Le Trip is Giving Away a $35.00 Gift Certificate
Today we are so excited to feature our first international company on Give Away Today. And exactly where is this company located? Why, in the beautiful country of France. So if any of you like fresh, funky, and foreign, we have the coolest company for you today. Allow me to introduce you to Le Trip.
Le Trip is a company founded by an American woman living in France – in Provence to be exact. Jill Mitchell, the one woman show, is a vintage buying guide for vintage-minded American women visiting France. Jill brings her clients to out of the way places on vintage and antique “treasure hunts” where her clients find rare French treasures from the past at unheard of prices. The prices are so low, and the items are of such high quality, that Jill boasts they can “pay for their trip over” to France. Pick up a few items for $30 that you would pay hundreds for, and you’ve paid for your plane ticket to Paris.
For those not yet planning their trip over to France, some of Jill’s fabulous finds can be now be purchased online at her Esty shop (http://www.letrip.etsy.com/) and at her eBay store http://stores.shop.ebay.com/The-French-Wall. Find rare French vintage posters, children’s items, antique bridal accessories, kitchenware, linens, wine related items and much more. If it isn’t posted in her shop, ask – she just might have what you are looking for in her “too large to list everything” collection.
After all, why not have items in your home, your wardrobe, or your kitchen that not everybody else has? These are the items that show your individuality and that always warrant the question, "Where did you get that?" from admiring neighbors and friends.

Today Le Trip is offering a $35.00 gift certificate to one lucky winner. The winner can choose from Le Trip's Etsy Shoppe or eBay Store. No matter where you reside, you can enter to win the gift certificate from Le Trip up to FOUR times today.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Le Trip's Etsy Shoppe here or their eBay store here. Browse through their cool antique products and then please return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would get if you win the $35 gift certificate.
Example: Jane Doe: I really like the Vintage Country French Checkered Lustucru Pitcher found in Le Trip's eBay store.
For a third entry, you know we love the companies who advertise on the left-hand side bar of Give Away Today. Therefore, visit at least three of their sites by clicking on their buttons (and no, we don't get paid per click, we just like promoting great products). Once you have checked out their sites, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the companies you visited.
Example: Jane Doe: 8 Apparel (love their Ogden is Awesome tee); Maddie Morgan (cutest accessories for girls; and Mindy Mae's Market (can't wait to visit their boutique)
For a fourth entry, it's the weekend! Let out a snicker, laugh, hoot and holler and then get on your dancin' shoes (if your inclined to dance on the weekend, that is). And then in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and if you could visit a foreign country this weekend (you would just appear there--no travel time necessary in our make believe world) where would you go?
Example: Jane Doe: Oh wow--anywhere? I would love to visit Germany. We moved to Germany in the fall one year and it was beautiful there during autumn.
The winner of the gift certificate to Le Trip will be announced on Monday, September 14th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day (P.S. next week we will feature our second international company--we will be bringing you goods from Brazil!) Thanks and have a splendid weekend--no matter where you may be.
For a fourth entry, it's the weekend! Let out a snicker, laugh, hoot and holler and then get on your dancin' shoes (if your inclined to dance on the weekend, that is). And then in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and if you could visit a foreign country this weekend (you would just appear there--no travel time necessary in our make believe world) where would you go?
Example: Jane Doe: Oh wow--anywhere? I would love to visit Germany. We moved to Germany in the fall one year and it was beautiful there during autumn.
The winner of the gift certificate to Le Trip will be announced on Monday, September 14th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day (P.S. next week we will feature our second international company--we will be bringing you goods from Brazil!) Thanks and have a splendid weekend--no matter where you may be.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 516 Newer› Newest»Brandi Hess
Laura Dieckmann
Laura Dieckmann- the french map and the cinderella book and record
laura Dieckmann- I wish I could just appear in Portugal, Italy, Brazil, and I could go on, and on, and on....
Emily Stone
Emily Stone- Spain b/c it's gorgeous!
Laura Dieckmann- Tiny Prints, Momi Boutique, Scrapping Simply (I SO want to turn my blog into a book now!)
Jill Swensen
Cecily Jenkins
Jill Swensen: I'd get the Antique French Map for my friend who served a mission there.
Jessica Hover
Jessica Hover- I would love to go to Tokyo, it seems like a really awesome place that is super fresh and modern. I just love the pictures that look similar to time square but even more crazy.
Jessica Hover- I really want the Vintage 1960's French Cinderalla Book and Record Storybook
I think it would be an amazing item to have and to be able to pass onto my daughter. Besides what girl doesn't love Cinderella
Ave Täär
Ave Täär: I really like French Antique Map France Print 1883 and Rare Original 1932 Print of 19th French Woman Historic Costume Fashion.
Elizabeth Olson
Elizabeth Olson
I would go to Salzburg and Vienna, Austria. Or maybe Prague in the Czech Republic. It's a little hard to choose between the two!
Elizabeth Olson:
I'd choose the 1932 fashion prints. And then I'd give them to my mom - a fashion designer - for Christmas!
Ave Täär
I visited: Blossom Street Boutique, Scribble It, Momi Boutique, Layla Lou's, Snuggle Luv and Maddie Morgan.
Ave Täär: I would like to go to England or Norway.
Aleisha Rambusch - I would go to Denmark. My husband's family is there and he met them for the first time a few months ago. My daughter and I have not had the pleasure and would love to meet the family.
Cynthia Horst
Cynthia Horst: french garage parking sign, emergency exit
Cynthia Horst: cranberries and capers, Scribble It, Mindy Mae's Market
Cynthia Horst: Italy! The food, the people, the scenery, oh my!
Sara Johnson
Sara Johnson: Right now, I'm kind of in a Switzerland, Sweden, Norway type mood. I'd go to one of those countries this weekend.
Sara Johnson: I love the 1950s vintage posters.
Julia Wright
Chere Jill, I want to come work for you! Quoique ma francais est vielle et ma cerville est vide maintenant mais, Je suis une francophile delabre!
Madame Caron
Cyndie Call
Cyndie Call- if I could go anywhere I would go anywhere in Europe. I have wanted to go forever, but never have.
Sarah Siddique
Sarah Siddique
I would love the
Authentic Vintage French Apron Monogram Embroidered 40s from the ebay store.
Sarah Siddique
i would love to go to UK
Tara Rogers
Robin Rogers
elizabeth Kelemen
Jessica Lieb
Jessica Lieb: 1930's Art Deco Religious Christ Cross Holy Friday French Print at The Etsy Store.
Angela Winesburg
Becky Zufall
Dominique Duguay
Becky Zufall: French safety poster "petit ou grand..."
Dominique Duguay- I love the French grocery list minder sign in tin from the ebay store...So useful! some of the prints are also very nice!
Vive La France ;)
Dominique Duguay- A weekend trip? I would go to Austria or Germany..Maybe Switzerland or Sweden? I can't pick!!! I want to go to all of them!
Whitney Ricks: Vintage 1960's French Cinderalla Book and Record Storybook
Whitney Ricks: Visited Kayte Bug Boutique
Melissa Clayton
Whitney Ricks: I would go to England
Rorie O'Connor
Marcy Johnson
Rorie O'Connor - I really like the French Vintage School Poster Map USA South America.
Sarita Rogers
Sarita Rogers: brazil or bust!
Taralyn Parker
Taralyn Parker: Definitely be off to Europe with my husband! Maybe Switzerland, France or Italy
Taralyn Parker: Antique French Mailing Tube Vintage Stamps Ephemera
Rorie O'Connor - I visited three gorgeous photography sites - Pied Piper, Say Cheese, and Fresh Focus Photography.
Rorie O'Connor - I would visit France!
Lori Twitchell: I love the 1960 French Cinderella book
Lori Twitchell: I have always wanted to go to France to see the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. (and I just watched The Sound of Music so Austria is now on my list)
karley simmons : either england or japan, can you appear in both?
Marvelle Morgan: Authentic Vintage French Apron
Susan Kramer
Lori Twitchell: I visited Shade Clothing (love their stuff!), The French Wall, and EvaSkye (way cute hats)
Marvelle Morgan: Mindy Mae's Market, 8 Apparel, and Cherries Jubilee
karley simmons : French Rolling Shopping Tote Bag Cart Wheels Cart Caddy
Marvelle Morgan: I'd go to Italy or Greece
Shaunna Fuller
Crissa Robertson: I would like the vintage french apron
Angela Shepherd: I want the Nos 32 Dentes, but I don't see it on her page???
Crissa RobertsonL I visited Lyla Lou's, Snuggle Luv ( love the baby buds :) ), and 8 appearal
Brittany Hansen: I love the Rare Original 1932 Print of 19th French Woman Historic Costume Fashion, gorgeous!
Brittany Hansen: back to the Phillipines, I could get a cheap ultrasound, and eat fruits they don't even have in the states, it would be great!
AnJilleen McKinstry: Rare Original 1932 Print of 19th French Woman Historic Costume Fashion
AnJilleen McKinstry: Italy
tracey braithwaite
whitney davis: antique juice glasses, 1960 from the etsy store
whitney davis: any country eh, maybe somewhere warm like Greece since I'm not ready to give up on summer yet.
Telsha Winger- I would give the gift card to my husband or his dad because they lived in France for awhile and love stuff like that although I love the blue pitcher.
Kim Lambert.
Kim Lambert. I like the Vintage French Checkard Blue Pitcher!
Kim Lambert. I would for sure go to Italy!
tracey braithwaite-antique apron
whitney davis:
1. toy box tee, love their product and prices
2. scribble it, looking for ideas for a new house
3. shade, looking at the new stuff for fall
Telsha Winger- Ciocophotography, Maddie Morgan, and Sophie Chic Boutique
Telsha Winger- if I were to go anywhere this weekend I would LOVE to go to Europe and travel all the fun places my husbands' family has lived and visited. Paris etc..
Angie Robison I would head to Ireland that would be great.
Leslee Kitchen
DeVonya Madsen
DeVonya Madsen - grape harvest picker basket
michael nielsen ... Paris is the best city in the world!!!
Erin Sanderson- The antique french map...definitely!
DeVonya Madsen - I would go to the Greek Isles this weekend!
michael nielsen.
Can't decide what I would use the certificate for, will have to think it through more (too many cool things!)
Erin Sanderson- Europe, anywhere in Europe. Or Australia. I've never been out of the country so anywhere that would put a stamp in my passport, I would go.
valerie thompson
Britney Young: I would love to visit Italy!! Always have and really want to!!
Britney Young: I have visited Maddie Morgan, Sophies, Snuggle Luv!! Love all of them!!
Rachel Kimbler: I love the Vintage style french grocery list in the ebay store!
Britney Young: I have fallen in love with the Rare original 1932 print of the 19th french woman historic costume fashion!!
Teresa Powell
Jing-Jing Nickel
Jing-Jing Nickel
I would love Antique French Mailing Tube Vintage Stamps Ephemera
Teresa Powell: Italy would be wonderful!
Tenille Blackett: I would love to go to Switzerland.
Sarah Tadje: I would love to go to Venice this weekend!!
Leah Mitchell-I'd choose the 1932 fashion prints.
Ashley Keith
Ashley Keith - Classic French Store Sign - Opening Hours from France!
Leah Mitchell: this weekend I would go to paris, france. I would also make believe I was rich so i could go SHOPPING!!! haha
Leah Mitchell:I visited Blossom Street Boutique, Say Cheese, Shade Clothing
Tiffany Harris
Hannah Jones: the grocery list magnet reminder, soap holder, and some prints. Amazing stuff!
Aleta Pitman
Catherine Tanner: I like the 2 French Art Posters Absinthe Picasso Green Fairy, the print of the 19 c bride, and the vintage school and government posters!
Laura Nicholson: Greece
Aleta Pitman
frenchfolly-the bordeaux print
Laura Nicholson: I would get the Vintage Style French Grocery List Minder Sign
Lauren Packard: i like the french cahiers, the picassos, and the nude limoges
Lindsay Lakin- if I could go anywhere it would be to Italy, that is first on my list. But I really would love to see all of Europe. Guess I'd better start saving up those sky miles!
Lauren Packard: i visited mindy mae, kbb, and sapparel
Catherine Tanner: at apparel 8 I love the Saturday is a special day shirt! I like the Pied Pipers Dr. Seuss cards, and the owl pacifier clips from Cranberries and capers.
whitney lichty
Katherine Ross-French Antique Map France Print 1883, I love maps
Lauren Packard: i've always wanted to go to spain!
jacob packard: i want to go to greece
Katherine Ross: Pied Piper, Toy box tee, and Sophie's chic boutique
Catherine Tanner: I wish I could wake up on the Italian coast, in the upstairs orange loft over Cinque Terre.
Katherine Ross: I would go to England.
Hannah Jones: Mindy Mae, 8apparel, and tiny*prints
Hannah Jones: I would love to visit anywhere in Europe
Lisa Nokes
Lisa Nokes-Paris, France
Laura Nicholson:
Lyla Lou
Mindy Mae's
Tiny Prints
frenchfolly-ahhhhhhhhhh a long trip in the Loire Valley and a ride down the seine and finish in Paris oh la la!!
Debbie WEaver
Lori Achenbach - we've got 2 girls, so it's Cinderella all the way!
Lori Achenbach - I'd love to go to Greece!
Alicia Lopez - I really like the french antique map
Jackee Spencer
Brooke Smith
Jackee Spencer- I would get the French Government (reminds me of Charlies Angels & I love the colors)
bridgette ann anderson
Tracy Murri
Jackee Spencer : Blossom St Boutique - how cute the Custom Wizard of Oz Dress is
Jackee Spencer: Switzerland would be fun, long weekends are fun!
Kristine Whitehead: France, that is where my boyfriend served his mission and he has always wanted to go back.
Trisha Bracken
Lisa Gettler-France believe it or not. I've always wanted to see Notre Dame!
Heather Nielson: I like the French Antique Map
Kristine Whitehead: French Antique Map France Print 1883
Becky Jensen: I also love that checkered pitcher!
Becky Jensen: I would love to go to Brazil with my husband and see where he served his mission, but also go to the beautiful waterfalls there.
what fun! kathleen davis
fresh and funky. I love it
Holli Yoho-I love the mailing tubes, and the 1932 print of the woman in historic costume on her etsy shop. On ebay I love the grocery list and the wedding plate. Fun stuff!
Holli Yoho I visited Mindy Mae's Market, cranberries and capers, and shade
Jenn Miyamoto
Holli Yoho, and I would pick to be in Italy this weekend for sure if I could.
Jenn Miyamoto: I would love to be in Greece.
Emily Wyatt: French Antique Map French Print 1883
Emily Wyatt: I visited Mindy Mae's Market, cranberries and capers, and shade
Jenn Miyamoto: I like the handmade french antique wedding purse.
stephanie mortell
stephanie mortell: I love the French Department Store Vintage Poster 1950s Mid Century France Bathroom.
Sara Francis: Fermez le porte sign, or children poster
Mirinda Losee
Theresa Cano
Theresa Cano - I love the French map and tube that has Paris on it.
Libby Ipson
I REALLY like the French Rolling Shopping Tote Bag Cart Wheels Cart Caddy
Oh wow. I would HAVE to say Australia. I know it's no France, but driving on the wrong side of the road next to kangaroos??! Come on!! :)
Christa Brower: I love the dental picture on the giveaway today blog- I can't find it @ either store, but I love it, what a great pic for the bathroom!
Deserae Fiedler: I like the Vintage Country French Checkered Lustucru Pitcher Blue
Deserae Fiedler: I would love to visit Germany :)
crystal bradley
Crystal Bradley: I love the Rare Original 1932 Print of 19th French Woman Historic Costume Fashion it just really fits my personality for some reason
Crystal Bradley If I could go to any country this weekend I would got Ireland. Beautiful country and so much family history there
Shanda Nuila: I would love the Vintage Hanging Store Sign Fleur but the $35 won't cover it
Shanda Nuila: Ecuador
Crystal Bradley: I visited Mindy Mae's Market, cranberries and capers, and shade
Megan Rinke: visited 8 apparel, Momi boutique, Mindy Mae's Market
Kiersten Davis
Megan Rinke: I would love to go to the Bahamas today!
Kiersten Davis: I think I would get the cheese strainer. I love old pottery.
Ashlee Webster
Kiersten Davis: I wish I could visit some old stave churches in Norway this weekend. Plus, I bet the surrounding scenery is beautiful this time of year.
Ashlee Webster: I've always had this thing for London. Definitely London. People still speak English and the awesome architecture!
Megan Rinke: Classic French Store Sign - Opening Hours from France. My husband speaks french and would love this!
Christa Brower: Momi Boutique- Blue Ice Wrap Dress, 8apparel- Saturday is a Special Day Shirt (I think I'll go ahead and buy that shirt!), Eva Skye Couture- Cabana Bandana Dress.
Natalie Humpherys: Vintage 1960s Cinderella Book and Record
Natalie Humpherys: Italy. Definitely Italy.
Christa Brower: Australia! I've wanted to go there since I was a little girl...someday.
Danielle Smith
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