A Quality Handmade Make-up Bag from Dee DeeZigns
Attention Everyone: If you own make-up, you are going to want to enter to win this giveaway. Dee DeeZigns is giving away one of their fun, affordable handmade make-up bags. And who couldn’t use a new, stylish make-up bag?
Dee DeeZigns also sales adorable totes, diaper bags, shoulder bags, zipper bags, Mommy n’ Me bags, etc. So whatever your “bag” need may be Dee DeeZigns is here to help. So visit their Etsy Store here and do some shopping.
There are four ways to enter to win a make-up bag from Dee DeeZigns.
For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Dee DeeZigns also sales adorable totes, diaper bags, shoulder bags, zipper bags, Mommy n’ Me bags, etc. So whatever your “bag” need may be Dee DeeZigns is here to help. So visit their Etsy Store here and do some shopping.
There are four ways to enter to win a make-up bag from Dee DeeZigns.
For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry visit Dee DeeZign’s website here. Look at all of their make-up bags (which are on pages 3 and 4 of their website). Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the name of the make-up bag you would like if you win.
Example: Jane Doe: Michael Miller Ironworks Make-up Bag
For a third entry, I so enjoyed reading about everyone’s favorite piece of jewelry yesterday—thank you for sharing, that today I would like to know if you were stranded on a deserted island with a really hot guy and you could only wear one beauty product, what would it be? In a NEW comment tell me your first and last name and your choice of beauty product.
Example: Jane Doe: Dark Mascara. Unless of course I had a really good tan (which I actually try not to get any more, you know, skin damage), but if by chance I had a good tan because I was on a deserted island, I would want pink lipgloss.
For a fourth entry add our Give Away Today button to your blog. For instructions on how to do so go here. Once you add it, or if it is already on your blog, you get a fourth entry. In a NEW comment type your first and last name and “Give Away Button”.
Example: Jane Doe: Dark Mascara. Unless of course I had a really good tan (which I actually try not to get any more, you know, skin damage), but if by chance I had a good tan because I was on a deserted island, I would want pink lipgloss.
For a fourth entry add our Give Away Today button to your blog. For instructions on how to do so go here. Once you add it, or if it is already on your blog, you get a fourth entry. In a NEW comment type your first and last name and “Give Away Button”.
Example: Jane Doe: Give Away Button
The winner of the make-up bag from Dee DeeZigns will be announced tomorrow, February 19th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
The winner of the make-up bag from Dee DeeZigns will be announced tomorrow, February 19th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 523 Newer› Newest»Kathleen Rucker
Kathleen Rucker: Red Ironworks makeup bag is gorgeous!
Kathleen rucker: would definately want my black mascara!
Melody Tan
Melody Tan: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Melody Tan: My pin lipgloss! It has a nice strawberry smell... :)
Teresa Durfee: Red Makeup Bag
Teresa Durfee: I would for sure take my dark brown mascara to use on my very light eyelashes!!! :)
Christie Coleman: Blue and Chocolate makeup bag
Amy Bean
Christie Coleman: Lip Gloss
Teresa Durfee: Give Away Button
Amy Bean
Pink and Chocolate Brown Toille makeup bag
Sara Ames
Trinette Hayslip:Pink Circles
Alicia Veldman
Trinette Hayslip:I would def. say my face lotion by Este Lauder. I would imagine a deserted island would be very dry and bonus-it has a spf so no burning for these pretty cheeks!
Sara Ames - red makeup bag
Alicia Veldman: retro green bag
Amy Bean
Does deoderant count as a beauty product?
Alicia Veldman: Burt's Bees chapstick: What good are beautiful eyes without kissable lips?
Amy Bean
Give Away Button
lar shannon
Tiffany-Joy Mo: paisley blue and brown
Jamie Cox: Paisley blue and brown makeup bag
Lar Shannon: mentha lip tint (pretty lips and fresh breath in one)
Aundrea Kalauli
Aundrea Kalauli: Retro Green Make-up Bag
Tara Smith: retro green makeup bag
Lar Shannon: retro green
Aundrea Kalauli: Peppermint (ChapStick brand) Chapstick...the best!
Jamie Cox: I would want Philospy's Amazing Grace lotion-have to keep skin smooth and shiny and love the smell
Tara Smith: definitely my burt's bees lip gloss with sunscreen! lol!
Tara Smith: give away button
Kayla Shoemake
Kayla Shoemake... i like that Michael Miller Iron print
tristan imel
Kayla Shoemake... Michael Miller Iron... if I were stuck on an island with a hot guy I would bring a tinted moisturizer with SPF.... even my skin tone and fights skin cancer ; )
Melissa Burr:retro green makeup bag
Jaime Ashby: Red Makeup Bag
tristan imel: pink circles
Melissa Burr: I think I would take Mascara- the maybeline pink and green one. That has always been a staple of mine and I'm not sure I could live without it. It is the best mascara ever.
Melissa Burr: give away button
Jaime Ashby: Maybelline Full N Soft Very Black Mascara. Waterproof. If I could stretch for TWO items...I'd pick pink lipgloss. Any brand will do.
Adrienne Hopkins
Lichelle Perry: button
Adrienne Hopkins: Pink and Chocolate Brown Toille makeup bag
Adrienne Hopkins: mascara. no lashes without! Yikes!
Jinii Boren:Geisha Fans Pouch
Jinii Boren: Paula Dorf Jet Set Glow tinted moisturizer!!
Jinii Boren: Giveaway Button
Jennifer Nilsson
Amy Magallanes: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Amy Magallanes: concealer
Audra Campbell: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Adrienne Hopkins: Give Away Button
Amy Magallanes: Button
Jennifer Nilsson
the paisley Blue and Brown bag is GORGEOUS!
Jennifer Nilsson
lipgloss ;)
Audra Campbell: LIP GLOSS!
Rachel Biornstad: paisley blue and brown makeup bag
Melissa hancock
Melissa Hancock: Geisha Fans
Rachel Biornstad: dark brown mascara
Melissa Hancock: My mac Embark eye shadow, use it with a slanted brush and it makes an AWESOME eyeliner...and my last one lasted 3 years!
Rachel Biornstad: give away button
Mary Curtis
Carrie Yu: Geisha Fans
Carrie Yu: I couldn't live without my pink lipgloss from ELF!
Nikki Wilson
Nikki Wilson. Paisley blue and brown makeup bag.
Lashelle Nelson: blue and chocolate
Nikki Wilson. Definitely lip gloss.
Lashelle Nelson: I would have to say mascara.
Hannah Parris
Deborah Andreasen: Chapstick. My eyelashes are dark enough that I'd survive with no mascara. Besides, if I'm on a deserted island with a hot guy, we'd probably do a little lip lockin', right? And then I'd REALLY need chapstick.
Tonya Allen: Retro Green
Lacey Mullen
Morgan Weatherford
Mary Pinegar
Hannah Parris: Geisha fans is still my fav!
Deborah Andreasen: Pink and Chocolate
Morgan Weatherford: mascara. never leave home without it!
Tonya Allen: Hmmmm I'm going to assume being on a deserted island means that my skin tone is gorgeous from the sun already, right? So then it would be my purple Lancolme lip gloss. It plumps up my lips so cute, and purple is actually a really good lip color.
Allison Price: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Hannah Parris: Hmm...I think I'd need sunscreen. It may not seem like the sexiest beauty product, but my sunburns are really splotchy and painful.
Tonya Allen: Give away button
Allison Price: I couldn't survive without moisturizer!
Susie Davis
Allison Price: Give Away Button
Laura Tirpak - Amy Butler fabric!
Eliane Tatei: Pink and Chocolate Brown Toille makeup bag
Laura Tirpak- Burt's Bees Lip Balm
Susie Davis - AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Susie Davis - black mascara!
Eliane Tatei: lip gloss.
Lacey Mullen: Pink and Chocolate Toile Makeup Bag
Brittany Rhodes: Micheal Miller Ironworks makeup bag
Laurel Ford: Give Away Button
Brittany Rhodes: I know that this isn't glamorous but I would HAVE to have my mint chapstick on a desert island. I don't want chapped lips when I kiss the guy...
Lacey Mullen: I look horrible without make-up, but I would at least have to my carmex!
Lacey Mullen: Give Away Button
Samantha Holt:red ironworks bag
Samantha Holt:lip gloss for sure
Samantha Holt:give away button
Laurel Ford: Jergen's tinted moisturizer with SPF. My skin would look fabulous and I wouldn't have to worry about the painful burn.
Jessica Prestwich
Krista Christensen: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Jessica Prestwich: the retro green makeup bag
Christina Wandry: blue & chocolate brown makeup bag
Christina Wandry: DEFINITELY mascara--I need that extra oomph
Christina Wandry: giveaway button
Laurel Ford: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Whitney Lichty: Give Away Button
Whitney Lichty
Christine Jensen Blue and Chocolate Brown Makeup bag
Krista Christensen: I would want some of my favorite lip gloss C.O. Bigelow Mentha Lip Shine
Krista Christensen: Give Away button
Anna Hale: Pink and Chocolate Brown Toille makeup bag
Jenny Berglin: Amy Butler fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Jenny Berglin: Sunscreen!
Christine Jensen a really good mascara (not the cheapo stuff that I can afford right now!)
Dawn Campbell
Catey Ball: Ironworks
Michele Ondra: Green retro makeup bag
Dawn Campbell: Mascara definitely!
Catey Ball: My Burts Bees lip balm with pomegranate oil. Keeps the lips soft, and gives them a nice tint too! :)
Michele Ondra:
If I could only have ONE item of makeup... I would have to choose eyeliner. dark brown eyeliner. Without it I have itybity eyes!
Dawn Campbell: Give Away Button
Nicole Smith: AMY BUTLER fabric of a Geisha Fans Pouch
Michele Ondra: give away button
Nicole Smith: chapstick with some sunscreen!!
Dawn Campbell: Amy Butler fabric makeup bag...sooooooooooooooooo cute!
Becca Bailey: Amy Butler
Becca Bailey: mascara
Becca Bailey: Give away button
Tegan Mauldin: Blue & Chocolate Brown bag
Tegan Mauldin: moisturizer with SPF, too practical I know
Tegan Mauldin: Give Away Button
kandice krawcion: retro green makeup bag
Charity Maua'i - Pink Circles
Charity Maua'i - My burt's bees chapstick so my lips are kissably soft ;)
Charity Maua'i - Give Away Button
Kirsti Colyar
Kirsti Colyar: Retro Green Bag
Kirsti Colyar: Lipgloss!
Kirsti Colyar: Give Away Button
Amanda Heslop: Michael Miller Red Ironworks bag
Amanda Heslop: Mascara for sure, because I am so blonde you can't see my eyelashes without it
Sarah Bradley: Paisley Blue and Brown Makeup Bag for sure!
Emilee Snow: Ironworks
Bonnie Blad
Sara DeLeary:black ironworks!!
Lindsay Anderson: I love the Amy Butler fabric!
Emilee Snow: Burts Bees chapstick with SPF!
Sarah Bradley: It would have to be a moisturizer with the highest SPF possible - I burn like no other! And lobster face is NOT sexy.
Sara DeLeary: black mascara (who needs lipgloss when your kissing that hot guy all the time;) )
Sarah Bradley: Give Away Button
Lindsay Anderson: I'd probably want my mascara...I have no eyelashes without it!
Bonnie Blad- pink and chocolate brown toille makeup bag
Amanda Heslop: Give Away Button
Lindsay Figueroa
Bonnie Blad-I would want sunscreen. I'm thinking it wouldn't be any fun playing with the hot guy if you were in pain from a sunburn! Maybe I'll have to invent a product that is mascara, lip gloss, sunscreen/lotion, and toothpaste all in one. Yeah, that's what I'd take.
Bonnie Blad- give away button
Christi Roeger
Christi Roeger: Pink Circles Make up bag
Christi Roeger: I could definitley NOT live without my lipgloss! NO WAY!
Kreanna Hartman
Jennifer Olson: Pink and Chocolate Brown Toille
Bobbi-Jo High: pink and chocolate!
Kreanna Hartman: AMY BUTLER fabric Geisha Fans Pouch
Suzanne Brenchley: Give Away button
Brooke Nelson
Jennifer Olson: Giveaway Today Button
Elizabeth Tolson
Bobbi-Jo High: I can not live without my Clinque Jet Black mascara BUT I have VERY fair skin so I would need a moisturizer with a high SPF!
Elizabeth Tolson - Amy Butler Geisha
Bobbi-Jo High: Give Away Button
Suzanne Brenchley: Lip Smackers (Dr. Pepper flavor) - I know, kinda boring, but I'm addicted - can't live without my lip balm!
Ceridwen Lewin
Jennifer Olson: I would have to have cover up for my dark under-eye circles...and that hot guy on the island would be my hubby. Love ya, hun!
Elizabeth Tolson - I would totally have to have my Bare Minerals natural Foundation with SPF nontheless. I would die without it.
Brooke Nelson Michael Miller Ironworks Make-up Bag
Kreanna Hartman: I would definitely want my mint chocolate lip gloss! Not only would my lips be smooth but they'd taste good too! ;)
Ceridwen Lewin: blue paisley makeup bag
Kreanna Hartman: Give away button
Tina Nguyen
Morgan Gunter
Morgan Gunter: paisley blue and brown!
Ceridwen Lewin: tinted SPF 30 moisturizer!
Karla Carter
Morgan Gunter: eyeliner- it makes all the differance on my eyes!
Tina Nguyen, I love the paisley blue and brown bag
Ceridwen Lewin: Give Away Button
Kristen Mason: Michael Miller Ironworks
Karla Carter: retro green make-up bag
Suzanne Brenchley: red make up bag
Brooke Nelson I would have to have my chapstick. If the hot guy is stuck with me then he is stuck with me and I don't have to use makeup to impress him. He will eventually think I look good! =)
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