A $30 Gift Certificate from Karen's Cookies
Ooey and gooey!
Karen's Cookies
Sugar Cookies!!
Ooey and gooey!
Karen's Cookies
Sugar Cookies!!
Anyone else out there like acrostic poems?
What about sugar cookies?

It doesn't really matter if you like the former, but if you like the latter, you are in for a treat today, my friend. Because we are featuring one of our favorite companies--Karen's Cookies!
And why are they one of our faves? Because we love cookies! The baking, the decorating, and of course, the eating.

Today Karen's Cookies is offering the readers of Give Away Today a 15% DISCOUNT. Use the code "giveawaytoday09". This discount will end December 7. I must now go and call my sister to make sure she knows that Karen's Cookies is on Give Away Today today. She loves Karen's Cookies and will be excited to know they are offering a discount!
Karen's Cookies is giving away a $30 Gift Certificate to one lucky winner. This giveaway is open to anyone in any country. Each person can enter to win up to FOUR times today.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Karen's Cookies' website here and look at all of their great products. Please return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would use the gift certificate on if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I think the Christmas Tree Decorating Kit would be fun to have. The thing is, this is something I would be able to have for years to come.
For a third entry, we will be sending out our monthly newsletter soon. Therefore, on the right-hand bar, please subscribe to Give Away Today. Once you have subscribed or if you have already subscribed in the past in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Subscriber".
Example: Jane Doe: Subscriber
For a fourth entry, at the close of the Thanksgiving weekend, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and one thing for which you are grateful.
Example: Jane Doe: I am grateful for the stage of life I am in right now. I love being a wife and the mother of four young children. I know it goes by so fast and I am trying to enjoy every moment.
The winner of the $30 Gift Certificate from Karen's Cookies will be announced Tuesday, December 1st. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 912 Newer› Newest»Jamie Hyde
Jamie Hyde: I am thankful for my family.
Stephanie Magleby: subscriber
Stephanie Magleby: I would love to get the cookie maker starter kit!
Stephanie Magleby: I am so thankful to be a mom to 3 great kids and to have the best husband ever!!
Nichole Parrish
Nichole Parrish: I would get some baking equipment and cookie cutters!
Nichole Parrish: Subscriber
Nichole Parrish: I am thankful for my beautiful, healthy baby boy.
Torri Mahoney
Torri Mahoney: subscriber!
Torri Mahoney: There are so many cute things! I would have a really hard time choosing--but maybe the Cookie Book Complete Set for starters!
Torri Mahoney: I am thankful for by one year old boy and my husband!
Taralee Cooper
Carley Conger
amy pugmire
amy pugmire: I love the Snowflake Cookie Cutter
Carley Conger: I would love to win the Patriotic Stars Cookie Decorating Kit
amy pugmire: subscriber.
Carley Conger: Subscriber
amy pugmire: so greatful for my daughter.
Carley Conger: I'm grateful to have a job that I love!
Angela Graves
Brenda Ballesteros
Joanna Hawkins
Joanna Hawkins: I would order the Christmas cookie decorating kit. My cookies never turn out. I could use all the help I can get!
Joanna Hawkins: subscriber
Joanna Hawkins: I am so grateful for modern technology. I can text, email, watch TV, wash dishes, do laundry, and talk on the phone all at the same time!
Eliane Tatei: Ice Cream Cone/Clown Cookie Cutter
Eliane Tatei: subscriber
krista gage
krista gage: I would love to get the sports cookie decorating kits. My boys would love them.
krista gage: subscriber
krista gage: I am thankful for exercise. It makes me feel good.
Diane Hicks
Diane Hicks: Subscriber
Diane Hicks: I am thankful that my parents who are in their 80's are still here to share Thanksgiving with our family.
Diane Hicks: There are so many great items to pick but to start it would be the large Snowman Cookie Decorating Kit. Perfect fun for over the holidays.
Jenny Rekeweg
Jenny Rekeweg: I am so thankful for my husband and children.
Marvelle Morgan: the Winter and Mitt cookie decorating kit
Marvelle Morgan: I am grateful for the internet
Raimey Kennell
Raimey Kennell: I am thankful for my beautiful healthy children!
Raimey Kennell:Subscriber
Raimey Kennell:I Would LOVE any of the decorating sets! All so cute!!!!
Aleisha Rambusch
Aleisha Rambusch: I'm thankful for my family
Camila Faria
Camila Faria: I love the Christmas Trees Cookie Decorating Kit! Lovely!
Camila Faria: Subscriber
Amy Leach
Amy Leach
I'd choose some Cookie Cutters. I like the Mini Christmas set, the snowman, and the snowflakes.
Amy Leach
Subscribed to emails already.
Amy Leach
I'm grateful that my oldest daughter is engaged! (I'm seeing grandchildren in my future!)
Camila Faria: I am thankful for this lovely giveaway!!!
Angela Halverson: subscriber
Carrie Britt
Carrie Britt
Carrie Britt
oops-I meant to put that I would get some good baking supplies!
Angela Halverson: I am so grateful that my husband has such a wonderful place to work for. Having him only work 3 minutes away, coming home at lunch, and being home when the oldest comes home from school makes me realize how lucky we have it.
Carrie Britt
Carrie Britt
I am thankful I am able to stay home with my children and care for them :)
Mary Mclain
Angela Halverson: I would for sure get the balloon cookie cutter, and then it's a toss up between the school bus cookie decorating kit or the mitten and winter cap cookie decorating kit. I'm kind of leaning toward the mitten and winter cap kit because it's freezing here and will be snowing soon. Although I do not get why they give you rubber bands and tweezers in the kit.
Victoria Weaver
Abie Mohn
Tami Madsen
Victoria Weaver: I do like acrostics and would love to have a Santa Cookie decorating kit or a Snowman Cookie decorating kit!
Tami Madsen :I love the puzzle piece cookie cutter. My grandma just passed away yesterday. She LOVED doing puzzles. I'm going to buy this cookie cutter and make puzzle pieces for her funeral to give to my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I miss her already.
Tami Madsen : subscriber
Ellen Johnson
Tami Madsen : I'm thankful for so many things I don't even know where to start. My grandma passed away yesterday...so she's been on my mind. I am thankful for the amazing woman she was. She was Superwoman! She lead an incredible life. 98 years 10 months! I'm thankful I was able to be her grandaughter.
Ellen Johnson I would love the snow flake decoration set, and the starter set.
I am thankful for my parents who are deceased, but I feel that they are there at family gatherings. I am thankful for my husband, and family!
Danielle Kleczkowski
I would definitely start by getting the Autumn Mini-Cutter Set. I need a good leaf cutter!
Danielle Kleczkowski
I am thankful for my children and their health.
Kati Mattingly
Lorene Nance - I would go crazy ordering a bunch of cookie cutters! I also love the baby onesie cookie set -- so creative and adorable!
Lorene Nance - subscriber
Lorene Nance - I am grateful for my beautiful healthy baby and my wonderful handsome husband!
Tricia Little
Tricia Little: How about the Mitten and Winter Cap kit?
Tricia Little: I'm thankful for my baby boy
Joy Buhler
Jessica Hansen
Jessica Hansen: subscriber
Jessica Hansen: I am thankful for my family and that my husband still has a job.
Jamie Payne
Jamie Payne: Subscriber
Jamie Payne: I am thankful for all the blessings that God has given me that bring so much joy into my life.
Laurie Underwood
Laurie Underwood: I like the snowflake decorating kit.
Laurie Underwood: subscribed
Laurie Underwood: I am grateful for my daughter and my husband - today is my daughter's third birthday!
Jamie Payne: I love snowflakes, so it's a toss up between the snowflake decoratin set, or the set of snowflake cookie cutters.
Michelle Frame- I would like the snowman decorating kit.
Charlie Comrie - Grateful for my health and wonderful husband.
Rachael Lewis:I would like the gourmet food writers and any of the copper cookie cutters
Rachael Lewis: Subscriber
Rachael Lewis: I am thankful for my good husband and sweet children
Morgan Whipple: I would definitely get the Escali Primo Scale. It would come in so handy! I would use the leftover money for some sprinkles!!
Morgan Whipple: Subscriber
Karen Bradley
Karen Bradley ~ I would buy as many cutters as I could!
Morgan Whipple: I am thankful to be a mother to two wonderful girls!
Karen Bradley ~ Subscriber
Karen Bradley ~ I am thankful for the health of my family
Mary Delmege: I would put it toward the winter super kit.
Mary Delmege: Subscriber
Kirsten Dasilva
Mary Delmege: I am grateful for a good job.
Jeanine Crane: subscriber
Jeanine Crane; I am thankful for a wonderful husband. He's the best!
kelly jones...I am greatful for many things, but my family is #1.
I would get the winter super kit!
LaNiece Roundy
Jennifer Elton: I would probably buy a cookie book and a cookie book starter kit
Jennifer Elton: Email Subscriber
Shannon Blockburger: subscriber
Jennifer Elton: I am thankful for my husband.
Shannon Blockburger: I am thankful for amazing in-laws who take good care of me.
I am grateful for my family and my home and my friends. I'm also grateful for the blessings we receive daily, and that we have been fortunate enough to get by during these hard times.
Brenda Finlinson
Alison Jennings: subscriber
Stacy Compton: subscriber
Alison Jennings: I am thankful for my family and that we are all healthy and loving life.
Stacy Compton: I am thankful that we love where we live and for great neighbors who have made us feel so welcome in such a short amount of time.
Amelia Poll
Amelia Poll: Subscriber
Kim Lambert.
Amelia Poll: I am thankful for a wonderful husband who supports me and works hard to support our family.
beth anne service
i just lost 20 pounds and this would be a delicious way to find them!
Amanda Stephens: Subscriber
karen andrews I think the mitten and hat cookie set would be great!
karen andrews subscriber
karen andrews I have so much to be grateful for ... good health is just one thing I am grateful for!
Amanda Stephens: Always the first thing I am grateful for is my family. I love them so much!
Jennie Larsen~ I would love Karens cookies "santa ones" because, I could decorate the cookies with my children and create a lasting memory!
Amelia Poll: I would love the Santa Cookie decorating kit.
Jamie Brady
Rachel Kimbler: I would get lots of different sprinkles!!!
Rachel Kimbler: I am grateful for a good nights sleep!!
Jamie Brady: I would probably get the sprinkle sets, especially the pastels & valentine ones. Thanks!
Tenille Blackett: I am thankful for my family and their health and strength
Jinii Boren:I would love the Christmas sprinkle set.
Heather Doman - I like the Snowflake decorating kit. I like how they look but have never wanted to actually accumulate all the supplies!
Stephanie Taylor- I would like the Christmas tree decorating kit.
Stephanie Taylor-subscribed
Jamie Brady: I'm grateful for my husband and my babies. Life would be so empty without them. They fill my days with love, laughter, trials, and learning. They are my heart.
Stephanie Taylor- I am grateful for my amazing family. With 3 young children and one on the way, my hands are truely full of joy.
shanda wootton: Subscriber
shanda wootton: I am thankful that I got the opportunity to become a mom this year! Best feeling ever!
Nicole Beverly
Amanda Moore
Kami Milliron : Subscriber
Kami Milliron : I am thankful for a husband who loves me no matter what - even when I am 9 months pregnant and the biggest brat ever !
Kendall Stevens
Kendall Stevens: How cute is the baby onesie decorating kit? SO CUTE!
Heather Doman - I am so grateful for my new friends in my new neighborhood. Finding good friends has made all the difference in how I feel about where I live.
Kami Milliron : Can I have everything ! I would love the cookie cutters, especially the Train Car / Caboose one. My Son is obsessed with Trains and loves the movie Polar Express. That would be a nice surprise for him : )
Sarah Freitas
I would get a bunch of the cookie cutter sets. And also the complete cookie card set.
I visited the site and if I won I would get the My Cookie Book COMPLETE SET! So fun.
Nicole Beverly
Kendall Stevens Subscriber
Heidi Kartchner
I like the onesie kit!
Heidi Kartchner
Heidi Kartchner
I am thankful for my husband...he works so hard for our family and is such a good daddy and a terrific husband!!
Sarah Freitas
I am grateful for my family. My awesome hubby and my 2 cute kiddos. And my parents & sibs, too. We are a close-knit bunch and I am so grateful for that! :)
I already subscribe!
Nicole Beverly
I am grateful for my family and friends... I am truly blessed!
Nicole Beverly
Kendall Stevens I am grateful for my husband's job and our good health.
Kara BUrns : Subscriber
Samantha buntin
Rachel Cultice: subscribed
Rachel Cultice: Love the snowman kit
Rachel Cultice: I am grateful of course for my gorgeous children and my wonderful husband!
Erin Sanderson- The snowflake cookie decorating kit
Erin Sanderson- Subscriber
Erin Sanderson- I'm grateful for a lot of things...My family, my husbands job that supports us, our home...so much to be thankful for!
Linda Muir:I would choose the snow sprinkle set-6 pack and the Snowflake 2 cookie cutter, and I'd make cookies with my grandkids who love sprinkles!!
Linda Muir:Subscriber
Samantha Buntin: I love the mitten and winter cap kit and all the cookie cutters!!
Linda Muir:I'm most grateful for family, friends and this free country we live in...
Samantha Buntin: subscriber
Janelle Dudley: I would get a couple of the gourmet food writer pens, some food coloring, and sprinkles in cool shapes!
Samantha Buntin: I am so grateful for healthy children!!
Janelle Dudley: Subscriber
Janelle Dudley; I am thankful for my children. Even when they drive me crazy!
Jennye Harding: I am thankful for my Thankgiving surprise...a new baby on the way!!
Melanie Egbert: I am grateful for so many things, but most especially my family.
Brandi Frandsen: I want the Santa Cookie Kit!
jan sanderson
sandy du thankful for family
Brandi Frandsen: I am thankful.... that all of my kiddos are officially potty trained.
sandy du subscriber
sanddu love the baby ones
camille rogers- I am thankful for hot chocolate!
Jennifer Pollan - I am so thankful for my family this year, they have been at my side during this tough year.
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