TWO $50.00 Gift Certificates to Snuggle Luv
Some days rather than writing a huge post about a company and their products I think I need to just sit back and let the images speak for themselves. Today would be one such day.

Have you ever seen such a cute hat? And the leg warmers to match? You go girl!

What about this little diva in her purple tutu and headband? She is definitely making a statement here. "Hello, world, I have arrived!"

Where was Snuggle Luv when I was a girl? I would have loved this entire ensemble. (I think my mom would have had to quietly remove the outfit from my body while I was sleeping. I would have wanted to wear it every second of every day).

Hello, you handsome little man. Are you not the cutest in those arm warmers? Watch out, ladies, cause here he comes.
Snuggle Luv was created in Provo, Utah, in 2008 by two "stay at home" moms who are also identical twin sisters. Sarah Ekins and Lyndi Spencer first had the idea for the Snuggle Luv products and store while they were looking for cute, yet functional clothing items for their children. They visited many baby boutiques and fell in love with the items, but were shocked at the prices. At that time they made it their mission to create an alternative. Currently they are focusing on two main products. Snuggle Legs (child and baby sized arm and leg warmers) and Snuggle Lids (cute and warm hats). But this is just the beginning. They have many more products in the works and can't wait to share them with the world.
Snuggle Luv is generously offering the readers of Give Away Today a 20% DISCOUNT. Simply use the code "giveaway" at check out.
You can enter to win one of the $50.00 gift certificates to Snuggle Luv up to FOUR times today. This giveaway is open to everyone, everywhere.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry visit Snuggle Luv's online shoppe here. Look at all of their adorable products. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would use your $50.00 gift certificate on if you end up being one of our lucky winners.
Example: Jane Doe: Wow--where do I even begin? For my daughters I would like the Twister Leg Warmers, the Over the Rainbow Leg Warmers (to go with everything), and the Light Pink Snuggle Lid. For my son I would like the Ska Leg Warmers.
For a third entry, change your status on Facebook to mention today's giveaway on Give Away Today. Don't forget to mention our url http://www.giveawaytoday.blogspot.com/. Your Facebook friends will thank you. I promise. Once you have changed your Facebook Status, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and Facebook Status.
Example: Jane Doe: Facebook Status
For a fourth entry, tell us your first and last name and something you love about a little person in your life.
Example: Jane Doe: Oh no, I might cry here. Two of my children started school today. The first day of school is always so hard for me. I miss them when they are away. So really quick before the tears start to flow:
My oldest son--I love that I can make him smile no matter what. Even if he is in the grouchiest of moods, if I say his name in this certain voice, he cannot hide a smile.
My oldest daughter--I love that she is so kind to those around her. She is a little shy, but then at other times she can be a total goof. Just like her mom.
My youngest daughter--I love that she is independent and smart. And that she just goes about her business like it's nobody's business.
My youngest son--I love that he is my baby, but that he tries hard to be like the big kids. I could just gobble that boy up when we are snuggling in the morning.
The winners of the $50.00 gift certificates from Snuggle Luv will be announced tomorrow, August 21st. Please visit us then to see if you are one of our winners and to check out our new giveaway for the day. See you tomorrow!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 976 Newer› Newest»karla varela
karla varela- i love the later alligator for legs.
Kassandra Namba
Kassandra Namba: status
Kassandra Namba: I love that I love my little one so much no matter how naughty she is acting or how bad a day I've had, I can't help but smile when I see her chubby cheeks and big brown eyes!
Amy PUgmire
I love the Rosey Cheeks
snuggle legs
Amy Pugmire: I love how spunky and outgoing and fun my 2 year old is. She makes me laugh everyday.
Kassandra Namba: I would for sure get 3 layer cake leggings, the orange multi-col bud hat, a white lid, can't choose just one blossom....and... I think i'm out of money!
Michelle west
Michelle west- I want it all!!! I really love the pink rose lid, and rainvow leg warmers. But with 4 boys I would probably have to settle with the adorable heros onsies and lincon square arm bands
katie Larsen
katie lasren
I love when my four year old comes up and rubs my arm and tells me I am the best mom in the world. She usually does this when I allow her to do some random thing!
Audrey Pedersen
Audrey Pedersen: Leg warmers, leg warmers, LEG WARMERS!!!!
Audrey Pedersen: I love that my little girl is here with me everyday! After a short scary pregnancy, she came 4 months early! (that's right.. she came at 23 weeks!) She's home with us and she's perfect!!
Kristen Dye
Kristen Dye
Love it all couldn't choose just one! Want one of everything!
Kristen Dye:
I love it when my 2 year old asks to hold my hand then when I reach out and hold his he says "Thanks Mom"!
Kristen Dye
I'm addicted! Www.giveawaytoday.blogspot.com still awaiting to win!
Shayla Coates
Kristal Childs
Shayla Coates- I love any of the headbands. I think they are so dang cute!
Kristal Childs- I think the sunggle bums are the cutest thing in the world.
Mindy Harmon: Oh, how I love the smiles and giggles!
Amy Lemon
Amy Lemon: Warmers, warmers and more warmers!!
Amy Lemon: I love that my little one is finally MINE. Adoption is such a wonderful blessing, especially after a long legal battle. :) I don't think a baby could be more cherished. I love you, my little man.
genevieve curtis
genevieve curtis- oh my there are so many cute things!! i love the leg warmers especially- the twisted, rosy cheeks, grape soda, and three layer cake to name a few. i also love the small and medium snuggle pink flower clips. oh and i love the snuggle lids!! wow i would love to dress my little gal in these...
genevieve curtis- what i LOVE about my little gal is just how fun and crazy she is!! she is seriously such an independent little drama queen already! i just love it and love spending everyday with her! thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Cynthia Horst
Angie Clark
Cynthia Horst: Pink baby bud is adorable and would be perfect for Kennedy. She would need rosey cheeks for her legs, and on a different day, she could wear a white snuggle lid with a pink rose snuggle blossom. Pink is her favorite color, her favorite food and her favorite person!
Cynthia Horst: I love Kennedy because she is my favorite (and only) grandaughter. She has big blue eyes, is a whole lot princess and a little sneaky and she loves me!!!!She is a whopping 2 years old and I am her Grammy.
Angie Clark
I love the Little Trooper & the Falling Stars Snuggle Legs.
Angie Clark
Changed Status
Angie Clark
I have 3 little persons in my life and all of them always seem to know how to make me laugh and I just love it!
Ave Täär
Jenny Maddox
Lynn Osborne
Lynn Osborne: Rosey Cheeks
Lynn Osborne: Facebook status
Jenny Maddox - I would probably spend it all on Snuggle Lids & Snuggle Blossoms. I have 2 boys and am expecting a little girl in September...I can't wait to go all out with the flowers, hairbows, etc!
Lynn Osborne: the Sunday School kids I teach make me smile when they are so proud of the crafts they make for the lesson.
Jenny Maddox - changed my status
Jenny Maddox - I love the stage that my youngest (soon to be middle) is in. He's 2 and it's so muchfun watching him develop his speech, facial expressions and hand gestures. I wish I could follow him 24/7 with a video camera!
Julia Wright
Kristen McFarren
Melissa Eads
Melissa Eads: I would get the yellow snuggle blossom, the day dreamer and the bohemian snuggle legs, and white snuggle lid.
Melissa Eads: I love my niece. She is such an amazing little soul. I love when she tells me she loves me, or just comes up to me randomly and kisses my hand or leg. She makes me feel like I'm the best "nenie" (as she calls me) in the whole world!
Jaime Stephens
Dani Smith
Jaime Stephens_ I would love that prize! I would get those rosey cheek legs and those snuggle bums yup needs some of those!
Jaime Stephens- I love the sass that my 2 year old has although it is hard sometimes she constantly makes me laugh! I love that my 9 month old smiles all day long! She can make anyone smile she lights up the room I love it!
Laura Heron
Kassie Bunting
Kassie Bunting: I love all of their snuggle legs
Kassie Bunting - I love that my oldest is such a sweet girl and doesn't mind helping out. I love that my little boy can play by himself and entertain himself and that he is such a snuggler. I love that my 4 week old baby sleeps for 5 hours at night.
Laura Heron - I love the Lincoln Square for legs
Brandy Hoot
Laura Heron - What I love about my daughter is she is very independent and smart - but so sweet and loving at the same time. My son is such a mama's boy and I LOVE IT! He always wants to be held and cuddled.
Brandy Hoot - So many things I would want to purchase!! I'd start with the Blue Baby Bud and then move onto the Snuggle Legs in Rosey Cheeks, Grape Soda, Zoe Blossom, Twister & Ska!!
Brandy Hoot - I love when my 3 year old gets into a sticky situation and immediately starts saying "I love you Mama." After hearing that sweet little voice, I couldn't be mad at her for a second.
Brandy Hoot - Status
susan smoaks
Lynn Hill
Angela Graves
susan smoaks - i would get the:
1. Little Trooper
Price $11.99
2. Multicolored Baby Bud
Our Price: $24.99
3. Rainbow Snuggle Lid
Our Price: $9.99
Angela Graves: I love that she is so outgoing and says hi to everyone we meet.
Shalane Brower
Tammy Adams
susan smoaks
updated facebook status
Laurie Underwood
Laurie Underwood - the snuggle blossoms are simply adorable!
susan smoaks -
i love how the children in my life teach me to enjoy the little things and to relax and enjoy the day
Laurie Underwood - I love the little look that my daughter gets when she's trying not to smile (like when her daddy is tickling her). Her lips purse, her eyes light up and her big dimple shows...then she usually ends up letting out a big laugh and a great smile.
Macey Bishop
Macey Bishop-The Brown and Pink Fabric Snuggle Blossom is super cute!
Jaime Ashby
Lee Bay: Ska snuggle legs
Lee Bay:
1st son: I love that he wants to have long conversations with me but can't figure out what to say, so he just makes baby noises until he comes up with a word. (he's only 3)
2nd son: I love how I can sing a certain song and he'll go to spinning in circles with a huge smile.
felicia voss: later alligater and ska legs! so cute:)
felicia voss: i love, love, love that my 2 little guys always love to snuggle with me!
Janelle Case
summer voorhies
summer voorhies- I would want the striped leg warmers for my fat little baby
Sarah Ebbert: I love when my little one wakes up cooing and smiling at me... even if it is too early!
Amanda Anders
summer voorhies- I love my girls because of their red hair and matching sassy personalities.
karley simmons
karley simmons - I love the pinkand brown snuggle cheeks - too cute
Melanie Smith
Janelle Case - I would get the 3 layer cake, spring blossom, and twister snuggle legs and a pink snuggle lid
karley simmons - I love all three of my kids the same - but rather than write a paragraph I'm picking one - my sweet evan - he starts 1st grade this year - 3 yrs ago he battled liver cancer and won I can not say enough how proud I am of him and his strong little body and grateful to still have him with us
I would get snuggle lids and baby buds for my little 14 month old!!
Melanie Smith: I love the my little 14 month old loves when her daddy comes home. As soon as she hears the garage door open, she gets a huge smile on her face and runs to the stairs. When she sees him come in the house she hurries and scampers down the stairs to give him a big hug.
Janelle Case : facebook status
Amy Hill
Angela Shepherd
Kati Mattingly
Amy Hill--I'd have to get a whole selection of leg and arm warmers, at least the Day Dreamer arm warmers and the Zoe Blossom leg warmers. No, I would not put them on the same kid at the same time.
Janae Bang
Janelle Case : I love everything about my girls, but here are some specifics.. I love how my 4 year old is so eager to please and keeps her emotions so close to the surface. I love how my 20 month old looks up to her big sister in everything she does.
Heather Busch
Angela Shepherd: The Three Layerd Cake leggings, Pink and Brown Bugz and some hats.
Amy Hill--changed my status
Heather Busch: I would probably get a ton of snuggle legs because I am obsessed with them. (Although I might have to sneak in a pair of snuggle cheeks because they are just too cute)
Jennifer Pollan - I love my one and only daughter because she can make me smile wether Im up or down on mood. And her kisses, mmmm....mmmmm, I LOVE THOSE!
jennifer moore
Amy Hill... my sweet three, almost four year old has the cutest little voice, right now hes into Monster Trucks and drives his tricycle and bike around like he is driving a monster truck, he does tricks and everything.
Erica Robertson
Heather Busch: I love when my son (8 months) looks across the room at me, waiting for me to look at him, then when I do, he scrunches his eyes and grins at me. *LOVE HIM*
Angela Shepherd: My oldest son (3 years)-I love that he is so patient and obedient. That he cuddles and loves with me any time I want.
My youngest son (20 months)-that he keeps me active. I love when he talks with his cute little voice.
I love my boys!
Lindsey Wells
Lindsey Wells: I love the little trooper and rosy cheeks snuggle legs and the pink flower snuggle lid.
Lindsey Wells: Facebook staus
Monika Crain
Lindsey Wells: I love that each of my two children are different from each other. Jack loves all of God's creations where as Paige is a little shy but is so girly at 18 months!
Rebecca Yokoi
Utonya Nielsen
Kendal jessup
Monika Crain; I love when my 20 month old comes up with a new sentence to say. THis morning it was " Bye Bye Dadda. I love you. I'm going to work" Totally surprised us.
Kendal Jessup: Rosey Cheeks
Kendal Jessup: I love that my barely two year old will ask if you're okay after a cough. And if you want water. To ANYONE that coughs.
Erica Robertson:Rosey cheeks snuggle legs, pink snuggle puff, pink and white snuggle bugz 6-12 months.
Jennifer Pollan - Oh I could have that $50 spent onthe Over The Rainbow snug legs, the Black Spider Daisy, the Dark Pink Snug Lid, and the Red Baby Bud. Ahh I would love to win this one!
Kelsey Allen
Kim Jones
lori mineer: I love the way Maddie can go from a hysterical crying fit to fall on the floor laughing in seconds. I can never tell if she is crying or laughing, but it is hilarious.
Kim Jones- I love the white & pink snuggle cheeks!
Kim Jones-I love everything about my girls!!! I really love hearing them play & laugh together!!
Brittany Jensen
Lori MIneer: Pink and white snuggle cheeks and twister leggies
Summer Andrus
Summer Andrus - I love the purple and white Snuggle Bugz, white and pink snuggle cheeks, and the zoe blossom snuggle legs.
Summer Andrus - I love my daughter because of how she loves to give me kisses, how she is always so excited to see me in the morning, how she crinkles her nose at me - she's the cutest little girl in the world!
Jennifer Moore- I would get snuggle lid for my daughter and some huggers for my son. Love this website!
cindi mcgrath
cindi mcgrath- I love all 4 of my little ones. They are all so fun and silly and they remind me everyday that life is to be enjoyed not just endured. Love 'em!!!
Brittany Hansen: everything in this store is just so delicious, but I guess I'd have to choose the multi-colored baby bud (so darling!) and the rosey cheeks snuggle legs.
cindi mcgrath- totally diggin ALL the snuggle blossoms!
Brittany Hansen: I love that my youngest son runs everywhere he goes. Like a full on sprint, it's so cute.
Raelyn Anderson
Aleisha Martin
Brooke Lundholm
Kelly Ballard
Kelly Ballard, facebook status
Kelly Ballard, I would love any of the legs
Kelly ballard, I love my little one, she is so cute and funny and can make me smile all of the time
Brooke Lundholm- I love the 3 layer cake for the legs and any of the snuggle lids. cute stuff
Aleisha Martin. My lil girl has such sass. Shell be two in November and has grown up so fast. My son went through a really rotten phase and is now turning into such a well rounded little 6 year old.
Brooke Lundholm - facebook status
Jo-An Victorio
cammi higley
Emma Brady
Emily Orton
Jo-An Victorio:Pink Silk Flower with White Puff
Pink Baby Bud
OH can;t pick all cute:)
Jo-An Victorio http://www.giveawaytoday.blogspot.com/ love this blog:) (status on fb)
Jo-An Victorio: I love my little bro he is already 8 yrs old he is really close to me cos my mom is not around. She;s working in HOngkong:)
Kim Lambert. I love the orange multicolored lid hat!
Kim Lambert. I love my daughter's laugh. It always calms me down on my stressful days!
Jeanette Allday: pink and brown snuggle cheeks and little trooper arm warmers
Emma Brady: Zoe Blossom and Medium Pink and Brown Snuggle Blossom
jeanette allday: my 6 yr old son~ so tenderhearted
and my 3 yr old ~ so funny
Jane Brady
Jane Brady: I LOVE the Zoe Blossom
Ireta Jensen
WendiLyn Jensen
Britney Young: Facebook Status
Jamie Hyde: I love my son's belly laugh and the way he is learning to say new words every day.
Andra Stoker
Britney Young: I love that my little one keeps me laughing each and every.
Britney Young: I love that my little one keeps me laughing each and every.
Andra Stoker~ love all the snuggle cheeks! Too cute
Emily Miller- I would buy many different things, I love the snuggle legs, & bands, especially the grape soda
Emily Miller- I love my 2 daughters. What can I say.. I have a mothers love!
Andra Stoker~ My sweet little two year old came to our family via IVF! All the pain, suffering, and finacial burden was all very worth it! She is the sweetest little girl I know and I'm glad she came to our family!
Britney Young: Twister
TJ Dickerson
Cami Caldwell: my adorable 18 month old knows when she's in trouble and promptly gives me the cheesiest grin and says "hi hi hi hi" - how can you be mad at that? i love her!
Blain Young: White snuggle lid
Blain Young: FB status
Jamie Hyde: I would get some adorable snuggle legs for my chubby little baby
Blain Young: I love that my little girl of 3 is such a little girly girl she loves to dress up and get all pretty!! She is soo much fun!!
Ireta Jensen-I would like to get snuggle headbands for my granddaughters.
Karinda Woodward
WendiLyn Jensen: I would like to get a matching snuggle buns and snuggle legs and snuggle lid.
Melissa Tremberth
Karinda Woodward:
I would start with the rainbow and ska snuggle legs, but would have to choose at least one lid and/or band too!
Leigh Sabey: I would get the pink and cream baby bud and the multicolored leg warmers!
Heather Sorensen- my girls have lots of leg warmers, but my little guy who just started crawling doesn't have any! I would get him some masculine ones.
Natalie Clark: Facebook Status
Leigh Sabey: I love my 16-month-old's giggle more than anything else in the world!
Natalie Clark: All three of my little ones are spunky as can be! I love it that even when they are naughty and push me to the edge of my sanity, they always have some hilarious explanation or retort that makes me laugh. It's hard for me to be mad at them because they always think of clever and humorous retorts.
karen andrews I could get so many things ... from the snuggle lids to the bands to the arm and leg bands ... it's all darling!
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