Monday, December 7, 2009

Today, December 7th, we are Giving Away Gift Certificates and Utah Jazz Tickets...(CLOSED)

Scribble It is Giving Away THREE (Possibly FOUR)
$25.00 Gift Certificates to Their Online Store

I gave my sister Mr. Owl from Scribble It for her birthday.
As soon as I saw him in her laundry room (that's her laundry room in the above picture), I knew I must get a Mr. Owl for my laundry room too.
Because, c'mon, who couldn't use a friend while doing the laundry?
I know I could use a feathered gentleman watching over me as I did my least favorite household chore.
In fact, the only thing better than having a friend watching over you while doing your laundry would be if that friend were to do the laundry for you.
But Mr. Owl's job is not to do your laundry.
It is only to make you happy.
While doing your laundry.
Make sense?

And here are some more items from Scribble It to make you happy this holiday season.
To adorn your home or someone's you know:


Saw one of these in my neighbor's house--love it!


Unique...and non-breakable

FREEBIE FOR EVERYONE: If you order something from Scribble It and mention Give Away Today, you will receive a a free 8" JOY decal (I got one when I received my Mr. Owl--I'm going to place it on an ornament)

Anyone, anywhere can enter to win one of the $25 gift certificates from Scribble It up to FOUR items today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Scribble It's online store here. You will like what you see--a lot of great ideas for Christmas. Once you have looked around, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would spend your $25.00 on if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I would want vinyl lettering that says "Return with Honor". I would place it above the door in my laundry room. The kids grab their backpacks from the laundry room each morning before leaving for school.

For a third entry, Scribble It is going to offer a FOURTH $25.00 Gift Certificate if there over 1500 comments today. Do you think we can do it? Do you think we can get over 1500 comments today? I think we can. We've done it before, let's do it again. Therefore, spread the word by Tweeting, updating your Facebook Status; sending text or emails to family and friends; or by mentioning today's giveaway at playgroups, around the water cooler, or what have you. Tell people to visit to enter to win and we can earn ourselves another $25 Gift Certificate! Once you have sufficiently spread the word, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and how you spread it.
Example: Jane Doe: I sent out Give Away Today's monthly newsletter (if you didn't get it, but would like to be on the list, sign up on the right-hand side bar), I also updated Facebook and Twitter to let people know about today's giveaways.

For a fourth entry, see all those buttons on the right-hand side bar? They are all companies we will be featuring in the next two weeks--we have some fabulous things in store for you as far as giveaways and DISCOUNTS! Please visit at least two of the company's websites by clicking on their button. Once you have visited two companies website, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the companies you visited.
Example: Jane Doe: I visited their cards; What's Your Virtue--want to get some of their lip gloss for my nieces for Christmas; and I also stopped by Crunchy Cute--great organizers.

The winners of the gift certificates from Scribble It will be announced tomorrow, December 8th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway. Thanks and have a great weekend!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1013   Newer›   Newest»
Aubree said... 1

Aubree Berry

Aubree said... 2

Aubree Berry: I would get the supplies to make the Christmas countdown blocks.

Amanda Jones said... 3

Amanda Jones

Brooke said... 4

Brooke Declusin

Elaine said... 5

Elaine Hearn

Elaine said... 6

Elaine Hearn: I visited Shade and the pickled pumpkin.

Brooke said... 7

Brooke Declusin: Love the " Believe in the Magic of Christmas"!

Amanda Jones said... 8

Amanda Jones: I would get the Whimsical and Fun Monogram for our funky office and then use the rest to get some customize letters for a craft project for my home

Amber said... 9

Amber Goddard

Amber said... 10

Amber Goddard: I would get the Christmas countdown. I love it and my old one broke in the hands of my 20 month old son :(

Brooke said... 11

Brooke Declusin: I tweeted!

Brooke said... 12

Brooke Declusin: I visted shade clothing and Lush boutique! What wonderful items they both have!

Amber said... 13

AMber Goddard: I visited the Chunky Pearl and Lush Boutique :)

TJ said... 14

TJ Dickerson

TJ said... 15

TJ Dickerson: oh man, visiting their site, I bought something! But I still want more, I want the kitchen utensils for behind my stove.

Anonymous said... 16

Ryan Mattingley

Carley said... 17

Carley Conger

TJ said... 18

TJ Dickerson: I visited Crinkled Nose, MindyMae and Personal Charm

Rusti said... 19

Rusti Hollberg

Laci J said... 20

Laci Mattingley ~ I called my mom and told her to come check out this site today.

Carley said... 21

Carley Conger: if I won I would want the "Santa Stop Here" vinyl for my front door.

Carley said... 22

Carley Conger: I called my sisters and told them about today's giveaway.

Laci J said... 23

Laci Mattingley ~ I liked the Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley's Be's.

Anonymous said... 24

Robbie Wuitschick

Rusti said... 25

Rusti Hollberg: I would get the set of 3 chalkboard circles for my sons room. Love them!

Rusti said... 26

Rusti Hollberg: Shared the message on MSN Live Messenger. It will remain until tomorrow. :)

Erica Wyatt said... 27

Erica Wyatt

Erica Wyatt said... 28

ERica Wyatt I love the quote Try a little harder to be a little better.

Erica Wyatt said... 29

Erica wyatt - Facebooked it.

Erica Wyatt said... 30

Erica Wyatt Visited Studio JK Vinyl and crunchy cute

Rusti said... 31

Rusti Hollberg: Stopped by Lush Boutique- looooove The Serena necklace! And the Novia earrings! And The Getaway earrings!.... Stopped by Baby Blvd- cutest baby headbands! I'm buying a stack of them!

Dustin and Kristin said... 32

Kristin Wilberg

Dustin and Kristin said... 33

Kristin Wilberg: I visisted Sophies Chic Boutique and Shade.

Anonymous said... 34

Anne Scalarone

Dustin and Kristin said... 35

Kristin Wilberg: I want the Christmas Countdown.

Anonymous said... 36

Anne Scalarone: I would get the "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" vinyl.

Anonymous said... 37

Anne Scalarone: I tweeted!

Anonymous said... 38

Anne Scalarone: I visited Sophie's Chic Boutique- I've been wanting the fleur with wings cardigan now for about a month ;) and I visited the Chunky Pearl- I love the Bella bracelet, well because I love anything that has to do with Twilight! :)

Em said... 39

Emily Chapman

Ali said... 40

Ali Ford

the Scoutmaster said... 41

WendiLyn Jensen

Anonymous said... 42

Shaunna Fuller

The Hyding Place said... 43

Jamie Hyde

Anonymous said... 44

Ireta Jensen

Anonymous said... 45

Lara Izant

Anonymous said... 46

Lara Izant: I plan on getting a temple kit for myself, as well as the Christmas Countdown & Be Blocks. I have already purchased a temple kit for my friend & I know she'll love it! It's gorgeous.

Anonymous said... 47

Lara Izant: I emailed some of my friends with a link to Give Away Today!

Anonymous said... 48

Lara Izant: I visited Crinkled Nose; they have so really cute designs. I also visited Crunchy Cute which was perfect because I have been looking for a way to organize my coupons. Right now I just throw them all in one envelope & it's annoying to have to sift through them!

The Hawkins said... 49

Laura Hawkins

The Hawkins said... 50

Laura Hawkins. I would get the nativity to use as a gift for someone I know really wants it! I love it and think it is so pretty.

Gage said... 51

krista gage

Gage said... 52

krista gage: I would love to get the little airplane with the name behind it for my son's room.

Stelios said... 53

Jasmine Talbot

Unknown said... 54

Victoria Weaver

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said... 55


Unknown said... 56

Victoria Weaver: I love all of the craft kits!

Susan said... 57

Susan Giles

Susan said... 58

Susan Giles - I LOVE "It's only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis" AND "When I said 'I do', I didn't mean laundry".

Susan said... 59

Susan Giles - I visited Ultimate 72 Hour Kits and Crunchy Cute.

Emily S. said... 60

Emily Staffaroni

April and Michael Maughan said... 61

April Maughan

April and Michael Maughan said... 62

April Maughan: Wow. Give Generously, Receive Graciously for Christmas. The Butterfly girls name. The Abraham Lincoln quote on happiness.

Emily said... 63

Emily Sharpe

Liz said... 64

liz martelle

Coordination Queen said... 65
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole-Lynn said... 66

I love the "Will go along with your photo wall" monogram.

Nicole Beverly

jeanine said... 67

Jeanine Crane

jeanine said... 68

Jeanine Crane: the enjoy life! quote

Coordination Queen said... 69
This comment has been removed by the author.
J, K, L, and D said... 70

I love the home sweet home decal. Would be so beautiful to come home to!

Coordination Queen said... 71
This comment has been removed by the author.
J, K, L, and D said... 72

I visited - I won some cards & loved them, so I am thinking about getting some more - & I visited Sophie's Chic Boutique - love their diaper bags.

Coordination Queen said... 73
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tenille said... 74

Tenille Blackett

S Palfreyman said... 75

Stacy Palfreyman

S Palfreyman said... 76

Stacy Palfreyman; I would either get the "Be's' or the Christmas count down. They have so many great products it was hard to decide!

Dawn said... 77

Dawn Gee

Gaskin Girl said... 78

Nicole Gaskin

Gaskin Girl said... 79

Nicole Gaskin: I really like the Christmas countdown blocks. I don't have any sort of advent calendar, so I need one!

S Palfreyman said... 80

Stacy Palfreyman; I visited The Chunky Pearl and Crunchy Cute. Fun places!

Mary said... 81

Mary Delmege

Jenni said... 82

Jenni Roseland

Joanna said... 83

Joanna Hawkins: I would get something about brothers for my boys' bedroom.

Rachel said... 84

Rachel Cultice

Rachel said... 85

Rachel Cultice: I have always loved the "Wisemen still seek him" phrase, and would choose that if I won.

Anonymous said... 86

Jamie Payne

Kimi said... 87

Kim Noorlander

Anonymous said... 88

Jamie Payne: I like the Joy to the World decal and the Christmas countdown kit.

Unknown said... 89

Amy Cunningham

Unknown said... 90

Amy Cunningham: The Live, Laugh Love decal

Unknown said... 91

Amy Cunningham: I facebooked all my friends about it!

April Bird said... 92

April Bird; I'd like to design my own saying to go on a wall in our new addition

Michelle Frame said... 93

I would get the pinweel decal.

Liberti said... 94

Liberti van Gass

Michelle Frame said... 95

Michelle Frame- I called my sister and mother to tell them about the giveaway.

Michelle Frame said... 96

Michelle Frame- I visited crunchy cute and the crafty moms.

Liberti said... 97

Liberti van Gass: Can't find it online, but I'm loving the metal nativity!

John and Debbie said... 98

Debbie Lee

Unknown said... 99

Elisa Hutchings: I would buy their most popular monogram. Newly married so I can imagine my new name looking awesome.

Anonymous said... 100

Shannon Mathena

John and Debbie said... 101

Debbie Lee: I would love the vinyl wall sticker 'Sparrows Branch'. It would go on the wall of the dining room so that I could pretend they were singing during our supper

googlebug said... 102

Jeni Wilson: I love the "Laundry Room, loads of fun" art.

googlebug said... 103

Jeni Wilson: Emailed a link to my friends.

Anonymous said... 104

Kati Mattingly

googlebug said... 105

Jeni Wilson: Crunchy cute and Pickled Pumpkin

Katie said... 106

katie van houten front door saying

Adrienne Gilbert said... 107

Adrienne Gilbert, I love the Christmas countdown blocks!

Anonymous said... 108

Kati Mattingly: I would love to get the quote, "You're stronger than you seem; braver than you believe; and smarter than you think you are.

Anonymous said... 109

Ashley Lown

Anonymous said... 110

Katrina Brush

Anonymous said... 111

Ashley Lown - the snowflake decals are so cute.

Anonymous said... 112

Ashley Lown - I posted it on my blog

Anonymous said... 113

Ashley Lown - Milan maternity, and baby blvd (so excited for that one!)

domesticish diva said... 114

Elizabeth Kelemen: All because two people fell in love! The craft kits are cute too!!!

Anonymous said... 115

Katrina Brush: I would love my girl's name with the butterfly or a set of flower decals for their bedroom wall.

Anonymous said... 116

miranda metekingi

Anonymous said... 117

miranda metekingi - I sent my friends a text to check it out

The Shane Gang said... 118

Jessica Shane

Anonymous said... 119

miranda metekingi - love the christmas countdown. My birthday is the last day of november so i'm always looking for awesome christmas countdowns

domesticish diva said... 120

Elizabeth Kelemen: I checked out the Pickeled Pumpkin - cute snowman! and Studio JK - can't wait to order something for the nursery!

Jessica said... 121

Jessica Olsen

Kristen said... 122

Kristen Stabler - I visited Sophie's Chic Boutique and Shade Clothing.

Anonymous said... 123

Brenda Finlinson

Eric Rogers said... 124

Sarita Rogers: I would get the airplane with a name decal for my son's room.

Jessica said... 125

Jessica Wells

Kristen said... 126

Kristen Stabler - I like the Christmas countdown blocks.

Jessica said... 127

Jessica Wells: I love the idea of getting numbers and doing a Christmas count down.

Nichole said... 128

Nichole Seiler I would love the Having a family is truly a blessing
decoy. I would put it in my living room.

Adam and Sarah said... 129

Sarah Freitas
Scribble It is my favorite! I would get "The Gathering Place" quote, one of the "Love" sayings (I can't narrow it down!) and a custom order, too.

jillykat07 said... 130

Jill Kathan!

Adam and Sarah said... 131

Sarah Freitas
I told my mom and hubby & emailed my sister.

Beth said... 132

Beth Jensen: Updated Facebook status

Jessica said... 133

Jessica Wells: I emailed my sister to check it out. I this will be her first time checking out your site.

jillykat07 said... 134

Jill Kathan:
I would buy something cute for my little 2 yr old's playroom like the pinwheels!!

Jessica said... 135

Jessica Holloway, I love the tin wreath!

Sherry said... 136

Sherry Winckel updated fb status

tinahead81 said... 137

Tina Muldoon

Anonymous said... 138

Dianna Fillmore

tinahead81 said... 139

Tina Muldoon: definetly would get the christmas countdown...i've been eyeing that up for a while now!!

Unknown said... 140

Jennie larsen~ I would use the gift card and buy a count down calender... I want one real bad!

pinon family said... 141

Marissa Pinon

Sherry said... 142

Sherry Winckel--Love the long shirts from Shade Clothes. Also the Crinkled nose has cute note cards. I'm a big beliver in hand written sentament.

Memories for Life said... 143

Edi Royer

Great minds think fave is the owl you got :)

Brittany Ann said... 144

Brittany Hansen: I love the "Soothe your soul" vinyl for the bathroom. Perfect!

Jen said... 145

Jennifer McGuire

Jen said... 146

I would get the berry wreath with our last name and Est 2004.

Cindy said... 147

Cindy Nelson: I love the Joy To The World decal!

Kris said... 148

Kristen GOurley

Karley said... 149

karley simmons : visited sassy babies and toy box tees

privitt58 said... 150

Ruth PRivitt- I like the countdown blocks. Grandkids would love to come change them everyday. Lots of cute things though

Melissa Stringham said... 151

Melissa Stringham: I would get the clouds for my little girl's room

Melissa Stringham said... 152

Melissa Stringham: I emailed all of my friends who would be interested in entering.

Karley said... 153

Karley simmons : I love the happiness attitude quote, but I really love the metal nativity many choices

privitt58 said... 154

Ruth Privitt-I like the modest clothes from shade. Also the chunky watch bands from bangles and bands.

John and Debbie said... 155

Debbie Lee: I emailed the GiveAway Today link to my friends

Melissa Stringham said... 156

Melissa Stringham: I visited Milan Maternity and Shade clothing - two awesome stores for maternity clothes!

Karley said... 157

karley simmons : Fb about this, figured already doing it about the jazz tickets, might as well go for double

Adam and Sarah said... 158

Sarah Freitas
I visted Lush Boutique (those necklaces are to die for!) and Shade Clothing (because I LOVE Shade!).

The Leggs said... 159

Amy Legg - I love all their block sets and the temple decals.

The Leggs said... 160

Amy Legg, I put a post up on Facebook and emailed my friends that order from Scribble It.

Unknown said... 161

Lorene Nance -- I love Scribble It! (and I'm pretty picky about what vinyl sayings I like :) I've got my eye on the Live Laugh Love blocks, and I'm saving my pennies so I can own them even if I don't win today. :)

The Leggs said... 162

Amy Legg - I visited Shade and Milan Maternity. I am going to have to get some maternity clothes soon.

John and Debbie said... 163

Debbie Lee: I visited Crafty Moms - I like the clippies! They are so sweet! I also visited Crunchy Cute - I like the pocket organisers, especially the one with the sweet fabric birdie

The Bucks said... 164

Megan Buck: the "Family" one with the names arching above it.

kim wilson said... 165

kim wilson; love the nativity scene

The Bucks said... 166

Megan Buck: emailed my friends and family

Unknown said... 167

Lorene Nance -- I posted on my blog and I plan on telling everyone I talk to today about Scribble It and this giveaway because I love it so much. :)

Unknown said... 168

Lorene Nance - I visited Shade, Virtue, and Lush. Very excited for all 3 of these giveaways!

The Bucks said... 169

Megan Buck: The Chunky Pearl and Crunchy Cute

Denise said... 170

Denise Hone

Lindsey said... 171

lindsey dean - i really like the temple kits

Denise said... 172

Denise Hone: I emailed the link to my friends.

Denise said... 173

Denise Hone: I love all the family quotes

Lindsey said... 174

lindsey dean- i visitied shade and photos by EMilie

Denise said... 175

Denise Hone: The Material Girls and Shade Clothing. I love those companies.

Wilder said... 176

Amy Wilder: love the little bird on a branch decal

Anonymous said... 177

allesha rasmussen

Melanie said... 178

Melanie Foutz: I'd grab a few of the holiday sayings.

Melanie said... 179

Melanie Foutz: I emailed all my friends & told them to come enter!

Anonymous said... 180

Leslie Bloomquist

Melanie said... 181

Melanie Foutz: I visited The Chunky Pearl, The Pickled Pumpkin, & Scrapping Simply.

Anonymous said... 182

Ora Bridges

Anonymous said... 183

I would do a special order, something personalized for our family

Hayley said... 184

Hayley Peterson

Hayley said... 185

Hayley Peterson; I would get one of the temple pics. Prob the SLC temple, since that's where I was married :)

Hayley said... 186

Hayley Peterson; wrote about the giveaway on my Facebook and sent an email to my girlfriends who would love some vinyl. Plus, told the gals at work to enter to win the giveaway, though it hurts my chances of winning :)

linda said... 187

Linda Muir:I would choose the Mr. Owl on a branch in chocolate. I also love the Christmas Countdown...

Anonymous said... 188

Kelly Roper

Anonymous said... 189

Jessica Hammond

Anonymous said... 190

Jessica Hammond: Love the nativity

Ashley Davidson said... 191

Ashley Davidson: I would get the Christmas Countdown or the Nativity

Anonymous said... 192

Jessica Hammond: Materail Girls and Baby Blvd

Tracey said... 193

tracey braithwaite - I would like to create a personalized saying for my walls if I win.

Audra said... 194

Audra Jensen

Bess Family said... 195

Teresa Bess: I would love the Christmas count down!

The Jolley Family said... 196

Britney Jolley: I want the Always Kiss Me Goodnight vinyl to start with, but I like so many of them. It's a hard choice.

Tracey said... 197

tracey braithwaite - I emailed and texted about this giveaway

The Jolley Family said... 198

Britney Jolley: I told some family members about the giveaways.

Tracey said... 199
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tracey said... 200

tracey braithwaite - I visited Material Girls and Beads, Bangles and Bands websites!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1013   Newer› Newest»