions in the dark so I was hurrying to get there and got pulled over for going 88 in a 75. I was not impressed as I had just been overtaken by quite a few cars seconds before. Ahhhh newlywedded bliss!

Joy said...

Joy carter - Ohhhhhhh - I got one of those hated AZ freeway camera tickets! You know - where they slow you down to 55 mph? Hello! I live in CA and that's just unfair!

The Trotter Family said...

Rachel Trotter: The last ticket I got was going home from school on the 15 and it was just after Cedar. The cop caught me going downhill around 90. I was going to fight it because my old Suburban's odometer only went up to 85!

M said...

Melissa Birkeland

Rowley Family said...

Kenzie Rowley: I would use it to get the villa stoneware

Brittany said...

Brittany Yearsley-I would love some of the hurrican lamps.

Anonymous said...

Leslee Kitchen

Laura said...

Laura Smith

Amy said...

Amy Renn

Natalie said...

Natalie Humpherys: Patina Wall Tiles

Amy C said...

Amy Croley: I am now a follower of her blog.

Chantel said...

chantel giblette

Natalie said...

Natalie Humpherys: The last and only ticket I've gotten was because I didn't have a license plate on the FRONT of my car. Did you know that's against the law? Me neither. I'm 100% positive the cop was bored... or maybe just plain mean.

Michael and Emily said...

Emily Orton: The last ticket I got was for speeding. Didn't notice how fast I was actually going...

Kimberly said...

Kim Tomsick

Kate and Wes said...

Katrina Southwick
Patina Wall Tiles

Amy C said...

Amy Croley: The last ticket I got was about 2 years ago and it was a speeding ticket :(

whitney said...

whitney davis: royal street urn

M said...

Melissa Birkeland; I would love the Devonshire Lidded Trifle, beautiful! or anything from the Gallery collection.

Kendra said...

Kendra Wright: I think I might have to choose one of the turquoise casserole dishes.

Kate and Wes said...

Katrina Southwick. My last ticket was for speeding and I was so no big deal there. But my husbands was a joke. He was getting off the freeway in Provo becuase he was on his way to take a math test. Well he was just coming to a stop off the off ramp becuase there were people in front of him stopping for a red light. Well he got pulled over for following too close. Tell me how do you follow to close when you pull up behind someone at a red light. It was a joke. He was late and missed his test. That was a bad day.

b.liz said...

Beth Thompson

whitney said...

whitney davis: I am going to jinx myself by saying I haven't had a ticket in like 9 or 10 years. But the last one I can remember was in Rexburg Idaho while visiting friends and going 5 miles over the speed limit. Literally 5 miles over. But there are lots of times I should have got one, like when I was late for work yesterday and speeding.

Michelle said...

Michelle Tobey- I think I would get the medallion mirror

Kendra said...

Kendra Wright: My last ticket I received I got because I ran into the back of a Durango that was stopped in a line of traffic...I have no recollection of it happening, but it did. I had a bump on my head and a mark from my seat belt for quite a while though.

Maria said...

Maria Hudson

Laura said...

Laura Smith
I would use my winnings towards the upside down cake plate!

Lovehappens said...

Jade Westercamp
I would get the renaissance hurricane

b.liz said...

Beth Thompson: my last ticket was for speeding (of course) and all the tears streaming down my face still didn't stop the officer from writing me up! Ouch.

Michelle said...

Michelle Tobey- I have actually never gotten a ticket! (Knock on wood!)

M said...

Melissa Birkeland; I got pulled over the other night 2 times because my tail lights were not working. Both warnings, thankfully. Now it's time to have a chat with the shop that supposedly fixed the tail light problem!

Tia said...

Tia Fowles

Tia said...

Tia Fowles - Cinebar footed server

Maria said...

Maria Hudson
I would use my give certificate on the Galveston Section Server

The Kent and Jennifer Wilcox Family said...

Jennifer Wilcox
Royal Street Urn
Estate Caddy

Andrea said...

Andrea Brown

linda said...

Linda Muir:I like the Chesapeake Salad Servers and the Galveston two-tiered stand

Kate said...


Andrea said...

Andrea Brown: I would take one of everything! But if I had to choose it would be the Galveston Step Out Stand. Love it!

Laura said...

Laura Smith
I got pulled over in Panguitch...who knew such a small town had police :). I was going WAY to fast instead of getting a ticket they took me straight to the courthouse to see the judge! He was out FISHING so I just paid my "bail" and they sent me on my way! It was the weekend I had moved away from home thought I was pretty hot suff apparently....taught me a good lesson never speed EVER! PS paying bail was MUCH cheeper then paying on a ticket for going way too fast!

linda said...

Linda Muir:the first (and last) ticket I got was when I was 16. I had only had my license about one month and I got a ticket for speeding (but I was going down a steep hill)!

The Kent and Jennifer Wilcox Family said...

Jennifer Wilcox
My last ticket was in Nephi Utah. I was caught going 95 mph. Guilty as charged. That was in 1999. I have been a good girl since! No tickets - knock on wood!

Anonymous said...

Leslie Bloomquist

Damery Family said...

Keara Damery

Unknown said...

Marvelle Morgan: I'd put it towards the Galveston Step-Out Stand

Anonymous said...

Brittney Rollins

Anonymous said...

Beverly Brothers

Anonymous said...

Heidi Sturtevant

Anonymous said...

Beverly Brothers - Cinnabar baker or the fireplace screen

Andrea said...

Andrea Brown: follower

Anonymous said...

Brittney Rollins: montcrest sectioned container

Anonymous said...

Brittney Rollins: follower

Anonymous said...

Lynnea Hamatake

Andie said...

Andrea Fernelius

Sarahn, Cade, Memphis, and Dempsey said...

Sarahn Mund

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren:I got a ticket for speeding in college. It was the 3rd time I had been pull over by the same cop. He had let me off the 2 prior times and told me 3 strikes and I was out. I should have learned my lesson

Anonymous said...

Jeneal Morfin

Anonymous said...

Brittney Rollins: last ticket was a long time ago - speeding on my way to church! oops!

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren: I love the villa appetizer tray!

Kristy Rogers said...

Kristy Rogers

christa said...

Christa Brower: I would use it towards the Tuscan Baker.

Anonymous said...

Alicia Mahoney

Heather said...

Heather Munz: follower

Anonymous said...

Alicia Mahoney: I would probably spend the money on “40Years of Out Best Recipes cook”

Anonymous said...

Alicia Mahoney: Follower

Anonymous said...

Alicia Mahoney: The last ticket I received was about 4 years ago in sandy coming off the freeway heading up the 106 hill where the speed limit changed.

Anonymous said...

Tracy Murri

Laura said...

Laura Tirpak- decorative card/photo display!

Anonymous said...

bridgette ann anderson

Andrea said...

Andrea Brown: last ticket I got was about five years ago. the officer said I was exiting off the freeway in an "unsafe manner". apparently my last second decision to exit didn't go unnoticed. :)

Chantel said...

chantel giblette: I would probably use the $30 towards something from the cinnabar collection, but I seriously love everything, so it would be a hard decision.:)

April Annie said...

April Thompson

Heidi said...

Heidi Kartchner
a nice centerpiece...maybe something like the montreal glass container

Keeping Up With Kaegan said...

Jennifer Pollan - The last ticket I received was approx. 4 momths ago. I was 7 minutes late to work so I was speeding down a 35 mph road at 47 mph. The cop was rude too, ruined my day, for sure. :)

Chantel said...

chantel giblette: follower

Heidi said...

Heidi Kartchner
last ticket was for speeding...going 58 in a 35...yikes!

Clare said...

Clare Moon

Clare said...

Clare Moon: Ashford Bedside Set

Ashley said...

ashley harper: trivets are my favorite!

Chantel said...

chantel giblette: The only ticket I ever received was a $10 parking ticket- It was on my college campus. I took the last space in the lot. It was on the border of the teacher/student parking. lame....

Lisa said...

Lisa Johnson, the last ticket I received was about 12 years ago, I was late for a doctors appointment for my baby, who had a bad ear infection, so I was going a little to fast.

Brandice said...

Brandice Bringhurst

Wilder said...

Amy Wilder: I would use the gift certificate toward the Cinnabar Canisters

Christie said...

Christie Strang

Phillips Family said...

Allison Philips

Lisa said...

Lisa Johnson: I love it all, I just can't decide on what to use a gift certificate toward.

Anonymous said...

Rachelle Szymanski

jeanine said...

Jeanine Crane: gallery upside-down cake stand

Wilder said...

AMy Wilder: follower

Phillips Family said...

Allison Pihllips: I have never gotten a ticket, knock on wood.

Phillips Family said...

Allison phillips: love the galveston footed hurricanes

Wilder said...

Amy Wilder: I've been driving for 15 years, and not one ticket ever!

Phillips Family said...

Allison Phillips: follower

Heather said...

Heather Demke: Cyprus footed bowl

jeanine said...

Jeanine Crane: my last ticket was 7 years ago... I was so excited to get back to BYU that I was going about 15 over... the stinky thing is that my sister had already gotten a ticket that same day for speeding through Las Vegas!

Heather said...

Heather Demke: Speeding ticket a few years ago...hurrying to get to an typical!

Kristy Rogers said...

Kristy Rogers- speeding ticket

Katie said...

Katie Myers

Unknown said...

MaryAnn Brown - I would have to get one of the cook books.

Anonymous said...

Chalisa Wursten

Oliver Family said...

Amber Oliver: The Ornate Iron Art Bookstand

Katie said...

Katie Myers

Anonymous said...

Marni Bowles

Anonymous said...

Marni Bowles: Cinnabar canisters

Jason+Lindi said...

Lindi Salmond

Anonymous said...

Chalisa Wursten

Anonymous said...

Marni Bowles: Follower

Ortons said...

Sheradon Orton

Unknown said...

MaryAnn Brown - And I'm sure you're all going to hate me but I've never gotten a ticket. I got pulled over once when I was about 17 for not giving a cop on the side of the road his space, but I was so befuddled that he didn't give me a ticket.

Anonymous said...

Marni Bowles: speeding 45 in a 35.

Jason+Lindi said...

Lindi Salmond: Large galveston footed Hurricanes

Marilyn said...

Marilyn Phillips

Anonymous said...

Lisa Nokes

Marilyn said...

Marilyn Phillips - Villa Stoneware

Anonymous said...

Lisa Nokes-I would love some table decorations

Christie said...

Christie Strang - I would use the gift certificate towards the lidded devonshire trifle dish...its gorgeous.

H Yoho said...

Holli Yoho-I would use the $ towards either the manchester trivet trio or the brilliant glass ornament set

Keeping Up With Kaegan said...

Jennifer Pollan - I would put the $30.00 gift certificate towards the Devonshire Lidded Trifle, what a beautiful piece.

Anonymous said...

Tracy Murri - Deocorative card and photo display

H Yoho said...

Holli Yoho-emailed my info for the mailing list

H Yoho said...

Holli Yoho-my last ticket was over 3 years ago and I was speeding on the way to take a test at the U of U. I still managed to pass my test :)

Brandice said...

Brandice Bringhurst
I would use the gift certificate (and then some!) on the Decorative Card and Photo Display on page 69, along with 75 other things I would want!

Brian Barden said...

ashley barden

Anonymous said...

Alicia Espericueta

Christie said...

Christie Strang: I have never received/been pulled over for a ticket.

Anonymous said...

Chalisa Wursten: I would use my gift certificate on the Firefly Lanterns.

Anonymous said...

Alicia Espericueta - Santos Nativity Set

Nancy said...

Nancy Randle: my last ticket was a fix-it for my taillight. It was a nightmare though -- I had to order a part from a junkyard to get it fixed and drive to Nephi at 5:30 in the morning to make the deadline on time. Then the lady didn't even come out to check and see if I REALLY fixed the taillight! Oh well...

Anonymous said...

Christen Hopkins

becky said...

Becky Packer: Patina wall tiles

Anonymous said...

Ora Bridges

Westwind Days said...

Kristy Yetter

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