Be sure to check out their NEW Charm Necklaces! They have several designs to choose from with more to come. Beads, Bangles, and Bands also has a custom design option. Charm clusters attach to a chain necklace with a lobster clasp. The custom design lets you create your own color combinations to coordinate with your watch band or your outfit. My friend Ally has a charm cluster. And I do believe I compliment her on it each and every time she wears it.

You may choose up to seven different colors or styles of beads. Beads, Bangles, and Bands suggests selecting a base color like black or silver to be mixed in your cluster. Click here to start creating your own personal necklace! The Chain is extra. The exciting part is that they also include the necklace clusters as part of their punch card system. You can now mix and match watch bands and charm necklaces for the buy 5 get 1 free!

Beads, Bangles and Bands will be accepting orders for delivery by Christmas up until Dec. 16th, however their printable gift certificates will be available through Christmas Eve. Just place your order and select (email) Your gift certificate will be emailed to you so that you may print it, wrap it, or put it in a card. So if you need an extra stocking stuffer or something to even things out, or for a last minute gift don't forget gift certificates in several price ranges. The recipient will be able to use it on their "after Christmas sale" Hint, hint. . . if you want one for yourself tell someone you love about Beads, Bangles, and Bands.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, visit Beads, Bangles, and Bands online store here and check out all of their great jewelry. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the item you wish you owned from Beads, Bangles, and Bands.
Example: Jane Doe: So my cute mom had me and each of my sisters pick out a watch from Beads, Bangles, and Bands and then she bought them for us. I thought it would be fun to show you what we picked. Lisa and Me, Kris, Traci, and Amy. I'm tellin' ya, they have something for everyone.
For a third entry, did you have nice weekend? We hope so. But even if you didn't we want to hear about it. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you did this weekend.
Example: Jane Doe: My husband and I tried something we have never done before--a couple's massage! For Father's Day I gave him a couple's massage to Sego Lily Day Spa. Holy smokes--have you ever done this before? It was heaven. And I'll admit, I was afraid he wouldn't like it, but he really liked it. A lot.
For a fourth entry, join Beads, Bangles, and Bands mailing list here (it's at the bottom of the page). This will give you the "in" on all of their newest products, current promotions, and their upcoming events. After you have joined, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Joined"
Example: Jane Doe: Joined
The winners of the items from Beads, Bangles, and Bands will be announced tomorrow, Tuesday December 15th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 869 Newer› Newest»Laura Dieckmann- black-turquiose and green/brown twist
Merium Crook-vanderRos
Amanda Smith
Amanda Smith: Pink Original necklace
Merium Crook-vanderRos~I love the pink original necklace charm cluluster!
Amanda Smith: My weekend was not the best. I'm definately not in the Christmas mood after this weekend. :( Hopefully this next week will be better!!
Andrea Fernelius
Merium Crook-vanderRos~this weekend we re-arranged rooms~getting ready for Christmas company!
andrea fernelius Aquamarine or twilight watch set so pretty
Andrea Fernelius Busy weekend three xmas parties and lots of candy making.
Emily Backus
Merium Crook-vanderRos~joined!
Emily Backus: I love anything in the jewel-tone line
Emily Backus: Our weekend was busy, but hopefully we're one step closer to being ready for Christmas. :)
danielle young
danielle young: pink original necklace
Danielle Young: took pictures of my 5 month old for his 5 month post. and ate way to much candy. lol.
Teresa Rushton
Erica Wyatt I so want this jewel toned band. On all of the giveaways from this company, I have listed that as the band I LOVE. I am in my church Young Women and this reminds me of the colors that represent each of the values. LOVE IT!
Erica Wyatt My husband was out of town this weekend, and I went to a couples Christmas party. I was not going to miss out even though he was out of town. I also took my girls to see the Princess and the Frog. CUTE!
Erica Wyatt Joined mailing list.
Tina Osborne
Tina Osborne
I need a brown watch band but the red and black is soooo darn cute.
Tina Osborne
This wekend I worked all day Sat. and Primaryed all day Sunday.
Carley Conger
Carley Conger: I really want the pink and green shell watch band. In fact, its on my Christmas list.
Carley Conger: I had a great weekend. On Saturday I actually slept in then did a little bit of Christmas shopping before going to work. On Sunday I took my kids to Sea World, then worked some more.
Carley Conger: joined
Lubica Kotmanikova
Lubica Kotmanikova: I like The Tribe watch band.
Kim Smith
Britney Jolley
Britney Jolley: I want the all silver watch band.
Britney Jolley: This weekend we did some cleaning and some shopping. Oh and it snowed--a lot!
Debbie Lee
Debbie Lee: I really like the aquamarine watch band
Debbie Lee: Actually, we had a really bad weekend - had to take the baby to the hospital because he hurt his foot very badly when we were out! Be careful of bare feet on wooden decking everyone!
Debbie Lee: joined
suzy carlson
yuri kristianti
yuri kristianti: I like the Pink Orginal Necklace, it has a cute pink animal print on it.
yuri kristianti: i was sick on the weekend so i didnt get anywhere just reading random websites from my sick bed huhu..
Jasmine Talbot
Jasmine Talbot: Jewel tone necklace charm cluster
Jasmine Talbot: This past weekend I had three different parties to attend.
Jamie Hyde
Jamie Hyde: I need a red cluster necklace
Jamie Hyde: We had our annual family bingo party this weekend. As usual, we had a blast and made a haul!
Shaunna Fuller
Shaunna Fuller: Went bowling for my daughter's birthday.
Ireta Jensen
Ireta Jensen - babysat my grandkids this weekend.
Tamara Sizova
Tamara Sizova: I like the Animal Print
Anna Roberts :)
Anna Roberts: If I could get any item? WR. Small Silver watch face with the silver torquise mix or the snow angle watch band, I cant decide which :)
Anna Roberts: This weekend we went and got the christmas tree, went horse back riding, and managed to squeeze in a soak in the hot tub ^^
Lyudmila Sizova
Lyudmila Sizova: I pick the Black Rings
krista gage: I really love the jewel toned necklace.
krista gage: this weekend my little boy had his first preschool program. Got some shopping done and just hung out.
Jeni Wilson
Jeni Wilson: Still love the pink and green shell band and the wedding band.
Lynn Osborne
Jeni Wilson: We went to the MoTab Christmas concert, hosted a work breakfast at our house for 15, had my Dad's 80th b-day party, went to our ward's Christmas breakfast and went to a Black Tie holiday party. It was a busy and exhausting 3 days!
Lynn Osborne: red and black watch band.
Jeni Wilson: Joined
Lynn Osborne: one party, a little shopping, and some chill time with my mom.
Paige Phillips
Becky Lambert
tiara purnomo
Paige Phillips: I would get a cluster bracelet with silver, black, and turquoise.
Tiara Purnomo - The red zebra necklace is just too good to be true! It has all my favorite colors in it! Yes, red, white and black it is. :)
Last weekend? I spent my days cooking with my mom, it had been quite a long time since the last time we did it, and yay! The calamari ring was super delish! ;)
Paige Phillips: My husband and I ran Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon. Between the runs, we had some great food and watched a lot of football.
Becky Lambert
Christmas necklace
Amber Brueseke
Amber Brueseke: Twilight Watch
Amber Brueseke: I did my Christmas shopping and sent my husband on a job interview in Colorado.
Taylor Brueseke
Taylor Brueseke: I don't know which one my wife would want, I'm sure she would be happy if I got her any one of the watches!
Taylor Brueseke: I'm went on a job interview
Mary Mclain
Mary Mclain: I like the Pink Orginal Necklace
Dezi Allen.
Dezi Allen. I like the Black Rings watch band.
sandi holt
Dezi Allen. I had a great weekend. We blessed my baby boy.
Dezi Allen. Joined
Sandi holt - just the usually week-end. Trying to catch up.
Camila Faria
Camila Faria: I wish I had the Christmas Necklace. Very lovely!
Laurie Grant
Camila Faria: This weekend I got sick and didn't leave the house! :(
Mary Mclain: I had a good weekend. I went shopping Saturday. I attended church services as usual Sunday morning. Sunday night I went to the Christmas program at the church my daughter attends. She has a beautiful voice, and she sung a solo part in the Christmas cantata. Then we enjoyed a soup and dessert supper hosted by the church. Afterwards, we went to a drive thru Navity scene at another church.
Mary Mclain: I had a good weekend. I went shopping Saturday. I attended church services as usual Sunday morning. Sunday night I went to the Christmas program at the church my daughter attends. She has a beautiful voice, and she sung a solo part in the Christmas cantata. Then we enjoyed a soup and dessert supper hosted by the church. Afterwards, we went to a drive thru Navity scene at another church.
Karen Cochran
Jessica Hansen
Jessica Hansen - The Pink Cluster Necklace!
Jessica Hansen - had a busy weekend: son's basketball game, a white elephant party, finished up the kids' Christmas shopping and church!
Jessica Hansen-joined
Amy Horsburgh
Amy Horsburgh- we pretty much got snowed in, so didn't do too much
Charlie Comrie
Pam Asbury
Pam Asbury:
Love the "Black Rings" watchband. Very classy.
Charlie Comrie - I worked this weekend and studied for finals.
Pam Asbury: Christmas shopping, cleaning, women's mentoring potluck, choir, lots of baby cuddling.....
Amy Cunningham
Amy Cunningham: Jewel tone necklace
Amberlee TAylor
Amy Cunningham: I came home from university for the holidays!!
Dawn Gee
Ashley Lown
Ashley Lown - the lime zebra cluster necklace!
Catey Ball
Catey Ball - Black Rings
Catey Ball - I spent the weekend in bed trying to finish recovering from my tonsillectomy a week ago...so that I can hopefully function this week!
Dawn Gee- I would get a beaded watch. I love too many to say which one, but my favorites are Alice, Edward, and Lilac
Rachael Lewis
Dawn Gee- I spent the weekend here at home doing various activities with my children.
Sarita Rogers: We had a Discovery Toys party and it was lots of fun!
Sarita Rogers: I love clear black chunky band.
Ashley Lown - lime green zebra necklace
Ashley Lown - I worked, no fun!
Rachel Cultice
Ashley Lown - joined
Rachel cultice: love the lime zebra combo!
jesica williams
Rachel Cultice: Not a very exciting weekend...some shopping, some pancake eating...the usual.
Frances Egbert: I'm all about the red zebra and lime zebra!
Frances Egbert: I had a really scary MRI on Saturday... not such a fun day. Now I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor to make sure everything is okay... this is the tough part.
jesica williams. i like the pink original necklace!
Chalisa Wursten
jesica williams.
i would love to do a couples massage!
my husband is the wrestling coach at our local high school. they had a regional mutli meet. so we showed our support!
Lexie Hogge
Kendra Bauman
Chalisa Wursten: I would love the Edward Cullin's watch band.
Kendra Bauman:Black Zebra Striped and Red!
Chalisa Wursten: I loooovvveee snow, and we got quite a bit. So I spent my weekend out playing and shoveling snow.
Kendra Bauman: We had friends over that we haven't seen for a while and made a yummy dinner: Roast with potatoes, carrots, and cheese rolls!
Laurie Underwood
Laurie Underwood: I like the lilac interchangeable watch band!
Laurie Underwood: well, we had planned on a happy busy Saturday. Friday night we went out with friends. My husband and I ate the same thing and at Breakfast with Santa the next morning, I was throwing up in the bathroom at church! Luckily nobody heard me...My husband was home doing it about two hours later....our weekend was a big bummer because of food poisoning.
Laurie Underwood: joined
Angela Graves
Michelle Frame
Ellen Johnson
Michelle Frame- I love the red zebra necklace.
Michelle Frame- This weekend we decorated the tree. The kids really enjoyed it this year.
Courtney Dairman
Courtney Dairman: went to 2 birthday parties, run errands with the hubby and kids, and visited and played games with our neighbors.
Hannah Edwards
Hannah Edwards- I would love the Alice Cullen watch band, I am a Twilight lover and she is my favorite character!
Hannah Edwards- This weekend we took the kids to a light show in an underground cavern, the line was long but they loved it!
Hannah Edwards: joined
Anne Carr
Love the necklaces and especially the Lime Zebra charm cluster! So cute.
Kati Mattingly
Amy Bethers
Kelly Spence
Amber Anderson
kathy gregory
katie van houten
kathy gregory: I had bronchitis, so I stayed at home and in bed for most of the weekend. :(
katie van houten love the charm necklaces
Brittany Hansen: I love the Pink Pearl twist, it's absolutely darling!
katie van houten-This weekend we watched Christmas shows and made Christmas candies!
Brittany Hansen: My weekend was wonderful, we had family in from out of town. It involved tons of cleaning, and tons of cooking, but it was great.
Angela Graves: Joined
Angela Graves: Twilight band
Angela Graves: I went to see the new Disney movie with my daughter.
Jeanine Crane
Dianna Fillmore
Victoria Weaver
Emily Liles
Victoria Weaver: I like the Twilight watch/band set.
kelly jones
kelly jones...This weekend we did a little Christmas shopping and had friends over to watch football and eat yummy food.
Victoria Weaver: We spent Saturday morning putting up the tree and then attended the annual Christmas Party at our Church which I cooked all day for! Sunday was filled with Sabbath Day work and now it's Monday!
Edi Royer
Edi Royer
Love the Your Custom Necklace Cluster Charm!
Edi Royer
I scrapbooked all weekend :)
Edi Royer-Joined
Kelley Glover
Morgan Whipple
Margaret Hsiao
Margaret Hsiao: My weekend was busy but relaxing. I loved hanging out with my family.
Sarah Freitas
Linda Erickson
Kelley Glover - If I were to win I'd have to get the Peppermint Patty watch band.
Morgan Whipple: I love the Lime Zebra Necklace
Amanda Stephens
Kelley Glover - I had a gerat weekend. Got all my Christmas shopping done (and with the look of the lines I did it with the rest of Utah).
Sarah Freitas
love the pinke chunky watch band.
Tenille Blackett
Sarah Freitas
we went to my husbands fancy shmancy work party -- and it was a blast!
Tenille Blackett: Had a great weekend. Got to spend it with my boys just playing and having fun.
Rachel Owen
Amanda Stephens: I would like to own one of everything!
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