Friday, March 13, 2009

Today, March 13th, we are Giving Away... (PRIZE CLAIMED)

A Personalized Fashion Look Book
from Cardigan Empire

Have you ever wondered what type of swimsuit would look best on your body? Or if those pants you bought back in 2003 are still in style? What about whether or not a certain color makes you “pop”? If so, The Fashion Look Book is here to help.
It will advise YOU on YOU.
And you will be forever grateful.

Personal Fashion Consultant Reachel Bagley of Cardigan Empire is the genius behind the Fashion Look Book. After consulting with Reachel, she will create a Fashion Look Book just for YOU. It will tell you your body type. Which could be:


Or Perhaps you have:

After revealing your body type, Reachel will then tell you the colors that will look best on you, how to successfully clean out your closet, how to buy a better wardrobe for less, and more.

I received my Fashion Look Book last week and I love it! In order to create my Fashion Look Book, Reachel and I corresponded by email. She asked me questions about my lifestyle and I sent her a couple of pictures of me, my body measurements, and my coloring. In return, Reachel sent me my Fashion Look Book, which tells me the key pieces I should have in my wardrobe. It also suggests shopping hints for purchasing new items, such as jeans, swimming suits, and even the type of brassier that would work best for me. My Fashion Look Book also reminds me to “Make sure no one could mistake you for going to bed or the gym unless that’s where you’re headed.” It includes such great advice, which in the end, means I will buy less because I am buying well.

To read more of Reachel’s smart fashion tips, visit Cardigan Empire here.

So, my advice to you today? Purchase a Fashion Look Book. And when it arrives, sit in a comfy chair, relax, and discover things you never knew about your body, your clothing, your coloring, yourself.

Each person can enter to win the Fashion Look Book up to THREE times today.

For one entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry visit Cardigan Empire’s website here. Read more about the Fashion Look Book. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and why you would like your very own Fashion Look Book.
Example: Jane Doe: I have had four children, therefore my body has changed quite a bit in the past decade. It's good to know what will look good on my body now. Reachel also included how many trendy pieces a person my age should wear with each ensemble. This is helpful because I want to look stylish, but not like I'm trying to be a teenager.

For a third entry, because Reachel Bagley is here to help us discover clothing which will allow us to feel more confident, happy, and stylish, let’s take a second to recognize and share some of our fashion mistakes. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and describe one of your worst hairstyles or one of your most hideous outfits from the past (one that if you happen upon a picture of it, you cringe or laugh till you cry).
Example: Jane Doe: I had a mullet in 5th grade. And yes, I am a female.
For a third entry in a NEW comment box tell us your first and last name and one of your favorite articles of clothing that you currently own.
Example: Jane Doe: A grey wool coat that my parents bought me for Christmas this year.

The winner of the Fashion Look Book from Cardigan Empire will be announced Monday, March 16th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to check out our new giveaway for the day.

P.S. One of my favorite things about my Fashion Look Book is Reachel’s “Life Tips” for me. Such wise advice. So as we head into the weekend, for your reading pleasure, and perhaps consideration: “Find a way to make everyday special. Don’t save beauty for a distant occasion. Wear a lacy bra, dab on some perfume, use stemware at dinner. Don’t worry if something gets worn out, used up, or broken. It would be a greater tragedy for it to get dusty or forgotten.”


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Katie said... 1

Katie Green

Katie said... 2

Katie Green: I never know which pants to where

Katie said... 3
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie said... 4

Katie Green: a perm for most of my younger years and not the pretty curls perm the tight really really tight curls.

Laura said... 5

Laura Hale- I desperately want to be more fashionable but need help with my post-kid body style

Trinette Hayslip said... 6

Trinette Hayslip

KirtLarsenFamily said... 7

Laurice Larsen

I would like a fashion look book because unfortunately I have succumbed to jeans and a t-shirt everyday which gets very boring, but it's easy with my 3 kids at home. Besides it would be fun to learn more about myself!

Trinette Hayslip said... 8

Trinette Hayslip- Want/desperate to know what bra is best for me.

Laura said... 9

Laura Hale- my pants were usually capris, before capris were cool. One way it sucks to have long legs- thankfully, there are long pants now!

Krissa said... 10

Krissa Walters: I had a horrible perm in junior high...and I was absolutely horrible at styling it!

Trinette Hayslip said... 11

Trinette Hayslip-I attempted the "Rachel" from friends haircut my Freshman year. Needless to say, it looked nothing like Rachel's and took months to grow out all those crazy layers!

Carrie said... 12

Carrie Yu: I need this because I'm nearing the end of my second pregnancy in two years, and I have no concept of what works for my body anymore.

KirtLarsenFamily said... 13

Laurice Larsen: A black top with geographic designs on top in pink white and black

Cassidy said... 14

Cassidy Allen

Anonymous said... 15

Melani Clark

Cassidy said... 16

Cassidy Allen: I have trouble with choosing the right colors for myself

Amy said... 17

Amy Deschamp

Danny & Stephanie said... 18

Stephanie Beck

mommy said... 19

Tabitha Schillinger
Temple, Ga.
I would LOVE my fashion book. How COOL!!!

Cassidy said... 20

Cassidy Allen: A white peacoat that my husband gave me lat year

Amy said... 21

Amy Deschamp--I have so many eclectic clothes I am not really sure what would be best for me.

Danny & Stephanie said... 22

Stephanie Beck: Help! I have no idea what to wear on my post baby bod!

Danny & Stephanie said... 23

Stephanie Beck: I cringe when I see elementary school pics of me in plastic shorts and puff paint shirts!

Krissa said... 24

Krissa Walters: I have the hardest time with the right shirts to wear.

Anonymous said... 25

Tara L Rogers

Anonymous said... 26

Tara Rogers: Best tops

mommy said... 27

Tabitha S.
Temple, ga.
I would love a look book because I find myself wearing the basic "uniform." I am a stay at home money is tight and time is short. Shopping can get crazy with 3 kids (under 6) and clothes that don't fit...well I think you get it. BUT how wonderful it would be to KNOW how to shop for the right items.

Anonymous said... 28

Tara Rogers: Love my strapy brown and gold wedge sandals

Anonymous said... 29

Mitchell A Rogers

Kimberly said... 30

Kimberly Yates

Anonymous said... 31

Mitchell A Rogers: Suit

Anonymous said... 32

Mitchell A ROgers: Neon green t-shirt with matching shorts

Kimberly said... 33

Kimberly Yates: I'm 27 and I think I dress pretty boring and I'd like to have more fun with my clothes and be more fun for others to look at.

Kami said... 34

Kami Porter

Ambra said... 35

Ambra Gardner

Ambra said... 36

Ambra Gardner: I need to learn what makes my body look its best and how to hide my post-pregnancy tummy

s is for sarah said... 37

Sarah Kotronis~I'm in the process of getting off the baby weight...16lbs lost so far!...and want to look HAWT this summer. Fashion tips, please!

Heather said... 38

Heather Givens; I hate swimsuits because I can't find one that flatters me

Kimberly said... 39

Kimberly Yates: my 3/4 sleeve gray swing coat with the vintage cream wool flower brooch I put on it. I feel very cute and not boring in that coat.

Ambra said... 40

Ambra Gardner: I permed my hair in 10th grade. Not a good idea!

steph.miles.miley said... 41

Stephanie Harrison - My baby is 9 months old, but I still wear materinty clothes. I don't know what to wear!

Mandy said... 42

Mandy Brenchley- big busted girl, what shirt looks best?

Heather said... 43

heather givens; I LOVE MY SHOES

s is for sarah said... 44

Sarah Kotronis~My favorite item right now are my red Keen mary-jane's. They go with anything, and who doesn't love red?

Anonymous said... 45

Staci Jorgensen

Mandy said... 46

Mandy Brenchley- some jeans with cute stitching on the pockets, just the perfect length, perfect fit!

Carrie said... 47

Carrie Yu: my mom got my hair (very fine, slightly wavy) permed into a tightly curled perm when I was 9. I looked like a blonde Orphan Annie. I think I destroyed all those pictures.

Kelsey said... 48

KElsey Hansen

grantmom6 said... 49

Karen Grant

mommy said... 50

Tabitha Schillinger
Temple, Ga.

Okay, my fav. item right now is a purple shirt given to me by my BFF. It didn't fit her so she gave it to me. I love it. I find my self soaking in its' sweet fibers. It has a v-neck and gathers at the bottom of the V. (perfect to me b/c I think it hides a little bit of the "mum-tum.") Anyways, I wear it everywhere. My mom actually calls it part of my uniform. So I know I wear it alot...but man...finding the right clothes is tough. So wear what works...right?

( I also wrote my second note under Tabitha S.)

grantmom6 said... 51

Karen Grant

Anonymous said... 52

Maria Sanchez-Masi

msanchezmasi (at) fmtcs (dot) com

grantmom6 said... 53

Karen Grant

hlsst7 said... 54

Heather Labuda

Jenny said... 55

Jen Kelly

grantmom6 said... 56

Karen Grant - Favorite article of clothing is anything in light lavendar because every time I wear it someone comments on how good of a color it is for me.

Anonymous said... 57

Maria Sanchez-Masi

I love that Reachel devotes equal time to each body type AND that she did a special feature on ta-tas, large and small.

msanchezmasi (at) fmtcs (dot) com

Ashley Davidson said... 58

Ashley Davidson: It would be nice to know which colors would be best for me.

hlsst7 said... 59

Heather Labuda: I had my last child 5 years ago and I think my baby belly is here to stay.

Anonymous said... 60

Maria Sanchez-Masi

I would love a fashion look book because I'm caught in the depressing midwestern mom look. When I moved from Florida, none of my clothes were "right" (or warm enough) and I was a new parent, and that combination has been fatal to my fashionable self.

msanchezmasi (at) fmtcs (dot) com

Joy said... 61

joy carter

Julie said... 62

Julie Olsen: I never know what looks good on me.

grantmom6 said... 63

Karen Grant - I am a very patriotic person and in the early 90's made myself and 3 daughters outfits with red and white striped bicycle shorts and tops with navy blue and white stars.

Ashley Davidson said... 64

Ashley Davidson: In 5th grade my mom cut all of my hair to about two inches. I looked like one of the boys in my class so he shaved the sides of his hair. I really pretty much did have a mullet and I am a girl.

Heather D. said... 65

Heather Doman - bleach splattered mauve-dyed jeans in high school - in my defense, it WAS 1987!

Julie said... 66

Julie Olsen- I used to wear pegged pants with stacked socks.....NICE!!

hlsst7 said... 67

Heather Labuda: My favorite wardrobe item would be my pajamas! (Can you tell I desperately need wardrobe help?)

Cara said... 68

Cara Blair: The big barrel bangs...ugh!

Heather D. said... 69

Heather Doman - favorite item now would have to be a long blue herringbone skirt with embossed blue flowers on it. Might sound weird, but it's very pretty and very flattering!

lalalovely lindsay said... 70

lindsay willman

Anonymous said... 71

melodie lecates

jennieB. said... 72

Jennie Black

Maggie said... 73

Maggie St. Lawrence: I've lost touch with what looks good since being pregnant. I'm almost done, (a week) and I'm going to need some help.

Joy said... 74

Joy Carter - I'd love a book to help me figure out how to dress cute with a new baby (I need a 5 minute out the door outfit that can intermix with something else when she tosses her cooking on it) and I need to dress my age. (not telling you)

Anonymous said... 75

melodie lecates:sweatpants

Anonymous said... 76

barbara reed

Brittany said... 77

Brittany Rhodes: I would love a fashion look book after I have my baby. I know my body will be different and I would love to know what styles would looke good on a girl with a lot of curves, not in the right places...

ggeekgirl said... 78

Lizzy Clarke

lalalovely lindsay said... 79

lindsay willman :: since getting married, i've struggled with getting pregnant. i've been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and insulin resistance, and because of the two i've gain quite a bit of weight with i cannot seem to lose. would love to have a professional help me dress to look my best. thanks for the chance.

Maggie said... 80

Maggie St. Lawrence: My favorite item of clothing is a warm maternity coat from the GAP.

Anne said... 81

Anne Clawson

jennieB. said... 82

Jennie Black- I go to the store with the intentions of buying some "great" new outfit, and leave empty-handed and frustrated 99% of the time!

Heather D. said... 83

Heather Doman - I am just fashion impaired. I have to call my fashion savvy friends to ask them if certain things go with other things. I take purchases to them to ask what goes with them. I never learned the rules and I find it so frustrating!

Brittany said... 84

Brittany Rhodes: In seventh grade I cut my hair and permed it and was called Cauliflower head... big mistake and very humbling.

lalalovely lindsay said... 85

lindsay willman :: my mom took me to a barber the day before 3rd grade pictures. i had a bowl cut, teased triangle bangs and wore a dress with matching sunflower headband. yuck!!

Anonymous said... 86

haley hales

ggeekgirl said... 87

Lizzy Clarke : I would really like to win a fashion look book because I need serious assistance with my broke down wardrobe and stylings and Reachal's style has it going on!

Rachel said... 88

Rachel wilson

Joy said... 89

Joy Carter - I am TALL. And I wanted to wear stretch pants my freshman year. Who remembers layering different colored socks to match the outfit? Well, when the stretch pants end right under your knee, it's NOT ok to layer 4 pairs of socks up your leg. It's NOT ok.

jennieB. said... 90

Jennie Black- in the sixth grade I had "frog lips" bangs. I would rat the top half as high as they would go, and the bottom half curled under. It was awesome!

Tamra said... 91

Tamra Cravens, I have a hard time finding a dress that fits great

Anonymous said... 92

Judy Wood

Sarah Jane said... 93

Sarah Nuttall: I'm 29 now and still work full time, while being a mommy too. I want to find pieces that I can wear to work without looking too overdressed that can work for hanging out with my little girl too.

mverno said... 94

craig varney

Anne said... 95

Anne Clawson: In the past, when buying clothing, shape and fit has been secondary to price. I definitely need to stock my wardrobe with some staples that both fit well and look good, that are easy on the pocketbook (if that's even possible!)

Lemmons Family said... 96

Alisha Lemmons: I would like to know which kind of top is best to wear. The shape and neck line to flatter my figure.

Sarah Jane said... 97

Sarah Nuttall: My favorite item of clothing that I own right now is my off white pea coat my husband got me for Christmas. It goes with everything and looks great!

Anne said... 98

Anne Clawson: capri overalls (ugh!)

ggeekgirl said... 99

Lizzy Clarke: Back in my middle school days I used to wear my hair really big with a "Wake Me Up Before You Go-GO" shirt, parachute pants (with a fafillion zippers on them) and vans checkboard shoes (in pink of course). Oh for the love of fashion, I needed help back then almost as much as I do now! :-D

Lemmons Family said... 100

Alisha Lemmons: My worst hairstyle was in the 80's. I would slick my hair back in a pony tail with a ton of hairspray and had my bangs fan straight up and out. It was awful.

Anonymous said... 101

Judy Wood - I would love to have this personalized book because I have always had a very hard time knowing what looks look good on me. I tend to dress safely and not take chances. This book would help me know what would be best to do just for me. Thanks

Anonymous said... 102

Jennifer Hansen

postsurggirl said... 103

Angelique Price-Jenkins

Jennifer said... 104

jennifer rutherford

postsurggirl said... 105

wearing a bubble skirt dress at the age of 34. I looked like a really big twelve year old. uuuggh

Anonymous said... 106

Judy Wood - Just days after my son turned one he took a tumble out of his high chair and needed stitches. Because of this momentous occasion in his young life a picture was taken with me. I had just got a perm and it was A BAD ONE. Frizz bomb everywhere.

Cassie L. said... 107

Cassie Lombardi

Cassie L. said... 108

Cassie LOmbardi: 33 and still not sure how to dress myself, not to mention the four kids who changed my body four differernt ways!

Kristine said... 109

Kristine Sorochinsky - NEW, not so lovely body after baby!

Cassie L. said... 110

Cassie Lombardi:a great wide black belt that I am playing with while trying to find some shape in my body

the jackson 4 said... 111

Jen Jackson : Starflower Cardigan from Anthropologie

Unknown said... 112

Elena Thurston

Kristine said... 113

Kristine Sorochinsky - Purple eyeshadow...LOTS of purple eyeshadow.

Unknown said... 114

Elena Thurston - I need the fashion look book, because I am an LDS, mother of 3 who is also a real estate agent. I need to look good while running carpool, wiping snotty noses AND showing beautiful homes, add to that the ability to get up and down off the floor without flashing my religion.

Susan said... 115

Susan LeBlanc

Catherine said... 116

Catherine Cummings

Unknown said... 117

Elena Thurston - how did you know?! I had the mullet when I was in 4th grade!!!

Susan said... 118

Susan Leblanc: I've been so focused on my two kids, that I haven't shopped for myself in a few years. I don't even know what looks good on me anymore.

Susan said... 119

Susan LeBlanc: My turtleneck sweater. It hugs me in all the right places.

Anonymous said... 120

Leslee Kitchen

roni said... 121


TLEB said... 122

Laura Heron - I have 2 kids and don't really know how to dress this "new" body

Anonymous said... 123

Heather Butler

Catherine said... 124

Catherine Cummings: 7 kids in 12 years. I have no idea what I should be wearing now.

Jennifer said... 125

jennifer rutherford: I don't really have a problem with my body since I have delivered 6 children I feel I look pretty stinking good. It is my brain that has the trouble. I have no fashion sense (I wear slippers most days) I really want to utilize all that I have. And I just need a teacher.

TLEB said... 126

Laura Heron - I had the BIG bangs in jr. high - not a cute look!

Krislynn said... 127

Kris Nielson, because it rocks!

Anonymous said... 128

Heather Butler: I use to have the ugliest bangs that poofed into a flower. I mean poofy! (5th grade)

Jennifer said... 129

jennifer rutherford: Wranglers (need I say more?)

Anonymous said... 130

ashlee caywood-rutherford

Krislynn said... 131

Kris Mielson, female, yes I've sported the "mullet"

Robyn said... 132

Robyn Jensen

Anonymous said... 133

ashlee caywood-rutherford: I am graduating from high school and getting ready for college. I would love to look great on a budget!

Catherine said... 134

Catherine Cummings: I have a pair of Old Navy jeans and they're so old I don't even remember when I got them but I love them. I think they make me look skinnier than I really am.

Miss Spoken said... 135

Gina Stratos: My body shape has changed over the years and now I don't really know (if I ever really did) what style best suits my frame.

Anonymous said... 136

Heather Butler: Having kids changes the way your body looks, and feels. Fashion tips would be greatly appreciated!

Robyn said... 137

Robyn Jensen: I want one because I have no idea what looks good on me. I keep forgetting I'm not the slim high-school version of me any more. And with money tight these days, I want to make sure if I spend money on clothes, it's on the right thing.

Anonymous said... 138

Noelle Christiansen

Anonymous said... 139

ashlee caywood-rutherford: I wore my pigtails in front (like a goat) to school in the 4th grade.

Anonymous said... 140

Noelle Christiansen

Anonymous said... 141

Noelle Christiansen

Unknown said... 142

Shanon Baggett

Tifani said... 143

Tifani Freebairn

Anonymous said... 144

Jill Roberts

Miss Spoken said... 145

Gina Stratos: I have naturally curly hair but decided to go a little shorter around the 7th grade. The problem was that the stylist clearly didn't understand how to cut curly hair. I ended up looking like a Q-tip.

Anonymous said... 146

Jill Roberts

Anonymous said... 147

Jill Roberts

Robyn said... 148

Robyn Jensen: I had big-big bangs in Junior High. So sad. :(

Unknown said... 149

Shanon Baggett: I am a stat-at-home mom that really wants to look hip

Tia said... 150

Tia Fowles

Lara said... 151

Lara NeVille

Unknown said... 152

Shanon Baggett: Senior year in highschool with "Mall Bangs"- not a good look!

Amy said... 153

Amy Howard: I need this because I just buy whatever covers up the body. I don't know what looks good on me. I don't think anything looks good on me.

Tia said... 154

Tia Fowles - big Cowboy hair in high school - it was bad! My hair doesn't even fit in the picture on my 16 year old drivers license!

Andrea Stocks said... 155

Andrea Stocks

Tia said... 156

Tia Fowles - I love the Cardigan Empire - I read her blog faithfully and just wish I could look that good!

The Cingolani's said... 157

Amanda Cingolani

Amy said... 158

Amy Howard: a multi colored top from Lane Bryant.

Lara said... 159

Lara NeVille:I would love to go shopping with the confidence that what I'm buying looks good on my body type.

Lara said... 160

Lara NeVille

The Cingolani's said... 161

Amanda Cingolani: I want this cause since my baby was born, things fit differently and rather than going shopping and getting frustrated, it would be great to have some guidelines to follow.

The Cingolani's said... 162

Amanda Cingolani: My favorite piece of clothing in my closet is my jeans that I wore all through my pregnancy, so they are all stretched out, yet sooo comfy!

tharker said... 163

Tiffani Harker

I would love a look book because I would love to know if I have really been buying things that are right for me, or if I just look like a moron!

Abbie said... 164

Abigail Petersen

tharker said... 165

Tiffani Harker

Pegged pants and big 80's hair. I'm just sayin'

tharker said... 166

Tiffani Harker

My favorite clothing item is my red peacoat that I bought myself for Christmas. Love that thing!

Jac said... 167

Jackie Pate: I always look like I am heading to the gym!

Kara said... 168

Kara Bagley: because I am nursing so my lady eggs have changed in size and I am still stuffing them in my pre baby bras.

Jac said... 169

Jackie Pate: I love the jean jacket that I bought a couple of years ago. It makes me feel like I have a little style...just a little.

Kara said... 170

Kara Bagley: Mushroom cut...'nuff said

Anonymous said... 171

Leah Arnold

carlyl said... 172

Carly Larsen

Anonymous said... 173

Leah Arnold: I love my green winter jacket from Banana Republic. It looks classy and simple.

The Trumans said... 174

Karrie Truman : once I tried to go red looked AWFUL!

***LIZ*** said... 175

Liz Roberts: My husband usually dresses me, I would like to be able to dress myself(well with Reachel's help). Especially since he doesn't like to go shopping with me, I need help!

Abbie said... 176

Abigail Petersen: I'm tall and I can't find anything that looks good on me and fits right. I try to be stylish but I end up looking really big (fat). I've joined weight watchers and I'm slowing losing weight. I need help choosing clothes that make me look my age and are cute.

Unknown said... 177

Marvelle Morgan: Because I have never known what to wear or what would look best on me.

Stitchnmom said... 178

Marilyn Hanuschik: I want one because nothing of own seems to go together!

Unknown said... 179

Marvelle Morgan: stirrup pants

Anonymous said... 180

Leah Arnold: I want a fashion look book because it is SO hard to find clothes that fit my body type. I am curvy but very small framed.

Abbie said... 181

Abigail Petersen: I love my lucky brand jeans. I wear them all the time outside. They are super comfortable.

Unknown said... 182

Amy PUgmire: My mom chopped my hair as short as a boys back in elementary and she told me it was the style back then.

Brittney said... 183

Brittney Steimle

Jessica Wille said... 184

Jessica Wille

Anonymous said... 185

melissa thomas

Rachel said... 186

Rachel Tricarico

***LIZ*** said... 187

Liz Roberts: colored jeans, oh I thought I was so cool too. My favorite pair were pink acid wash.. yuck!

Brittney said... 188

Brittney Steimle: kids have changed my body

Anna said... 189

anna hall

Stitchnmom said... 190

Marilyn Hanuschik:
Lets just say my hairstyle all through high school is nothing to brag about :)

Janine said... 191

Janine Thompson: I'm constantly unhappy about my weight and trying to lose 10 -15 pounds. Obviously, it's not really working. Instead, while maintaining a mostly healthy lifestyle, I've decided to learn to be happy with how I look now. A fashion book would be a great start.

Brittney said... 192

Brittney Steimle: plaid spandex pants on the chubby kid, yikes!

Anonymous said... 193

Ronda Jensen

Janine said... 194

Janine Thompson: favourite piece - I just bought a great spring trench coat in a happy shade of green

Jessica Wille said... 195

Jessica Wille - I would love a fashion look book to help me know how to dress the most flattering for my figure. I'm a sucker for clearance items and could use a constant reminder of quality over quantity.

Anna said... 196

anna hall

trying too hard. Need help

Rachel said... 197

Rachel Tricarico: Because I would love to know what looks best on me! I have never been told I have good style and that hurts! ;)

Anonymous said... 198

Ronda Jensen: swooped out sides of the hair, ya know that looked sort of like wings..."Flight 208 ready for take-off".

Jessica Wille said... 199

Jessica Wille - My favorite clothing item right now would have to be my black Sashimi jacket (I don't even know what the style would be called) that my parents gave me for my birthday.

Sara.In.TX said... 200

Sara Wright

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