Friday, August 21, 2009

GIVEAWAY #2: Utah Photographer Melissa Davis is Giving Away...(CLAIMED)

A Photography Session with $125 credit Towards Prints
and a Template Package
Melissa Davis Photography is an on-location, natural light photographer for Utah and Salt Lake counties. Melissa specializes in newborn, infant, baby and child custom photography. Her work is fresh and modern, yet simple and traditional. Melissa loves the eyes and you can see that in her work! She's been told that capturing personality through the eyes is on her of her biggest strengths as a photographer.

Melissa has also recently opened a new template design store (that you can view HERE) with holiday, birthday and birth announcement templates that anyone can purchase and personalize for themselves. Melissa loves to design and her style really shows in her work. Polka dots, bright colors and fun designs are just a few other the things you will love about her templates. Here is an example of a template pack: If you are ready to book a session with Melissa Davis Photography, it's your lucky day! Melissa is giving us a huge DISCOUNT: For Give Away Today readers, Melissa Davis is offering a free 11x14 portrait and 30% your total order if you book a session from now until the end of the year [just mention Give Away Today]. If you refer a friend and they book and have a session, you will get a 10 x 10 collage [which btw, are one of Melissa's favorite things she sells]. E mail Melissa for questions
If you are interested in buying one of Melissa's cool template packages, you can get 20% off on those orders here through Sept. 31st. Just use the code: GAT09

You can enter to win a photography session with prints or a set of templates from Melissa Davis up to FOUR times today. Even if you don't live in Utah, you can transfer this package to someone you know who lives in Utah.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For second entry, visit Melissa Davis Photography here. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and one of your favorite pictures.
Example: Jane Doe, I love the one of her daughter holding the barn door, the colors are awesome.

For a third entry, become a fan of Melissa Davis Photography on facebook here. Then come back to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and that you are now a fan.
Example: Jane Doe: FAN

For a fourth entry, become a follower of Give Away Today on Twitter here. If you are already a follower then 'tweet' about our great giveaways today. Then in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name what you did.
Example: Jane Doe: Tweeted 'go to Give Away Today here to check out some amazing giveaways today!'

The winner of the photography package and template package from Melissa Davis Photography will be announced Monday, August 24th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways for the day. Thanks and have a great weekend!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 493   Newer›   Newest»
Shambi-Galambi said... 1

Sham galamb

Unknown said... 2

Amy Pugmire

Unknown said... 3

Amy Pugmire: I love the 2 girls buying icecream from the icecream man.

Unknown said... 4

facebook fan. amy bolda pugmire

Unknown said... 5

Amy Pugmire: tweeted.

Erica Wyatt said... 6

Erica Wyatt

Erica Wyatt said... 7

Erica Wyatt- i love the #2 in together. I have twins girls and that reminds me of them being little. They are starting first grade on Monday, and my babies will be gone ALL day. I wish they were that small still.

Erica Wyatt said... 8

Erica Wyatt - follower

ugkuyg said... 9

Shalane Brower

Ariane Mardis said... 10

ARiane Mardis

Ariane Mardis said... 11

ARiane Mardis: FAcebook fan

Shanda Mattsson said... 12

shanda wootton

Ariane Mardis said... 13

Ariane MArdis: I tweeted about the Giveaway

Ariane Mardis said... 14

ARiane MArdis: I love the baby photo with the head turned away from us and the Full head of dark brown hair showing!

mary said... 15

Mary Pinegar

Geri said... 16

Geri Smith

Angela said... 17

Angela Graves

jeanine said... 18

Jeanine Crane

DizzyLizzy said... 19

Elizabeth Olson
For my sis. in UT

DizzyLizzy said... 20

Elizabeth Olson
Love the one of the little girl yelling at the camera in her pink cowboy boots

Angela said... 21

Angela Graves: Fan

Lindsey said... 22

lindsey dean

Lindsey said... 23

lindsey dean: FAN

Angela said... 24

Angela Graves: I love the last picture on her Together section with the siblings and the newborn.

Bethany said... 25

Bethany Kestner

Bethany said... 26

Bethany Kestner - the four little boys in chairs is my fave.

Anonymous said... 27

Leslee Kitchen

Anonymous said... 28

Leslee Kitchen-I love the kids and the ice cream truck

Lindsey said... 29

lindsey dean: i like the picture of the four little boys sitting in chairs and the one of the little boy in the leaves.

Lea Tame said... 30

Lea Tame

Lindsey said... 31

Lindsey Wells

court seal said... 32

Courtney Seal: I love ALL the baby pictures!

Lindsey said... 33

Lindsey Wells: I like the one with the little boy going up the steps.

Jared and Kinlee said... 34

Kinlee Deppe

Brock and Amber said... 35

Amber Day

Brock and Amber said... 36

Amber Day

Kim said... 37

Kimberlee A Smith

googlebug said... 38

Jeni Wilson

Anonymous said... 39

Linsey Gines

Blain & Britney Young said... 40

Britney Young

googlebug said... 41

Jeni Wilson: I love the pics under "Youth" of the young boy in front of the rustic wall. Also the one of the kiddo in sunglasses.

Angela said... 42

Angela Shepherd

Blain & Britney Young said... 43

Britney Young: The 4 little boys in the chairs!!

Jared and Kinlee said... 44

Kinlee Deppe - I love the picture of her husband's friends sweet newborn.

Anonymous said... 45

Leslie Bloomquist

Unknown said... 46

Blain Young

Unknown said... 47

Blain Young: 2 girls buying ice cream.

Brittney Withers said... 48

Brittney Withers

Anonymous said... 49

Linsey Gines: I love the picture with the newborn smiling with his eyes closed.

Angela said... 50

Angela Shepherd: the guy kissing the girls cheek is nice

Brittney Withers said... 51

Brittney Withers, I love the close up of the little blond girl with the big blue eyes

Dave and KayDee said... 52

KayDee Shaffer

Kim said... 53

Kim Twyman

Brittany Ann said... 54

Brittany Hansen

Josh and Kelsey said... 55

Kelsey Simmons

Josh and Kelsey said... 56

Kelsey Simmons: I love the picture of the four little bos in polos on little kids chairs! Precious!

Marsh's said... 57

Alexia Marsh

Kim said... 58

Kim Twyman- Think the picture wth the little girl leaning her head on her brother is so cute!

Becky Melville said... 59

Becky Melville-FB fan

Emily said... 60

Emiliy Miller

Anonymous said... 61

Jill Swensen

Anonymous said... 62

Jill Swensen: The boy in front of the barn door is adorable.

Heather said... 63

Heather Sorensen

Karen T said... 64

Karen Tapahe: I liked the picture of the husband and wife(?) where the guy is kissing her cheek. So sweet in black and white!

Heather said... 65

Heather Sorensen- fan

Heather said... 66

Heather Sorensen- Love the itty bitty baby pics, especially the one with big smile, so cute!

The Lambert Family said... 67

Kim Lambert. I like the one with the baby swaddled in the cream blanket.

Anonymous said... 68

Jill Swensen: Check out for some fab stuff to win!

Brittany said... 69

Brittany Chambers: I love love love the pic of the little girl in the white dress with the red flower in her hair. The light blue background is awesome

Brittany said... 70

Brittany Chambers: facebook fan

Rachelle said... 71

Rachelle Steed: I love the girl on the front page in front of the blue door.

Rachelle said... 72

Rachelle Steed: Fan

torri said... 73

Torri Mahoney: facebook fan

Sweet Tweets Boutique said... 74

Andra Stoker

Sweet Tweets Boutique said... 75

Andra Stoker~love all the naked new born photos! I have a sweet little girl coming in Jan!!

torri said... 76

Torri Mahoney: I love the picture of the little girl sitting by her teddy bear!!

torri said... 77

Torri Mahoney: tweeted "check out for some fun giveaways!!"
Please pick me, I really want professional pictures of my son!

Mallory said... 78

Mallory Willyerd

Josh and Ashley said... 79

Ashley Whitehead: 2 girls buying ice cream! Genius

Anonymous said... 80

Sarah Elliott

Mallory said... 81

Mallory Willyerd: i love the pic. of the kids and the ice cream truck. so cute

Mallory said... 82

Mallory Willyerd: FAN!

Mallory said... 83

Mallory Willyerd: Tweet! :)

Lindy said... 84

Lindy Wall

Kate and Wes said... 85

Katrina Southwick - I love the picture of the little boy walking up the steps. So cute!

Kate and Wes said... 86

Katrina Southwick - Fan

Jessica said... 87

Jessica Valentine: love the baby with his feet curled up over him and his umbilical plug still on. So adorable!

The Allen Family said... 88

Dezi Allen. I love, LOVE the picture of the 4 boys on chairs outside!

The Allen Family said... 89

Dezi Allen. Fan.

The Allen Family said... 90

Dezi Allen. Tweeted.

Carly said... 91

carly kerby

Jan said... 92

jan sanderson

Candice Baird said... 93

Candice Baird

Heather said... 94

Heather Long

Carly said... 95

i love the one with the darling little girl in the polkadot dress that just shows her bear and her pink boots

Katy said... 96

Katy Mcgee

Jan said... 97

jan sanderson- I love the girl in her pink cowboy boots! cute!

becky said... 98

Becky Packer: I like the one of 4 little boys sitting on little chairs

Candice Baird said... 99

Candice Baird: I love all the pictures of parents interacting with their little ones. I need some of those. I also love the pictures of the two girls playing the clapping game on the grass.

Candice Baird said... 100

Candice Baird: FAN

Stephanie said... 101

Stephanie Palmer

Anonymous said... 102

Lacie Norton

Candice Baird said... 103

Candice Baird: Tweeted "I wanna win a photography session from this girl-"

Stephanie said... 104

Stephanie Palmer: My fav is the little girl in the bright colored dress sitting next to the teddy bear! CUTE!!

Stephanie said... 105

Stephanie Palmer: Follow on twitter

Amanda and Chad said... 106

amanda lloyd- the ice cream pictures is so cute!

Amanda and Chad said... 107

amanda lloyd- fan

linda said... 108

Linda Muir: I think the photo of the girl wearing a blue/brown floral shirt with grass in the background is one of my favorites.

Amanda and Chad said... 109

amanda lloyd- tweeted about give away today

Tara said... 110

Tara Rogers

Crystal said... 111

Crystal Wixom: I love the one with the little blonde girl that shows her big blue eyes

Nicole said... 112

Nicole Anderson

The Mathis Family said... 113

Anya Mathis: Love the red barn background!

Heather said... 114

Heather Demke: Adore the pic of the newborn baby smiling so sweetly!

Nicole said... 115

Nicole Anderson:newborn baby asleep but smiling love this because I have a newborn myself!

Audrey @ The Cloth Parcel said... 116

Audrey Mann- I love the photo of the couple and baby on the front page because I know them! I have seen all their other pictures and they were amazing!

Audrey @ The Cloth Parcel said... 117

Audrey Mann- Facebook

cameo said... 118

Cameo Bell: I love the picture of the baby "laughing" when he's a sleep. So cute!

Nicole said... 119

Nicole Anderson:Fan

The Christensens said... 120

Jessica Christensen: the bride and the red car

The Christensens said... 121

Jessica Christensen: fan

The Christensens said... 122

Jessica Christensen: one more swimming outing before school starts

Rich and Brianne said... 123

Brianne Britton

Tiffany said... 124

Tiffany Ellis: I can't get her site to work, but the blog side...I love the pictures of her daughter in a barn or something. I love the look of rustic backgrounds.

Rachel said... 125

Rachel Chamberlain: I had a hard time getting the site to load all the way, but I love the one on your site of the dad throwing the boy in the air!

Rich and Brianne said... 126

Brianne Britton: Oh I loved the one with the little girl in a polka dot dress and the teddy bear. Her face is priceless.

Mari said... 127

Mari Topham

Anisa said... 128

Anisa Scholes

Natalie said... 129

Natalie Humpherys: I love the newborn with its eyes closed and a big smile. :)

Natalie said... 130

Natalie Humpherys: Facebook fan

Anonymous said... 131

Shawn Herzog

Mari said... 132

Mari Topham:the new little babies section. SO SWEET!

Clarissa said... 133

Clarissa Burton

Amanda said... 134

Amanda Bradshaw - I like the family of 3 walking across the bridge.

Amanda said... 135

Amanda Bradshaw: Facebook fan!

Brittany and Johnse said... 136

Brittany Davis - I love the newborn picture - the one where the baby is smiling..too cute

Heather said... 137

Heather Mattice: I like the baby swaddled in the bowl with his little smirk.

Andrea said... 138

andrea shuman: pink cowboy boot girl

Brie said... 139

Brienne Frank

Paula Decaria said... 140

Paula Decaria: I like the one of the 4 brothers sitting on the chairs

Cory and Krista said... 141

krista christensen

Anonymous said... 142

kathy gregory

Sommer said... 143

sommer curtis

Cory and Krista said... 144

krista christensen- I love one with the little girl by the barn door. Beautiful.

jen1313 said... 145

Jen Stark

jen1313 said... 146

Jen Stark now following on twitter

Sommer said... 147

sommer curtis: i love the little newborn who is laying on white fluffy... laughing!

Melinda said... 148

melinda gardner

Melinda said... 149

I love the 2 little girls with necklaces and tutus! Precious!
-Melinda Gardner

jen1313 said... 150

Jen Stark, love the girl with freckles looking over the end of a bed or something, just darling!

Karen Scoffield said... 151

Karen Scoffield

Kjersten said... 152

Kjersten Vandenberghe: I love the picture of the baby in pink tights sitting in front of some flowers.

Mama's Boys said... 153

Trina Harding: Love the smiling newborn, the family in front of the blue wall, and the silhouetted family.

Karen Scoffield said... 154

Karen Scoffield: I love a picture of a young girl with a yellow golf shirt on. Bright colors. Sweet smile.

kendahl a. said... 155

Kendahl Andrade: the little girl, in the cowboy boots, with the teddy bear. Cutest picture ever.

kendahl a. said... 156

Kendahl Andrade: I tweeted.

Anonymous said... 157

Tracy Murri

Michelle said... 158

Michelle Clark

MaWowEee said... 159

Charity Maua'i

MaWowEee said... 160

Charity Maua'i - I love the newborn that is smiling in sleep.

Anonymous said... 161


Lisa said... 162

Lisa Liechty- love the little boy by the barn door in black and white, cute little one in a cute picture

The Riebeek Family said... 163

Michelle riebeek

Camille said... 164

Camille Langston - I love the one of the little girl with the dollar bill waiting for the ice cream man

The Riebeek Family said... 165

Michelle Riebeek: The little girl with big eyes and full lips (black and white photo)

Camille said... 166

Camille Langston

The Riebeek Family said... 167

Michelle riebeek: Follow

Natalie Layton said... 168

natalie layton

Brittany said... 169

Brittany Jensen

joanna wilde said... 170

Joanna Wilde

Chris and Annalisa said... 171

Annalisa Spencer

Chris and Annalisa said... 172

Annalisa Spencer: I really love any of her newborn photos - they are adorable! I would love to win a package so Melissa could take pictures of my daughter due in November!

Anonymous said... 173

camille rogers

Chris and Annalisa said... 174

Annalisa Spencer: fan

The Chase's said... 175

sara chase- i love the picture of the little boy in front of the big red barn door! so cute!

KRoss said... 176

Katherine Ross: I like the girls clapping together by the pond

David and Emily Wilcock said... 177

Emily Wilcock

tammy stailey said... 178

Tammy Stailey Fan

Jami said... 179

Jami Sorensen

Amy said... 180

Amy Dison

Dustin and Kristin said... 181

Kristin Wilberg

Lindzie said... 182

lindzie head

Lindzie said... 183

lindzie head: love her newborn pics!

larsencircusof5 said... 184

Carly Larsen

Amy said... 185

Amy Dison - the boy hanging on the fence in March was too cute!

Dustin and Kristin said... 186

Kristin Wilberg: I like the picture of the girls sitting wuth a pond in the background.

Shanda said... 187

Shanda Nuila: Black and white smiling baby

Anonymous said... 188

bridgette anderson

The Green's said... 189

Tiffany T. Green

The Green's said... 190

Tiffany T. Green: I love the pic of the boy holding the rings while his parents get married. Precious!

Dustin and Kristin said... 191

Kristin Wilberg: Fan

One Fish said... 192

Kerstin Olcott

One Fish said... 193

Kersitn Olcott- little girls in the tutus.

Chris and Hilary said... 194

Hilary Roller - I love the smiling baby in the bowl!

Chris and Hilary said... 195

Hilary Roller - facebook

Sam and Josh said... 196

Samantha Holt:twitter

Sam and Josh said... 197

Samantha Holt: little girl with cowboy boots and teddy bear

Anonymous said... 198

Janet Holm

Keelee said... 199

keelee leuluai

Anonymous said... 200

Trisha Bracken

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 493   Newer› Newest»