Friday, September 11, 2009

Until September 14th we are Giving Away Products from TWO Different Companies...(CLAIMED)

Le Trip is Giving Away a $35.00 Gift Certificate

Today we are so excited to feature our first international company on Give Away Today. And exactly where is this company located? Why, in the beautiful country of France. So if any of you like fresh, funky, and foreign, we have the coolest company for you today. Allow me to introduce you to Le Trip.

Le Trip is a company founded by an American woman living in France – in Provence to be exact. Jill Mitchell, the one woman show, is a vintage buying guide for vintage-minded American women visiting France. Jill brings her clients to out of the way places on vintage and antique “treasure hunts” where her clients find rare French treasures from the past at unheard of prices. The prices are so low, and the items are of such high quality, that Jill boasts they can “pay for their trip over” to France. Pick up a few items for $30 that you would pay hundreds for, and you’ve paid for your plane ticket to Paris.
For those not yet planning their trip over to France, some of Jill’s fabulous finds can be now be purchased online at her Esty shop ( and at her eBay store Find rare French vintage posters, children’s items, antique bridal accessories, kitchenware, linens, wine related items and much more. If it isn’t posted in her shop, ask – she just might have what you are looking for in her “too large to list everything” collection.

After all, why not have items in your home, your wardrobe, or your kitchen that not everybody else has? These are the items that show your individuality and that always warrant the question, "Where did you get that?" from admiring neighbors and friends.

Today Le Trip is offering a $35.00 gift certificate to one lucky winner. The winner can choose from Le Trip's Etsy Shoppe or eBay Store. No matter where you reside, you can enter to win the gift certificate from Le Trip up to FOUR times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Le Trip's Etsy Shoppe here or their eBay store here. Browse through their cool antique products and then please return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would get if you win the $35 gift certificate.
Example: Jane Doe: I really like the Vintage Country French Checkered Lustucru Pitcher found in Le Trip's eBay store.

For a third entry, you know we love the companies who advertise on the left-hand side bar of Give Away Today. Therefore, visit at least three of their sites by clicking on their buttons (and no, we don't get paid per click, we just like promoting great products). Once you have checked out their sites, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the companies you visited.
Example: Jane Doe: 8 Apparel (love their Ogden is Awesome tee); Maddie Morgan (cutest accessories for girls; and Mindy Mae's Market (can't wait to visit their boutique)

For a fourth entry, it's the weekend! Let out a snicker, laugh, hoot and holler and then get on your dancin' shoes (if your inclined to dance on the weekend, that is). And then in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and if you could visit a foreign country this weekend (you would just appear there--no travel time necessary in our make believe world) where would you go?
Example: Jane Doe: Oh wow--anywhere? I would love to visit Germany. We moved to Germany in the fall one year and it was beautiful there during autumn.

The winner of the gift certificate to Le Trip will be announced on Monday, September 14th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day (P.S. next week we will feature our second international company--we will be bringing you goods from Brazil!) Thanks and have a splendid weekend--no matter where you may be.


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 516 of 516   Newer›   Newest»
llinda29 said...

Linda Lansford

Aisling said...

Gaye McGill

Aisling said...

Gaye McGill: French Garage Parking Sign Emergency Exit Authentic

Michelle said...

Michelle Lofton

Aisling said...

Gaye McGill: ModGowns (wedding gown SS17; Kayte Bug Boutique (distressed hat in black); Sophie's Chic Boutique (Black & White Damask Boutque Dress).

Aisling said...

Gaye McGill: India (my granddaughter is there right now and I'd love to spend a couple of weeks with her).

Teri said...

Teri Fronk

AEKZ2 said...

Annette Estell

Breanna said...

Breanna Tagge

Qwill said...

Leann Swinney

Qwill said...

Leann Swinney
I like the French Antique Map France Print 1883
French Antique Map France Print 188

Qwill said...

Leann Swinney
It's hot and I'm hot so I would travel to Greenland.

Missy said...

Missy Angles

Idaho Jill said...

Jill Washburn

Idaho Jill said...

Jill Washburn: I've been to France twice and would go back of course! I'd also love to go to Italy...thanks!

Sarah Osborne said...

Sarah Osborne

Sarah Osborne said...

Sarah Osborne: I really like the rare original 1932 painting :)

Sarah Osborne said...

Sarah Osborne: I would definitely go to Italy! That has always been my dream!

Sarah Osborne said...

Sarah Osborne: Maddie Morgan's chic hair accessories, Mod Gowns, Sophie's Chic Boutique.

Mari said...

MAri Topham

John, Sarah and Maddie said...

Sarah Reed

Darbee said...

Darbee Beynon

Valadez Family said...

Sienna Valadez

Valadez Family said...

Sienna Valadez: Spain

Valadez Family said...

Sienna Valadez: Love the mouth poster

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Hillam

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Hillam: french antique map

Tiffany said...

Tiffany Hillam: Ireland- all the way.

Anonymous said...

Helen Thomson

Megan said...

Megan Zuchowski.

mogrill said...

Monique Rizzo
Would love to go to Italy. Thanks for the chance.

Aik said...

Aik Chien

Aik said...

Aik Chien : The French Antique Map France Print 1883 looks great!

Anonymous said...

Veronica Garrett

Anonymous said...

Veronica Garrett: I would get the French Antique Map France Print 1883.

Anonymous said...

Veronica Garrett: time for beads I love beads.

Anonymous said...

Veronica Garrett: I would visit Greece

Britt and Crystal Briggs said...

Crystal Briggs : I would love to visit Australia.

Britt and Crystal Briggs said...

Crystal Briggs

msrodeobrat said...

Ashley Henley: i love the French Antique Vintage Style Hanging Store Sign Fleur on ebay!

Anonymous said...

Therese FitzRandolph

visited Sophie's chic boutique (the newsboy hats are so cute!)
Kayte bug boutique (Like the boys fire truck wipes

Tiny Prints (photo books are a great idea!)

Anonymous said...

Therese FitzRandolph

visited Sophie's chic boutique (the newsboy hats are so cute!)
Kayte bug boutique (Like the boys fire truck wipes

Tiny Prints (photo books are a great idea!)

Anonymous said...

Therese FitzRandolph
I'd go to visit a small town in Quebec. I'd like to see the French Canadian towns and countryside.

Emily said...

Emily Backus

Emily said...

Emily Backus: antique French map

Emily said...

Emily Backus: Beads Bangles & Bands; Mindy Mae's Market; Sophies Chic Boutique

Emily said...

Emily Backus: Australia

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: antique bridal purse. So lovely!

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: Is it too terribly corny to say I would go to France? I think I really would if I could!

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: Mindy Mae's Market, Scrapping Simply, and Scribble It

Anonymous said...

debbi siebert

Anonymous said...

debbi siebert
I would love to buy the French department store poster (my husband's maternal ancestors are full blood French)

Anonymous said...

debbi siebert
I visited Material Girls Quilting, Mod Beads, and Say Cheese

Candie L said...

Candie Luster


Kimberly said...

Kimberly Wagner

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren:Antique French Mailing Tube Vintage Stamps Ephemera

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren: London England. Hit some shops and a show or 2

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren:Beads, Bangles, and bands, Mod Gowns, and Momi Boutique

Mary Lynne said...

Mary Lynne Miller

Darcy said...

Darcy Watkins

Darcy said...

Darcy Watkins

I love the Vintage French Print Historic Costume France Bordeaux Servant

Darcy said...

Darcy Watkins

I would love to go to Ireland.

Heidi said...

Heidi Nelson: I would love to go to Taiwan

Heidi said...

Heidi Nelson: so many cute things, French Antique Plate Wedding Bridal Vintage

Heidi said...

Heidi Nelson: Beads, Bangles, and Bands; Maddi Morgan, and Mindy Mae's market

amy said...

Amy Horsburgh- the French Bordeaux card, I feel like that most days at my own home!

amy said...

Amy Horsburgh- MaddyMorgan, Beads, Bangles and Bands and Scentsy

Ashley from Sloanbook said...

Ashley Sloan

Beth E-R said...

Beth Evans-Ramos

Beth E-R said...

Beth Evans-Ramos would love to acquire two of the French antique maps with this generous gift certificate.

Unknown said...

Melissa Campbell

Kami Milliron said...

Kami Milliron

Suzanne said...

Suzanne Brenchley

Suzanne said...

Suzanne Brenchley - Japan, back to my mission stompin' grounds.

Steve said...

Steven Smith

Steve said...

Steven Smith: medical stuff

Steve said...

Steven Smith: would go to spain

Andrea J. Bacigalupo said...

Andrea Peterson

Tara said...

Tara Smith

Tara said...

Tara Smith: map of France

Andrea J. Bacigalupo said...

Andrea Peterson: I really like the Rare Original 1932 Print of 19th French Woman Historic Costume Fashion

Tara said...

Tara Smith: I'd go to London in a heartbeat!

Andrea J. Bacigalupo said...

Andrea Peterson: I visited Tiny Prints, Bugs n’ bees, and Card Kits by Cherries Jubilee

Andrea J. Bacigalupo said...

Andrea Peterson: I would visit Africa. I've always wanted to photograph Africa.

Tara said...

Tara Smith: Mindy Mae's Market, Sophie Chic Boutique, and Beads Bangles and Bands.

Lori said...

Lori Mineer

Lori said...

Lori Mineer: I'd be in New Zealand

Lori said...

Lori MIneer-I think my husband would like the train bike poster in his office. Cycling is his newest love

Lori said...

Lori Mineer: Mindy Mae's, Mod gowns, Momi Boutique

Connie said...

Connie Holladay

Connie said...

COnnie Holladay: I love the French Print Historic costume from the etsy shop and the French Vintage school poster children nursery from the eaby shop

cman said...

Gianna Kran

Anneka said...

Anneka Smith

Anneka said...

Anneka Smith: Authentic Fermez la porte sign

Anneka said...

Anneka Smith: Tiny Prints, Pied Piper, Mod Gowns

Anneka said...

Anneka Smith: First stop would be South Africa where my husband lived for two years. Then back to France where I was an exchange student in high school! I love traveling!

Tiff said...

Tiffanie Feher

Tiff said...

Tiffanie Feher: Italy

spatical said...

Steven Hansen

spatical said...

Steven Hansen: Italy

ann-marie skrabo said...

Ann-Marie Skrabo ;)

ann-marie skrabo said...

Ann-Marie Skrabo-The fabulous french mailing tube! from her fabulous etsy shop!

ann-marie skrabo said...

Ann-Marie Skrabo-France!!!! In april where would any hopeless romantic want to be? ox

Sammy Girl said...

Betty Murrell

Sammy Girl said...

Betty Murrell
The mailing tubes .... as many as winning would let me have! lol!

Sammy Girl said...

Betty Murrell
London .... just got back from a 2nd trip, but not enough time for boot sales and Eurostar to Paris for flea markets!

Liz Mays said...

Elizabeth Mays - Vintage French Print Historic Costume France Bordeaux Servant and Rare Original 1932 Print of French Woman Bordeaux Historic Fashion Costume

Liz Mays said...

Elizabeth Mays: I would visit France in a heartbeat!

Liz Mays said...

Elizabeth Mays: I visited Kayte Bug Boutique, Pied Piper Photography and Mindy Mae's Market.

lilyk said...

Lily Kwan

lilyk said...

Lily Kwan: I love the Handmade French Antique Fabric Religious Purse from Le Trip's Etsy store!

lilyk said...

Lily Kwan: I visited PiedPiperPhoto, Time For Beads, and Momi boutique.

lilyk said...

Lily Kwan: If I could go to any foreign country I would visit England.

Anonymous said...

Amy Tucker

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