Friday, November 20, 2009

Until November 30th we are Giving Away...

A Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack with Two Plush Toys of Tiny the Dog for TWO Winners

The first time my kids wanted to rent one of the Buddies movies, I was like, "Are you sure?" They assured me that yes, they were sure. And I was very glad that they were, because the Buddies movies are really quite fun for kids (and adults). And why wouldn't they be? Dogs with great personalities combined with a lot of action? I have realized that if there is one thing that kids like, it is dogs with great personalities combined with a lot of action.

And guess what? This makes the perfect gift for a child or family you know because NOBODY HAS IT YET! Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws will be released on November 24th.
Be the first to get a copy and make someone you know happy.

Today we are giving away Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack (which includes the film on BOTH Blu-ray and DVD formats) with 2 plush toys of Tiny the dog to TWO winners.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please become a follower our Give Away Today on the right-hand side. Once you have become a follower or if you already follow, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Follow"
Example: Jane Doe: Follow

For a third entry, speaking of animals, do you have a pet? In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the name of your pet, or the words "Don't have one"
Example: Jane Doe: We currently do not have one, but we have promised our son for years that he could have a dog on his tenth birthday. And when is that big day? This summer--we're getting a little nervous.

The winners of the Santa Buddies combo pack will be announced Monday, November 29th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 754   Newer›   Newest»

Mandy Smith


Mandy Smith
I got a dog named Chaperone when my big brother went off to college!!

Anonymous said...

Susan Stone

Anonymous said...

Susan Stone: I don't have a pet right now, unless you count the two chickens in my backyard.

Kas said...

Kassandra Namba

Kas said...

Kassandra namba:follower

Kas said...

Kassandra Namba: I have an outdoor cat, name Kat :)

Unknown said...

amy pugmire

Unknown said...

amy pugmire: follower

Unknown said...

amy pugmire: we had a cat growing up named molly

Megan said...

Megan Hall

Megan said...

Megan Hall

Megan said...

Megan Hall: Follower

Liz said...

Liz Memmott

Liz said...

Liz Memmott follower

Liz said...

Liz Memmott I personally do not have any pets, but my husband has 8 or so labs, and sales their puppies.. They are cute. I lost count!! I can only name a few of them blu, daisy, roxy, and breeze

Anonymous said...

Lori Ota

Anonymous said...

Lori Ota. Don't have one. Do fishes count?

Haiku Amy said...

Amy Miller

Haiku Amy said...

Amy Miller Follow

Haiku Amy said...

Amy Miller We have a black/white border collie named Lucy

The Jolley Family said...

Britney Jolley

The Jolley Family said...

Britney Jolley: No pet right now.

DizzyLizzy said...

Elizabeth Olson
We have two cats - and we adore them.

Angie said...

Angie Clark

Angie said...

Angie Clark
Already a follower

Angie said...

Angie Clark

I have 2 cats, Patches & Binx

Pam said...

Pam Rivera

Pam said...

Pam Rivera: follower

Pam said...

Pam Rivera: we don't have a pet right now though my son loves Q-tip who is my brother's English Bulldog.

Becca said...

Becca Stephenson: no pet but my kids are begging for one when we move.

Grandma Ellen said...

Ellen JOhnson

Camila Faria said...

Camila Faria

Camila Faria said...

Camila Faria: Follow

Camila Faria said...

Camila Faria. Don't have one! :(

Jennifer said...

Jennifer Witt

Jennifer said...

Her name is Sadie Jo and she is a sweet black lab that lets my two year old boy tackle her, ride her and sleep on her.
Jennifer Witt

Brad and Hailey said...

hailey allen

Jennifer said...


Jennifer WItt

Brad and Hailey said...

hailey allen: follow

Brad and Hailey said...

hailey allen: I have two labs ... one choclate and one black, they are brother and sister :)

ReggieMann said...

Regina Manning

ReggieMann said...

Regina Manning: Follow

ReggieMann said...

Regina Manning: Don't have one

Andi and Craig said...

Andrea Lewis

Rachael said...

Rachael Lewis

Shanny said...

Shannon Blockburger

Shanny said...

Shannon Blockburger: Follow

Shanny said...

Shannon Blockburger: Don't have one.

Unknown said...

Deena Harris
two dogs--Sophie and Dogzilla

googlebug said...

Jeni Wilson: We have a mini Labradoodle named Desi.

Oda Daddy said...

Jimmy Tullos: I have a dog named Abby

Jeanne Garner said...

Jeanne Garner:follower

Jeanne Garner said...

Jeanne Garner: We do not have a pet. We did have gold fish. I am not a fan of pets we love our freedom to go away to much. It wouldn't be fair to the pet. Thank goodness for Webkinz pets.

charli24 said...

Charlie Comrie-Scottish Terrier named Burglar.

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown - follower!

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown - yes I do, 2 dogs and 5 kitties!

Gage said...

krista gage: pets.

Anonymous said...

Trish Vaughn

Anonymous said...

Trish Vaughn: We have a fish tank but we want a dog(s) badly! I love how a dog can brighten your day!

bloggeraway (at) gmail dot com

jeanine said...

Jeanine Crane: no pets

jeanine said...

Jeanine Crane: follow

April Bird said...

April Bird; follow

April Bird said...

April Bird; a kitty cat named Kitty Cat

Forever Owen said...

Rachel Owen: follow

Forever Owen said...

Rachel Owen: I have a dog named, Tiny!

Leslie Richman said...

I have a dog named Tyler :)

Anonymous said...

Dianna Fillmore

Anonymous said...

Mary Nay

Katie said...

katie van houten follow

Katie said...

katie van houten no pets

Unknown said...

Laura Carey

Unknown said...

Laura Carey:
Hatcher the most adorable Black lab!

LucyH said...

Lucy Hansen Follow

LucyH said...

Lucy Hansen Olive, Taffy, and Red

kim wilson said...

kim wilson; have two dogs. They are both husky/wolf mix. Love them!

Keeping Up With Kaegan said...

Jennifer Pollan - Saydee is our basset hound and Kaydee is our lab/husky mix.

syrant said...

Sandi Holt - we got a dog-Maggie-when the kids moved in.

syrant said...

Sandi Holt - follower

Anonymous said...

Leslee Kitchen

Anonymous said...

Leslee Kitchen-Tigger a wild and crazy dog

Lindsey said...

lindsey dean follow

Anonymous said...

camille rogers

Amanda Stephens said...

Amanda Stephens: I have had a few dogs, but my favorite was my dog Bear. He was so fluffy and cuddly! But as for now we don't have a pet. I have 3 kids that are my pets.

Michelle said...

Michelle Berry: follow

Sarah said...

Sarah Tadje: follow

Sarah said...

Sarah Tadje: no pet :(

Michelle said...

Michelle Berry: Don't have one but grandma has one that has sleep overs some times. :)

Lani said...

Lani Wilkinson: Follow

Britt and Crystal Briggs said...

Crystal Briggs : 'Dont have one'

Lani said...

Lani Wilkinson: Don't have one (but someday we'll get a dog when we are no longer renting!)

Blain & Britney Young said...

Britney Young: I dont have any pets in our house yet.

Anonymous said...

Allison Phillips

heddomarie said...

Heather McDonald follow

Amy said...

Amy Bethers: Follow

Anonymous said...

Allison Phillips: i have 10 cats one dog, chickens, horses, and cows. yes they r pets.

heddomarie said...

Heather McDonald we have a sweet german shepherd blood hound mix named Bear.

Denise said...

Denise Hone

Amy said...

Amy Bethers: Don't have one

Denise said...

Denise Hone: follow

Denise said...

Denise Hone: we have 1 cat, but seem to be feeding 2 or 3.

Adam and Sarah said...

Sarah Freitas: don't have one -- my two kiddos are plenty for me to take of right now! :)

Angela said...

Angela Hodges

Angela said...

Angela Hodges: Follow

Angela said...

Angela Hodges: We have a black and white cat named Felix. Now my kids want a dog too!

Anonymous said...

Tina Hopf

Anonymous said...

Tina Hopf ~ follow

Jennye Harding said...

Jennye Harding: our pets are ALL fish...and as far as I know my children haven't named them all yet.

Anonymous said...

Tina Hopf ~ no pets!

Unknown said...

Jenny Maddox: follower

Unknown said...

Jenny Maddox: 2 cats and a turtle

Sherry said...

Sherry Winckel-follower

Sherry said...

Sherry Winckel-2 dogs, a boxer and a catahula

Ashley said...

Ashley Coutu: Follow

Ashley said...

Ashley Coutu: I have three pets, cats named Gilligan, Opossum, and Lil' Frankie.

Jess Jag and Andy said...

Jessica Harrison - Follow

Jess Jag and Andy said...

Jessica Harrison - My dogs name is Jag

Jessica :) said...

Jessica Harwood: Follow

Jessica :) said...

Jesica Harwood: Do not have one

The Sanderson Fam said...

Erin Sanderson- Follow

The Sanderson Fam said...

Erin Sanderson- No Pet Right Now

Nick and Kim said...

Kim Stewart- Follower

Lori Romney said...

Lori Romney

Already a follower

Lori Romney said...

Lori Romney

I have a gsp, Gunner.

The Hyding Place said...

Jamie Hyde: Don't have one, don't want one.

Anonymous said...

Ireta Jensen

Anonymous said...

Ireta Jensen- I don't have a pet.

Nick and Kim said...

Kim Stewart- I guess it all depends on your definition of pet. We have 3 cats (Precious, Chica, & Hermey), 6 goats (Ebony, Blanche, Fielle, Pinelope, and 2 not offically named yet), 4 chickens (unnamed), 2 horses (Angel, Stardust), and 4 cows(Red, Morgan, #1, and 1 unnamed). Oh, and 1 goldfish (fishy)& a peacock (Baloo). I think that's all of them now. :S

Anonymous said...

Leslie Bloomquist

privitt58 said...

Ruth Privitt
I have a GIANT yellow lab,names Sampson, who started out as a runt. And my daughters cat Bear-Bear lives at my house.

Anonymous said...

allesha rasmussen

Heather said...

Heather Demke: Don't have one

andrea wardle said...

Andrea Wardle: Don't have one. Don't want one (but the kids do).

Telsha Winger & fam said...

Telsha Winger- don't have one

Telsha Winger & fam said...

Telsha Winger- Follow

Jay said...

melissa brockett

Brockett's said...

melissa brockett-follower

Brockett's said...

melissa brockett-We have a miniature schnauzer named Toby

jfranks said...

Jessica Franks-- Our dog's name is Izzy

Anonymous said...

kishell olsen

Sandi said...

Sandi Lyman: Follow

Gunnar and Brittney said...

Brittney Clark~ Follow

Sandi said...

Sandi Lyman: Don't have one:)

Gunnar and Brittney said...

Brittney Clark~ Don't have one...but my kids tell me everyday they want a dog!

Lisa said...

Lisa Gettler: Follower

Lisa said...

Lisa Gettler: A cat named Star.

Caleb & Marci said...

Marci Lorenc: Follower

Caleb & Marci said...

Marci Lorenc: don't have a pet

Jenn said...

Jennifer Elton: Follow

Melanie said...

Melanie Egbert: We have 2 dogs name Harry & Kuma.

Jenn said...

Jennifer Elton: no pet (for now)

Anonymous said...

Janel Case - Follower

Anonymous said...

Janel Case - Don't have one

Julie said...

Julie Scott- We don't currently have a pet. The name of mine growing up was Ginger.

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart: follower

The Stewart Stuff said...

Jennifer Stewart:
dog named Scoop (mutt)
fish named Bubbles (betta)
snake named Venom (corn snake)

Anonymous said...

janet holm

Jennifer said...

Jennifer Rutherford: I have 2 cats and a dog. Our dog is a Weiner Dog and is really crazy! He got attacked by a herd of deer last year and has never been the same!True Story!!

Jennifer said...

Jennifer Rutherford

Anonymous said...

Ashlee Caywood: I have 2 cats. Elvis and Bach.

The Bucks said...

Megan Buck: Don't have one

Anonymous said...

ashlee caywood

cindy said...

cindy barriga: english bulldog

imnohalle said...

stephanie stielper

Melissa Klein said...

melissa klein

Stacey said...

Stacey Gridley: We have a Cocker Spaniel names Lilah

Bess Family said...

Teresa Bess: follow

Angie Robison said...

Angie Robison follow

Angie Robison said...

Angie Robison we have a german shepherd named Tosh

Bess Family said...

Teresa Bess: Don't have one

Sarah said...

Sarah Freeman: Follower

Jessica said...

Jessica Myrup: Don't have any pets!

Sarah said...

Sarah Freeman: Don't have one

Jill said...

Jill Greenwood

Jill said...

Jill Greenwood: Follower

Kate and Wes said...

Katrina Southwick
no pets yet

Jill said...

Jill Greenwood: No pets.

Dave and Tricia Folsom Family Fun said...

Tricia Folsom - Follower

Dave and Tricia Folsom Family Fun said...

Tricia Folsom - No pets!

bugs 'n' bees said...

Jennifer Sanders: follower

bugs 'n' bees said...

Jennifer Sanders: no pets, too many crazy kids! :)

linda said...

Linda Muir:Follow

linda said...

Linda Muir:We currently don't have a pet, but a cute black lab named Abby was part of our family for 15 years...

Melanie said...

Melanie Heightman:Don't have one.

Melanie said...

Melanie Heightman: Follower.

Anonymous said...

Cathy Graham

Anonymous said...

Tracy Murri

Rachel said...

Rachel Phelps

Rachel said...

Rachel Phelps: I have a dog named Preston

Allison S said...

Allison S.

Allison S said...

Allison Schultz: follow

Allison S said...

Allison Schultz
We have a 9 month old golden retriever named Sadie

Jess said...

Jessica Friedel

Jess said...

Jessica Friedel: follower

Jess said...

Jessica Friedel: Our dog's name is Lola!

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: Simba, now in doggie heaven, but still alive in our hearts

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: follower

Kelly said...

kelly jones...don't have a pet now...use to have a god named Bugsy

Anonymous said...

Trisha Bracken

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