GIVEAWAY #1: A $30.00 Gift Certificate from Southern Living at Home
A few weeks ago I picked my son up from his friend's house. The friend's mom invited me in to chat for a second while my son was putting on his shoes. I happened to glance at their kitchen table and I instantly wished it were mine. Arranged nicely on their table were matching plates, place mats, napkins, and cups. It was not a special occassion nor Sunday dinner, it was an ordinary weeknight. Yet this sweet mom had made her family's dinner so inviting. A lovely place where her family could gather to discuss their day while sharing an evening meal together.
Today I am happy to introduce you to Southern Living at Home, a company whose mission is to create a feeling of welcome, comfort, and beauty in homes all across America.

Many of us have always known that home is, indeed, where the heart is. It's where family comes together in happiness and comfort. It's where we can change the world for better, just a little bit, simply by making our house a home. What a wonderful time to focus on home. As the days start to grow shorter and the air gets chilly, we are all looking for a place to snuggle up! Creating a haven of comfort and filling a house with memories are such wonderful gifts we can give our families.

Southern Living at Home's products are designed to mix and match in many spots of your home. Many of their products are are specifically made for entertaining, whether it's a family of four or the whole neighborhood.

Southern Living at Home has created their products with pride and hope that these products will become a part of your family's memories.

Southern Living at Home consultant Kristy Chulahoff would like to offer the readers of Give Away Today a 15% DISCOUNT on all things found in their catalog. You can receive this discount by emailing Kristy at kristyc34@cox.net and letting her know that Give Away Today sent you.
Kristy is also giving one lucky Give Away Today reader a $30.00 Gift Certificate. You can enter to win the gift certificate up to FOUR times today.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Kristy's Southern Living at Home website here. Look at all of their amazing products for your home. Once you have done this, please return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would use your $30.00 gift certificate on if you are the winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I would use my gift certificate towards the Galveston Sectioned Server.
For a third entry, you can do ONE of the following. Either visit Kristy Chulahoff's blog here and become a follower OR send Kristy your email address at kristyc34@cox.net so she can add you to her monthly newsletter. Once you have done one of these things, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you did for the third entry.
Example: Jane Doe: Follower
For a fourth entry, on the way home from picking my son up from his friend's house (as related in the opening paragraph) I received a $90.00 ticket!! Bahhhh!! So for a fourth entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the last ticket you received and why.
Example: Jane Doe: This is a long story, so I'll make it short. My parents were over for dinner, my son was at his friend's house but the line was busy so I decided to go get him, my dad parked behind me so I had to take his car, my dad had just arrived home from a trip and I didn't realize that there was no room in the car for my son so I had him sit in-between the driver and passenger seats, we passed a cop, I got pulled over IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE (because I had only driven two streets away), cop gave me $45 ticket for not having my son in a seatbelt (I'll take that, I was being irresponsible), but then he also gave me a $45.00 for not having my license, but did I mention we were IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE? I know the cop was only doing his job, but c'mon, someone in my family (because they were all standing on the front lawn watching us) could have brought me my license. But the cop would not let them. I do believe I will walk next time I need to pick my son up for dinner (even if it means our soup will get cold).
The winner of the $30.00 gift certificate from Southern Living at Home will be announced tomorrow Tuesday, September 22nd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and we'll see you tomorrow!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1262 Newer› Newest»Trina Bingham
Susana Johnson
Susana Johnson
I would use my gift certificate in a Astorias Canister
Susana Johnson: Follower
Shannon Palmiotto
Cecily Jenkins
Shannon Palmiotto: I'd love the decorative card & photo display!
Susana Johnson
Last year I was always running late and so I got a lot of speeding tickets. I was put on probation for one year and for that whole year I didnt get a single ticket. The day after my probation ended, sure enough I got pulled over for speeding.
Laura Dieckmann
Laura Dieckmann- the holiday tabletop tree
Laura Dieckmann- I've never gotten a ticket :)
Ruth Skinner
Trudy Thompson
Trudy Thompson:
I would use the $30.00 toward a glass dome!
Trudy Thompson: Follower
Trudy Thompson:
Ticket? What ticket? I have never gotten one... seriously and I hope I never do!
ELizabeth Olson
Elizabeth Olson
My last tickets was somewhere in Amish country in Pennsylvania. It was some obscure traffic law I've never heard of. When I tried to explain that I recently moved from Utah and the action was not illegal there, the police officer thought I had stolen my own car. It was a horrid experience and the tickets was $140.
Elizabeth Olson
I'd use the gift certificate for something wonderful! The links aren't working.
Julie Christofferson
Julie Christofferson
Julie Christofferson - last ticket was 3 yrs ago and it was my first wreck and the guy hit me but because I pulled the car over to get out of the road the officer said he was not able to tell if for sure he did it by merging into me or if I just rushed through a yield! Grrr had 3 witnesses but still got the dang ticket. Probably should have fought it. Oh well done and over!
Meg Presley
Meg Presley: Gallery Upside Down Cake Stand
Meg Presley: follower
Meg Presley: I was trying to pass a VERY slow moving car, but in the process my top speed was higher than the state trooper hiding in the bushes would have liked. Plus, it was in a construction zone (no one was working though!!), so that made it a nice hefty fine.
Malinda B
Malinda B
tara gruwell
tara gruwell: I was driving through my parent's neighborhood (pretty much on autopilot) and ran a brand new stop sign (that hadn't been there for the 15 years I'd driven that route). $200 - lame
Cynthia Horst
Cynthia Horst: Galveston wall art and shelf, I could see that at my house, but everything was gorheous! I could spend some serious money there.
Cynthia Horst: were just visiting in Montreal this past week. Were at an intersection in rush hour traffic and realized it was a right turn only lane, so made our way into the next lane. The police officer pulled us over and we had no idea why. Turns out there was a little solid white line that you couldn't cross and he said we were blocking traffic which we didn't. He said he only gave us a ticket for crossing the white line and not the other infringement. $154 !!! Canadian dollars = about 175 American?
Jenny McClamroch
Jenny McClamroch: ruffled glass bowl...so beautiful!
Jenny McClamroch: follower
Amy Leach
Jenny McClamroch: I got a speeding ticket last spring. On was on my way to my parent's house. I had a dress fitting for my wedding. My husband, fiance at the time, was always telling me to slow down. I didn't want to call and tell him, but he was a sweetheart about it!
Darbee Beynon
genevieve curtis: the last time i actually got a ticket was about 6 yrs ago while at BYU. it was super late at night and i just kind of rolled through a stop sign (there was NO ONE around!) and the cop pulled me over and ticketed me for not making a complete stop. but since living in philly- no tickets. cops have bigger problems to deal with out here!!
Martha Thomson
Martha Thomson
Last ticket I got: I was teaching my daughter to drive and as we headed for a stoplight it turned yellow. I encouraged her to go for it (thought we had plenty of time) she hesitated a bit, so it was very red when we went through. Sirens, police officer, ticket for Mom, tears.
Natalie Ahotaeiloa
Natalie Ahotaeiloa, I would buy a Villa Appectizer Tray
tina terry
Natalie Ahotaeiloa, My last and only ticket ever was a ticket for the car not being renewed for registration. I was driving my step mom's car.
Hailey Allen
Hailey Allen: French Garden Bird Feeder
Hailey Allen: Follower
Claire Allen
Claire Allen I would use my certificate containers for the Astoria containers - but don't hold me to it since my choice changed with every page turn - there's a beautiful filgree tray and a trio of outdoor Christmas ornaments that also still stand out.
Claire Allen Happy to say I have never gotten a ticket - or at least one that stuck. Have been stopped for speeding but always let go - knock on wood. I failed to change driver's license address but that was dismissed as soon as I did
Frances Egbert
Frances Egbert: Follower
Frances Egbert: I would just have to get the beautiful Galveston Footed Hurricanes - which is slightly fitting after having lived through Ike last year... :)
Megan Olson
Amanda Clawson
Katie Harrison
Amanda Clawson: Never had a ticket
Amber Brueseke: I got a $300 ticket for speeding in the middle of nowheresville in Oregon. DON'T speed in Oregon. They are Nazis!
Sheri Thompson
Amanda Clawson: I would get the Astorias Canister
Amber Brueseke: I like the wreath hanger
Karen Nielsen
Katie Harrison: I love the Galveston Sectioned Server.
Katie Harrison: My last ticket was on the way to my in-laws' house. I was literally 5 minutes away & a sneaky cop pulled out of a bush & pulled me over. I had been going ten over when I thought the speed limit was higher than it actually was (this was an area that used to be a higher speed limit but more residential areas had been added, thus the speed limit was lowered & I didn't pay enough attention, I guess). No talking him out of giving me the ticket. :(
I love so many things. Maybe I would choose the Barclay Twist Pedestal on pg. 44, but I also loved a serving tray a few pages before and the pretty canister sets throughout.
Sara Johnson
Sara Johnson: I don't remember the last time I actually received a ticket. But the last time I dodged one I was visiting NJ and didn't see the sign that told me to not turn on a red. Oops! The officer was nice enough to let me off due to tourist-brain.
Sara Johnson: I'm sure I could find something really wonderful but I couldn't get the links to work!
Amber Seely
Sheri Thompson
I would most likely get the Brilliant Glass Bulbs on page 54. They are beautiful!
Jaime Ashby
Jessica Petersen
Jaime Ashby: Follower
Jessica Petersen
Either the book stand or a lantern
Jessica Petersen is a follower... literally
Jessica Petersen hasn't got a ticket since high school which was a photo radar.
Nancy Offermann
I love the Galveston iron work! The wall art and planter or shelf...
Becky Mayeux
I'd use the gift certificate for something wonderful!
Nancy Offermann
I now follow Krist's blog
Mary Delmege
Becky Mayeux: Follower
Jessica Lieb
Kahne Grissom
Nancy Offermann
My last ticket..I was 8 months pregnant, driving with my 2 little ones to a MacDonald's B'day party..we were so happy and a car flew by us onto the highway entrance. A motorcycle officer pulls ME over and says I was doing 94 in a 30. the kids were crying...didn't faze hime. I went to court and fought it and got off with something minor! HA!
Becky Mayeux: My last ticket was several years ago for speeding.
Kahne Grissom: The last ticket I got was in Germany and it was one of those sneaky "take your pic" things attached to a radar machine. I knew as soon as I saw the flash (from the big camera that took my picture) that my ticket would be coming in the mail. Oh well, I was speeding!
Mary Delmege: I would use my gift certificate towards the hand-painted serving set.
Mary Delmege: Follower
Mary Delmege: last month, on the way to Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, OH. Speeding. Ugh.
Jaime Chidester
Melinda Workman
Taralyn Parker
Mary Ewell
Kristen Israel
Melinda Workman
I would use the g.c. towards the Hemingway Hurricane.
Brittney Johnson
Taralyn Parker: I would use it for the Galveston Memo Board and Must Have Holder
Melinda Workman
Haven't gotten a ticket yet, though I did run a red light (by mistake!!!) this weekend....
Taralyn Parker: I have actually never gotten a ticket. However, my husband did get pulled over for speeding on our first date!
Melissa Eads
Jeanette Allday: hard choice.....but one of my favs is the ruffled glass bowl
Jeanette Allday
Jeanette Allday: last ticket was for going 50 in a 40 but I didn't even see the sign and the cop was sitting right there. That was the only ticket actually. the other time i got stopped i cried and he felt sorry for me i guess.
Lori Achenbach
Lori AChenbach - love the Galveston footed hurricanes!
Lori Achenbach - so sorry about your ticket! The last one I had was 9 years ago, for speeding. I'm about due...
Erica Robertson
Ellen Johsnon
Julia Wright
Anne-Marie Cain
sandy du two tier stand
sandy du follow her
sandy du last one i got was when i was 16 and police officer was a perverted pig- I ended up paying the fine long ago and paid all in pennies
nicole lindsay: Too many cute things to pick just one! I am just starting to decorate my house and would love anything to help!
nicole lindsay: subscriber to her blog
nicole lindsay: i have never gotten a ticket before (knock on wood!)
Lar Shannon: ticket speeding what else is there?
Karen Mwins: late for an appointment and I was speeding on the thruway. 73 in a 65 zone. $100 ticket. The worst part was that I had to go to court and it was 1.5 hour from home. The night I went to court there was a power outage and the ticketing officer didn't show so they rescheduled. I had to drive all the way back another day to deal with it. It was a pain!
Jennye Harding: a speeding ticket. I was picking up my sis-in-law at the airport and she had told me the time her flight arrived in AZ time not our...because we were on daylight savings time it was like an hour earlier than she said...I was trying to get there in time, and of course the ticket process slowed me down more than going slower would have~
Holly Wilcox
Hannah Parris
Kristen Stabler
Kristen Stabler - I've never gotten a ticket! I was pulled over one time for going 40mph in a 25mph zone, but he let me go with a warning.
Lar Shannon: Galveston Sectioned Server
camille rogers
Sharlynn Scivally: I would get maybe the Hampton Court Thermometer or the Hampton Court Rain Gauge
Ashley Lown
kelly jones
Sharlynn Scivally: follower
Ashley Lown - the cake stand is so cute!
Love the Gallery upside-down cake stand!
Ashley Lown - follower
Sharlynn Scivally: I had just turned onto a 25 mph street and started pushing on the gas. I glanced down to see how fast I was going and realized I had accelerated to much so I started slowing down. I just then looked up and up ahead was a police officer. I thought oh no. As I passed him him pulled me over and gave me a ticket. I was so frustrated because I had just turned onto the road, speed up too fast, but I noticed and had started slowing down. What cop is going to believe that story though.
The last ticket I got was for not having our license plate on in the front. The funny thing is, my husband was working for the department that handles those tickets and he's the one who said it didn't need to be on. Apparently they had just changed the law and of course, we weren't able to get out of that one.
jenny eckton
Jamie Hyde: knock on wood, I have not received a ticket.
Ireta Jensen
tracey braithwaite
ashley murray
Celeste Wilcox
Celeste Wilcox: Galveston Footed Hurricanes
Karen Riel
tracey braithwaite-message board and must-have holder
Celeste Wilcox: Follower
Karen Riel
I would use the GC toward the Gail Pittman wall tiles
Celeste Wilcox: I have actually NEVER gotten a ticket... does this entry still count? LOL
Melissa Hawley
Pam Rivera: the last ticket I got was a parking ticket as my meter expired minutes before I returned to my car...
tracey braithwaite
Last ticket I got was when I was taking my elderly neighbor to get her hair done because she doesn't drive. We were in her car!
Karen Riel
My last ticket was for speeding as they all are. The worst part was he pulled me over in the parking lot of my kid's school with his lights flashing and everything! To add insult to injury, I was in a construction zone so the fine was doubled - OUCH!
Melissa Hawley - One of the Galveston iron pieces!
Ashley Lown - I got a ticket for talking on my cell phone, I was getting directions ironically!
Heather Morrison
Laura Waltz
Heather Morrison, my last ticket was for fender bending a really mean old lady who refused to let us just exchange ins information. She flat out said, I needed to get a ticket. So I now have one. I hate tickets.
Heather Morrison, I would buy the Allegro wall tiles. Love them.
Kim Lambert. I like the Cardova firescreen!
Kim Lambert. I have only gotten one ticket. I was going 45 in a 40 zone. Lame!
Whitney Ricks: Cinnabar Vase
Heather Morrison, newsletter
Emily Erspamer: I have a weakness for Southern Living cookbooks, so that's how I'd spend the GC.
jenny eckton: I would use my gift certificate towards the Montcrest Glass Container.
Emily Erspamer: This was actually my husband, but he got a ticket at a speed trap in Paw Paw, WV. It wasn't fair since we were coming down off a mountain and the speed limit dropped to 25 very quickly. But mostly it's amusing because of the "town" name. The officer was very nice though and reduced the charge/fine.
jenny eckton: follower.
Elizabeth Toyn
Heather Green
Amberlee Taylor
Elizabeth Toyn: I became a follower
Elizabeth Toyn: I would purchase the Villa Appetizer Tray
Teigan Benson
Elizabeth Toyn: I am proud to admit that I have never received a ticket!
brenda crittenden
Brandi Campbell
Brenda Finlinson
Fern Evans
Cristy Davis
jenny eckton: A couple of years ago, I was one of the chaperones for a youth activity, wherein we took a group of girls from Provo to Salt Lake City for the evening. On the way home, I was stopped on I-15 for going 85 mph. Fair enough, but the officer had his gun drawn and the girls in my van freaked out. Plus, the area on the freeway where I got the ticket was in a questionable jurisdiction, which is to say, in order to track down where I needed to go for the ticket, it took months of calling three different offices (two city offices & the county office). I did, however, take copious notes on who and when I phoned, which notes took up three pages, and upon presenting these pages to the judge, he cursed the officer and those with whom I dealed on the phone, and reduced my ticket fee by $50.
Brandi Campbell: I got a ticket in my neighborhood 6 months ago for not completing a full 3 second stop. However, I did stop, the policeman was right in front of me and I figured I was getting pulled over for a car seat check stop, and was so calm cause all my kids were buckled up tight! ARRGH!
Heather Green
I would use the gift certificate toward the Cinnabar Canisters. So cute!
Becca Griffin
Becca Griffin
Sarita Rogers: I got a ticket for rolling my car on the highway in Utah. So sad!
Valerie Terry
Anything that hangs on the wall, like the bathroom organizer.
Jeannine Billings
Valerie Terry
It has been like 3 years since my last ticket, and I was just on my way home and got pulled over for speeding.
Jeannine Billings
I would love to win the Farmhouse Tiered Basket!
Lynn Osborne: Follower
Tara Wolfe
Tara Rogers
ELizabeth kelemen: I'd use my gift certificate for the astoria bud vases.
Laura Miller
I loved the two tier plate holder.
Tara Rogers: The only ticket I've had was 13 years ago for failing to yield for a pedestrian (Who was 3 lanes away).
Lynn Osborne: Royal Street Urn
Mitzi Robinson: Follower
Becca Griffin
I would use my gift certificate for the Fireside Stocking Holders.
Rachel Kimbler: I love the estate kitchen accessories (trivet trio)!!
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