Three $10 gift certificates to Three different winners
Wanna know what I did last week? I tried to find matching hair accessories to all of my daughter's new school clothes. I know it's a little OCD but what good is an outfit without a cute little addition to complete the look? I'm guessing our featured company today, May Day Studio agrees with me because they have some of the cutest, most original hair candy I have ever seen. Allow me to introduce you to it:
Looks good enough to eat:

Love these colors, can't wait for fall clothes:
Dainty and simple:
You can enter to win one of three gift certificates from May Day Studio up to FOUR times today. This giveaway is open to everyone, everywhere.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit May Day Studio here. Look at all of their darling hair accessories and decide which you would like if you are our winner. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the item you would like if you win.
Example: Jane Doe: I love the mud pie bitty clips- pink chocolate is my favorite
For a third entry, subscribe to our monthly newsletter on the right-hand side by entering your email address where it says “Want to Subscribe to Receive our Monthly Newsletter?” Once you subscribe or if you have already subscribed in the past, you get a third entry. PS- our newsletter is coming out soon and you will not want to miss the info inside, we have such fun things on the horizon! In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the words "Subscriber".
Example: Jane Doe: Subscriber
For a fourth entry, can you remember an outfit you wore on the first day of school? It can be any grade--from PreK to Senior Year. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and a description of this outfit.
Example: Jane Doe: My first day of kindergarten I wore a royal blue overall jumpsuit with an orange, blue, and red plaid button-up shirt underneath. Not to mention my hair that was blown out with a round brush to look as poofy as possible. I look back and think, "what was my Mother thinking?" I'm sure my daughter will think the same thing one day.
The winners of the gift certificates from May Day Studio will be announced Monday, August 24th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and have a great weekend--go out and have yourself some fun!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 996 Newer› Newest»katie larsen
katie larsen subscriber
Diana Moody
Shae Conrad
Shae Conrad subscriber
Carly DaMetz
Carly DaMetz
Carly DaMetz
My favorite clip is the 'bitty clip' (MUD PIE)
ruth nay
Amy Pugmire
Amy Pugmire: flower hair clip - strawberry field
Amy Pugmire: subscribe.
Amy Pugmire: In junior high my mom made me flourescent pink and black mc hammer pants :) stylin
Michele Kingsford
Michele Kingsford: My girls love the flower clips!
Michele Kingsford: Subscriber
Michele Kingsford: First day of 8th grade I wore a red plaid sweater vest w/ a white sirt and matching red tie...saw a outfit just like it in purple while shopping with my kids this week. Scary!
Erica Wyatt
Sham Galamb
Erica Wyatt - loving the pink daisy jewel
Erica Wyatt- subscriber
Erica Wyatt - I have sat here and can not think of one first day of school outfit. That makes me really sad.....I am getting old.
andrea park
andrea park: love the boutique bows. "jailbird" would look great on my little girl.
andrea park: subscribed
andrea park: Most 1st day outfits are forgotten, and there aren't any pictures. I believe my senior year I wore a lavendar rayon skirt with a floral print and a white top. I was trying to look mature.
Anne Jensen
Eliane Tatei
Eliane Tatei: bows bows bows - coral crush.
Eliane Tatei: subscriber
Melissa Sayers
Melissa Sayers subscriber
Ave Täär
Ave Täär: Subscriber
Andrea Yost
Ave Täär: I love piggy pony clips and bows bows bows - coral crush.
Ave Täär: We always had to wear white shirt and black skirt ( some kind of Estonian tradition :D)
Andrea Yost- I love the piggy pony clips in tangerine twist
Andrea Yost: Subscriber
Andrea Yost- "Luckily" my mom kind was enough to take pictures of all of my first day of school outfits. My favorite outfit has to be my 1st grade outfit. It was a little denim jumper with big fuchsia heart buttons on the 2 pockets with a fuchsia t-shirt, shoes, and hair bows. Oh and let us not forget the giant bangs my mom so carefully styled every morning in 80’s.
Monika Crain
Wyndee Arneson
I'm a follower!
Shalane Brower
genevieve curtis
Pam Rivera
Pam Rivera: bitty clips surf's up
Pam Rivera: subscriber
Missy Bennion
genevieve curtis: i love the mud pie clips and the red persian flower clip- so so cute!
Kristin Johnson
Laura Degen
genevieve curtis: subscriber
Kristin Johnson: I like the mini boutique bows in the Bad Apple colors!
Cynthia Horst: love the piggy pony clips
Kristin Johnson: The first day of kindergarten I wore this awful red and green plaid dress. THe waist was right under my arms and it had a fake rose in the front. Combined with the new haircut (that was NOT like my sister's), I didn't feel too good about that first day of class. :) I still don't like the pictures.
genevieve curtis: i still remember my 4th grade (i think) outfit. it was a jean jumper with a red shirt and red plaid collar underneath. i still remember because i loved it and my mom really really wanted me to wear it but when i got to school, i was the only one in a dress and i remember feeling so so embarrassed! oh my.
Cynthia Horst: my first day of school from grades 1 to 6, was a white blouse with a belted navy blue pleated tunic, navy blue knee socks and brown leather saddle shoes. We had to wear a uniform!
Liz Martelle
Meg Presley
Meg Presley - I'd get the cool as a cucumber set of bitty clips. I'm loving grey right now for my daughter's wardrobe!!
Meg Presley - subscriber
Emily Bylund
Emily Bylund
Disco Dance Collection Hair Clips are too cute!
Gretchen Gillette
Meg Presley - in kindergarten, I wore a white tiered skirt with lace on the hem, a light pink sweatshirt, and my favorite sneakers. I think my mom might have given me too much liberty in letting me dress myself!
Sylvia McLaughlin
Disco Dance Floor - adorable!
Gretchen Gillette- pink cosmos hair clip. I don't have any daughters but that piece is hot enough for me!
A "horrible" (but don't tell my mother) dark blue dress with a LARGE floral print!
valerie thompson
Jo-An Victorio
Jo-An Victorio -flower hair clip - large zesty pink whoaa really cute:)
Jo-An Victorio
My first day of kindergarden I am wearing a 2 red bows with curly strings on it
Jo-An Victorio
Mary Ewell
Thanks! =)
Mary Ewell ~ follower =)
Deena Harris
Deena Harris
I like the funky lil flowers in mod squad.
Mary Pinegar
Melissa Corkum
Jenny Smith
Melissa Corkum
I would get: flower hair clip - pink cosmos 4in.
Kara McAffee
SiSi Vice
SiSi Vice
My fav is the hair clip collections - flashdance :) pretty colors
origamibysisi at gmail dot com
Mary Kate Webb
Kara McAffee, My favorite and the one I'd get is "Red Persian Buttercup" flower clip. So cute!
Jeanine Crane
Elizabeth Olson
Elizabeth Olson
Mary Kate Webb: Flower Hair Clip in Red Persian Buttercup
Elizabeth Olson
My senior year of high school (80's) I wore and skirt. I can't believe I wore a skirt!!!??!
Jeanine Crane: piggy pony clips - surf's up
Amy Wendt
Jeanine Crane: subsriber
Kara McAffee : Subscriber
Elizabeth Olson
The flashdance set matches my daughter's outfits perfectly!
Amanda Anders
Leslee Kitchen
Lea Tame
Linsey Gines
Macey Bishop
Macey Bishop-love the mini boutique clips!
Jeni Wilson: I love the clip collection Spring has Sprung and any of the piggie pony tail clips
Kimberlee A Smith
Stacy Compton
Jeni Wilson: Follower
Stacy Compton : subscriber
Stacy Compton: I love the peachy keen and the green persian buttercup. Very cute clips!
Linsey Gines: I would love the bitty clips mud pie and an interchangable head band in yellow.
Jeni Wilson: I remember agonizing over what to wear the first day of each grade once I hit junior high and high school. Still remember a cute shorts outfit that the guy I wanted to notice actually noticed!
tamsen keyes
Stacy Compton: I don't remember any new outfits, I remember they were new and not very comfy after spending all summer in shorts and tank tops.
Linsey Gines: subscriber
Britney Young: I remember wearing a aqua blue shirt with a black and aqua blue plaid skirt. I think it was for 6th grade.
Angela Shepherd
tamsen keyes: my favorite is the flower hair clip - strawberry field.
Linsey Gines, on the first day of school I think I wore a graphic-T and long boy shorts. I wanted to be like my big brother so bad.
tamsen keyes: subscriber
Angela Shepherd: The hair clip collection of Bloomingdales. SO cute!
Britney Young: I think the peachy gerber daisy one is soo cute!!
Angela Shepherd: Subscriber
Jennifer Nichole Johnson
Angela Shepherd: I don't remember any outfit, but I do remember how excited I was to wear a new outfit bought just for the new school year. I always felt so pretty.
tamsen keyes: My first day of 9th grade I wore a 3/4 length sleeve black bodysuit (you know those snug shirts that snapped together under the crotch:) and jeans. Since my hair is naturally frizzy all I had to do was brush my hair for some nice body.
Brielle Broadhead
Blain Young: Leapin' leopard
Blain Young: Subscriber
Jennifer Pollan - Bitty Clips - Mud Pie.
Blain Young: I wear my fav red striped shirt and blue jeans
Jennifer Pollan - Senior Year, first day, wore my favorite outfit. True Religion jeans with my juicy couture Pink shirt with rhinestones and my brand new JSimpson high heels, by far my favorite outfit ever!
Kara Burns
Kara Burns : Subscriber
Melissa Davis
Heather Thompson
Michelle Chappell
KayDee Shaffer
Michelle Chappell:hair clip collections - flashdance
Brittney Withers
Jennifer Olson
Michelle Chappell: Subscriber
Brittney withers, subscribed
Jennifer Olson: subscribe
Valerie Witte
Brittney Withers, I must have the green persian buttercup
I really love the collections. The felt clips are my fav. Just got one for my daughter not long ago & it is too cute!
Heather Thompson
Melissa Davis: bitty clips - school days
Brittney withers, my first day, sophmore year, i wore a matching black jumpsuit. The bottoms was a skort, and the top was a vest.....so , so ugly !
Brittany Hansen: I adore the bitty clips in Think Pink. So, so, SO, darling!
Melissa Davis: Subscriber
Sara Johnson: I remember wearing my first denim jacket to the first day of school some time in Elementary. It was very cool like my big sisters.
Natalie Clark: Subscriber
Brittany Hansen: First day in high school I wore my ahir down, blue eye shadow, and a Rainbow Brite t-shirt with jeans....it's painful thinking about it now.
Jing-Jing Nickel
Jing-Jing Nickel subscriber
Natalie Clark: On my first day of school for my senior year of high school, I wore the workout clothes I had worn to cheer practice that morning: a sweaty, retro T-shirt and boxers with flip flops. I really cared about that year of school!
Melissa Davis: I remember ONE from when I was a kid...maybe 2nd or 3rd grade. It was a pink flamingo outfit with ruffles. I have a picture of my two best friends in their 80's styling clothes and I love to see it!
Natalie Clark: Flower hair clip in Green Persian Buttercup
Sara Johnson: I love any of the flower clips.
KayDee Shaffer: I love the variety and different look of the felt clips. There are so many cute patterns and colors to match my little girl's outfits.
Nicole Harman
Erin Wilhelmsen is subscribed
Brittany Chambers
Erin Wilhelmsen On my first day of kindergarten I wore pink overalls and a white and pink top.
Becky Melville
Becky Melville- Subscriber
Brittany Chambers: I would get the snappy clips in color splash or grape juice
Jennifer Olson: hair clip collections - spring has sprung
Brittany Chambers: subscriber
Julia Wright
Jennifer Olson: first day of 1st grade, I wore a little mermaid shirt with mint green legging stirrup pants. I had my hair in pig tails, too. Don't you love the ear;y 90's?
Laura Heron
Erin Wilhelmsen I like the mud pie bitty clips. They are super cute.
Brittany Chambers: I wore some awesome floral print jeans on my first day of kindergarten.
Jeanette Allday: I love her flower hair clips, especially green persian
Jill Swensen: I love ALL the Bitty Clips! Anything with felt is my fav.
Laura Heron - I love the raspberry slush piggy pony clips
Jeanette Allday: we always had to wear uniforms to school, blue skirt with light blue polo shirt. Easy to pick out an outfit, but it sure it got old!
Laura Heron - on my first day of kindergarten I wore a purple jumper with matching purple bows in my hair.
Karen Cochran
Karen Tapahe
Karen Tapahe: subscriber
Jill Swensen: I think I've repressed every first-day-of-school outfit I wore since they were all horrendous!
Karen Tapahe: I like pretty much any of the pink flower clips
Karen Tapahe: I was in elementary school and I wore this dress that had a brown skirt attached to a top that looked like old fashioned newspaper stories. I loved that dress!
Kim Lambert. I like the Pink Flower hair clip
Kim Lambert. subscriber
Kim Lambert. On my first day of kindergarten I wore a sea green dress with pink roses and a matching headband that my mom made for me.
Amiee DiBrango
Lovve the mud pie bitty clips!
Amiee DiBrango
Erin Hepner
RAchelle steed
Rachelle Steed: Subscribe
Rachelle Steed: In 7th grade I wore this shirt that had huge red flowers on it. I still have it to this day.
Jen Braun
Jen Braun - I love the peachy gerber daisy hair clip. Bright, colorful and cheery!!
Erin Hepner - I love them all, but I think the "polka dot mixer" is one of my favorites!
Emilee Reynolds- Love the piggy pony clip
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