A Personalized Fashion Look Book
from Cardigan Empire
Have you ever wondered what type of swimsuit would look best on your body? Or if those pants you bought back in 2003 are still in style? What about whether or not a certain color makes you “pop”? If so, The Fashion Look Book is here to help.
Have you ever wondered what type of swimsuit would look best on your body? Or if those pants you bought back in 2003 are still in style? What about whether or not a certain color makes you “pop”? If so, The Fashion Look Book is here to help.
It will advise YOU on YOU.
And you will be forever grateful.
Personal Fashion Consultant Reachel Bagley of Cardigan Empire is the genius behind the Fashion Look Book. After consulting with Reachel, she will create a Fashion Look Book just for YOU. It will tell you your body type. Which could be:
And you will be forever grateful.
Personal Fashion Consultant Reachel Bagley of Cardigan Empire is the genius behind the Fashion Look Book. After consulting with Reachel, she will create a Fashion Look Book just for YOU. It will tell you your body type. Which could be:
Or Perhaps you have:
After revealing your body type, Reachel will then tell you the colors that will look best on you, how to successfully clean out your closet, how to buy a better wardrobe for less, and more.
I received my Fashion Look Book last week and I love it! In order to create my Fashion Look Book, Reachel and I corresponded by email. She asked me questions about my lifestyle and I sent her a couple of pictures of me, my body measurements, and my coloring. In return, Reachel sent me my Fashion Look Book, which tells me the key pieces I should have in my wardrobe. It also suggests shopping hints for purchasing new items, such as jeans, swimming suits, and even the type of brassier that would work best for me. My Fashion Look Book also reminds me to “Make sure no one could mistake you for going to bed or the gym unless that’s where you’re headed.” It includes such great advice, which in the end, means I will buy less because I am buying well.
To read more of Reachel’s smart fashion tips, visit Cardigan Empire here.
So, my advice to you today? Purchase a Fashion Look Book. And when it arrives, sit in a comfy chair, relax, and discover things you never knew about your body, your clothing, your coloring, yourself.
For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry visit Cardigan Empire’s website here. Read more about the Fashion Look Book. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and why you would like your very own Fashion Look Book.
Example: Jane Doe: I have had four children, therefore my body has changed quite a bit in the past decade. It's good to know what will look good on my body now. Reachel also included how many trendy pieces a person my age should wear with each ensemble. This is helpful because I want to look stylish, but not like I'm trying to be a teenager.
For a third entry, because Reachel Bagley is here to help us discover clothing which will allow us to feel more confident, happy, and stylish, let’s take a second to recognize and share some of our fashion mistakes. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and describe one of your worst hairstyles or one of your most hideous outfits from the past (one that if you happen upon a picture of it, you cringe or laugh till you cry).
Example: Jane Doe: I had a mullet in 5th grade. And yes, I am a female.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry visit Cardigan Empire’s website here. Read more about the Fashion Look Book. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and why you would like your very own Fashion Look Book.
Example: Jane Doe: I have had four children, therefore my body has changed quite a bit in the past decade. It's good to know what will look good on my body now. Reachel also included how many trendy pieces a person my age should wear with each ensemble. This is helpful because I want to look stylish, but not like I'm trying to be a teenager.
For a third entry, because Reachel Bagley is here to help us discover clothing which will allow us to feel more confident, happy, and stylish, let’s take a second to recognize and share some of our fashion mistakes. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and describe one of your worst hairstyles or one of your most hideous outfits from the past (one that if you happen upon a picture of it, you cringe or laugh till you cry).
Example: Jane Doe: I had a mullet in 5th grade. And yes, I am a female.
For a third entry in a NEW comment box tell us your first and last name and one of your favorite articles of clothing that you currently own.
Example: Jane Doe: A grey wool coat that my parents bought me for Christmas this year.
The winner of the Fashion Look Book from Cardigan Empire will be announced Monday, March 16th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day.
P.S. One of my favorite things about my Fashion Look Book is Reachel’s “Life Tips” for me. Such wise advice. So as we head into the weekend, for your reading pleasure, and perhaps consideration: “Find a way to make everyday special. Don’t save beauty for a distant occasion. Wear a lacy bra, dab on some perfume, use stemware at dinner. Don’t worry if something gets worn out, used up, or broken. It would be a greater tragedy for it to get dusty or forgotten.”
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1350 Newer› Newest»Mindee Mellen, I'm turning thirty and have to two babies, my body is out of control. I need all the help I can get!
Aaron Miller
D'Rae (last name witheld for privacy please)
I am wanting to change careers and the lookbook will point me in the right direction.
Melissa Yorgason: I just had a baby and unfortunately I gained a little more weight then I wanted. But I don't know how to hide my rolls, till I can lose some weight.
Shannon Love
D'Rae (last name witheld for privacy please)
My worst fashion mistake has to be a pair of black courderoy shorts with attached suspenders worn with a collard button down shirt that was yellow and had black dogs on it. That was worn over a pair of white lacy tights and black oxfords. I think I was in the 5th grade and I thought I was oh so cool back then!
Cassie Kerr
Melissa Yorgason: My favorite thing that gives me tons of confidence is my black high hills. They look great with slacks, a dress, or just some great jeans.
Shannon Love - I am still unsure on how to transition from a thrift store find, sale rack buying college kid into a presentable put together mother and professional. I'm stuck in the middle somewhere. My closet is a disaster and I will be thirty this summer. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Jennifer Harris
Lindsey ormsby
Brittany Fell
Aaron Miller: I dont want is for my self but for my wife. She is the mother of two beutifull children, and had suffered a two month long miscarrage that ended in an emergency DNC. She is still sick from being extreamlly animic. I really think this book would be a boost to her self esteem right now in her life, now that she dosent fit in any of her cloths, it broke my heart while trying to help her feel better last night when she said "I just feel so stupid because look so stupid and fat!" I dont think any of those things of her but I trully feel this book would give her a much needed pick me up.
Teresa Rossetti
Breanna Davenport
Brittany Fell: I feel like I have "uniforms" that I would love to get away from.
Jennifer Harris: My new pair of jeans that I got for Christmas. I love them because they are long enough.
Brittany Fell: brown pea coat
Camille Mayes
Vone Emerson
Aaron Miller: When I was in fourth grade I wore the same pair of white pants every day for weeks, even when they turned black I still wore them. They were my lucky pants.
Vone Emerson
I have never been able to find pants that fit. And now since I've stopped breast feeding I've lost my breasts so I can't fill anything out - depressing.
Linda Jorgensen
Vone Emerson
When I was in university I thought it would be fun to dye my hair yellow - yep, bright highlighter yellow. Not a good look.
Shannon Love - I bought some super cheap Kate Moss inspired skinny leg jeans in a rich charcoal black and wore the heck out of them... for two years... UNTIL, I saw a video of my behind in them for goodness sake sauntering around my daughter's 4th birthday party looking saggy, unsupported, and ill proportioned. In addition, the jeans had faded to dusty looking grey. The saddest thing is that I stopped wearing them, but they are still in my drawer.
Randee Mecham
Teresa Rossetti: Because I've had four children and I don't even know what my body type is--I need some serious fashion advice!
Rachel Zackrison
Heather Walker
marla michau
Heather Walker- After having two children I want to know how to properly dress for by baby bearing body with hips and ribs that will never go back in place.
Randee Mecham- I would love to know what essentials I need in my closet
Heather Walker- I still have clothes in my closet that I wore in high school. I need to come to the realization that they will never fit the same way again.
marla michau: because she says she will help me successfully clean out my closet. and i have never had success in cleaning out my closet.
Heidi Wilcox
Heidi Hansen: marriage has assisted me in packing on the pounds and I don't have anything that fits anymore - I would love to remedy that!
Randee Mecham- I wore the big shirts with spandex pants
Trudy Thompson
I am a horrid shopper. I'm never quite sure what it is I should be looking for. This would be great!
Rachel Zackrison. I want the look book because all of my sisters are skinny tiny. Because they are, and I am not, I must turn to an outside source like Raechel to give me the straight facts about what I should, but more importantly what I shoud NOT be wearing. I can't trust the advice of sisters whose clothes I cannot share and whose advice may be skewed by attempts to bolster my self esteem. Please!!
Heidi Hansen: I had a boy haircut in the fifth grade - shorter than my brothers!
Current favorite is the ONE pair of jeans that fit.
Heather Hardle - I would LOVE a Fashion Look Book because I feel so plain! I need help mixing and matching pieces, I tend to be too matchy matchy and a lot of times go for just basic because I feel overwhelmed. Please HELP me!!
Trudy Thompson
I am a slightly older woman who is not built like a model. I need all the help I can get to know what I should be buying to look my best!
Rachel Zackrison. My favorite wardrobe item, which consequently has the lowest cost per wear, is a little black dress purchased from JCrew circa 2002. Classic, sophisticated, stylish, fits like a dream. With Raechel's help I would love to add many such pieces to my closet!!
marla michau: my 90's bangs. it was not a good thing.
Angie Seare
Rachel E Macdonald
Heidi Wilcox - Because, as my friends will attest, my wardrobe is still mainly clothing from High School, which was 6 years and a baby ago! HELP!!
Angie Seare; I want a Fashion Look Book because I feel like what I wear on a normal basis is BORING and I am dying for someone to tell me "you should try to wear this"
Angie Seare; a black cardigan. It is the one thing I feel like can never go out of style. simple and classic.
Megan Hall: I've had 3 large babies (of which the smallest was 9 lbs 3 oz) and have taken some medications that have messed with my body since then. I feel like I'm going from curvy to soft in the middle (and expanding downward). I need a little help! :)
Kat Crockett
Jamie Garyson: I have no sense of style and would love to have some feedback on what to wear. My body has also changed drastically since having my 5 kids!
Jamie Garyson: My mom always kept my hair short as a child, probably up until I was 12 or older. I was constantly mistaken for a boy!
Megan Hall: When I was a junior in high school I decided that I wanted to go back to short hair. I walked into my neighborhood salon and was greeted by a stylist with short spiky hair. I wasn't a good customer then and didn't want to offend so I ended up getting a really butch haircut that seemed to take forever to grow out. Yes, I've had hair that was too short to comb.
Becky Jensen: I have a super long torso and have a hard time keeping my midsection covered because pants are never high enough and shirts never low enough. I need to know what to wear that doesn't look frumpy or old lady-ish. I also want to find the key pieces every wardrobe should have that won't cost me a million bucks.
Becky Jensen: Growing up I was in the pool all the time and had hair like seaweed, so my mom always made me have a perm. They were hideous.
Heidi Wilcox
Fourth Grade picture = Dorothy Hamill haircut gone terribly wrong with right side curled under and left curled out. To top it off, I'm wearing a tydied, sequined t-shirt and I look like a boy. Wow, I'm cringing and I'm not even looking at it.
April Heath
April Heath: I am one of those who just can't find what looks right on me. I need help!
Lori Christensen
April Heath: I love my black dress pants that fit just right.
Janice Checketts: It would be nice to know what works on my body so I look nice and professional at work.
Lori Allred: In grade school my mother and father gave me a home perm and I looked like little orphan annie...not a good look.
Lori Allred: I just started working professionally again, but my wardrobe is from when I "use to" work and it about 5 years too old and out of date.
Janice Checketts: I had just got a perm and my hair was so bad, I had to wear a red army helmet to pick my kids up from school.
Lisa Nokes
Andrea Halls
Elizabeth Curtis
Lisa Nokes-Because I saw Emily Cushings book and really want one!
Lisa Nokes-A swimsuit (yes a swimsuit) I got in Seattle
Elizabeth Curtis: I need the look book because I am a pear shape and really need help finding flattering outfits for my bodyshape.
Lisa Nokes-A prom dress I wore to a dance in College actually two of them!
Elizabeth Curtis: Biggest fashion mistake was wearing shoulder pads in junior high and high school. Why anyone would think it is a good idea to wear something that makes you look like a football player I will never know.
Jessica Welch
Shannon Bush
Marcela Brinkerhoff
Natalie Shaw
Gina Jensen: Colors! Which can I pull off?
Andrea Halls: I have four kids and it seems with every kiddo my wardrobe has gone farther and farther downhill. I know what I like when I see it on other people, but when I go shopping I always seem to end up coming home with clothing that I'm not really all that excited about. I would love a fashion look book that helps me nail down my style!
Marisa Garrett: I would love my own Fashion Look Book because I never know if I can pull off certain styles. I want to stay up to date with fashion but I don't want to be wearing things that I shouldn't.
Brek Noice
Marisa Garrett: Definitely the big bangs that I sported for WAY too long.
Wendy Johnson: I just had my third baby, help me find what fits this new body of mine!
Rachel E Macdonald
I love my black dress. I've worn it to a ball and to church on sundays.
Rachel E Macdonald
I had hair all the way down past my waist for several years. didn't have a style.
Brek Noice: I want the book because I am clueless. My wardrobe consists of worn-out jeans and t-shirts in every color. I NEED HELP!
Noelle Jensen
Janalee Soderquist
Janalee Soderquist: Very BIG bangs!!!
Noelle Jensen-I have done the measurements to discover my type of figure-I could be either a pear, or an apple. What to choose? In addition, I have a closet bursting with clothes and I need help-desperately paring down. I am hoping for some help in that vicinity-as is my hubbie! :)
Janalee Soderquist: Would love a book. Post pregnancy body can always use some help and new ideas while trying to get back into shape.
Darci Kent
Noelle Jensen
My favorite piece of clothing I own is a black wool thigh lenght coat my hubbie gave me for Christmas. It has an empire waist and flared elbow length cuff sleeves. Divine-in a single word. I can literally be in pajamas and throw this coat on and look ready to go out. Priceless!
Darci Kent: My closet is a mess full of differing styles and ages and qualities...I'd love to have some help with future shopping trips!
Darci Kent: my glasses were almost an inch thick before i could finally wear contacts in the 10th grade...
Jamie Taylor
Jamie Taylor: I want to know what kind of swim suit to buy.
Erin Deller
Jamie Taylor: Grey/Silver Heals
ruth nay
MElanie Nelson. I am loving a navy blue rufle shirt i got at anthro.
ruth nay:i don't easily fit into one "category"
Melanie Nelson. Biggest fashion mistake was skorts in 6th grade.
Erin Deller. I would love a fashion look book because my hubby has been out of work 3 times in the last year and we are on a fairly tight budget. I love to shop and would love to know how to shop for things that will compliment me so my precious pennies are not wasted!!
sarah haslip
ruth nay: simple white cardigan
Erin Deller. I love a good pair of jeans. Jeans that you can wear and wear and they don't stretch our too much between washings. Jeans that sit just right so as not make the muffin top, but that also hug your legs elongating and slimming. I have a pair that is close, almost perfect jeans!
Andrea Binns
Erin Crandall- I would love a book because I buy things that aren't right for my body because they are on sale. I need to know what I am shopping for.
Emily Wilcock
Erin Crandall - I had a lovely short short (i.e. boy) haircut in 5th grade. My sister hasn't stopped making fun of me.
Emily Wilcock. I have a hard time with fashion. No one in my home growing up had any fashion sense, so I am really trying to learn what works for me.
Emily Wilcock. My mom use to curl my hair in curlers and then brush it out. It ended up as a giant poof on my head!
Andrea Halls: In elementary school I had permed bangs that framed my face. And brown-tinted glasses. Hot dang!
Lisa Porter
Andrea Peterson
Andrea Peterson: I need help figuring out what style of tops look best on me. This would be awesome!
Andrea Peterson: My favorite article of clothing is my pair of green cargo pants from GAP.
Kristin Wilberg: My favorite article of clothing is a white blazer.
Holly Lang: If you've seen my wardrobe, you'd want me to have this book too. :)
Holly Lang: This is sooo sad, but my yoga pants are the best!
Kristin Wilberg: I had some funny bangs all throughout my school years. Finally, my Junior year I grew them out. The best thing I could have done for myself.
Cherese Devoe
Treasure Love
Alysia Bischoff
Vivi Cabrera
Karrie Truman: I need this because I have no idea about what style I have. I wear jeans that dont look great on me..and
Treasure Love
I'd love a fashion look book so I could have a shopping companion with great advice.
Jen Galan
Jen Galan: I have zero style and my body is a complete stranger to me.
Jen Galan: I love my dark denim jeans
Erin Ott
Erin Ott: having children causes irreversible changes to one's hips...I'm trying to accept this fact!
Treasure Love
I need to ditch some of my old high school clothes. I've been graduated for almost 9 years!! Let them go!
Erin Ott: my pair of red heels...they hurt like crazy but I love the color!
Kristen Crockett
Melissa Morgan
Stacy Palfreyman
Kristen Crockett - my favorite article of clothing are my $30.00 jeans from Maurices - love them!
Stacy Palfreyman; My favorite article of clothing right now is a pair of green apple shorts that I love to pair with a black shirt.
Gina Sitterud
LeAnn Hammond
Jamie Welch
Gina Sitterud - I would love to know how to use the cloths in my closet to make me look the best I can be.and to look great for a low cost.
Jamie Welch
Jamie Welch-I would like the book because I am turning 32 this year and i feel like I dress like my mom. I want to be more in the stylish trends. Also I have had five children and need a little help trying to be a mom and feel confident in my appearal.
Jamie Welch- in 6th grade I had a bad perm and had the "wave" bangs also in my picture it was the one with the fake eletric lights behind me. I hate this picture and wont show anyone.
Leslie Moss
Jen Howard
Leslie Moss, I really need a fashion book. I went from a Working Woman to a Stay at Home Mom. I can't ever find anythign to wear thats cute and casual. I need to know how to dress down my business clohtes into every day attire.
Leslie Moss, I really need a fashion book. I went from a Working Woman to a Stay at Home Mom. I can't ever find anythign to wear thats cute and casual. I need to know how to dress down my business clohtes into every day attire.
Leslie Moss, I really need a fashion book. I went from a Working Woman to a Stay at Home Mom. I can't ever find anythign to wear thats cute and casual. I need to know how to dress down my business clohtes into every day attire.
Lisa Liddell
Jen Howard
I'm a young mom, still wanting to look young, but not "teeny-bopper-ish" I also like to shop on a budget finding good deals, yet I end up with alot of inexpensive pieces that are beautiful, but don't flatter me! I need all the help I can get.
Adrienne howard
Jen Howard
Oh dear! I used to make my own clothes in high school. We're talking "Little House on the Prairie" dresses. My husband still teases me to this day!
Aubrey Wentworth
Leslie Mackey
Leslie Mackey - I would love this book because I could really use some tips on what kind of jeans look best on mean as well as swimming suits.
Aubrey Wentworth: My fashion sense is slowly fading. I never know what to buy for myself anymore, I usually end up buying clothes for my daughter.
Emily Jacobs
Leslie Mackey: My favorite peace of clothing is a sweater that I bought at Maurices.
Aubrey Wentworth: We took a family picture...I had to be about 8-9 years old....and we were all in neon and my hair was crimped. yikes.
I would love a look book so I can learn how to break out of my all black uniform!
Jenna Misener
Emily Jacobs - I want the look book because honestly I have never quite learned how to dress my body. I need professional help!
Angela Floyd
branden shunn: i want the book because i am top heavy and pretty curvy and i'd like to know what to wear beside jeans and a shirt.
branden shunn: i had an afro...a huge afro
Emily Jacobs - I had a pretty awful home perm in 6th grade, with no layers cut. The result? Pyramid head!
Stacey Reynolds
Terra Hawkes
Amy Trimble
Amy Trimble
Jenny Howlett
Nicole Smith: I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade. they used to make them to where they covered not only your whole eye plus, but also your cheeks! mine were red, and hideous, but i thought they were cool :)
Nicole Smith: i could use one because i am in need of a new wardrobe. everything i have is from years ago and i'll have 2 kids after may...i need to know what to wear these days that's still flattering.
rachel smith--i just had my 4th baby....and i have my 10 year high school reunion this summer. i'd rather not look frumpy and dumpy.
Jerilynn Packer: I buy thing that once home, just don't seem to work out.
rachel smith--i have naturally curly hair. growing up, i hadn't a clue on hoe to take care of it. so it would look a little on the frizzy side. in 7th grade some boys threw little paper airplanes in my hair...i was so embarrassed that for the next 3 years i wore my hair up in a ponytail or a bun. every single day.
Katie Allen
Katie Allen: Because I prefer to wear a t-shirt and jeans everyday, but realize that this may not be acceptable ALL the time! I am tall and skinny and I hate to shop!
Lynn Brown
Katie Allen: A pea coat that I got for such a good deal!
Terressa Thornock
Lichelle Perry
Terressa Thornock; I am a young mother of 4 children and this "pooch" as most call it has increased with every child and is harder to get rid of! I cannot find clothes that are stylish and chic without having the tummy roll over the pants and not sag in the butt and shirts are just too tight in the tummy and too large in the shoulders! what's a young mom to do without wearing gym clothes all day to conceal the monstrosaty?? HELP!
Candace Fielding
Angela France
Amanda Nokleby
Nadine MacMillan
Amanda Nokleby: While I've developed my own fashion sense over the years, I think there are still choices out there I'm too scared to try on me...will that color look good on me? How the heck would I wear that pattern? Also, looking at her body designations, I still really have little idea what I am...help me! That's what I need it.
Starr Turner
Amanda Nokleby: I'll pick two, since I can't choose between them. My black, long wool pea coat with an A-line silhouette and (a recent purchase) my saturated purple empire waist cotton-jersey dress with an awesome sweetheart neckline and little poofy sleeves. Fits me like a glove, and I am absolutely in love with it.
Apryle Moss
Starr Turner: It's been YEARS since I've been in a position to really think about clothes. Mission, broke newly-wed, new mommy, etc. I'm a decade behind. I need HELP! Please, Rachel, help me look cute again.
Aurora Pierson
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