A Scentsy System, A Warmer and Three Bars to ONE Winner
and Two Smaller Packages of a Plug-in and Three Bars to TWO Winners
You are in luck today, my friends, because Scentsy is offering 10% off of everything through the month of August to get ready for the new fall/winter catalog that launches Sept 1st.And not only that, but Scentsy Consultant Cindy Stegell is offering the readers of Give Away Today an additional 10% off on everything you can find at Scentsy. If you have ever wanted to purchase some of Scentsy's "scentsational" products, now is the time. Just place your order under the GIVEAWAYTODAY event on Cindy's Scentsy website here, to get the extra 10% off.
Click here to see a list of everything Scensty is discontinuing. And then stock up now on gifts for your friends or on all of your favorite products as many will not be returning.

Click here to see a sneak peak at the Fall/Winter 2009 Catalog. There's new scents, warmer and plug-in designs, products and packages!! So many new products. Everything in this catalog is available for purchase on Sept 1st. So go through and find everything you want to have and then book a party with Cindy Steggell so you can get it for FREE! If you host a party with her in the month of September she will give you a FREE plug-in and bar in addition to all of the wonderful hostess rewards Scentsy has to offer. Home or basket parties are both easy and fun and just because you live in a different state doesn't mean you can't have a party. So email her at csteggell@msn.com to schedule a day that works best for you.
There has never been a better time to become a Scentsy consultant than right now. They're growing so quickly and everything is just going to get bigger and better. In the next few months Scentsy will be opening up sales to Canada. How exciting! If you join this month you get both sets of the spring/summer testers as well as the new fall/winter testers PLUS both catalogs which saves you money. Having a Scentsy business gives you the flexibility you need to stay more involved with your family, a way to meet new and amazing people, and of course to earn an additional income.

Today Cindy Steggell of Scentsy is giving away a Scentsy System, a Warmer and Three Bars (valued at $44) to ONE person. She is also giving away two (2)smaller packages of a plug-in and three bars (valued at $29) to TWO additional people. You can enter to win one of these lovely packages up to FOUR times today. This giveaway is open to everyone, everywhere.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Cindy Steggell's Scentsy site here. Look at all of Scentsy's amazing products. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and a the warmer or plug-in you would choose if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I would really like the Dandy Cherry Plug-in for my bathroom
For a third entry, subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the right-hand side by entering your email address where it says “Want to Subscribe to Receive our Monthly Newsletter?” Once you subscribe or if you have already subscribed in the past, you get a third entry. PS- our newsletter is coming out soon and you will not want to miss the info inside, we have such fun things on the horizon! In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the words "Subscriber".
Example: Jane Doe: Subscriber
For a fourth entry, become a fan of Give Away Today on Facebook here. Once you have become a fan or if you are already a fan, you receive a fourth entry. In a NEW comment enter your first and last name and the word "FAN".
Example: Jane Doe: FAN
The winners of the packages from Scentsy consultant Cindy Steggell will be announced Tuesday, August 25th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and have a great day!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1161 Newer› Newest»Elaine Hearn
Jessica Hover
Jessica Hover- I love the Boleyn Scentsy Warmer it is so cute.
Jessica Hover- Subscribed
Jessica Hover- Fan
amy Pugmire
Amy Pugmire: I like the daisy's warmer
Amy Pugmire: subscriber
Amy Pugmire: fan.
Brooke Declusion
Brooke Declusion: The warmer from the Isabella Collection they are lovely
Brooke Declusion: Subscriber
Ave Täär
Melissa Eichelberger
Ave Täär: Subscriber
Melissa Eichelberger- i love both of the doodlebud and cherry blossom warmers. they are both so cute!
Melissa Eichelberger-subscriber
Melissa Eichelberger-Fan
Lisa Bradford
Lisa Bradford
I would love to try scentsy!! I love the Dandy Turquoise plug-in warmer!!
yuri kristi
Lisa Bradford: subscriber
yuri kristi: i love the lodge warmer
Katie Rhamey
I love a good scent warmer.
Tamara Burks
Eliane Tatei
tara gruwell
tara gruwell fan
Eliane Tatei: Dandy Turquoise Plug-in Warmer.
Eliane Tatei: subscriber
Eliane Tatei: fan
Jenny Maddox
Jenny Maddox - subscribed to newsletter
Jenny Maddox - facebook fan
Melissa Corkum
Melissa Corkum
I would buy the Dandy Brown Plug-in Warmer for my kitchen.
Melissa Corkum-FB fan
Anna Tuttle
Anna Tuttle: pressed penny warmer
Celeste Wilcox
Celeste Wilcox: Bombay Warmer
Celeste Wilcox: Subscriber
Megan Trayner
Megan Trayner: FAN
Megan Trayner: Subscriber
Megan Trayner: I love the Raised Black Dot warmer for my bedroom!
Abie Mohn
genevieve curtis
genevieve curtis: i love the black satin warmer. it would fit so nicely in our family room decor!
genevieve curtis: subscriber
Kristen Preston
Kristen Preston- subscriber
Kristen Preston- facebook fan
vaueli johnson
Monika Crain
Jo-An Victorio
Sarah Ebbert
Sarah Ebbert: Subscriber
Brittney Johnson
Brittney Johnson: I would love the Dandy Cherry Plug-in for my kitchen!
Jo-An Victorio
I would love to have the tangerine tango warmers
August specials:)
Shalane Brower
Jo-An Victorio
Jo-An Victorio- FAN
liz martelle
Carly Larsen
Shell Cyr
Shell Cyr: Dandy in Tangerine would be my plug in of choice.
Shell cyr: subscriber
Lee Bay: fan
Lee Bay: subscriber
Nicole Lindsey
Nicole Lindsey: subscriber
Nicole Lindsey: fan
Leslee Kitchen
Michelle Banbury
Kelsey Allen
Charlotte Winters
Laura Wilkinson
Laura Wilkinson: subscribe to your newsletter
Laurie Underwood
Laurie Underwood: I would choose the groovy White Plug In Warmer.
Laurie Underwood: Subscriber
Laurie Underwood: Fan
Laura Wilkinson: Brownstone Warmer
Chris Clapp
Veronica Garrett
karley simmons - fan
karley simmons - subscriber
Leah Mitchell
leah mitchell: I like the Dandy Brown Plug-in Warmer
leah mitchell: subscriber
leah mitchell: fan
leah mitchell: fan
Jamie Hyde
Ireta Jensen
WendiLyn Jensen
Cyndie Call- subscriber
karley simmons - dandy in brown or white
Cyndie Call- fan
Jessica Conforti
Utonya Nielsen
Jessica Conforti- I really like the raised dot turqouise warmer or the liberty warmer
Jessica Conforti- fan
Jessica Conforti- subscriber
Jeanne Garner
Veronica Garrett: I would choose the Bombay Scentsy Warmer. It would be perfect for my living room.
Claire Evenson
Jeanne Garner- I love the Groovy White Plug In warmer
Veronica Garrett
Kati Mattingly
sheryl moerdyk
Aubri Larson
I'd love the giraffe warmer, for my kids jungle themed bathroom.
Kati Mattingly: I love the Doodle Bug Scentsy Warmer. Too cute, great colors! Thanks!
colette tervort: dandy plug in warmer in black
Veronica Garrett: Subscriber
Julie Arndt
Veronica Garrett: Fan
colette tervort: fan
Georgia Nasios: I would love to have the Jadestone from the Smooth Stone Collection for my living room.
Tonia Jorgensen
Tonia Jorgensen Surf's Up warmer. It would be too cute in my son's room
Jeanette Allday
Tonia Jorgensen Subscribed
Tonia Jorgensen Fan
Jeanne Garner:subscriber
Jeanne Garner:fan
Jeanette Allday: dandy white plug in warmer is my fav! I love scentsy....I have a burner but have been wanting a plug in warmer.
Julie Arndt: Jakarta Scentsy Warmer
Amy Wendt
tracey braithwaite
Laura Tirpak
Cindy Nelson
Jennifer Tobler - Fan
Cindy Nelson: I love the weave-green plug in. It would go great in my bathroom!
Emily Cannon
Cindy Nelson: Subscribed
Jennifer Tobler - Subscribed
Cindy Nelson: Facebook fan!
Emily Cannon: I would love the Brownstone warmer with new scents for fall (cinnamon, pumpkin, etc.)!
tracey braithwaite-tangerine tango plug in
Sarita Rogers: subscribed
Sarita Rogers: Fan
Rachelle Steed
Rachelle Steed: Subscriber
Rachelle Steed: Fan
Alexia Marsh: Grovey Black plug in for my bathroom
julie brown
Jennifer Nichole Johnson
Raised Dot Mocha warmer... so cute!
Sarita Rogers: Raised dot mocha warmer and maybe cloves and cinnamon scent
Jennifer Tobler - I think the Satin black warmer in the classic collection would go perfect in my formal front parlor or country kitchen. The Yukno warmer would go perfect in my rusticly decorated basement. I couln't go worng with either one.
Erin Wilhelmsen Fan
Erin Wilhelmsen Subscribed
Erin Wilhelmsen I like the raised dot Mocha Scentsy warmer.
felicia voss: satin black warmer! so fun
Marianne Carter
Marianne Carter: Subscriber
felicia voss: subscriber
Pam Wiggins
Pam Wiggins: Subscriber
Pam Wiggins: Fan
Jennifer Pollan
Angela Graves: Fan
Pam Wiggins- I love the Doodlebud warmer. IT would fit my decor very well!
Jennifer Pollan - Subscriber
andrea F.
andrea F. Arf blanket
Andrea F. As far as scentsy is concerned I am addicted to wasabi ginger and Sangria, both smell delightful!
Kiery Wilson: Subscriber
Kiery Wilson: Fan
Melissa Burr
Melissa Burr: I like the raised dot mocha warmer
Melissa Burr: Fan
Jeni Wilson: Raised Dot Mocha Scentsy Warmer
Jeni Wilson: Subscribed
Jeni Wilson: Fan
Heidi Kartchner
Boleyn warmer...perfect for my bedroom!
Heidi Kartchner
karen andrews
Alicia Wallenberg
karen andrews I would like the green wall plug in.
Alicia Wallenberg: Fan
karen andrews subscriber
Alicia Wallenberg: Subscriber
karen andrews fan
Alicia Wallenberg: I really want the new Pumpkin warmer that comes out in the Fall Catalog!
Angie Robison fan
Heather Demke: Love the brownstone warmer
Heather Demke: subscriber
Dee Tuttle
Amy Tobler
I like the Doodlebud warmer.
Dee Tuttle: I need a blue plug in warmer
Amy Tobler
I subscribe
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