Baby Blvd is very excited about their new products they have added since the last time they were featured on Give Away Today. They have New Fabric Flower Headbands that are SO cute! Each Flower Clip is hand-sewn.
Also, Baby Blvd came up with a cute, new and unique idea for babies and children- a wrist corsage. Some corsages come as a set with a fabric flower headband. Or you can buy them separate. They tie on to fit any size princess. They are adorable for those first infant photo shoots or they are great for accessorizing every day and for any age!

Baby Blvd is always trying to come up with new ideas and products that are original to everything else out there. All of their products are made in a smoke free/pet free home.
DISCOUNT: Baby Blvd will offer a 15% discount to those who email their orders and mention Giveaway Today until December 18th.
Baby Blvd is giving away a $25.00 gift certificate to their online store, as well as free shipping to the winner. For those of you living in the United States, you can enter to win up to THREE times.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Baby Blvd's online store here. Look at their great products and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would use your gift certificate on if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I would definitely want a few of their new wrist corsages for my little girls. How fun and original are those?
For a third entry, become a Facebook Fan of Give Away today here. Once you have become a fan or if you are already a fan, you receive a second entry.
Example: Jane Doe: Facebook Fan
The winner of the gift certificate from Baby Blvd will be announced Monday, December 14th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 720 Newer› Newest»Nilanthi King
Nilanthi King: Either the green, red, and white butterfly apron; or the red cherries apron.
Chatti Stavast: Wow! So many cute things! I really like the ORANGE Pleated Tote and the flowers made out of ribbon and the matching totes with scripture covers.....
Chatti Stavast
Erica Wyatt lvwyattfamily at cox dot net
Erica Wyatt I love the CTR scripture covers. lvwyattfamily at cox dot net
Erica Wyatt facebook fan lvwyattfamily at cox dot net
mandy dow
mandy dow: those ribbon flowers are so adorable!
mandy dow: the tangerine circle ring bling is fantastic!
Jenny Rekeweg
Laura Waltz: I love the pleated tote in cut owl print for me, and probably some fabric bug clips for my neice (I don't have any girls, just boys!).
Laura Waltz: already a facebook fan
Tricia Folsom
Tricia Folsom - Facebook fan
April Maughan
April Maughan: I have 3 little girls so I'd probably go for some hair clips.
Marinda Wessman
Marinda Wessman: I love the fabric flower headbands
Amber Anderson
Katie Harrison: I am loving the Olive green Print tote & church set! SO pretty.
Katie Harrison: FB fan
Elizabeth Olson
Elizabeth Olson - love the idea of flower bracelets!
Amber Anderton
Love the bows! I especially love the Fabric Flower Clip with Headband- Chocolate and Turquoise!
Nicole Beverly
Amber Anderton: There are so many CUTE things, my problem would be in deciding what to chose. I really like the fabric flowers and the bug clips!!
Kati Mattingly
Michele Ondra: facebook fan
Michele Ondra- I would get a few of the reversible headbands. They are too cute!
Amber Anderton: facebook fan
Lani Wilkinson Facebook Fan
Amanda Stephens: I love the scripture cover. My daughter turns 8 in a few months and that would be a great gift for her.
Amanda Stephens: Facebook Fan
Pam Asbury
(Thanks for a fun giveaway!)
Lani Wilkinson: I would definitely get the brown and turquoise Tote and the chocolate and turquoise flower clip with headband
Brandy Doty: I love Baby Blvd. Been a follower for awhile. I would see about getting a scripture tote made and I would give it to a certain girl in my YW class as a Christmas Present.
Pam Asbury: I really love the wrist corsages!
Brandy Doty: Facebook fan.
Sarah Ebbert: I love the scripture covers, esp the flower one, but I also like the fabric flowers!!! cute stuff!
Pam Asbury: New Facebook Fan!
Jennifer Elton: Button
Jennifer Elton: I would love an apron if she still makes them or if not a flower headband and wrist corsage set
Nichole Seiler: facebook fan
Nichole Seiler: I would love the LDS MINI Quad Scripture Cover
Tara Rogers
Rachel Cultice
Rachel Cultice: My girls would love the bug and butterfly hair clips.
Tara Rogers: I like the Black and White large tote with hot pink.
Rachel Nelson
Cheryl Rhoades
Rachelle Steed: Fan
Brielle Broadhead
Brielle Broadhead- I love all the hair clips and the corsages what a cute idea.
I really like the lady bug scripture tote and cover. I have already ordered two cover and tote sets. These are so cute!!
Hannah Edwards
Hannah Edwards: I would have to get some of the waffle headbands for my 3 year old, her hair is always in her eyes!
I like the brown and turquoise fabric flower on brown headband
Melissa STringham: Facebook Fan
Hannah Edwards: Facebook Fan
Britney Jolley: I like the fabric flowers.
Britney Jolley: Facebook fan
Jeanine Crane: reversible headbands
Britney Young: Ribbon flowers
Danielle Kleczkowski: Facebook Fan
Emily Liles
Rachel KImbler: Facebook fan!
Rachel Kimbler: I love the pleated totes!
Melanie Foutz: I would live the black, white, & pink tote! So cute!
Melanie Foutz: Fan
Kristi Bassett
Melanie Spendlove: Facebook fan
Kristi Bassett: Lots of fabric flowers for the headbands and bracelets. I've ordered some before and looooove them!
Sherry Winckel-the orange pleated tote and the owl tote are adorable!
Kristi Bassett: facebook fan
Sherry Winckel-fb fan
Melanie Spendlove: I love the scripture cover and tote to put them in...darling
Rachel Bailey
I would love a tote! However all of those hair things look so cute too!
Deborah Chang
stephanie landeros
I would order some large chunky bows
Deborah Chang: I love the owl tote!
Deborah Chang: Facebook Fan
Anna Roberts: I would deffinantly have to get some of those fabric flower clips for my daughter, she's absolutely obsessed with barettes
Tenille Blackett: The hair clips are adorable.
Anna Roberts: Facebook Fan
Ashley Lown
Marvelle Morgan: the headbands are super cute
Ashley Lown - my daughter would love the reversible headbands!
Ashley Lown - fan!
Ashley Davidson: I'd like one of the totes
Kim Lambert. I would love an apron. I can't decide which one yet! :)
allesha rasmussen
Chelsey Long
Ruth Privitt-I like the green polka-dot scripture tote.
Chelsey Long: I would love to get some of their fabric flowers!
Lacy McDonald
Chelsey Long: Facebook Fan
Kendra Wright: I love the pleated totes and the scripture covers.
Kendra Wright: facebook fan
Lacy McDonald - pink and brown glitter headband
Jessica Hammond
Jessica Hammond: Fan
Jessica Hammond: Like the flowers or scripture covers
amaree matthews, fan
Brittney SHawver
carrie lim
Brittney SHawver- the pleated toted are way cute!! I'd buy one!
Kelly Spence: FB Follower
Leslie Bloomquist
Telsha Winger- I would probably have to get some of those adorable fabric flower headbands.
Telsha Winger- Facebook Fan
Sarah Freitas
I would get a wrist corsage for my little girl and a reversible headband. And then the pleated tote brown and aqua.
Hayley Peterson
Sarah Freitas: FB fan!
Hayley Peterson; Facebook fan
shelly lyons
Jane Brady
Cheryl Rhoades: Facebook fan
Whitney Hyer
Hayley Peterson; if I won the giveaway, I would probably get a cute scripture case with handles and a fabric flower to put on top! Must accessorize!
Jane Brady: Red Frilly Bow and Turquoise and Brown Stripes CTR cover for my daughters
Linda Muir:I like the pink & black polka dot tote...
Linda Muir:fan
Jane Brady: Facebook Fan
carrie ovard - I like the CTR scripture set. My little girl is going to be baptised soon and this would be great for her.
carrie ovard - facebook fan
Aubrey Seeholzer
Aubrey Seeholzer: Fan
Adrienne Gilbert-facbook fan
Megan Thompson
Kara Burns : I am a facebook fan
Jill Greenwood
Jill Greenwood: Love the cute CTR totes!
Jill Greenwood: Fan
Heidi Kartchner
Okay I need a matching bow headband with a bracelet!! Too cute!!
Heather McDonald the Orange pleated tote is darling!
Megan Thompson: I would love a scripture cover and butterfly clips!
Heather McDonald Facebook fan
Emily Orton: I need some cute headbands and flowers for our baby girl we just found out we're having!
Mary Mclain
Mary Mclain: I like the Pink and Black Polk dot tote with a flower to match.
Teresa Powell
Teresa Powell: facebook fan
Hilary Roller - Facebook fan
Amy Horton
Jami Sorensen
I would use my gift certificate to buy Pleated Tote CUTE OWL FABRIC and the matching LDS QUAD Scripture Cover.
Ashley Camp: I love the beanies and chunky bows!
I became a Facebook fan.
Kami Milliron : I LOVE the Green and Cream Flower Tote !
Amber Henderson
Kami Milliron : Fan !
Amber Henderson, Facebook Fan
Amber Henderson, I love the pink and black tote!
Ashley Schulthies: facebook fan
Shelli Kennington
Katie Yates
Megan Thompson: Facebook Fan...I HOPE! I did it but I don't know where to find the link on my fb page! But in good faith I signed up!!
Ashley Schulthies:I love the bug hair clips and brown and pink polka dot tote
janet holm
Amber Bennett
Danna Gray
Sarita Rogers: Facebook fan
katie van houten facebook fan
Sarita Rogers: Pleated Tote BROWN AND TURQUOISE
Ashley Whitehead: WHat a cute idea...wrist corsages for sure!
jessica petersen
Christiann Griffin I like the Ribbon Flower Headband PINK AND BROWN
Sarah Tadje: I love the orange pleated tote.
Crystal Freeman: I would get some headbands & wrist corsages.
Crystal Freeman: Facebook Fan
Melanie Heightman: I love the totes and beanies!
Carisa Bruderer: I would get several of the bug and butterfly clips, they are adorable.
Carisa Bruderer: Facebook Fan
Alyssa Young - facebook fan
Tanya Stout: I love the owl pleated tote!
Candice Perez: I like the tote bags and scripture covers
Candice Perez: I like the tote bags and scripture covers
Janelle Dudley; so many cute options! I love the
Red Flower Corsage and Flower Headband SET
Janelle Dudley fb fan
Erin Engler
Erin Engler: Pink and Silver Bling Flower with Pink 1.5 inch Waffle Headband
Erin Engler: Facebook fan
Sunny Myres: The brown flower headband for big girls.
Tracy Murri
Christie MacDonald
I want all the headbands for my little princess
Tiffany Cottam: I would love the reversible headbands
Jessica Ribble
Christie MacDonald
facebook fan
Amanda Clawson
Amanda Clawson: FB Fan
Amanda Clawson: I love the orange and turquosie polka dot cover!!! oh so cute!!
Tiffany Cottam: facebook fan
Trina Harding: I really like the reversible headbands and the corsage sets--it would be hard to pick one.
Trina Harding: facebook fan
Angela Graves: Facebook fan
Amanda Bradshaw - I would love any of the pleated totes!
amy pugmire: love the fabric flower clips
amy pugmire: fb fan.
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