A $30.00 Gift Certificate from Freshpair.com
So here's the big question...are you still on the look-out for some great Christmas gifts for your man?
Another question...do you need some new pajamas?
And another...do you ever eat a little too much over the holidays and think some Spanx might be nice to wear come January 1st?
If your answer to any of these is "Yes!", allow me to introduce you to Freshpair.com.

Freshpair.com, the leading on-line retailer of men's underwear and women's intimate apparel, carries all of the leading intimate apparel brands, including Calvin Klein Underwear, Spanx, Wacoal, Polo Ralph Lauren, and Elle Macpherson Intimates.
Customers enjoy the easy and secure on-line shopping experience at Freshpair.com. The knowledgeable Freshpair Customer Care team is ready to answer any questions about products or on-line shopping, and shoppers can also read product reviews from actual customers. Freshpair.com offers free domestic shipping everyday (and excellent international shipping rates).
I just ordered my husband the Diesel Hard-Boxe Hoodie (seen in the first image) from Freshpair. It is one of the only surprise gifts I am giving him this year and I can't wait to give it to him. So if by chance you know him, please don't spill the beans.
If you currently live in the U.S.A., you may enter to win the gift certificate from Freshpair.com up to THREE times.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Freshpair.com here. Look at their fabulous products and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would use your gift certificate on if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: My neighbor Katrina, who I used to go running with (until I got lazy), has a jacket similar to this one. It looked so warm (and not to mention fashionable) when we would go running in the cold weather. So if I were to win, I would pick the Patagonia Capilene 3 Zip-Neck Long Sleeve (it's only $25.00)
For a third entry, yesterday I was in my laundry room and bumped into the broom and it fell off it's hook and, like a dagger, went straight into my toe (it is a metal broom that is missing it's protective knob on the end). After crying, yes I cried, I called my neighbor and she rushed me to the doctor's (alright, we didn't rush, but we were moving at a fast-pace) where I received stitches. Two stitches people!! And a Tetanus shot. And I have to say, the Tetanus shot has been the most painful thing about the whole ordeal thus far. So in a NEW entry, I would like for you to tell me your first and last name and if you (or someone in your family) has ever received stitches.
Example: Jane Doe: Besides yesterday, I also received stitches twice when I was younger and then once in college I took a ski class at Grand Targhee and some friends and I decided to hike to a peak called Mary's Nipple (which at the time was restricted). On the way down the mountain my ski caught an edge and I tumbled head over heels causing me to get 16 stitches and a rather fierce tongue lashing about going into "Restricted Areas".
The winner of the gift certificate from Freshpair.com will be announced Monday, December 14th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
So here's the big question...are you still on the look-out for some great Christmas gifts for your man?

Freshpair.com, the leading on-line retailer of men's underwear and women's intimate apparel, carries all of the leading intimate apparel brands, including Calvin Klein Underwear, Spanx, Wacoal, Polo Ralph Lauren, and Elle Macpherson Intimates.

I just ordered my husband the Diesel Hard-Boxe Hoodie (seen in the first image) from Freshpair. It is one of the only surprise gifts I am giving him this year and I can't wait to give it to him. So if by chance you know him, please don't spill the beans.
If you currently live in the U.S.A., you may enter to win the gift certificate from Freshpair.com up to THREE times.
For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe
For a second entry, please visit Freshpair.com here. Look at their fabulous products and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would use your gift certificate on if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: My neighbor Katrina, who I used to go running with (until I got lazy), has a jacket similar to this one. It looked so warm (and not to mention fashionable) when we would go running in the cold weather. So if I were to win, I would pick the Patagonia Capilene 3 Zip-Neck Long Sleeve (it's only $25.00)
For a third entry, yesterday I was in my laundry room and bumped into the broom and it fell off it's hook and, like a dagger, went straight into my toe (it is a metal broom that is missing it's protective knob on the end). After crying, yes I cried, I called my neighbor and she rushed me to the doctor's (alright, we didn't rush, but we were moving at a fast-pace) where I received stitches. Two stitches people!! And a Tetanus shot. And I have to say, the Tetanus shot has been the most painful thing about the whole ordeal thus far. So in a NEW entry, I would like for you to tell me your first and last name and if you (or someone in your family) has ever received stitches.
Example: Jane Doe: Besides yesterday, I also received stitches twice when I was younger and then once in college I took a ski class at Grand Targhee and some friends and I decided to hike to a peak called Mary's Nipple (which at the time was restricted). On the way down the mountain my ski caught an edge and I tumbled head over heels causing me to get 16 stitches and a rather fierce tongue lashing about going into "Restricted Areas".
The winner of the gift certificate from Freshpair.com will be announced Monday, December 14th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 838 Newer› Newest»Nilanthi King: I'd either get the flannel pj's or one of the bodyshaping items.
Nilanthi King: I got stitches when I was 9 years old because of an accident during a pool party-- my brother went down the slide but didn't see that I was right below it. His skull hit my chin, and as a result, I had to wear a lovely pad of gauze over my stitches during the first week of school, in a new school. Not exactly the best first impression one hopes to make...
Chatti Stavast
Chatti Stavast: no stitches yet...
Chatti Stavast: I'd probably get a new bra.
kelly obriant
Cecily Jenkins
Cecily Jenkins: My brother got stitches, well staples, in his head when he landed on the metal railing of the trampoline! Poor guy!
Cecily Jenkins: I would get the Patagonia long underwear. Love Patagonia!!!
mandy dow
Laura Waltz
Laura Waltz: I would get a pair of spanx for myself. Baby #2 is due in a month, and these sure would come in handy to help suck in that baby belly after he arrives!
Laura Waltz: I have recived stitches more than once. The first time was when I was 2, I pushed on the back of a chair (I was being naughty and standing on it), and hit my head on part of a brick wall that was behind me. I had to get stitches in my forehead for that one. I still have a quite large scar across my eyebrow.
Jenny Rekeweg
mandy dow: i love these P.J. Salvage Argyle Cable Knit Slipper Socks!
Jenny Rekeweg, yes, it's been a while, but my sister pushed me thru the window when I was 8 and I had to have stitches in my shoulder.
Carrie Britt
CArrie Britt
spanx for sure
Carrie Britt
I had a mole removed and had it stitched :)
April Maughan
Tricia Folsom
Tricia Folsom - No one in my little family has ever needed stitches! Now I better go knock on some wood so we can keep it that way.
April Maughan: I think I'd let my husband use it.
hillary northrop
April Maughan: I had stitches in my eyebrow from falling off the porch onto a bike pedal as a kid. I didn't have much eyebrow on that side for years.
Ali Ford
Laurel Smith
Katie Harrison: I need some spanx something horrible! ;)
Amber Anderson
Abie Mohn
Katie Harrison: I've been lucky enough never to have stitches - at least that I can remember. But I should have. In college, I slipped & fell on the metal that reinforced the concrete stairs in our OLD complex. I cleaned the gash & put a bandage on it & went to sleep - didn't think anything else of it. UNTIL I couldn't sleep all night because of the pain! The next morning, my roommate took me to the health center & because I had waited too long, I couldn't get stitches (apparently waiting too long increases the risk of infection), but I did get a nasty tetanus shot in my foot. Ouch!
Elizabeth Olson - bodyshaping apparel
Elizabeth Olson
Megan Tiscareno
Megan Tiscareno: I get my hubby some new PJs, maybe some new undies!
Megan Tiscareno: Well, besides childbirth, I've not had stitches anywhere visible :P
Laurel Smith: If I won, I'd probably get either P.J. Salvage Dogs World PJ Set or a bra...I need both. LOL
Lani Wilkinson
Denise Paul
Jacqueline Ferrer: I visited Freshpair.com here and if I was the winner, I would use my gift certificate on Spanx 032
Higher Power with Tummy Control.
Denise Paul. They're more than $30, but I MUST HAVE the Ride Em Cowboy PJ pants! They're too cool.
Denise Paul. I was washing a glass once. I had my hand in the glass and was turning it so as to get the entire inside of the glass clean. The glass broke and sliced a chunk of flesh out of the side of my pinky. Ouch! I had five stitches in it, which I took out on my own before the doctor's appointment and the doctor yelled at me. Plus I have a hump on that finger now and it's all tingly like it's asleep - all the time. I cut a nerve.
Jacqueline Ferrer: I got stitches when I had to have surgery. But the cool thing about those stitches was that they dissolved!
Lani Wilkinson
only time I've had stitches was when I was playing indoor soccer with some friends and I went to head the ball at the same time as someone else, except I didn't get the ball! I ended up with about a dozen stitches over my eye and there's still a scar 5 years later!
I would get the spanx higher power with yummy control
Lani Wilkinson
Michele Ondra: I have never had stitches but I did have to get my foot "irrigated" with iodine and then a tetanus shot. I used to work at a barn and I was taking down some slats so that the mini horses could see out of the stall. I stepped on a HUGE nail sticking out of the wood. not so fun. I didn't cry until I got to the hospital and the drs had to clean the site. ughhhhhhh.
Michele Ondra
I would probably get the Calvin Klein MIX Layer Tank Top
jennifer Lleras
Catherine Tanner: I would see if I could use it on the cheap undies website and get the Paul Frank pajama pants, either the stripe house ones or the character poplin beehive pants.
Laura Heron
Jessica Hansen: I have only had stitches due to having kids and wisdom teeth removed, but my son had 6 in his forehead from slamming it into a step.
Catherine Tanner: The only stitches I've gotten have been the boring necessary ones that come with having my appendix taken out and having babies.
Laura Heron - I got stitches when I was a teenager and visiting Hawaii with my parents. We were swimming in the ocean, got too close to a coral reef, and I kicked really hard and cut my foot badly on the coral. I had to have two Hawaiian men carry me across the sand to the waiting golf cart to the hospital. Not too fun on a swimming, sandy, vacation!
Kati Mattingly
Amanda Stephens: I would love some body shaping items.
Shannon Watson
Amanda Stephens: When I was 4 I was dumping comet in my toilet being naughty and wasteful. I heard my Dad coming so I ran to put the comet back and slipped on the bathroom rug. The corner of the cabinet cut my chin open. I was taken to Primary Children's where the nurse was so mean! But I was all stitched up there.
Rachel Cultice
Rachel Cultice: I'd try some of the "Adam" underwear that are in the "As seen on Oprah" section.
Rachel Cultice: No stitches at our house yet, but we've had some close calls where I was just sure my kids would need them!
Kristen Stabler - I am lucky enough that I have only had two stitches in my life. I had to have a cyst removed that was under the skin on my cheek. And let me tell you...those two numbing shots HURT!
shannon fashho
shannon fashho=I'd go right for the fancy bras if I won! I like that you can search by size!
sandi holt - I skinned my finger to the bone when I was little and needed stitches for it.
Shannn fashho=I had stitches when I was 5 on my chin after falling. I vividly remember the doctor saying "would you like some "special medicine" to make it not hurt?" I said yes of course and they proceeded to give me the most painful shot in my chin...to numb the pain of the stitching. I remember feeling duped!
Jennifer Elton: I'd probably try out some spanx
Jennifer Elton: Once I tripped an bit through my lip. i had to get stitches for that.
Tara Rogers
monika crain; I got stitches when I was 8 months old and walked into the corner wall. Still have the scar on my forehead.
Tara Rogers: Spanx higher power with tummy control!
Anne Carr
Tara Rogers: I got stiches when I was 5 years old just under my left eyebrow. I fell off my bike onto a sharp rock.
Rachel Nelson
Hannah Edwards
Hannah Edwards: I would order a Spanx bodyshaping item, I just had a baby and I need it bad!
Hannah Edwards: I have never had stitches, my husband on the other hand has had stitches 6 times.
Edi Royer
I'd have to get the P.J. Salvage Sheep Dreams PJ Pant SHE-FP
Jeanine Crane; I have never had stiches... and I don't think anyone in my little family has... unless my husband did when he was younger.
Catey Ball - I would get me some Spanx!
Edi Royer
I just had my first trip to the ER a couple of weeks ago...and you're right...the tetanus shot was the worst part! I convinced the doctor to glue my finger instead of stitches :) I tried to take the end of my finger off with an exacto knife!!!
Catey Ball - I have had stitches once; I was 5 yrs old and bouncing on a sledding innertube against the side of an end table. It was great fun until the inner tube slid down to the floor and it was then my chin that hit the side of the table. Still have a lovely scar in my chin.
Britney Young: Flannel Pj's nice and warm!!
Melinda Workman
My little girl (3 1/2 at the time) fell off her scooter earlier this year and she had to get three stitches in her lip. Then while we were waiting to be discharged from the ER, she licked those stitches right out of her lip!!! So then the doctor had to glue her wound closed. She has a small scar now...hopefully it won't prevent her from becoming the world's greatest oboe player!!!! ;)
Britney Young: I am sure that my brother had stitches growing up!!
Melissa Stringham: I had to have a mole removed when I was little and it required stitches...other than that I haven't had any, and neither has my daughter! I don't know about my husband though, but he hasn't had any since I've known him! Aren't we lucky!
Sherry Winckel-I like the Nautica drawstring capris
Tenille Blackett: I would definitely get a pair of Spanx
Rachel Kimbler: I would get my husband some pj pants!
Sherry Winckel-a few years ago my husband and brother were re-roofing my moms house. My husband was inside and my brother was outside on the beams. He dropped a board and cracked my husband in the back of the head. It was like 8 of9 stitches. Good times.
Tenille Blackett: I got stitches my freshman year of college a few days before Valentines day. A board fell on my face and split my nose open. 3 stitches later, 2 black and swollen eyes and now a nice nike look alike scar I can laugh about the incident
Emily Liles
kelly jones..I have never had stiches, but my daughter has. She is very clumsy. When she was 2 she fell into the metal part of a bedframe. Stiches right across the bridge of her nose. I was terrified and frantic. Very scary!!
Melanie Spendlove: I would have to get myself a new bra....who doesn't need that?
Melanie Spendlove: I got stitches when I was about 3 but don't remember any of it....my husband had major stitches in his knee after an accident with a cement grinder.
Anna Roberts: If I weere to win I would choose Play- IBoxer SOlid Boxer. Hot colours, its fun and looks like something I could wake up in, bomb around the house making breakfast and then even go for a run in.
Anna Roberts: My first stitches I got jumping on my bed 5 years old in my yellow tutu, another set same place 2 weeks later when I fell in a public pool. when I was 10 I got 3 in my finger by a trainee nurse and a month later I needed several more across my knee, got the same trainee nurse and opted out of stitches and went with some good old fashioned surgical glue.
Marvelle Morgan: Spanx
Carrie Mingay - definitely Spanx since I just had a baby
Katie Fermin
Ashley Davidson: I'd get some pajama pants for my husband
Ashley Lown
Chelsey Long: The Le Mystere Nursing Bra.
Jennifer Moore
Marvelle Morgan: I've had stitches in my knee, on my chin, on my forehead, and on my upper lip. (I'm a klutz.) I think all 5 of my children have had stitches (they inherited my klutziness).
Ashley Lown - I would get some of the layering camis
Chelsey Long: I got two stitches when I was two when I had an infected mole removed from my back...so lame!
April Herrera: Super embarrassing, but I was getting ready to get in the shower once and I was putting my hair up in a super thick elastic band because I didn't want to wash my hair just yet. The elastic snapped as I was stretching it and it hit me in the ahem...nipple. It put a pretty big gash in it and I had to drive myself to urgent care. I had to had to have 4 stitches in my boob. Ouch. Healed up just fine, though!
Kim Lambert. I would love a bodyshaping item of some sort.
Ashley Lown - No but my son just broke his arm 3 weeks ago. poor kid!
Anya Mathis: Buttercup Short Sleeve Tunic
Samantha BUntin
Samantha Buntin, I need some new flannel pj's!
April Herrera: I would get myself a nice pair of flannel pj's. Mine are very soft, but they have seen better days.
Brittney Shawver
Katie Fermin: I'm in desperate need of a new bra, so I would either get that or a workout shirt for my hubby!
Ruth Privitt- I like the knit slippery socks.
samantha buntin I have never had stitched, knock on wood!
Anya Mathis: No stitches yet!
allesha rasmusen
Sarah Freitas
I wouldn't mind some Spanx because I hear it's AWESOME but I'd also like the Jer Cotton Stretch Lounge Pants.
Katie Fermin: Last year I decided to cut my knuckle instead of the delicous looking steak on my dinner plate and ended up with a few stitches. Those are the only stitches I've ever gotten!
Ruth Privitt-mydaughter decided once the put the sprinkler under the swingset and swing. In a bathing suit. slippery! She went out and had to get stitches in the back of her head.
Jennifer Stewart: no stitches yet....and I have 3 kids! Just counting the days until my son will need them. :0)
Danielle Kleczkowski
My father-in-law got stitches fairly recently when he got his finger hacked open on stage performing a sword fight in a Shakespearean play.
I also needed stitches after having both my children. I tore. Ouch.
Brittney Shawver- I like the Pure Lime sports bra
Sarah Freitas
When I was around 4 or 5 I would always jump up onto the counter while I washed my hands so that I could watch myself in the mirror. One day I was jumping up and had one knee on the counter and it slipped off and I banged my chin on the counter top, causing me to bite my toungue. Blood was everywhere and my mom rushed me to the ER where I got stitches (I can't remember how many) through half my tongue because I had bitten clear through it in one spot.
Lisa Gettler: when I was seven, I was riding a rollerracer the wrong way(on my knees) I hit a hose and took a dive into the cement. I think I got 14 stitches on my chin.
Brittney Shawver- My husband recieved stitches in his head, he was in highschool and was being dumb with his buddies!
Danielle Kleczkowski
I'd probably get some new pajama pants. Those flannel ones look pretty comfy!
Mackenzie Casey: I love the Patagonia jacket. Perfect for cold days.
Mackenzie Casey: Never had stitches nor anyone in my family (knock on wood)
Kelly Spence: I'd get one of their sports bras.
Kelly Spence. Got stitches as a kid when a 2x4 got dropped on my finger. Lost my fingernail too.
Carrie Lim
Jessica Hammond
Jessica Hammond: I need Spanx or I wold get my hubby something!
leslie bloomquist
Kendra Wright: I would get some maternity tights and some socks for my husband.
Jessica Hammond: My oldest son fell in the church parking lot and ended up with 4 stitches in his chin
Kendra Wright: I have never had stitches. My brother got stitches after he fell off his bike while riding it on ice!
Alison Jennings: No one in my family has had stitches. Knock on wood.
Kelley Glover
shelly lyons
sharon brazell
Telsha Winger- I had to get stitches to sew one of my nose back on (yep one of the sides completely ripped off- not attached any more) and also had to get stitches in my chin after my teeth went through it when I landed face first onto the bar of a trampoline. Not fun experiences!
Linda Muir:I would choose the Capilene 3 zip-neck long sleeve tee...
ALison Jennings: I would get some yoga pants or a jacket for my husband
Linda Muir:My son had stitches in his leg when he was about 5 years old...traumatic!
Telsha Winger- I am in need of a nursing bra so that is probably what I would go for :)
Mary McLain
If I won I would select the Vanity Fair Coloratura Short Sleeve Pajamas 90-107
carrie ovard - I am thinking I would get some pj's
carrie ovard - I got stitches while I was in college. I was in a car accident with my roommates and my head hit the corner of the car between the windshield and the passenger door. I have to get 11 stitches.
Jill Greenwood
Charlie Comrie-no stitches yet either
spanx 128-c
Aubrey Seeholzer
cindy barriga: my brother, while playing with a pocket knife.
rita barriga
Heidi Kartchner
Yoga pants...cause that is what is most comfortable when I am pregnant!!
Katrina Southwick
I would really like some spanx for this post baby weight
rita barriga:
spanx, I have nothing but good things about them. I want to try them out.
Katrina Southwick.
Never had stiches but my husband has a few times. Boys will be boys.
rita barriga: I have needed stitches. shortly after giving birth to my son.
Heidi Kartchner
I have never had stitches but probably technically could have when I was about 7...I was trying to be flexible and sit cross legged but with each foot over my leg and I tipped backwards and hit my head on the fireplace that had a sharp edge. My mom just cut my hair all around it and put butterfly bandage on it and I was fine.
I had surgery for basal cell skin cancer on my nose. It required many stitches to repair my nose after the cancer was removed.
Kara Burns- my husband had stiches on his cheek when he was 9. It left a pretty cool scar!!
Andrea Coles
Andrea Coles - I got stitches once as a child after hitting my head on one of those springy horse things we all had in the early 80s.
Andrea Coles - I really want a pair of Spanx!!
Ashley Camp: I'd love to own some Spanx- tummy control!
Ashley Camp- I got stitches when I was 6 after running into a brick post.
Stacey Gridley: I would get a pair of pj's.
Jami Sorensen
Becky Foster
Katie Yates
janet holm
OK, really embarrassing, especially since most of the other people's stories happened when they were really young and didn't know any better. I was in gym in high school and went for a loose ball, battling with another kid for it. My head hit the jagged metal room divider - and even surface head wounds bleed a LOT. 6 stitches! Of all the times to actually try in gym...
Amber Henderson
Amber Henderson, No Stitches yet...I did nanny for a family whose son needed 17 stitches while he was in my care. It was more traumatic for me than it was for him!
Shaela Grange
Sarita Rogers: Vanity Fair Coloratura Full Figure Short Robe 31-807
Amber Henderson, I would use my gift certificate on a pair of flannel jammies!
Sarita Rogers: I had stitches in my knee when I was a little girl from kneeling on a staple in a bed. I know, weird.
katie van houten definitely bodyshaping
Shaela Grange: I would get a hoodie for my husband.
Shelli Kennington
katie van houten when my 5 year old was 1 he fell on a weight on new years eve and cut his head open. He had to get 3 staples. :0(
Amber Bennett
Danna Gray
Ashley schulthies: I have never had stitches and neither has anyone in my family
Shelli Kennington - I definitely need some new spanx for after the holidays!
Ashley Whitehead: ME...thought I'd show my little sister how to ride her new scooter. Ended up flying over the handlebars. 16 stitches in my chin later!
Karyn Halls
Ashley Whitehead: Spanx
Shaela Grange: I'll never forget the day that I fell on a brick, gashed my chin, and my brother was so scared, he peed his pants. The lovely stiches under my chin looked like whiskers and I got comments on those whiskers all the time.
Crystal Cronin
Would def get a full body slimmer.
Karyn Halls - Yes I've been the receiver of stitches. It happened while I was running late to school and slipped and fell on a metal grate used for scraping your shoes.
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