THREE $30 Gift Certificates From TotRags
Sometimes I long for the day when my kids can eat a meal without getting a stain on their shirt. I think it gets a little better with each passing year (i.e. it's only a DROP of spaghetti sauce rather than a whole BOWL of spaghetti spilled on them). Either way, its still a spill for Mom to scrub off.
Wouldn't it be great if your toddler had a bib that was designed to catch ALL spills, not just the ones that go directly on their chest? And maybe something they couldn't rip off with one little tug? TotRags to the rescue! Their toddler bib will catch every spill and is so durable and absorbent. Made from thick terry cloth and with built-in arms, it is sure to do the trick. Plus it's cute--and, let's face it, that's important too.

If your child eats perfectly with utensils and does not spill a drop (consider yourself lucky), then perhaps you could use a stylish new nursing cover instead of bib (I think this is one of the most unique nursing covers I have seen)
Or a handmade diaper/wipes case (which is one of the best inventions in baby products in a long time.) It's perfect for when you just need to grab something to take to the park or keep in the car when you don't want to lug around your diaper bag. (look how much it holds too...)
Sometimes I long for the day when my kids can eat a meal without getting a stain on their shirt. I think it gets a little better with each passing year (i.e. it's only a DROP of spaghetti sauce rather than a whole BOWL of spaghetti spilled on them). Either way, its still a spill for Mom to scrub off.
Wouldn't it be great if your toddler had a bib that was designed to catch ALL spills, not just the ones that go directly on their chest? And maybe something they couldn't rip off with one little tug? TotRags to the rescue! Their toddler bib will catch every spill and is so durable and absorbent. Made from thick terry cloth and with built-in arms, it is sure to do the trick. Plus it's cute--and, let's face it, that's important too.

Also, whenenver possible, products are made from recycled, thrifted, or salvaged materials which makes the majority of the TotRags line Eco-Eco friendly. They are economically good for the environment. Less new product being made means less product in landfills later on. Plus they are so durable that you will likely get years and years of use before being discarded. Additionally, TotRags is giving back. $1.00 from each item purchased is donated to fund cancer research - currently breast cancer. What a great company!
These lovely products and more from TotRags will make your life with little ones a whole lot easier. And who couldn't use a little help sometimes? Just to help you out a little further, Tot Rags is offering a 15% DISCOUNT to all of our readers. Just enter the code "GT15OFF" and your money will be refunded through paypal or credit card.
You can enter to win one of three gift certificates to TotRags up to FOUR times today. This giveaway is open to the US and Canada only.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit TotRags Here. Check out all of their adorable (and useful) products and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and which product you would choose if you are one of our winners.
Example: Jane Doe: I love the burnt orange diaper clutch
For a third entry, visit our Give Away Today Winner's Blog here and then in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and one product which someone has won from Give Away today that you wish you owned.
Example: Jane Doe: I wish I owned more dresses from Sweet Plume because they are adorable!
For a fourth entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and tell us an invention for babies for which you are so grateful.
Example: I am so grateful for the electronic swing. My first one had to be wound up and the battery operated one is heavenly.
The winner of from TotRags will be announced Monday, August 10th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks and have a great weekend!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1115 Newer› Newest»Bella Stefanos
katie larsen
Bella Stefanos: I love the TotRags Original DipeWipe Clutch in Blue Stripes!
Kelsey Sorensen
Kelsey Sorensen: Wipe Clutch in red paisly
Kelsey Sorensen: I wish I had won one of the photography sessions!
Bella Stefanos: I'd love the blog makeover by Knuckleheaders because I don't know enough about HTML to redo my own blog!
Kelsey Sorensen: I'm grateful for the baby swing. So great!
Bella Stefanos: I'm grateful for baby wipes! They're so handy!
Amy Pugmire
Amy Pugmire: I love the TotRags original Terry Cloth Bib in Pink Black and White
Amy PUgmire: I wish I owned some see kai run shoes.
Amy Pugmire: I am greatful for the no throw.
Michelle west
Brooke Declusion
Brooke Declusion: TotRags Onesie Set in BlueBerry Too cute!
Michelle west- i love the red paisley diaper clutch
Michelle west- i wish I won from peekabo bowtique...SO cutE
Brooke Declusion: I wish I owned a Mindy Gledhill CD! I love her music simply lovely!
Brooke Declusion: Baby Bouncer's are a life saver!
Michelle west- i dont know how women survived without disposable diapers!!!
Kendra Goodrich
Kendra Goodrich I would get a diaper wipe case in Green Paisley, it looks handy!
Arin Lords
full coverage bib-in blooming pink.
Kendra Goodrich: I am grateful for pacifiers. My first one refused and the second one loves it. It has made a huge difference! Though he'll hate it when I take it away.
Arin Lords
the gift certificate to Sweet plume
Kendra Goodrich: I wish I had the blog makeover. I'm not good with that stuff nor do I have the time.
Arin Lords
Just one thing???
I'd have to say childsafety door handle locks and the ones you use to keep kids out of the refrigerator.
Heather Williams
Sarah Siddique
Sarah Siddique
i love the 'TotRags Original DipeWipe Clutch in Earth Paisley'
Missy Eichelberger
Missy Eichelberger - TotRags Original John Deer Diaper and Wipe Clutch (even my hubby would like that)
i wish i won the Jewelry from Crystal B
Missy Eichelberger- i wish i had a tote like from Zinney Lou Totes. they are so beautiful
Missy Eichelberger- i'm so grateful for my son's bouncer that he used as a baby. he loved that little bouncer and it kept him so happy when he had tummy issues
Sarah Siddique
disposable diapers of course!
Emily Backus
Emily Backus: the wipes case in burnt wallpaper.
Emily Backus: I've seen Milan maternity on here a couple of times and always hope that I win for my cute prego sis!
Emily Backus: This will sound funny, but I was so grateful for my phone bluetooth! I could chat away while having my hands free to feed or diaper my little guy!
Anna Frolova
Anna Frolova: I love the TotRags Original Newborn Feeding Set in Blue Love, beautiful color!
TotRags Original Newborn Feeding Set in Blue Love
Anna Frolova: I'm grateful for baby nap times! :)
Eliane Tatei
Eliane Tatei: TotRags Original Diaper and Wipe Clutch in Black and White Damask
Shalane Brower
Shalane Brower: I would like any of the diaper clutches.
Shalane Brower: I wish I owned a shirt from Milan Maternity, they are so cute.
Shalane Brower: disposable diapers. enough said.
Jennifer Matthews
susan smoaks
susan smoaks
TotRags Onesie Set in BlueBerry
Regina Manning: If I won I would choose the TotRags Original Full Coverage Bib in Voilet Carnival
susan smoaks
this is the one i really wanted to win
$75 Gift Certificate from Sweet Plume
susan smoaks
i am grateful for the vibrating chair. it's the best invention ever!
Meg Somers
Amie Tingey
Amie Tingey: I love the nursing covers!
Amie Tingey: I would love to own something from Shabby Apple and Peekaboo boutique!
Amie Tingey: pacifiers, bouncers and disposable diapers!!
Ashley Patterson
Ashley Patterson
i love the pink polka dot totrag!
Ashley Lown
Ashley Lown - Blooking Pink Nursing cover is adorable!
Ashley Lown - I wish I had one one of the photography sessions. So awesome!
Ashley Lown - I am so grateful for binkies!
Jennifer Lleras
Nancy McEnany
Nancy McEnany--love love the nursing cover
Nancy McEnany-grateful for car seats, babies are so much safer these days with them
Nancy McEnany-I wish that I could have won some of the clothes from Milan Maternity, my daughter needs maternity clothes very badly and they are soooo cute
carly larsen
Emily Erspamer: TotRags Original Full Coverage Bib in Voilet Carnival
karley simmons
karley simmons - hands down the cradle swing - I love that when I couldm't get them to sleep - or lets face it was too tired - it could!
Mary Pinegar
karley simmons - diaper and wipes case in summer stripes
Macey Bishop
karley simmons - I really wished I would have won the silver plume gift cert - I LOVE those feathered aprons, I even secretly wished maybe the person who won would forget to look so I could have another chance.....sad I know
Jaime Ashby
Aleisha Rambusch
Amy Hill
Amy Hill--TotRags Original Full Coverage Bib in Brown Bear, the kids will wear these when they eat spagetti!
Aleisha Rambusch: I thankful for the Johnny Jumper. (the jumper that clasps to the door frame and baby jumps forever) My daughter loved that and it kept her entertained so I could get things done around the house.
Amy Hill-- love the vibrating baby bouncer!
Aleisha Rambusch: Red Paisley Dipe Wipe Clutch
Tami Gooch
Ashley Whitehead: I'm still thinking about the cute Shabby Apple dresses you featured!
Cathy Estadt
estadt {at} ppg {dot} com
Aleisha Rambusch: I wish I had won something from Shabby Apple
I would pick the Original DipeWipe Clutch in Blue Stripes. That would come in so handy for those quick trips out.
Cathy Estadt
estadt {at} ppg {dot} come
Nicole Carr
Katie Rhamey
Katie Rhamey: TotRags original Terry Cloth Bib in Earth Bear
Kristen Israel
Nicole Carr- I love the Clutch in Burnt Wallpaper!!!
Jenny Smith
Nicole Carr- I wish I could have won the Gift Certificate yesterday for my sister!
Sarah Bradley
Jeanine Crane
Kim Lambert
Jeanine Crane: I would just LOVE the TotRags Original Diaper and Wipe Clutch in Black and White Damask
Sarah Bradley - I would love the Diaper Clutch in Summer Stripe - it's so bright and fun!
Kim Lambert. I like the Diaper and Wipes Clutch in Damask!
Sarah Bradley - I would have loved to get the portraits done. So special!
Jeanine Crane: I would have loved to win a photography session... I need a new family picture with my newest addition
Jeanine Crane: I"m so grateful for so many things... I couldn't have survived being a pioneer! My first wouldn't sleep well at night unless we had him swinging in the swing. And everytime I'm in public and my baby needs a diaper change I'm so so grateful for disposable diapers! (I could go on and on...)
Jennifer Pollan
Jennifer Pollan - I loved the bumbo seat. That thing is amazing and we took it everywhere! Great invention, sure wish I thought of it :)
Sylvia McLaughlin
Tami Gooch--I know I would want the full coverage bib, but I'm not sure which print yet. I like the aqua and the pooh bear. I want something unisex, and the aqua's trim looks more girly, but the pooh bear is so dark of a blue. Maybe I'd check out other fabric choices they have. Anyway... full coverage bib for sure! :-)
Sylvia McLaughlin
The diaper/wipe bag. Fantastic!
micah Bulloch
Micah Bulloch- Black and white diper clutch is cute
Jennifer Pollan - The Full Coverage Bib in Pink/Black/White would be a lifesaver!
Micah Bulloch- I wish I could have won one of the cute dresses by sweet plume
Micah Bulloch- I am so glad for the walker.
Britney Young
Britney Young: I would have love to win something for Sweet Plume!!
Britney Young: I am so greatful for baby binky clips!!
Tami Gooch--I am soooooo grateful for disposable diapers and wipies! :-)
Bethany Struthers
Bethany Struthers: Burnt Wallpaper clutch
Britney Young: Dipewipe clutch in earth paisley
Bethany Struthers: I could not live without the bouncer. When my babies actually let me put them down, that is what they hung out in.
Becca Olave
Bethany Struthers: Currently on my mind is yesterdays giveaway. I am not pregnant yet, but will be soon (crossing fingers!) and since my last pregnancy I have lost more than 50 pounds. I am going to need a whole new wardrobe!
Erin Wilhelmsen I wish I would win some maternity shirts from Milan Maternity. They are super cute.
Kara BUrns: TotRags Original DipeWipe Clutch in Burnt Wallpaper
Erin Wilhelmsen I am currently grateful for my bibs with sleeves from Ikea. They keep messy toddlers clean when they eat.
Becca Olave: TotRags Nursing Cover in Blooming Pink
Erin Wilhelmsen I like the blue daisy nursing cover.
Blain Young: Terry cloth bib in banana paisley
Blain Young: I am thankful for burp cloth
Janae Bang
Tristan Jennings-Horsley
I wish I owned a Zinney Lou Tote.
Karen Mwins: burnt wallpaper dipewipe clutch
Karen Mwins
Cindy Nelson
Becca Olave: I wish I had won the photography package from Portraits by Jenn!
Blain Young: I wish i could have won something from swee plume
Cindy Nelson: blue daisy nursing cover
Karen Mwins: could not have survived without my double electric breast pump!!!!
Kara BUrns : Jewelry from Crystal B
Tristan Jennings-Horsley
I really want the diaper/wipe clutch!
Courtney Dairman
Karen Mwins: I have loved ALL of the darling boutique dresses for preschoolers!
Becca Olave: I am SO grateful for disposable diapers. When we were in China, most of the babies just had a onesie with a hole in the bum. Ewww.
Kara Burns: I am so grateful for the sling. To be able to keep my hands free is great!
Tristan Jennings-Horsley
I like whomever invented the high chair with the removable tray that can go in the dishwasher!
Cindy Nelson: I would have loved the Photography by Jenn!
Kristi Richmond: TotRags Original Full Coverage Bib in Orange Cream Blossom
Courtney Dairman: I like the diaper and wipe clutch in the Black and White Damask.
Cindy Nelson: Binkies are amazing things and I'm so glad I have some to give my daughter so she isn't sucking on everything in sight!
Courtney Dairman: I wish I could have won a Zinney Lou Tote or clothes from Milan Maternity.
rachel cowan- gotta have the burnt orange wallpaper clutch!
Kristi Richmond: I'd love the blog makeover!
Courtney Dairman: I have to say car seat and stroller. My baby would sleep the best in his car seat the first couple of months and one of the ways we got him there was taking him on walks in his stroller.
Brittany Hansen: I love the John Deere diaper and wipe clutch! It's perfect for my little guys.
rachel cowan- wish i had won Portraits by Jen. Nothing better than capturing life.
Denise Hone
Kristy smith
Denise Hone: I wish I had the blue stripes dipewipe clutch. It would be so handy.
Denise Hone: I love the watch bands you have given away. I need one! or maybe two ...
rachel cowan- its gotta be disposable diapers hands down. anything that makes that stinky mess easier!
Denise Hone: I am so grateful for disposable diapers. I can't imagine how it would be to have to wash cloth diapers - no thank you.
Kristi Richmond: with 6 kids I used a lot of baby things - and each one was different so I had a different favorite for each baby but the thing I had for my last baby that I wish I'd had for the others was my portable baby swing - it was great to move her upstairs, downstairs, from room to room or even to grandmas house!
Sarita Rogers: I'm grateful for the carseat/stroller combo. Talk about simplifying things!
Sarita Rogers: I've been hoping to win a portrait session.
Diana Hewlett
Geri Smith
Debbie Chang
Geri Smith - I like the black and white diaper/wipes clutch
stephanie bladen
stephanie bladen
wipe clutch in red paisley
Debbie Chang: I love the TotRags Original DipeWipe Clutch in Blue Stripes, it'd be perfect for quick trip out with my son.
Christi HIgham: I love the binky. It's my favorite invention.
Christi Higham
Christi Higham: I wish I had more jewelery from Crystal B. You can never have too many pairs of earrings and necklaces.
Christi Higham: Totsrags dipe/wipe in red paisley
Bethany Kestner - I wish with all my heart that I had won the knuckleheaders giveaway. I hope you do another one soon!
Bethany Kestner - it's not exactly a baby product, but I would die without Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. My third child is spawned from something evil and has permanent marker radar. I love those erasers!
Erika Ahlheim
jamie hyde
Jenny Maddox
Stacey Morgan: I am loving those full coverage bibs for my messy boys
Jenny Maddox - Love the summer stripes diaper & wipes clutch
Utonya Nielsen
Julie Stratton
Bonnie Holley
jamie hyde
Becky Zufall
Jamie Hyde: i would choose a diaper and wipes holder for sure.
Melissa Deming
Jenny Maddox - I would have loved to have won the Sweet Plume giveaway. I'm expecting my 1st little girl in September and after 2 boys am obsessed with dresses for her!
Jamie Hyde: I would like to have won the $75 gift certificate to Milan Maternity
Stacey Morgan: I wish I owned one of those stylish maternity tops from the other day
Julie Stratton- I love the Black and White Damask.
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