Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Today, July 1st, We are Giving Away... (PRIZES CLAIMED)

Four different $25 prize packages from Julianna Wolfley with Sensaria Natural Bodycare

Remember those old commercials for Calgon where a busy housewife would be surrounded by chaos and she would yell out the phrase “Calgon take me away!” Then the next scene shows her relaxing in a luxurious quiet bathtub? Three words: heaven on earth.

Well some key words from Sensaria’s website are “repair and restore, soothe and smooth, relax and rejuvenate.” Doesn’t that make you want to say, “Sensaria, take me away!” Every woman (and Man) deserves to be pampered and if you don’t have the time or resources to visit an expensive day spa, Sensaria has the products for you. All of Sensaria’s products are made with the purest, natural ingredients making them one of the best products you can put on your skin, face, hair, lips, body etc. Sensaria also has a 100% satisfaction guaranteed policy so you can order online with confidence.

There will be FOUR Winners today! And here are the glorious prizes:
* One $25.00 gift certificate to Sensaria
*One Sensaria Premier Membership (a $25.00 value) - the winner will get 20% off all online orders for one year! Plus several exclusive offers.
*One Lotion Scent Sampler (a $28.00 value)
*One Sweet and Smooth Salt Sugar Scrub (a $25.00 value)

Now I will tell you how I am envisioning using some of Sensaria’s products:

Yummy lip balm complete with SPF for a lazy day at the pool

A sugar scrub to use during a relaxing “post-pool” bath soak A nice thick body butter to make sure skin stays smooth (and help with probable sunburns) Or perhaps I’ll give myself a manicure tonight while I’m watching my favorite show Are you with me? Do you need a little time? By yourself or with a few friends? To be pampered? In your own home? Well, you are in luck because Julianna of Sensaria can provide that for you. She can come to your home to give you and your friends a complete spa experience. And just to sweeten the deal, anyone in the Salt Lake and surrounding areas who books a spa experience with her will receive a free Sweet and Smooth (that luxurious scrub that you almost want to eat.) Just email her at to set up a date.

Ready to purchase? With a DISCOUNT? Anyone who orders from Julianna and mentions Giveaway Today will receive 10% off their order. All orders must be emailed to to receive the discount. You cannot order from her website to get the discount.

You can enter to win one of four prize packages from Sensaria up to THREE times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry please visit Sensaria here. Get into a self-pampering mood and pick which product you could really use after a long day. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and which product you would choose.
Example: Jane Doe: I think I need the aroma sensory oil to calm, relax and rejuvenate my home.

For a third entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and your favorite way to unwind after a long day.
Example: Jane Doe: Taking a bath (during the winter) or spending time outside with my family--it’s especially nice if neighbors stop by for a chat (during the summer)

The four winners of the products from Sensaria will be announced Thursday, July 2nd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and have a great day!

P.S. Happy Canada Day to our friends to the North!


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Amy said...

Amy Lemon

Joy said...

Joy Albrecht

Amy said...

Amy Lemon: Beach Scent Body Bundle


Amy said...

Amy Lemon: Put baby to sleep, Me+Movie+Giant Pillow+Hagen Daaz

Anonymous said...

Julie Pocock

Anonymous said...

Julie Pocock: jojoba oil

Anonymous said...

Julie Pocock: After everyone else is asleep and the house is quiet, anything is relaxing for me!

Nina said...

Irina Sagarbarria

Nina said...

Irina Sagarbarria: I could definitely use the Beta Blend Sensory Oil to give me the energy boost I need.

Jenn said...

Jennifer Glover

Nina said...

Irina Sagarbarria: I soak my feet in warm water with a few drops of peppermint oil to invigorate them.

Unknown said...

Amy Pugmire

Unknown said...

Amy Pugmire: Tender Touch Manicure System

Unknown said...

Amy Pugmire: I take a nice warm bubble bath

Casey said...

Casey Draper

Casey said...

Casey Draper: White Sand Body Scrub

Casey said...

Casey Draper: Going out to dinner and coming home to PJ's!

RJKR mom said...

Jori Thomas: the Daily sun protection spf 28 would be awesome

RJKR mom said...

Jori Thomas - unwinding for me is a good book, some yummy Italian take-out, a blanket and a fire place.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Thomson

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Thomson: rosemary mint lotion

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Thomson: hot tub with a foot rub from hubbie

Michelle said...

Michelle west

Michelle said...

Michelle west- my favorite way to unwind is to curl up with a good book

Michelle said...

Michelle west- i would like to pamper myself with the foot care products

Lilly said...

Eliane Tatei

Lilly said...

Eliane Tatei: Tropical Glow Body Lotion.

Lilly said...

Eliane Tatei: listen a great music with my eyes closed.

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

tara gruwell

Jodi said...

Jodi Wade

Jodi said...

Jodi Wade: Long bubble baths

Jodi said...

Jodi Wade: coconut body butter


sandy vaughan


sandy vaughan SPF Lip Balm Flavor Trio

is so need it! especially in the texas sun!


sandy vaughan

a nice cup of tea or sometimes a glass of wine but a cuppa will always do it.

Jaime said...

Jaime Jenkins

Courtnie said...

Courtnie Cotterell

Courtnie said...

Courtnie Cotterell: Mineral Moisturizer

Courtnie said...

Courtnie Cotterell: Put the kids to bed and eat dessert watching TV on the couch with my husband!

Melanee said...

Melanee Peterson: At the end of the day, I spend some time unwinding by talking to my husband (pillow talk) and usually reading a few chapters in a book.

Coordination Queen said...
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Coordination Queen said...
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Coordination Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy L said...

Amy Leach

Robin said...

Robin Love

Robin said...

Robin Love: Mango Body Butter

Fresh Start Academy said...

Jennifer Kasprzak

Robin said...

Robin Love: Hot bubble baths - all year round!

Fresh Start Academy said...

Jennifer Kasprzak
Tender Touch Manicure system and the lip balms with spf

Clouse House said...

Laura Clouse

Fresh Start Academy said...

Jennifer Kasprzak

I like to unwind by snuggling in my king size waterbed under the covers with all my kids watching a good family movie
on nights to myself I unwind by scrapbooking

Katie said...

Katherine Shannon

Katie said...

Katherine Shannon

Would love some Green Tea Body Butter to soften her skin!

Katie said...

Katherine Shannon

I love to unwind with a snack and a good movie on the sofa!

Jessica :) said...

Jessica Harwood

AnJilleen said...

AnJilleen McKinstry

AnJilleen said...

AnJilleen McKinstry: A good book

Angela said...

Angela Graves: I love to watch a movie cuddled up next to my hubby and daughter.

Melissa Kaye said...

Melissa Early

Jessica said...

Jessica Wells

Melissa Kaye said...

Melissa Early: The White Sand Body Scrub looks fabulous!

Melissa Kaye said...

Melissa Early: I love either taking a long hot bath with a book or watching a movie with my husband. Anything that decompresses from a long day of taking care of 3 young kids.

Lee said...

Lee Bay

Jessica said...

Jessica Wells: Once the kids are in bed and the house is quite, I pull out the knitting.

Lee said...

Lee Bay
Beta Blend Aroma-Sensory Bath Salts

Jessica said...

Jessica Wells: Cherry Almond body butter!!!

Lee said...

Lee Bay: I like a warm blanket and bowl of popcorn

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Featherstone

Anonymous said...

Julia Wright

Brittany Ann said...

Brittany Hansen

Brittany Ann said...

Brittany Hansen: Enzyme exfoliating treatment mask.

Brittany Ann said...

Brittany Hansen: the most effective way for me to wind down is to work out, but I often end up watching the office instead, which works almost just as well.

Macey said...

Macey Bishop

HappyHodges said...

Mindy Hodges

Unknown said...

Marvelle Morgan: reading a good book is my best way to unwind

Nutty Nielsen's said...

Utonya Nielsen

Funky Kim said...

Kim Funk

Funky Kim said...

Kim Funk: Cherry Almond Butter sounds delicious

Funky Kim said...

Kim Funk: A book in my bed all alone

Lynnderful said...

Lynn Hill

Nicole said...

Nicole Lindsey

southerninspiration said...

Suzanne Joffrion

Cyndie said...

Cyndie Call- I like to read at night. It's the only time I have to myself to just read!!!

Anonymous said...

Malinda Murray

Nicole said...

Nicole Lindsey: I love to sit on my bed or in a comfortable chair and read a good book :)

southerninspiration said...

great movie, feet up, chocolate treat! :)

Keri said...

Keri Antram

Brandon and Julie said...

Julie Carlson

Brandon and Julie said...

Julie Carlson put baby to sleep, grab a blanket and some ice cream and watch a great movie

HappyHodges said...

Mindy Hodges: OOOH! Im a product Junkie and would love anything from here but Im always in need of good chapstick :SPF Lip Balm Flavor Trio

Life, Love And Lola said...

Lecia Caraker

HappyHodges said...

Mindy Hodges: I love a nice bubble bath!!!!!!!!!

Cammi said...

cammi higley

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Amy Wendt

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Amy Wendt: After the bebe's asleep, it's my time to get some things done and then read.......

The Webber's said...

Brooke Webber

Mindi said...

mindi redd

The Webber's said...

Brooke Webber - Any of the foot care products! My feet really need it in the summer!!!

The Webber's said...

Brooke Webber - I just like to relax on the couch and enjoy quiet time, when it happens!

****traci*** said...

Traci Romph

Unknown said...

Karen Petersen

Jeanette said...

Jeanette Allday: Spa robe or cherry almond body wash

Jeanette said...

Jeanette Allday: sew

Clements Family said...

Lindsay Clements: rosemary mint lotion

Liz Michaud said...

Liz Michaud - The beach scent body bundle!

Liz Michaud said...

Liz Michaud - I love eating out after a long day, no cooking or cleaning!

Trinette Hayslip said...

Trinette Hayslip

Trinette Hayslip said...

Trinette Hayslip-Beta Blend Sensory Oil

Trinette Hayslip said...

Trinette Hayslip-Reading in the tub or in front of the fireplace...awww.

Anonymous said...

Shannon Hagedorn

Anonymous said...

Shannon Hagedorn: Tahitian Breeze Moisturizing Gel

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Summer Andrus - I would love to try one of their cleansers. My skin hasn't recovered ever since having my baby!

Anonymous said...

Shannon Hagedorn: A good DVD or book

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Summer Andrus - I love to go on walks, or curl up with a good book!

jeanine said...

Jeanine Crane: Beach Scent Body Bundle

jdavissquared said...

Jennifer Davis

jdavissquared said...

Jennifer Davis: I think I need the Raydiance Self Tanner.

jeanine said...

Jeanine Crane: nice hot bath & a good book

jdavissquared said...

Jennifer Davis: I like to sit on my back porch with a cocktail to unwind.

Maria said...

Maria Kendall

Anonymous said...

Laurel Goodroe

Anonymous said...

Janae Bang

Anonymous said...

Laurel Goodroe: I love body scrubs, they make me feel soft and smooth, I'd love the Cherry Almond Moisturizing Salt Glow

Anonymous said...

Laurel Goodroe: I like to unwind with a nice glass of wine and veg on the couch with the TV and my hubby

Anonymous said...

Geri Smith

Anonymous said...

Geri Smith- Tender Touch Manicure System

Anonymous said...

Geri Smith- baby to bed and bubble bath for me

Anonymous said...

Camille Brown

Anonymous said...

Camille Brown: Put kids to bed and read a good book

Audrey @ The Cloth Parcel said...

Audrey Mann- my favorite way to unwind is by watching a good movie.

Audrey @ The Cloth Parcel said...

Audrey Mann- I would love the SPF lib balm trio, perfect for summer!

Shannon said...

Shannon Watson

Emily said...

Emily Miller- I like to just sit down and watch the news after the kids are in bed

Anonymous said...

Camille Brown:Tender Touch Hand Care Caddy

mom2beachbums said...

Carmen Valencia

aleisha said...

Aleisha Martin. I love to take a shower then lay on my bed and put lotion on.

The Playin' Lakins said...

Lindsay Lakin: I want the scrub, the butter, the shampoo, ALL OF IT!

mom2beachbums said...

Carmen Valencia:Sweet and Smooth body scrub

The Playin' Lakins said...

Lindsay Lakin: After a long day I like to eat dinner on the porch and enjoy the summer breeze.

Lynne said...

Lynne Bowser

Tara said...

Tara Smith: coconut body butter

Tara said...

Tara Smith: I just like to relax with a good book.

Steve said...

Steven Smith: some foot repair stuff

Lynne said...

Lynne Bowser, sweet and smooth, to scrub my worries away...

Steve said...

Steven Smith: video games

mom2beachbums said...

Carmen Valencia: Right now my 7 month pregnant body likes a bath and then reclining in bed with my very varicosed leg up on as many pillows as it can be!

Lynne said...

Lynne to unwind by scrapbooking my family

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

SHannon White

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

Shannon White: I read my favorite blogs at the end of the day.

Dell Miller, Owner said...

sally miller

IandS said...

Stacey Morgan: All of the foot care - I wear flip flops year round so my feet could use some TLC

IandS said...

Stacey Morgan: a good soak in the tub

Dell Miller, Owner said...

sally miller- i would love the skin care system for my husband,
he is a welder and his skin is abused by the ultra lights, dirt and wind. It would be nice for him to feel soft to himself.

Dell Miller, Owner said...

sally miller
my favorite way to unwind after a long day is to sit on my porch and watch the clouds and listen to the crickets.

Keeping Up With Kaegan said...

Jennifer Pollan - I love to unwind with by just sitting on the couch cuddled up with my daughter and hubby watching all our fav summer shows.

Monica Daugherty said...

Monica Daugherty

Ľubaša said...

Lubica Kotmanikova

whit said...

Whitney Hill

udy family said...

Kassi Udy: a hot bubble bath w/ DIET COKE in hand!

whit said...

Whitney Hill
Rosemary Mint Moisturizing Salt Glow

Kjersten said...

Kjersten Vandenberghe: I think I would like the Cherry Almond Body Wash

Ľubaša said...

Lubica Kotmanikova: Jojoba Oil

udy family said...

Kassi Udy: foot care products... ahh!

Anonymous said...

Glenda Hirschi

Kjersten said...

Kjersten Vandenberghe: At the end of the day I like to unwind by curling up with a good book

Brittney Withers said...

Brittney Withers, lemongrass cucumber body butter

Anonymous said...

Glenda Hirschi: Love to unwind by sitting down w/ my husband to watch Private Practice

Ľubaša said...

Lubica Kotmanikova: I like to have feet bath at the end of long day. Its relaxing and helping me to bo OK again.

Anonymous said...

Kimberly Evans

Brittney Withers said...

Brittney Withers, I like putting a blanket on the grass in the backyard, and just relax and talk with my family after dinner

Anonymous said...

Kristin Keller

Anonymous said...

Kandis Clark

Anonymous said...

Kandis Clark: a foot massage from my hubby

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren: I love to go for a nice long run.

Anonymous said...

Amy Hirschi

Anonymous said...

Rebecca Facer

Aubrey said...

Aubrey Lomax

Anonymous said...

Rebecca Facer: curling up w/ a good book

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren: I would love Lotus Melon Blossom Body Butter!!!

Kristi said...

Kristi richmond

Anonymous said...

Kristin Keller
sitting down to watch the bachelorette

Kristi said...

Kristi Richmond: I love there lotus melon blossom body butter!

Kristi said...

Kristi Richmond: I love to hang out with my hubby and read a good book

JACK's house said...

Kim Howell- ultra calming gel mask

Aubrey said...

Aubrey Lomax - beta blenda aroma sensory bath salts

JACK's house said...

Kim Howell- I love to chill in the bathtub with a really good book

Aubrey said...

Aubrey Lomax - After I put my son to bed I like to curl up with a book to relax.

Natalie said...

Natalie Kofford

Natalie said...

Natalie Kofford: I love going for walks at sunset, especially in the summer.

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt:running

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha Holt:body butter

Anonymous said...

Ora Bridges

kelly l said...

kelly larsoon

Clint and DeAnne said...

DeAnne Smith: I would get the trio of chapsticks...the pina colada one would go straight to my sister. The manicure trio would be great as well. Soo many to chose from. :)

Kimberly said...

Kimberly Pueblo: veg in front of the tv

Dawn Polson said...

Dawn Polson: the exfoliating gloves and anything in the hand care area!

RunToTheFinish said...

amanda brooks

Dawn Polson said...

Dawn Polson: taking a hot shower

ldriehorst said...

Lori Driehorst

RunToTheFinish said...

amanda brooks

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