Cindy loves photography! She specializes in photography of children- newborns, babies, toddlers and children of older ages. She is an on-location photographer, meaning that she travels to the client’s home or to an outdoor location. She offers studio-look sessions during the cold months and outdoor sessions when the weather is nice and warm. It is very convenient for clients, especially for parents of newborns and babies who can hold the session in the comfort of their home. She uses only natural light since she believes it flatters children much more. She loves photographing children of all ages, with a special predilection for newborns.

Reflections by Cindy is also offering a textured and mounted 16x20 print (a $125 value) to all Giveaway Today readers that book a session during the month of August. Just mention this offer in your email to her.
You can enter to win a free session and print credit from Reflections by Cindy up to FOUR times today. Even if you don't live in Utah, you can transfer this package to someone you know who lives in Utah.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For second entry, visit Reflections by Cindy here. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and one of your favorite pictures.
Example: Jane Doe, I love the one of of the little girl in yellow with a parasol, so sweet.
For a third entry, become a fan of Reflections by Cindy on Facebook here. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and that you are now a fan.
Example: Jane Doe: FAN
For a fourth entry, become a follower of Give Away Today on Twitter here. If you are already a follower then 'tweet' about our great giveaways today. Then in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name what you did.
Example: Jane Doe: Tweeted 'go to Give Away Today here (http://giveawaytoday.blogspot.com/) to check out some amazing giveaways today!'
The winner of the photography package from Reflections by Cindy will be announced Monday, August 10th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and have a great weekend!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 537 Newer› Newest»Elaine Hearn: following you on Twitter!!!!!
Melanee Peterson
erin mills
erin mills, following you on twitter
erin mills FAN
Kimberlee A Smith
erin mills..love the one of the newborn twins
Amy Pugmire: I love the little boy in the woven basket outside the best.
Amy PUgmire: fan.
randi arnold
randi arnold- following on twitter and tweeted about you
randi arnold- fan
randi arnold- i love the little baby with the enormous eyes lying on the blanket
hudson rahme
hudson rahme: like the little boy with the lollypop
kerri greene
Kerri Greene: I like the big girl with the green headband.
Kerri Greene: fan
Amy Pugmire: tweeted.
tiffany kimble
Kendra Goodrich
Kendra Goodrich I love the newborn baby that looks like it is stretching out and could touch his toes. So flexible!
Shambray galamb
Angela Graves
Angela Graves: Fan
Angela Graves: I love the details in all of the little pictures. My favorite is probably the little boy with freckles.
I'm a costumer visiter of Cindy's blog and I only regret that I can't use her services because I don't live in USA. Cindy, I salute you for your amazing work. Keep going. F
Shalane Brower
Jennifer Matthews
susan smoaks
Amie Tingey
Amie Tingey, I love the pic of the little girl in the big pink tutu!
karley simmons
Mary Pinegar
shanda wootton
Karen Pew
shanda wootton: I love all the baby pics but I especially love the one with the baby sleeping on her hands with the pink shorts on. So precious!
Ashley Whitehead: Any picture with twins melts my heart.....and makes me glad I've only had one at a time!
Amy Hill
Amy Hill--the little girl walking outside with the huge tutu--so sweet!
elizabeth olsen
Kristen Israel
lindsey dean
lindsey dean: follower
Sheila Jensen: I like the girl with the yellow unbrella!
Sheila Jensen: Fan
Paula Decaria
Kim Lambert! I love the picture of the twins sleeping in their diapers!
Paula Decaria, I love the little boy in the white suit, sitting on a chair with his head on his hand.
Sheryl Coe
Micah Bulloch
Micah Bulloch-fan
Sheryl Coe: I love your little newborn twins in black and white!
Micah Bulloch- twitted how great give away today is
Micah Bulloch- the little girl in the pink bucket is so cute
Lindsey Wells
Britney Young: Love newnorn twins
Lindsey Wells: I love the one of the little girl in the brown tutu, so precious!
Kiley Smith-I love the little boy in the blue striped shirt!
Bethany Struthers: Love the little girl in the pink tutu and the one in the brown tutu.
Samples of her work (which I have seen in her home) convince me she cares about her subjects and wants to portray them naturally, as though we can see into their souls, to feel their innocence.
RAchelle Steed
jan sanderson fan
Rachelle Steed: My favorite picture is the little girl on the top of the page. That is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen!
jan sanderson boy with sucker
Rachelle Steed: FAn
jan sanderson follower
Shannon White
Cindy Nelson: I love the little blue eyed boy standing by the tree.
Blain Young: Love the newborn twins
Brittany Hansen: I think the picture of the newborn in the basket/bowl is just darling! I want one!
i love the little ones picture of the baby boy pushing a tiny wooden truck!
Denise Hone
Denise Hone: I love the picture of the twin babies. So sweet.
Sarita Rogers: Fan
Geri Smith
Michelle Luekenga-I love the picture of the newborn twins
Marcia beach
Marcia Beach-picture of the girl with umbrella
Rebecca Yokoi
Rebecca Yokoi: I love the pictures of Miss Alie. She is so precious and her outfits are adorable!
Erika Ahlheim
Bonnie Holley
bethany kestner
Bethany Kestner - I love all the photos. the expressions are so real.
Kim Ogden
Mary Memmott: I love the picture of the little girl in the frilly pink tutu!
victoria elder
Emily Miller- I like the shot of the little boy w/the lollipop
Kim Ogden: I love the new born in the pink metal bucket
kathy gregory
felicia voss: the photo of the little boy in the blue polo
Jennie Reese
Jennie Reese: I love the picture of the little girl in the brown dress- her eyes are amazing!
Jennie Reese: Fan
Racquel Stallins
Tara Rogers
Racquel Stallings: Newborn twins, priceless!
Courtney Pack
jill simmons
Leslie BLoomquist
Courtney Pack: I love the little fairy princess girl, so cute!
jill simmons: can't pick a fav photo-all so cute
jill simmons: fan
jill simmons: tweeted
Heather Demke: Love the darling little boy in the basket
Courtney Pack: Fan
Courtney Pack: Follower
Amanda Cingolani
Whitney Venable: I love all the little newborn pictures!
Natalie Humpherys: I loved the picture of the newborn with the little snowcap on.
Natalie Humpherys: Facebook Fan
Katrina Southwick - I love the little boy with Woody!
Brienne Frank
Kjersten Vandenberghe: I love the picture of the newborn in the big wooden bowl with the pink blanket.
heather Gines
Brienne Frank: I love the picture of the little girl with the brown dress & the huge pink flower on her dress and one in her hair. What a precious little girl.
Brienne Frank: Fan
Brenda Finlinson
Jill Hunt
Kerstin Olcott-pic of newborn twins
Jill Hunt
Brienne Frank: I became a follower on twitter and tweeted, 'check out giveawaytoday.blogspot.com they are having two great giveaways today.'
Allison Bench
Trina Harding
Jolynn Page: I LOVE the picture of the little girl in the brown dress with the big pink flowers! I also like the little boy in the blue polo shirt standing next to the tree.
Lorraine Panek
Trina Harding: The newborns in fluffy blankts are my favorites.
andrea shuman: the lollipop - adorable
Kendahl Andrade
Lorraine Panek, wide eyed baby in a basket in the middle of a field.
Kendahl Andrade: Love the little boy in blue playing with the Woody doll
Kendahl Andrade: new Twitter follower [@ScrapItUp]
Lorraine Panek: FAN
Stephanie Thomas
Lynnea Hamatake
Stephanie Thomas: I love the picture of the little girl in the pink tutu!
What cute pics!
Kelli Tandy- I love ALL of the cute little baby pictures, she does a great job, I want pictures taken like that of my soon to be little one!!!!
Jessica Clark
melanie kunz
Debbie Weaver
Linda Muir:I like the photo of the little boy in a blue shirt standing by an orange "wooden" background. The colors are great and I like the innocent look on his face, although I know from experience boys are sometimes trouble makers!!
Andrea Walker: love the baby in the green meadow
Jamie Newman
Jamie Newman: I love all the new babies pics but I especially love the one with the little baby curled up on his/her stomach and they have a head full of dark hair! Love it!
Lindsay Lakin- I couldn't take my eyes off the picture of the little girl at the top of the post. So beautiful!!! She reminds me of my own daughter and how her eyes can just make you catch your breath!
Megan Salisbury: I love the one in the "New ones" section with the black background and the little baby looking right at you. So darn cute!
brittany chambers: I love the pic of the baby on the blue blanket with his foot tucked under his chin.
Tracy Murri
Cameo Bell: I love the picture of the newborn in the bowl surrounded by the fluffy blanket.
Joni Marshall: I love the picture of the baby girl alseep (wrapped in a blanket) in a pink container
Jolynn Page: FAN
Kim Rogers
Kim Rogers-I love the pic with the little girl in the brown dress and the big pink flowers!
Amber Seely: Love the newborn photos!
Karen Scoffield: How do you choose? I do love the newborns in the really nubby blanket with all the texture.
Laurel Ford: FAN
Brittany Chambers: Fan
Ariane Mardis
Ariane Mardis: Fan
Ariane Mardis: Became a Follower on Twitter
Hilary Justesen
Hilary Justesen: FAN
Nicole Shupe
Ariane Mardis: I Love the One with the Little Girl in the Big Poofy pInk Dress!
Congrats Cindy, we love you at CraziBeautiful!
Congrats Cindy, we love you at CraziBeautiful!
Hilary Jusesen, I like the one of the baby with the purple hat on the rocking chair.
sarah nuttall, I love the little girl in the pink container asleep all wrapped up cozy, so sweet
sarah nuttall, facebook fan
Dezi Allen
sarah nuttall follower
Dezi Allen
I love the picture of the adorable little girl in the brown dress with 2 huge pink flowers! Love it!
Tali Koerner
Dezi Allen FAN
Michelle Brunson
Tali Koerner: I love the photo of the newborn baby girl in the pink blanket in the basket. So precious!
Michelle Brunson - I love the one with the baby in the mom's hands (black background) with it's face towards the camera. The baby just looks like it is in deep thought! She also put a new little twist on a popular picture.
Tali Koerner: Fan
Dezi Allen
tweeted - Exciting giveaways at http://giveawaytoday.blogspot.com/ Check them out!
Jeni wilson
Sara Mendenhall
Lauren Andrews
Aubri Larson
I love the close up of the baby on the front page.
Kenzie Rowley
Aubri Larson
Fan of Cindy
Aubri Larson
Twitter follower
Jennifer Eng
Sharylann Smith: I don't have twitter but I am a facebook fan.
Andrea Hales
Karen Brimhall
Sharylann Smith: I love the baby with the red crocheted bottoms.
Shanda Nuila: My favorite is the girl in the pink tutu with fairy wings
Georgia Nasios - this looks wonderful! We could definitely use some family photos!
Karen Brimhall
I like the 'little one' in the brown dress and 2 large pink roses.
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