Monday, September 21, 2009

Today, September 21st, we are Giving Away Products from TWO Companies...(CLAIMED)

GIVEAWAY #1: A $30.00 Gift Certificate from Southern Living at Home

A few weeks ago I picked my son up from his friend's house. The friend's mom invited me in to chat for a second while my son was putting on his shoes. I happened to glance at their kitchen table and I instantly wished it were mine. Arranged nicely on their table were matching plates, place mats, napkins, and cups. It was not a special occassion nor Sunday dinner, it was an ordinary weeknight. Yet this sweet mom had made her family's dinner so inviting. A lovely place where her family could gather to discuss their day while sharing an evening meal together.

Today I am happy to introduce you to Southern Living at Home, a company whose mission is to create a feeling of welcome, comfort, and beauty in homes all across America.

Many of us have always known that home is, indeed, where the heart is. It's where family comes together in happiness and comfort. It's where we can change the world for better, just a little bit, simply by making our house a home. What a wonderful time to focus on home. As the days start to grow shorter and the air gets chilly, we are all looking for a place to snuggle up! Creating a haven of comfort and filling a house with memories are such wonderful gifts we can give our families.
Southern Living at Home's products are designed to mix and match in many spots of your home. Many of their products are are specifically made for entertaining, whether it's a family of four or the whole neighborhood.
Southern Living at Home has created their products with pride and hope that these products will become a part of your family's memories.

Southern Living at Home consultant Kristy Chulahoff would like to offer the readers of Give Away Today a 15% DISCOUNT on all things found in their catalog. You can receive this discount by emailing Kristy at and letting her know that Give Away Today sent you.
Kristy is also giving one lucky Give Away Today reader a $30.00 Gift Certificate. You can enter to win the gift certificate up to FOUR times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Kristy's Southern Living at Home website here. Look at all of their amazing products for your home. Once you have done this, please return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would use your $30.00 gift certificate on if you are the winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I would use my gift certificate towards the Galveston Sectioned Server.

For a third entry, you can do ONE of the following. Either visit Kristy Chulahoff's blog here and become a follower OR send Kristy your email address at so she can add you to her monthly newsletter. Once you have done one of these things, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you did for the third entry.
Example: Jane Doe: Follower

For a fourth entry, on the way home from picking my son up from his friend's house (as related in the opening paragraph) I received a $90.00 ticket!! Bahhhh!! So for a fourth entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the last ticket you received and why.
Example: Jane Doe: This is a long story, so I'll make it short. My parents were over for dinner, my son was at his friend's house but the line was busy so I decided to go get him, my dad parked behind me so I had to take his car, my dad had just arrived home from a trip and I didn't realize that there was no room in the car for my son so I had him sit in-between the driver and passenger seats, we passed a cop, I got pulled over IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE (because I had only driven two streets away), cop gave me $45 ticket for not having my son in a seatbelt (I'll take that, I was being irresponsible), but then he also gave me a $45.00 for not having my license, but did I mention we were IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE? I know the cop was only doing his job, but c'mon, someone in my family (because they were all standing on the front lawn watching us) could have brought me my license. But the cop would not let them. I do believe I will walk next time I need to pick my son up for dinner (even if it means our soup will get cold).

The winner of the $30.00 gift certificate from Southern Living at Home will be announced tomorrow Tuesday, September 22nd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and we'll see you tomorrow!


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Anonymous said...

brittany preston: i would use it toward the galveston two tiered stand! super cute!

Britt and Crystal Briggs said...

Crystal Briggs : My last ticket was about 9 years ago coming home from the state fair when the speed limit dropped from 55 to 35 and I was not even to the 35 mph sign and was going 42. Speed trap is all I can say.

Anonymous said...

Kara Jensen

Anonymous said...

Kara Jensen

Brynn said...

Brynn Larsen

Bry and Amb said...

Amber Larsen

Christina said...

christina wandry: villa appetizer tray

Amanda said...

Amanda Bradshaw - just last Friday my husband and I got pulled over because our license plate lights were out. I'd never heard of such a thing! Luckily no ticket, just a warning!

Anonymous said...

Jill Swensen: Savannah Beverage Server

suzy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
We Krazy Knuts said...

Sheri Knutson, Hand-Painted Ruffled Bowl

Anonymous said...

Jill Swensen: I've never gotten a ticket (knock on wood!)

We Krazy Knuts said...

Sheri Knutson, I have never received a ticket!!!!

<> said...

Traci Romph

suzy said...

Suzy Carlson

Jessica said...

Jessica Myrup: I would get the Cordova Candle Sconce...beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Amanda holcomb

mandy said...

mandy dow

LittleEagle said...

Sharon Aquilino

Anonymous said...

Amanda Holcomb - I love the cinnabar baker and footed server. I can see that on the table at Thanksgiving this year!

Jessica said...

Jessica Myrup: I haven't gotten a ticket in 5 years, but my husband just got one because he was rushing to get to work and was going 50 in a 25! They reamed him out and said he could have been charged with wreckless driving, but they gave him a $300 ticket! OUCH!

LittleEagle said...

Sharon Aquilino - I would use my gift certificate to purchase the Chesapeake Flatware Salad Servers.

Katy said...

Katy Delaney

Katy said...

Katy Delaney: I would use it toward the Gallery Upside-Down Cake Stand.

Katy said...

Katy Delaney: Follower

elizabeth said...

Elizabeth Curtis

Mickelle's Minute said...

Mickelle Williams

Angie said...

Angie Pedersen I would love some cake stands

Joe'n'Jess said...

Jessica Whitehead

Angie said...

Angie Pedersen, follower

Katy said...

Katy Delaney: Failure to Yield b/c I was making a turn on green without an arrow and a car I didn't see hit me.

Haley said...

Haley Hanzon: Astorias Canister please!

Haley said...

Haley Hanzon: follower

***traci*** said...

Traci Romph: I am in need of some wall decor. I also liked the decoration to put on your door that you out Christmas cards in.

suzy said...

suzy carlson...francesca frames

suzy said...

suzy carlson...follower

Anonymous said...

Amanda Holcomb - My last ticket was in college (7 years ago). I was speeding along one of the back roads on my way home from work and bam he saw me speeding on the other side of the road flipped around and pulled me over. So I was going 20mph over, who hasn't done that in a hurry. I do recall I reminded him of his grand daughter who he thought needed to learn a lesson. So he gave me a ticket. Bummer was, I had 3 major car incidents that month. Totalled my car, this ticket and then hit a deer which oddly didn't total my car. Life does happen in 3's

suzy said...

suzy carlson:
I got pulled over for going 95 in a 75 which I wasn't. But I got off an exit to take my daughter to the bathroom..she is 4 and will NOT pee on the side of the road. I will admit that I was speeding, I don't like pee in my car. I never saw the cop though and when I got back on the freeway, he pulled me over. So he was upset thinking that I had been trying to evade him. It was a big mess where I tried to fight it and ended up paying $350 for a $100 ticket. I don't like to think about it.

Tucson Mom said...

Michelle Nielsen - Hampton Court Thermometer.

erika said...

Erika Petersen: Galveston Wall Art and Shelf

Unknown said...

Monica Lancaster

Bry and Amb said...

Amber Larsen - How could I pick something?! I'm in love with everything!! ;)
I would have to go with the Ornate Iron Art Bookstand....or the Manchester Trivet Trio...or the Decorative Card & Photo Display...

Anonymous said...

Corby Murri

Kiery said...

Kiery Wilson: Follower

Kiery said...

Kiery Wilson: I've never gotten a ticket! *knock on wood*

---traci--- said...

Traci Romph: My last ticket was 3 years ago. I did a California stop at a stop sign and got a ticket for running the stop sign. To get the ticket removed I had to go to traffic school for a couple hours one night and then another day I had to go see the judge in which they brought men in in orange suits that had pretty bad criminal records and were handcuffed. All I did was a California stop and I was in the same court as these scary inmates...yikes!

Bry and Amb said...

Amber Larsen - Follower

Joe'n'Jess said...

Jessica Wwhitehead:southern sippers serving bowl

elizabeth said...

Elizabeth Curtis: I love the astoria canisters and windsor tray

Joe'n'Jess said...

jessica whitehead:follower

Bry and Amb said...

Amber Larsen - well, I received 2 tickets (got pulled over 3 times!) within 2 weeks before my wedding! I got a ticket for speeding (got pulled over a few days before in the same spot by a male cop - was nice and just sent me off with a warning...a few days later was pulled over in the same spot by a female cop - not so friendly..gave me a $85 ticket!) Then a week before my wedding got pulled over after a guy cut me off on the freeway. The cop said I was following too close - of course I was! He just cut me off! Ugh;)

elizabeth said...

Elizabeth Curtis: A couple of months ago I got 2 speeding tickets within a week of eachother. They were from photo radar so I didn't even realize I had been speeding until they came in the mail. I guess the speed changes on a certain street near our house, and the van with the camera is placed right after the speed change.

Lemmons Family said...

Alisha Lemmons: follower

Joe'n'Jess said...

Jessica Whitehead: I've never actually been issued a ticket, BUT the last time i was pulled over for speeding was when i was 19 yrs old. I was on a road trip and i promised the terrifying officer that i wouldn't speed for the remainder of my trip. He sped off and waited for me to pass, and when i did 20 min later i definately wasn't speeding.

Rach said...

Rachel Valgardson

Rach said...

Rachel Valgardson - Follower

Lemmons Family said...

Alisha Lemmons: 10 years ago I was going 30 in a school zone. There were no kids in sight and I couldn't see the flashing lights! Since then they have fixed it because people could not see it!

Lani said...

Lani Wilkinson: I actually have never gotten a ticket, but I've been pulled over a couple times the last time was when I was living at home with my parents and I was late for curfew! I started crying and the cop let me go with just a warning... no ticket!

Dustin and Kristin said...

Kristin Wilberg: the last ticket I got was when I was in college. I was given a car but I had to get it registered in Ephraim. I took the car to get the stickers, but forgot the title. So dumb right. On the way back to my apartment a cop followed a little ways and noticed my old stickers. Yep I got a huge ticket.

Anne said...

Anne Jensen: Yuletide Votive Holders

Jami said...

Jami Sorensen

LeighSabey said...

Leigh Sabey: My last ticket was for $90 also -- for driving 42 mph in a 35 mph zone. I didn't think the punishment fit the crime!

Mandy said...

mandy sadler - i would put it towards the large glass beverage canister with the silver dispenser

racheebabe said...

Rachel Farnsworth

Anne said...

Anne Jensen: The last ticket I got was about 5 years ago- I was late for school and driving a little too fast, oops!

Dustin and Kristin said...

Kristin Wilberg: Estate wall hook and small towel holder

Lemmons Family said...

Alisha Lemmons: the hurricanes

Anonymous said...

Trisha Bracken

Alicia said...

Alicia Lopez - I love it all it is so hard to decide!

Eric and Jenny said...

Jenny SMith

Joanne said...

Joanne Scarborough - I like the Decorative Card and Photo Display and I LOVE the Gail Pittman Allegria Wall Tiles.

Davinna Kunz said...

Davinna Kunz

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Christensen

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Christensen: I would love the upside-down cake stand or the red canisters....everything is so cute!

Davinna Kunz said...

Davinna Kunz- Astoria Canister, but I really love everything!

Joanne said...

Joanne Scarborough - My last (and only - knock on wood) ticket was for speeding. I was on a little country road behind a car going 10 miles under the speed limit. As soon as I got to a clear place, I passed her. Just my luck, a highway patrol was coming the other way.... What can I say... Yes, I gunned it so I could get around her, but I was NOT going as fast as he said I was. Oh well!!

Sunny said...

Sunny Myres: My first and only ticket so far was 8 years ago. On my way to work, which I was a running a little late for...I was going down a hill and the cop was waiting at the bottom. I deserved it.

g-bugs said...

Heather Gilley

g-bugs said...

Heather Gilley

Meet the Browns said...

Katie Brown

Meet the Browns said...

I follow Kristy's blog!

Katie Brown

Marcus n McKenzie said...

McKenzie Kennedy: I have never gotten a ticket... Knock on wood.

Shelli said...

Shelli Kennington

Shelli said...

Shelli Kennington - Terrace appetizer plates

Shelli said...

Shelli Kennington - It's been so long that I can't remember...I am such a good driver and never speed!! Hee hee!

Andrea said...

Andrea Rigby

Marcus n McKenzie said...

McKenzie Kennedy: Following her blog

Andrea said...

Andrea Rigby - Terrace appetizer plates so I can be like my sister Shelli! Or so we could borrow each others!

Andrea said...

Andrea Rigby - In High School...I am an even better driver than Shelli!

g-bugs said...

Heather Gilley-ruffled glass bowl

g-bugs said...

Heather Gilley-ruffled glass bowl

Meet the Browns said...

I love the Juniper Vase on page 13 :)

Katie Brown

Anonymous said...

Nilanthi King

Rachel Worthen said...

Rachel Worthen - I love the Gail Pittman Allegria Wall tiles and the Juniper vase

Anonymous said...

Michelle Aiken

Anonymous said...

Michelle Aiken-I received a ticket on my 18th birthday because I was speeding to school.

Anonymous said...

Nilanthi King: I would use my gift certificate for the Galveston step-out stand.

Anonymous said...

My last ticket was just a few weeks ago-- I was rushing to drop my daughter off, and I was caught speeding in a construction zone. :[

Moore Family said...

Jennifer Moore- I would use it toward the Emerson Stemware.

Super Random Girl said...

Nilanthi King: Follower

Rebecca said...

Rebecca Varney

Christi said...

christi rauth

Anonymous said...

Lisa Kros

Christi said...

galveston footed hurricanes

Matt Parrott said...

Barbara Parrott

Anonymous said...

Lisa Kros : Any Wall decorations

Christi said...

christi rauth
galvanized hurricanes

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt:upside down cake stand

Rebecca said...

Rebecca Varney: My computer is being a pill and not letting me zoom in so I don't know what the name is, but the item I would get with my gift certificate is letter L on page 11, the glass vase.

Christi said...

christi rauth
i emailed her!

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt:over a year ago I got a ticket for going to fast and it was in an industrial area, not to mention I was delivering valentine cookies to family.

Christi said...

christi rauth
parking ticket in manhattan beach ... i read my clock wrong!!!

Anonymous said...

Natalie Mitchell

Matt Parrott said...

Barbara Parrott: I can't decide!!! Probably the Galveston stepout stand or the patina wall tiles.

Rebecca said...

Rebecca Varney, the last ticket I received was actually this weekend (I just paid it today-hmph). I parked somewhere I was not supposed to park for over 3 hours.

Anonymous said...

Natalie Mitchell: I would love the vase centerpiece, I would love to put fresh flowers in it.

Thomas, Jesi, and Greyson said...

Jesi Dewey: the last ticket I got was for following to close.

Doty Family said...

Brandy Doty

Marcy M Miller said...

Marcy Miller- I love the Farmhouse Tiered Basket

Marcy M Miller said...

Marcy Miller- I've never gotten a ticket, but my husband has gotten plenty for the both of us.

Danae Curtis said...

Danae Curtis: Follower

WRJJ said...

Rayette Jones

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

Brittney Checketts

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

Brittney Checketts Follower

Doty Family said...

Brandy Doty: Cake Stands

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

Brittney Checketts. . .the last time I got a ticket, was probably 5 years ago. I was crying on the phone to my mom and was going like 5 over. The guy pulls me over tells me to suck it up, writes me a ticket, and then tells me I'm lucky he isn't writing me one for un-attentive driving since I was on the phone so distressed. . . . p.s. that police man and I . . . we are NOT friends.

Elaine said...

elaine hearn

Patti said...

Patti Hatch

belle d. said...

bella de rossi

belle d. said...

Bella De Rossi~ I would use the gift certificate toward the purchase of the gorgeous Villa Stoneware special offer #41182!

Stacey said...

STacey Fiessinger

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

Brittney Checketts. I would put my gift certificate toward some of the fireside stocking hangers. But I also love the terrace appetizer plates, and the juniper vase.

Stacey said...

Stacey Fiessinger: I live the silver server too

Chacoy said...

Chacoy Aguayo:I would pay the extra costs to get either the Montcrest adjustable hurricane or the Drake lanterns and hook.

Chacoy said...

Chacoy Aguayo:Follower

belle d. said...

Bella De Rossi~ Follower

Chacoy said...

Chacoy Aguayo: I was on my way home from visiting my sister in Denver, I was passing a couple of cars a camper with stuff behind it, a semi and a truck pulling a boat when I realized that I couldn't pass because there were more cars in front that I could not see but I was already in the middle so I gunned it and a cop was right on the other side and he pulled me over going 96, which I could understand, but he should have seen that I couldn't pass without speeding up or getting hit head on by a semi.That was about 2 years ago, my first and hopefully last!:)

belle d. said...

Bella De Rossi~ I was involved in an accident and received an "improper lookout" ticket. It was removed from my record for "keeping my nose clean" for a year~so to say! lol! i was pretty banged up in the accident(neck brace for 3 mos) AND i got THAT ticket! i'm happy it's over and i have a free and clean record, now!

Rebecca said...

Becky Nielson

Patti said...

Patti Hatch - I would use my gift certificate towards the Galveston 2 Tiered Stand

Rebecca said...

Becky Nielson- I love the Ornate Iron Tiered Stand

Rebecca said...

Becky Nielson- follower

Rebecca said...

Becky Nielson- I got a ticket for not having proof of insurance

Patti said...

Patti Hatch - Follower

Unknown said...

Ariel Brownstein

Marla said...

Marla Staffanson

Patti said...

Patti Hatch - My last ticket was when I was first married and had give up my way cool VW Beetle and drive my new husband's not cool Vega stationwagon. On my way home from college classes, a cute little Triumph convertable was peeling out from every stop sign in front of me (going through a residential area) so I decided to see what the ol' Vega stationwagon could do, and of course the cop saw me and not the little Triumph! I got the ticket - dang! (As you can tell, this was many years ago...)

Marla said...

Marla Staffanson - I would buy the Patina Wall Tiles!

Anonymous said...

Jen Reed

Anonymous said...

Jen Reed - I would use it toward the Gail Pittman wall tiles.

SusieQ said...

Susan Foutz

SusieQ said...

Susan Foutz

Melanie said...

Melanie Hallstrom

lacey wilson said...

Lacey Wilson cambrian wall plaques.

lacey wilson said...

Lacey Wilson Five years ago speeding in a construction zone fow a nice ticket on one hundred twenty dollars

Krista and Aaron said...

Krista Hansen

Lori said...

Lori Mineer: Decorative Card and Photo Holder

Anonymous said...

Katrina Brush

Melanie said...

Melanie Hallstrom: Terrace Appetizer plates

Lori said...

Lori Mineer: I have never gotten a ticket (knock on wood). I have had two warnings though.

Anonymous said...

shelly lyons

Jessica said...

Jessica WInger

peg42 said...

Margaret Smith: Hampton court thermometer. Thanks.

amylouwhosews said...

amy webb

Shauna said...

Shauna Brown: The last ticket I got was when my hubby and I were living in Phoenix. This was in 2002 and I was headed to work, speeding, and there was a speed trap. I pulled over right away. I was going 25 over. Not good. But because I was honest and nice to the cop he made it so that I was only going 15 over the limit. I ended up taking traffic school which was cheaper than having to pay the ticket. I definatly watched my speed on that road!!

amylouwhosews said...

amy webb:
the last ticket I got was when I was out of state and my 2 year old was screaming at me about something, I was sleep deprived, lost, and the speed limit changed without warning. I should have let the cop ride in my car for 3 minutes with that kid screaming in the back and see if he would have noticed!

Honey + Lime said...

Deanna Underwood: Follower

Honey + Lime said...

Deanna Underwood: Xmas Card decor for door

Melanie said...

Melanie Hallstrom: the last and only time I got a ticket was for going 50 in a 35. I was in high school and had just gotten my license and wanted to beat some friends going home. So silly.

Ann said...

Ann Smith - the last ticket I got was when I was 17 years old (a very long time ago!!!) and I was speeding - naughty, naughty!

Honey + Lime said...

Deanna Underwood: My last ticket was in 2007, I was sppeding on the highway... BOO!

Anonymous said...

jill simmons

Kelly Spence said...

Kelly SPence

Anonymous said...

jill simmons: i can't decide what to pick out!

Anonymous said...

jill simmons: follower

Anonymous said...

jill simmons: speeding ticket two yrs ago

Rob and Ashley Seymour said...

Ashley Seymour

Meggs said...

Meghann Larkin

Erin said...

Erin Poulsen: I love the triffle dish

Erin said...

Erin Poulsen: I got my last ticket about 6 years ago. I was speeding up a hill to work and the cops were standing on top of the hill with radar gun and told me to pull over. I was so mad!!!

Debra Darling said...

Debra Bliss

Unknown said...

Jenny Maddox - I would purchase the large glass dome.

Anonymous said...

Bethany Walker

Debra Darling said...

Debra Bliss: I've had encounters with those beloved cop cars 4 times and I have yet to come away with a ticket. Pulled over 3 times, in an accident the fourth, and NO TICKETS.

Unknown said...

Jenny Maddox - follower

Dunbars said...

Tasha Dunbar - I got my ticket going around a round about... I hate those things!!!

Unknown said...

Jenny Maddox - I've never received a ticket...I've actually only been stopped 1 time in 13 years of driving.

Megan said...

Megan Tanner

Dunbars said...

Tasha Dunbar - I love the step out stand. Great for entertaining...

Rachel said...

Rachel Chamberlain: Never had a traffic ticket, but I did get tickets to blue man group this past weekend. It was awesome!!

Sarah said...

Sarah Tadje: I would buy the truffle dish for sure!

Sarah said...

Sarah Tadje: follower

Sarah said...

Sarah tadje: I got my last ticket when I was driving home from my in-laws home. I was hoping the cop would let it slide, but I guess going 20 over in a residential area is not smart.

Anonymous said...

Bethany Walker: I would get a galveston step-out stand

Anonymous said...

Amy Green

Debra Darling said...

Debra Bliss: I'd have to get the Bliss Scented Reed Diffuser

brookerichins12 said...

Brooke Richins

Rachel said...

Rachel Chamberlain: I love the cinnabar vase.

Anonymous said...

Amy Green: My last ticket was over five years sgo from an accident in the rain. The person behind me was really close so I tried to put some more space between us by moving a bit closer to the car in front of me. Then some kids ran out into the road of this 4-lane street and everyone had to slam on their brakes. The car behind me ran into me, pushing me forward into the car in front of me. No fun!

Anonymous said...

Sally Dean

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